The Bride Price (17 page)

Read The Bride Price Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

Tags: #romance, #civil war, #historical, #pennsylvania, #timetravel, #portland, #historical 1800s, #portland oregon, #harrisburg

BOOK: The Bride Price
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Christine smiled. “Sophie, there are many men
named James in the army. It’s a common name.”

Sophie sighed. “You’re probably right. His
hair is quite a bit longer than Jamie’s and he has a full beard.
Jamie was always a stickler with the razor. I have never seen him
with a beard, or hair not perfectly trimmed.”

Christine nodded. “There you go. I bet if he
cut his hair and shaved off the beard, the lieutenant wouldn’t even
look like Jamie.”

Just then, Richard strode into the parlor.
“Sophie, are you feeling better?”

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Yes, Richard, I’m
fine. Sorry I snapped at you. I know you were only trying to

“Are you ready to come back to the

Sophie forced her feet forward and walked
with Richard and Christine out of the parlor. Just before they
entered the ballroom, Sophie took a deep breath, put her shoulders
back, and tried to conjure up courage she simply didn’t feel. She
could do this. She had to.

* * *

James stood with Mitch and watched the most
magnificent woman he’d ever seen walk into the room with Richard.
Tall and curvy, she was just about perfect in his opinion. He’d
almost lost his composure when she’d walked up and put her arms
around his waist. As she crushed her full breasts to his chest and
laid her head on his shoulder, he’d had a flash of a memory and
felt overwhelming love. He just had no idea what it meant.

“Who do you think she is?” Mitch asked.

James narrowed his eyes. “I’ve no idea.”

“She’s magnificent.”

James turned his head slowly with a warning
scowl. “You’ll go nowhere near her.”

“Hm. No, I don’t suppose I will.” Mitch
chuckled. “Come on, Jimmy. Let’s get a drink.”

James let Mitch drag him to the refreshment
table and slid back into his thoughts.

Whoever this Jamie fellow was, he was a lucky
man. James focus drifted back to Sophie and he felt a small flutter
of jealousy when he noticed her hand gripping Richard’s arm. He had
to admit, he was surprised by the emotion. He’d just met this
woman. He laid no claim. Yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that she
was significant somehow. He had every intention of investigating
that significance. He just had to figure out how.

James watched as Richard released Christine’s
hand and then turned to Sophie. Sophie looked up at him with a
small grimace and James’s ire rose as Richard took his free hand
and placed it over hers with a reassuring pat. She looked like she
was trying desperately not to flee.

Sophie and Richard joined the Simmonds
family, who were sitting at one side of the large ballroom. Andrew
rose as they approached and offered Sophie his chair. She sat down
and Richard laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

James wanted to be Richard. He needed to be
near her.

* * *

Sophie ran her finger over her wedding band,
despite the fact that it was covered by a silk glove. The action
gave her comfort, even if it was minor.

What am I supposed to do now?

As soon as she felt as though she was coming
to grips with what happened to her, there was a wrench thrown in
for good measure. She was lost in her thoughts when the Lieutenant
approached the group. Richard introduced him to the family, and
Sophie couldn’t do anything but stare at him. She didn’t know what
to say. He could seriously be Jamie’s identical twin. Maybe he was
a distant relative.

She did notice that he darted several looks
in her direction. She lowered her head slightly so he wouldn’t
catch her gaze.

The poor man probably thinks I’m a loon and
should stay very far away from me.

Her thoughts were interrupted by warm breath
in her ear. “If I leave you briefly, will you be all right?”
Richard asked.

Wanting to smack his face away, Sophie
stifled a growl. “I’m fine, Richard, really.”

“I can stay.”

Sophie gritted her teeth. “Go,” and then
under her breath, “

Watching the men as Richard left her to
introduce James to a few key people, her stomach churned. Every
time the lieutenant shook hands, smiled, or quite frankly, moved
any part of his body, she had flashes of Jamie. She turned when
Christine walked over to her.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine.” Sophie stood before Christine
could sit down. “Do you think we could step outside and take a
little walk? It’s stifling in here.”

“Yes, definitely.”

The girls left through the side door and with
linked arms, started walking. The night air was cool, and a breeze
created a slight bite to the air, so Sophie pulled her shawl closer
to her shoulders as the girls let out a collective sigh, enjoying
the breathing room.

“This is so much better. I didn’t know if I
could have stayed in that ballroom for much longer.” Sophie sighed.
“And not just because of the heat.”

Christine smiled gently. The girls ended up
at the stables. Sophie always seemed to find herself here whenever
she was deep in thought. There were a few lanterns lit as she led
Christine into the barn and, as was her habit, towards Samson’s
stall. The horse popped his head out and nuzzled her hand.

“Are you feeling better, Sophie?” Christine
made her way to Gentle Ben’s stall.

“Other than total and complete confusion, you
I’m great.”


kissed Samson’s muzzle.
“Just when I thought I could start
to let Jamie go, his look-alike walks through the door just to mess
with me.” She laughed a little at the absurdity.

“Yes, it is strange.” Christine handed her
horse a sugar cube.

Hearing noise to their left, the girls turned
to see two men staggering towards them. They appeared to be dirty
and very drunk.

“Well, well. Good evening ladies, you appear
to be all by yourselves. Would you like some company?”

Christine and Sophie darted nervous glances
at each other.

“We were just leaving.” Sophie grasped
Christine’s hand.

“Aw, now, come on, ladies. We can offer you
something that the party can’t,” said the larger of the two.

“No, thank you, we’ll take our leave now.”
Christine started to pull Sophie towards the barn doors. They had
to pass the men to leave the stables, and as they walked by the
large one, he reached out and grabbed Sophie’s arm.

“Don’t hurry away on our account.” He yanked
her toward him.

“Let go of me!” Sophie tried to pull her arm
away from him. He wouldn’t let go.

“You’re real pretty. I bet you never had
anyone like me before.”

“You’re real right. I’ve never had an ugly,
smelly drunk before and I have no intention of having one now.
Release me.”

Despite her bluster, Sophie’s panic rose as
the man held her tighter. She and Christine stupidly hadn’t told
anyone where they were going. Despite Jamie’s intensive tutelage in
basic mixed martial arts training, she didn’t know if she could
defend herself in her heavy skirts. She tried to think of a way to
get out of this.

Christine started to pull her toward the barn
doors, when his just-as-ugly friend grabbed her and pulled her away
from Sophie. He held her arms from behind so that she couldn’t get
free of him. Christine screamed but with the music and laughter in
the ballroom, Sophie didn’t think anyone would hear them. Samson
whinnied loudly, visibly upset. Pounding his hoof, he kicked out
and managed to kick a hole in his stall door.

The big smelly one pulled Sophie in front of
him and pushed her up against one of the stalls. Leaning his head
down, he tried to kiss her, the smell of his rancid, alcoholic
breath turning her stomach. Moving her head away, she deflected as
much as she could and felt bile rising in her throat as he tried to
kiss her again.

“Get your hands off me, you moron.” Sophie
slammed her head against him. She tried for a head-butt, however
only managed to clip him on the chin and give herself a headache.
She tried to kick as hard as she could but she couldn’t get any
momentum in her hoop skirt and tight bodice.

Slapping her hard across the face, he
fattened her lip and she could taste blood. “Quit fightin’ me! You
might be uppity and rich, but you’re all the same in the end.
You’re going to like this.”

Squeezing her eyes shut, Sophie closed her
mouth tight and tried to keep him from kissing her. All of a
sudden, she felt a tug and then he no longer held her in his filthy
grip. She opened her eyes when she heard flesh connecting with bone
and turned to see the big smelly drunk passed out on the floor of
the barn. The lieutenant stood over him, shaking out his hand.

She turned to see Richard pull the other one
off Christine and grasp her upper arms. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” Christine braced herself against his
chest. “Thank you both for the assistance.”

“What the hell were you thinking coming all
the way out here by yourselves? Have you lost your minds? Why
didn’t you tell anyone where you were going? Why didn’t you come
and ask me to escort you?” Richard ranted.

“Richard, you were otherwise engaged and
neither one of us came here alone. We had no reason to think
anything like that would happen.” Christine stepped away from




Richard narrowed his eyes. “You are
to do anything like that again, do you hear me? If you
hadn’t come out here alone, this would have never happened. From
now on, you are to tell me what you are doing at all times.”

“Excuse me?” Sophie snapped.

He grasped her shoulders and squeezed. “You
are never to do anything that stupid again.”

“Richard, you don’t own me.” Sophie pushed at
his chest. “Technically, I can do whatever I want and you have NO
say in the matter!”

He crossed his arms. “You’re a woman,
woman. You need to remember that, and act
accordingly. You are my responsibility, and I have every say in
what you do and don’t do.”

Sophie rubbed her temples. “I am most
your woman, so how is it I’m your
responsibility, Richard? I’m technically more of Michael’s than
yours, considering I live in his home.”

“Regardless of that fact, Sophie, I am your
protector and therefore, you need to adhere to my direction.”

She fisted her hands at her side. “My
protector, Richard?” Sophie threw her arms up. “You’re an ass!”
Stomping out of the barn, she didn’t make it to the doors.

Richard pulled her back to him, roughly
grabbed her upper arms, and shook her.

“Let go of me,” she ordered.

“Not until you do as I say.”

He squeezed harder and she whimpered.
“Richard you’re hurting me.”

“Get your hands off her,” James warned.

Richard didn’t budge. James walked over to
him and physically removed him from her, staying between them. “I
said, get your hands off her. You have no right to touch her like

“Lieutenant, it’s none of your business,”
Richard snarled.

“It became my business when you started
man-handling her. I understand you’re upset, but it’s never
acceptable to touch a woman in anger. Why don’t you take some time
to pull yourself together and then you two can talk when you’re

Sophie stood behind James and glared at

He grimaced and reached his hand out to her.
“Sophie, I’m sorry.”

“Just go away, Richard. You’ve had too much
to drink. Again.”

Christine approached and laid her hand on
Richard’s arm. “Richard, why don’t we walk back to the house?
Sophie will be fine with Lieutenant Emerson.”

Richard looked at Sophie, nodded at
Christine, and they left the barn. When they were alone, James
turned to Sophie. “Are you all right, ma’am?”

Her quiet groan echoed through the space.
“Lieutenant Emerson, please call me Sophie, or even Mrs. Ford. I
abhor ma’am.”

He cocked his head to the side. “There’s a
little bit of blood on your lip. Let me wipe that off for you.”

Pulling out his handkerchief, he reached out
to touch her lip, but she put her hands over her face and stifled a
sob. He said nothing as he removed his jacket, settled it over her
shoulders, and then gently pulled her into his arms. As she cried
harder, he stroked her hair and held her closer. “Shh, it’s

Sophie let him hold her, drawing comfort from

He even smells like Jamie. What am I going to

Sophie took several deep breaths, stifled by
hiccups, and then forced herself from his arms. “I’m so sorry,
Lieutenant. I’m not normally this emotional.”

“You’ve had a rather terrifying experience.
I’d be more surprised if you weren’t upset.” He cupped her cheek
gently. “And please call me, James.”

“Thank you, James.” She looked up at him and
gave him a small smile.

“Are you ready to go back to the house? I’m
sure they’re concerned about you.”

“Yes, that’s probably a good idea.” She
smoothed the front of her skirts and adjusted her bodice. “This
night was meant for you and your men, and here I am keeping you
from it. I apologize.”

“Don’t. It’s fine, truly.” Taking her hand,
he gently folded it into the curve of his arm. She felt safe as
they made their way out of the barn.

He patted her hand and Sophie gasped at the
sight of his swollen, red knuckles. “Your hand! We need to get you
some ice.”

He fisted and un-fisted his hand. “It’s

“Just how hard did you hit him?” Sophie’s
eyes searched his.

He grinned. “Not hard enough. He’s still

Sophie felt a flutter in her belly at the
impish grin, so familiar to her. Taking a deep breath, she let him
take her hand again and they made it back to the house to find
Richard pacing the foyer. He turned as soon as he heard the door
and started towards her. James quickly put himself between the two
of them and Sophie smiled as she laid her hand on his back.

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