The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (9 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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When he let
, I just looked at him a little
shocked. “Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls,” I mumbled,
shaking my head and walking into the bathroom closing the door and
taking a deep breath.

What’s wrong
with me? Why was he making me feel like this? That’s Liam for
goodness sake! He’s going to crush you and you’re going to end up
like that damn slut Jessica, begging for his attention once he’s
finished and got what he wanted.

But he
wouldn’t do that to me. He’d spent ev
night with me for the last eight years. I needed him to be able to
sleep, he kept my nightmares away. He wouldn’t hurt me, would he? I
trusted him to keep me safe, but could I trust him with my heart? I
knew the answer to that was no, I couldn’t, but for some reason I
wanted to.

When I came
out of the bathroom he was gone, but this wasn’t surprising. I
walked over to my window to lock it
usual and I saw a small white daisy on my window sill. I looked out
of the window and smiled, these flowers grew just outside my
window, he must have picked one for me when he climbed out, and
left it there knowing I would see it when I locked the window. My
heart skipped a beat and I smiled, a little confused. That was so
unlike Liam to do something like that.

I sighed as I
tucked the little flower into my pony tail and then headed to the
kitchen, grabbing two juice boxes. I scribbled a note for Jake
telling him that I had gone dancing, and that I would help him
clear up later if he would let Kate and Sarah come over to watch a
movie tonight. I knew he would go for it, this was my usual bribe
for helping him clear up after his parties; they would come over to
ours in the evening and he would pay for pizza and a movie. All he
had to do was put up with two flirty girls hitting on him and Liam
all night, as usually he came over too, if he didn’t have a

I skipped out
of the front door into his car that was already running outside
y house. “Hey, got you this,” I chirped,
handing him the drink.

. Got you this.” He smiled,
handing me a slice of toast.

. “That’s a pretty good exchange,”
I said, smiling at him and eating it. “Oh, I need to go to Benny’s
and get doughnuts, if that’s alright.” I looked at him hopefully
while we were driving down the high street. He nodded and was still
beaming. “Why so happy today?” I asked, curious as to why he was
smiling so much. He couldn’t have had much sleep and I knew he was
still tired, I could tell by his eyes.

I had a good
night last night that’s all. I finally scored with some really hot
chick that I’ve been after for a while.” He winked at me, his
genuine smile
turning into his stupid

My insides
felt like someone had sho
ved a chainsaw
into my stomach. He had hooked up with someone, and then came on to
me in the bed? That stupid jerk! I’d kissed him, a proper kiss too,
and he had used some girl for sex before that! Ugh, the stupid
man-whore, I
I shouldn’t have expected any different. I
turned away so he couldn’t see how hurt I was, and glared out of my
window, refusing to cry. Crying is for the weak. I hardly ever let
anyone see me cry, but some people we already behind the defences I
had built so I couldn’t help it. He pulled up outside Benny’s and I
jumped out, wanting to be away from him. I ordered twenty assorted
doughnuts, heavy on the chocolate variety because they were my

When I got
back in the car
, Liam smiled. “Got enough
there?” he joked, looking at the two huge boxes I had in my

I just
nodded and turned up the radio. “I like this
song,” I lied; I had no idea what it was but I just didn’t want to
talk to him.

He shot me a
weird glance. “You hate rave music,” he said, frowning and turning
it down. Actually, he was right, I did hate that stuff, but I would
rather that than talk to him, the lying slut.

We pulled up
outside the studio where my crew rehearsed every Saturday, we were
a street dancing crew and we were pretty good t
oo. We had entered a dance battle last week against ten
other crews in the area and had come second, winning over $1,000 in
prize money. Not that we ever saw any of the money, it went
straight on studio time and uniforms, music, and fliers or posters.
I loved to dance, street dance was my favourite and anything that
went with a hip hop beat got my vote. It had always been my dream
since I was a little girl to have my own dance studio, maybe one
day I’d get there, but it seemed highly unlikely.

I’m so sorry guys, I overslept,” I said, looking
at them all apologetically as I walked in.

Justin pulled
me into a big hug and I tried not to flinch away from him; he was
wearing his trademark piece of pink in the
form of a cap today. “That’s OK. I’d oversleep too if I had
that fine ass in my bed,” he teased with a grin as he nodded over
my shoulder towards Liam. I rolled my eyes and put the doughnuts on
the table, grabbing a chocolate one quickly before they all went. I
headed over to say hi to the other guys. There were eight of us in
our crew, four girls and four guys. I was happily chatting with the
guys, when Justin called everyone to start. “Seeing as we are
already forty-five minutes late because someone couldn’t drag her
ass out of bed on time, we’d better get started,” he stated,
throwing me a mock glare and making me laugh.

We set to
work on a new routine; it was hard and complicated and even had
some pretty scary lifts. The worst one was where I was on Ricky’s
shoulders and had to flip off, turn in the air so I was facing
backwards, then he would catch me as I fell down his
. Almost instantly, I had to wrap my
legs around his waist before leaning all the way back putting my
arms on the floor and roll my body into the floor. Luckily we had
mats, because it took over an hour for me to even land it once, and
let me tell you, even landing on your back or stomach on a padded
mat, hurts,
if the muscled guy who is supposed to catch you,
lands on top of you.

After about
the twentieth attempt, I pushed Ricky off of me, laughing. I
couldn’t even get up I was so tired, sweat was running down my
back. “OK, I officially give up on this for the day. My head hurts,
my back hurts, my butt hurts, even my arms and legs hurt from
holding on,” I whined, laying like a starfish on the

Fine, it’s
nearly one anyway so we’d better clear the studio,” Justin said,
ng out his hand to help me

I shook my
, laughing. “Can’t. I honestly can’t
move,” I muttered, closing my eyes, trying to catch my breath. The
next thing I know Liam was there, he grabbed hold of me and picked
me up, throwing me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing at
all, and headed towards the girls shower room, laughing. “What the
hell are you doing?” I cried, still annoyed at him for what he did
to me last night.

you,” he stated. I could tell he was smir
king by his stupid sexy voice.

Put me
down!” I ordered, trying to wriggle free, but he just gripped me

I heard the
shower turn on.

No! He wouldn’t!

He did.

He stepped
into the shower, putting me down under the spray, both of us
getting completely soaked. I stood there
shocked. I had a change of clothes with me so it didn’t really
matter, but I didn’t think that he did. Ha, stupid idiot, now he
has to sit in his car in wet clothes!

He was
laughing at me so I cupped my hands together and collected some
, throwing it at him; he laughed
harder and gripped my waist, pressing himself to me under the
shower. Water was running down his head, plastering his hair to his
face, he looked sexy as hell. His clothes were slick to his body; I
wanted to run my hands down him to feel the lines of his muscles.
He bent his head forward and kissed me, wrapping his arms tightly
around me and pushing me against the wall. He sucked lightly on my
bottom lip and I gladly opened my mouth, eager to taste him again.
He tasted even better today, probably because I was still half
drunk when we kissed last night so I couldn’t appreciate it as
much. His kissing was beautiful and was sending ripples of desire
racing through my body.

, he pulled away and we
were both breathless. I looked into his eyes and I could see that
they were dancing with excitement; I could also see something else
that scared the life out of me because I knew I wasn’t ready for
that. I saw lust, plain and simple. Liam wanted my body badly. I
gasped and pushed him back, stepping out of the shower

Sorry, I
shouldn’t have done that. Too soon, right?” he asked, coming out of
the show
er and taking hold of my

I turned back
to look at him. I couldn’t give him what he wanted; he could get
that somewhere else. I mean, he was Liam James for goodness sake,
he could have any girl he wanted, and he does! He already admitted
he hooked up with someone last night before he kissed me. He was a
player plain and simple and if I let him have my heart, he would
break it, no doubt about it.

Liam, what
do you want from me?” I asked quietly,
looking at my soaked sneakers.

He put his
finger under my chin and lifted
my face
so I had to look at him. “Everything,” he said simply.

My heart
, and then took off in a sprint at
how sweet that sounded. Wait, it’s just a line to get into your
pants, Amber, calm down! “I can’t give you that, not even close. Go
find the skank that you hooked up with last night, I’m sure she’s
more than willing to do
with you,” I growled
nastily, doing air quotes around the word everything, before
storming off to get changed. My bag was already in here, I assume
one of the girls put it in after seeing Liam and I in the shower
making out. Damn it, that’s embarrassing!

He grabbed my
wrist a
nd made me stop and look at him.
“What skank are you talking about, Angel?” he asked, looking at me

The skank
you screwed before you kissed me in bed! Damn it, Liam, you weren’t
even drunk and you’ve forgotten already? Wow, this one must have
really meant something to you,” I spat acidly.

He looked
en more confused. “I didn’t screw
anyone last night, what are you talking about?” he asked, trying to
pull me to him, but I stood my ground and wrenched my wrist out of
his grasp, he didn’t resist he just let me go; he knew I didn’t
like being restrained.

I gave him my
death glare and grabbed my towel out of my bag
, toweling off my dripping hair. I pulled the little daisy
out of my ponytail and threw it at his feet. “Liam, you already
told me in the car earlier that you fucked some chick you wanted,
that’s why you were so happy,” I growled. Was he seriously going to
lie to me about it now?

crossed his face, his body seeming to visibly relax.
I never said I fucked anyone.
What I actually said was that I finally scored with a really hot
chick that I’d been after for a while,” he stated, shrugging and
smiling, as if this cleared everything up.

I shook my
, still angry. The wording didn’t
matter to me, it was all the same and I still felt betrayed and
used. “Whatever, fucked, scored, it’s all the same thing. You’re a
stupid freaking player and I can’t believe I let you kiss me.
Twice!” I cried. I could feel the tears threatening to come out, so
I turned my back on him.

misunderstanding what I meant!
” he said

I span
to face him again. “Oh, I’m sorry!
Explain please,” I said sarcastically, waving my hand in a go ahead

I was
talking about you,” he said quietly. I frowned, me? “I’ve been
crazy about you since the first time I saw you
, Angel, but your brother wouldn’t let me anywhere near
you. All this time it’s only ever been you.” He looked at the floor
like a little lost boy and I couldn’t breathe.

Did he really
just say that? He liked me but Jake wouldn’t let him near me? How
could that be true? Anyway, he’s a player who has sex with three or
four different girls a week. How could it
only ever be me
? He’s never
even had a girlfriend, he just has dates!

He looked at
me pleadingly, he was hurting I could tell by his
, but I didn’t know what to do. If I
took a chance I knew I would fall in love with him and there was a
good chance he would break my heart into a million pieces, but I
don’t think I could stand to lose him. He had been a constant in my
life and I needed him, probably more than I needed Jake. He stepped
forward and took my face in his hands and bent his face to mine and
kissed me, tenderly. I knew the decision had been made; this really
wasn’t something I could think through and reason out the pros and
cons. When Liam kissed me, everything seemed right and whole, just
like it should be. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him
tightly, pressing into his chest.

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