The Bride Price

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Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

Tags: #romance, #civil war, #historical, #pennsylvania, #timetravel, #portland, #historical 1800s, #portland oregon, #harrisburg

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The Bride Price

Civil War Brides Series Book #1


Published by Tracey Jane Jackson at

Copyright 2010 – Tracey Jane Jackson




For Mama Robin

Who took my period and showed me where to stick


For Gornitzky, Beitschy & Lizbet

You are the women who keep me sane


Most especially…for my husband

You will forever be my Jamie


Portland, Oregon

January, 2007


Jamie Ford leaned against the frame of the
solid pocket door and tried to focus on something other than the
vision of his beautiful wife dozing on the chaise in the library of
their historic 1870’s Victorian home. The beeping pulse of her Left
Ventricular Assist Device indicated she was still alive, but its
steady rhythm matched the tick-tock of the antique wall clock that
stole each minute away. A book was laid flat over her stomach…she’d
obviously fallen asleep in the middle of her read.

He sighed and dragged a shaky hand over his
face, wincing as he encountered three days worth of stubble. He
must look like hell. It couldn’t be helped. He’d managed to grab a
quick shower, but shaving took more time and energy than he had at
the moment.

Sophie’s condition was deteriorating and he
coveted every minute of each day God saw fit to give them. He’d
sold his Internet company a year ago, and although he still held a
seat on the Board, his CEO days were behind him.

Sophie mumbled, drawing his gaze. He
swallowed hard, sending up another silent prayer that a heart would
be found in time. Crossing the library’s thick Oriental rug, he
pulled a chair close and sat next to her. Weight loss and shortness
of breath were the only external indications she was sick, and his
eyes swept over her once-voluptuous body.

He picked up the book and smiled.
Team of
Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
. Even sick, she
couldn’t get enough of Lincoln. She was obsessed with all things
Civil War related, and Jamie believed the worst part for her about
getting sick was the inability to travel and participate in
reenactments. They’d turned down two invitations in the last

Lifting her hair, he stroked a golden curl.
The myriad of colors, much like the ribbons of caramel taffy, slid
through his fingers.

Sophie let out a quiet sigh and turned her
head in her sleep. “Jamie?”

“Hi, baby.”

Sophie’s eyes fluttered open. “Hovering?”

Jamie inhaled deeply, relishing the sound of
her voice as he leaned over and kissed her forehead, a subtle
attempt to check her temperature. “How are you feeling?”

Sophie shifted. “ am I feeling?
Give me a dose of Dilaudid and ask me then.”

“Are you in pain?” Jamie’s voice shook as he

Sophie grabbed his forearm. “A joke,
sweetheart. I’m sorry. No pain, just a bit groggy—and thirsty.”

Jamie poured a glass of water and handed it
to her. “Are you hungry at all? Do you think you could try to eat
something? Alex cooked again.”

Their closest friends, Lucas and Alexandria,
were daily companions at the Ford house. They cooked, cleaned, and
did anything they could to take the pressure off Jamie. The help
allowed him to spend every available moment with Sophie.

“Is she still here?”

Jamie shook his head. “No. Luke picked her up
about an hour ago. She’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

Sophie rubbed her forehead. “Where’s

“Out with Hannah. She’ll be back in a couple
of hours.” Truth be told, Jamie practically had to force Sophie’s
sister out the door.

“Ooh, so we have the house to ourselves?”
Sophie raised her eyebrow.

Jamie chuckled. “Yes we do.”

Sophie dragged her legs over the side of the
couch and stood. Jamie wrapped an arm around her waist.

“Jamie, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Yes. I’m sure. I’d
really love a shower.”

“All right, sweetheart, I’ll take you

Jamie disconnected her portable monitor and
lifted her in his arms. Carrying her up the narrow stairs and to
their bedroom, he set her on her feet in the adjoining bathroom. He
started the shower and waited for her to undress and step

“I’m perfectly capable of showering without
you, love. Jeez, you’d think I was dying or something.” She gently
pushed him away and pulled the glass door closed.

Jamie left the bathroom, but didn’t go far.
He was gathering clean clothes when he heard Sophie’s soft cry. He
rushed into the bathroom to find her sitting on the floor of the
shower, her knees drawn up to her chin. “What happened?”

“I felt a bit lightheaded.”

Turning off the water, he grabbed a towel and
reached in to lift her into his arms.

“You’re gonna get wet,” she whispered as she
wrapped her arms around his neck.

“There are worse things in life than getting
wet holding a beautiful woman in my arms after she’s showered.”
Sophie burst into tears. He pulled her closer. “Baby, what?”

Sophie wiped the back of her hand across her
eyes and muttered, “I’m useless. I can’t even shower without
feeling like I’m going to pass out. I can’t believe you’re going to
have to do everything for me. You didn’t sign up for this. I think
you should just leave me. I don’t want you to have to deal with me
wasting away.”

Setting her on her feet, Jamie wrapped the
towel around her and then cradled her face in his hands. “Sophie
Jane, who peed in your cereal this morning?”

She glared at him, fire lighting her dark
blue eyes. “Apparently, the same person who gave you your sense of

Jamie chuckled. “With your temper, you’d
think you were born a redhead.”

“Oh, you’re funny.”

“I think we need to set some ground rules

“Ground rules?” she asked.

“First of all, I’m not going to leave you.
You don’t get to make that decision for me.” She tried to interrupt
but he held up his hand. “Second, you are not useless. Third, I
love you, so you don’t get to escape. Not that you could. If you
can’t take a shower without me, then it’s a sure bet you can’t run
away from me.”

Sophie let out a quiet snort.

“I can’t believe you’d even think that I
wouldn’t want to be here. No matter what happens, I’m here, with
you and for you. Leaving you would be like losing my right arm. I
couldn’t do it. Got it?”

Sophie nodded. “Are you sure, Jamie? Because
I’d totally understand.”

In sickness and in health. I took my vows
seriously, did you?” Jamie lifted her chin. “It’s all encompassing.
Your sickness and mine.” He smiled gently and kissed her nose.
“You’re my ten-cow woman. Even at your worst, there’s nobody better
for me than you. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me until the very
end—and even if you die before me, I’ll figure out a way to find
you. Don’t ever doubt it.”

Sophie patted his chest. “Okay, okay, no need
to get so melodramatic.”

“Let’s get you dressed and I’ll check your
monitor so we can eat.”

Sophie nodded and by the time he settled her
into their king-sized bed, she slumped against the pillows and
waved away his offering for food.

“You need to eat, Sophie.”

“I’m too hot to eat.”

Jamie stroked her cheek. Her skin was beaded
with sweat. “I’m calling Chrystal.”

Their neighbor, Chrystal Gornitzka, was a
registered nurse who’d been a wealth of information and comfort
since Sophie’s diagnosis. Jamie picked up the phone and dialed her
number. “Hi, Chrystal, it’s Jamie. Sophie’s fever seems to have
spiked again. I’m not sure what to do.”

“I just pulled into the driveway. I’ll grab
my bag and be over in few.”

Jamie let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, I
really appreciate it. The door’s unlocked—just come on in.” After
hanging up the phone, he poured a glass of water for Sophie. “Drink
this, baby.”

She took the glass from him and sipped. “I
probably just need some Tylenol.”

“Perhaps. Let’s wait for Chrystal and then go
from there.”

Sophie groaned. “That poor woman must have a
life outside of me, Jamie.”

“Well, I don’t.” He forced a smile. “So humor

Before she could protest further, they heard
the slam of the front door and then footsteps on the stairs.

“Up here, Chrystal,” Jamie called.

Chrystal walked through the door, her
shoulder-length brunette hair slipping over her cheeks as she set
her bag on the bed. “Hi. Does someone have a fever?”

Sophie’s eyes flashed with mischief as she
smiled. “Next you’ll be asking me how

Chrystal opened her bag and pulled out a
blood pressure cuff and thermometer. “How are we feeling?”

“Everyone’s a comedian today.”

“You know the drill.” Chrystal pushed the
thermometer between Sophie’s lips and then wrapped her bicep with
the blood pressure cuff.

Sophie mumbled something.

“Ten-Cow, shhh,” Jamie admonished at Sophie’s
attempt to talk.

Chrystal glanced at Jamie as she checked
Sophie’s pulse. “She’s doing fine. And you should probably stop
calling her a cow. She’s well below her normal body weight.” She
pulled the thermometer from Sophie’s mouth.

Sophie met his eyes, a sweetness in them that
could always render his heart liquid in his chest. “Oh, he can call
me Ten-Cow.” She winked at him.


“It’s a romantic story of undying love,”
Sophie said. “Tell her, Jamie.”

“Undying love, huh? Does that even
exist?” Chrystal’s arched brow popped in question.

“I’m going to be sick.” Sophie sat up

Jamie grabbed a bowl and held it under her

“Give her some Tylenol and then call the
doctor.” Chrystal’s eyebrows puckered.

Jamie felt the color leave his face. “Is it

Chrystal shook her head with a gentle smile.
“Honestly, I think it’s just the flu, like the doctor said
yesterday. Her blood pressure hasn’t changed and her pulse,
although not ideal, is fine. The LVAD is doing its job, so her
lethargy is because of the fever. The antibiotics will kick in soon
and she’ll probably feel better in the next day or two.”

Jamie stroked Sophie’s cheek.

“I’m fine, baby.” Sophie turned to Chrystal.
“Thanks for checking on me.”

Chrystal patted her hand. “It’s my pleasure,
Sophie. Call me if you need me. Even if it’s the middle of the
night. You can tell me the story later.” Jamie stood but Chrystal
held her hand up. “I’ll let myself out. Tylenol, cold compresses,
doctor, and she should be good as new.”

Jamie nodded. “Thanks.”

Once Chrystal left, Jamie gathered the
Tylenol and a cool washcloth. He waited until Sophie took the pills
and then sat beside her.

“Jamie? You need to stop worrying. The LVAD
is doing its job.”

He frowned. “Sophie, your immune system is
lowered and you’re weak. I can’t help but worry.”

She squeezed his arm. “Okay. I can’t make you
not worry, but there are people who live for years with this
device. I’d have been dead within weeks without it, and now I’m at
the top of the transplant list, guaranteed the next heart.”

“If your flu goes away.”

Sophie sighed. “It will.”

The peal of Jamie’s cell phone interrupted
their discussion and he glanced at the screen with a scowl. “Sorry,
baby.” He answered the call, leaning back in the chair with a sigh.
“Hey Brian.”

“Hey, Jamie. We got push back from the Cary

Jamie shook his head. “So? I’m not taking
money from them. Get legal involved if you have to.”

“It’s a lot of money,” Brian argued.

“I don’t care if it’s all the money in the
world, it’s not worth it.”

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