Read The Bride Price Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

Tags: #romance, #civil war, #historical, #pennsylvania, #timetravel, #portland, #historical 1800s, #portland oregon, #harrisburg

The Bride Price (36 page)

BOOK: The Bride Price
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Mary sniffed. “You can slice the

“That means you’re making your succulent
peach pie, aren’t you?” At Mary’s slight nod, Sophie clapped her
hands. “Yum!”

Sophie washed her hands and then went to work
on the fruit. Perched on a wooden stool at the large table in the
middle of the room, she peeled and sliced, occasionally sneaking
one of the slices into her mouth and sighing at the taste of the
sweet, juicy fruit.

Mary seemed to brighten up as she and Sophie
talked and joked, and Sophie was grateful for the distraction. She
wasn’t sure she could spend another day in the library, even if it
was her favorite place. “Will you tell me why you were crying,

“It’s not important.”

Sophie laid down her knife. “It is to

Mary snorted. “A woman my age shouldn’t
concern herself with such things.”

“What things?”

Mary shook her head.

“Mary? Tell me. I won’t tell anyone else, I
promise.” Sophie watched emotion flood Mary’s face, and it suddenly
dawned on her. “You’re in love with someone.” Mary scowled as she
sprinkled the flour over the dough. “Is it one of the soldiers?”
Mary sighed and then began to roll the dough with a little extra
fervor. “Who?”

“No one.” Mary rolled faster.

“Riiight.” Sophie laid her hands over Mary’s.
“Who is it?”

Mary huffed. “A no good, wandering excuse of
a man.”

Sophie giggled. “My word, who would cause you
to have a reaction like that?”

Mary mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Joe,” Mary whispered.

“Joe Roberts?” Sophie sat back slightly.
“Sheriff Joe Roberts?”


Hearing Jamie’s voice, Sophie waved a finger
at Mary. “This conversation isn’t over.” Mary grunted in

“In here,” Sophie called. Her heart leapt
when Jamie walked into the room, his hair disheveled and dust
covering his boots.

He was magnificent. “Hi,” she said
breathlessly and raised her chin to receive his kiss.

“How has your morning been, sweetheart?”

“Good. Mary and I have been having a great

“Are you making peach pies, Mary?” Jamie
grinned in anticipation.

“Yes, sir.”

“Ah, you are a goddess.” He grabbed a slice
from the table.

Sophie smacked his hand. “I’m helping.”

Jamie grabbed her palm and kissed it. “And
you’re doing an exemplary job.”

“What are you doing back here so early?” She
narrowed her eyes. “Are you checking up on me?”

“Absolutely. I’m also starving.” Jamie sent a
hopeful look toward Mary.

Mary wiped the flour from her hands and cut
two slices from a loaf of fresh bread, handing them to him with a
jar of strawberry preserves.

“Thank you,” Jamie said appreciatively as he
slathered the bread and took a bite. “Perfect.”

Mary gestured to the kitchen door. “You two
need to get out of my kitchen.”

Sophie pointed at Mary. “You get to
escape—for the moment. But we will continue this conversation very
soon, Mary.”


Sophie giggled as she grabbed Jamie’s hand
and led him from the kitchen. Jamie caught her around the waist and
pulled her close. “What was that all about?”

“I’ll tell you later.” She pulled him into
the library. “Right now, I want to hear all about your day. How’s
it been?”

Jamie closed the door and then pulled Sophie
to the window bench. “Better now.”


“Andrew got a hold of Clayton.”

Sophie raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“He arrives tomorrow.”

Sophie sunk deeper into the cushions. “Wow.
That was fast.”

Jamie linked his fingers with hers. “I know,
right? Thank God for the railroad.”

“How’s Samson?”

Jamie chuckled. “He’s ornery. He did let me
take him out of his stall this morning and check his wound. It’s
almost completely healed.”

Sophie let out a sigh of relief. “Good. I
really miss him.”

“I know, baby. Not long.”

“Can I see him tonight? After dinner? If I
wear all black, a sniper won’t be able to find me in the dark.”

Jamie frowned. “Unless he has infrared.”

Her body sagged. “I didn’t think of

“But if you want to give it a try, we


Jamie sighed. “Yes, sweetheart. I doubt
they’ll shoot randomly, so I think the cover of night will be safe

Sophie leaned against him and laid her head
on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

Jamie held her for several minutes and then
squeezed her hand. “I can’t stay, Soph. I need to get back.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I wish I had a
television or something.”

“I know what you mean.” He kissed her cheek.
“But, I’ll see you in just a few hours, and dinner will come sooner
than you think.” Sophie’s response sounded much like a snort, and
Jamie chuckled. “Why don’t you rest for a little while? You seem

Sophie nodded and climbed from his lap. “I
am, actually.”

Jamie stood and cupped her cheek. “Are you

“A little nauseous.”

“That’s two days in a row. You should talk to

Sophie shook her head. “No, I’m just tired.
I’ll sleep, and I’m sure I’ll be fine by dinner.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.”

“I am. Come on, I’ll walk you out.”

* * *

Sophie felt soft lips on her cheek, and her
husband’s hypnotic voice whispering in her ear. “Baby, wake up.”
Sophie swam through the clouds, and forced her eyes open. “Hi.”

“Are you okay?”

“Going to be sick.” Sophie jumped out of bed,
reaching the bowl on her bureau just in time.

Jamie handed her a glass of water and helped
her back to the bed. “What’s going on?”

“I’m just tired.” Sophie sipped her water.
“It’s passed. See? I’m fine.”

“Are you saying that just so you can get out
of the house and see your pet?”

Sophie smiled. “Yes.”

Jamie groaned.

“I’m kidding, sweetheart. I feel much
better.” Sophie stood and gathered up the gown she had been wearing
earlier. “Now, help me with my clothes.”

Sophie knew Jamie watched her closely as he
tightened her corset and then helped her button her dress. She took
several deep breaths in an effort to control another wave of nausea
and then forced a smile when Jamie turned her to face him.

He cupped her face. “You look green.”

“I’m fine.”

Jamie kissed her forehead, took her hand, and
led her toward the dining room. “If you feel sick, Kermit, you tell
me right away.”

“You’re funny.” Sophie was grateful dinner
passed quickly and that she was able to eat something with no
further bouts of nausea. After dinner, Jamie excused them so that
he could take her to see Samson, and Andrew decided to join them.
Sophie could tell Jamie was relieved to have someone else to keep
guard as they made their way out to the stables.

Sophie kept her head down as the men flanked
her and led her into the barn. Once inside, Andrew closed the doors
and Sophie took a few minutes to check on Samson. He whinnied for
her as she approached his stall and stuck his head out for some
attention. “Hi, boy. Would you like to come out and play for a
little while? I can’t ride you today but I will tomorrow.”

“Careful, baby.”

“I’ll just bring him out here, at least he
can walk the length.” Opening Samson’s stall, Sophie realized she’d
forgotten to grab his halter, so she stepped back from the opening
to grab one a few stalls down. Samson followed her out, stopping
when she stopped, and walking when she did. Rather than putting the
halter on him, she walked the length of the barn, Samson following
behind her like a dutiful puppy.

Andrew laughed. “I cannot believe what you
have done to that horse. You’ve ruined him for anyone else.”

“I didn’t mean to! Do you think Michael will
be mad?” Sophie asked a little concerned.

“Honestly, Michael felt he’d served his time
with the injury he received in battle and has no intention of
putting him back into any battles. He is officially retired as an
army horse.”


“Yes.” Andrew sighed. “I may have ruined his
little surprise for you. When he tells you, act like you didn’t
know, all right?”

“I will.”

Samson nudged Sophie’s shoulder for more
attention, so she leaned back into him, patting his neck. Jamie
moved to his side. “I need to check him.”

“Can I do it?” Sophie stood up and stepped
under his neck.

“Yes, as long as he stands still.”

Sophie turned and stroked Samson’s nose. “Do
not kick me. Do not even flick your tail or Jamie will think you
might hurt me.” Samson’s ears followed her movements and then when
she moved to his back leg, he turned his head to watch her. Sophie
felt for heat and then picked up his back hoof and checked his
range of motion. Samson stood next to her, perfectly still the
entire time. “He looks great.” She ran her palm across his side as
she moved back to his shoulder. “He’s probably ready to ride.”

“No way to tell until we can get him into the
arena,” Andrew said.

“Ooh, could I ride in the arena?” Sophie
asked hopefully.

“Nice try.” Jamie shook his head. “Until we
locate and eliminate the threat, you’re housebound.”

Stroking Samson’s cheeks, she pulled his head
toward her and kissed his muzzle. “Sorry, boy. I’ll ride you soon.
I promise.”

“Time to get back, Ten-Cow.” Jamie stood
outside Samson’s stall.

She reluctantly led Samson back to his stall,
gave him some sugar, and then followed the men out of the barn. No
one was around when they got back to the house, so Andrew said
goodnight and left for home Sophie followed Jamie up the stairs to
their room. Once Jamie closed and locked the door, Sophie wrapped
her arms around his neck and kissed him. Jamie slipped her hair off
her forehead. “What was that for?”

“Just because.” She settled her hands on the
waistband of his pants.

“I thought you were sick.”

“Let me show you how untrue that statement

Jamie chuckled and carried her to the






Clayton Madden arrived at his brother’s home
just before noon the next day. Jamie knew Sophie wasn’t happy when
he left her at the Wades’ to meet with Clayton. She never wanted to
be out of the action, but she conceded that he was doing it for her
own good, so he kissed her and made his way next door to the
Madden’s home, confident she would stay put.

Clayton surprised Jamie, who expected him to
be much like his brother. When he walked into Richard’s office at
the back of the house, he figured his shock showed on his face as
the tall, blond man stood and held his hand out in greeting.

“Jamie, this is Clayton. Clayton, Jamie,”
Andrew said.

“Nice to meet you, Clayton.”

“You, too.” Clayton indicated one of the
chairs. “Please, have a seat.”

Clayton didn’t look much like his brother,
other than height and build. Clayton reminded Jamie of blond
Orlando Bloom with a soul patch. His hair was longer than
Richard’s, much lighter, and where Richard’s features had a
coldness about them, Clayton appeared friendly. Jamie sat in the
chair next to Andrew, facing Clayton, and the men began to

The meeting took over an hour. Jamie had to
admit he enjoyed both men’s conversation, which might have been why
he didn’t leave earlier. Clayton’s sense of humor, although subtle,
was almost as wicked as Andrew’s, and the three of them spent less
time coming up with a game plan for the prisoner than laughing
about various anecdotes.

After leaving the meeting to make his way
back to Sophie, Jamie let himself into the house and went looking
for his wife. He found her asleep on the parlor sofa. He stood and
watched her for several minutes, amazed that he had been blessed
all over again. He knelt next to her and kissed her forehead, her
nose, her lips. It didn’t take long for her to wake up and start to
kiss him back.

“Where have you been?”

“It took a little longer than expected.”

Sophie sat up and stifled a yawn. “Did it go

Jamie pulled her off the couch and cupped her
cheek. “Very well. You look tired, baby. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine now that you’re back.”

Jamie narrowed his eyes in disbelief, but
changed the subject anyway. “Andrew, Clayton, and Richard are
joining us for dinner tonight and it’s almost ready. Shall I escort

Sophie nodded and her eyes filled with

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. I’m just so glad you’re

Jamie gave a quiet laugh as he pulled her
into his arms and held her. “You are so emotional today. You’re not
still PMSing are you?”

Sophie shrugged. “Probably.”

“Well, let’s have some dinner and wine.
You’ll feel better once you eat.”

Sophie let him lead her into the dining room
and had the chance to meet Clayton. Christine was right in her
judgment of him. He was nothing like his brother, his southern
charm unmatched, and his kindness evident in his treatment of

Dinner passed quickly, and rather than
everyone hanging out after the meal, they seemed to scatter to the
four corners of the earth. Before retiring, Michael pulled Jamie
aside. “James, I’d like to have a word with you tomorrow if you
don’t mind. Would you come to my office before breakfast

“Of course.”

Jamie looked at Sophie and shrugged at her
raised eyebrow.

“Good night, you two. Enjoy the rest of the
evening.” Michael and Nona went off to bed, leaving Jamie and
Sophie to their own devices, so they chose to spend some time in
the library.

Jamie pulled Sophie onto his lap and kissed

BOOK: The Bride Price
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