The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (7 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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The song
changed to ‘She’s like a star
’, by ‘Taio
Cruz’ which is Liam’s favourite song. I felt someone grab my hand
and looked back to see Liam giving me a smile, one of the real
ones, and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Dance with me, Angel,”
he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I was so
drunk at this point that I didn’t even care that I was dancing with
Liam; I wrapped my arms around him and tucked my face into his
neck. He smelled amazing and I wondered what he would taste like if
I licked hi
m. Wait, did I just think
about licking Liam like he was a Popsicle or something? I burst out
laughing at my own idiocy. Liam pulled back and gave me a

what the heck’
face, which just made it funnier. He rolled his
eyes and shook his head, looking amused, as he pressed his body
back to mine. The song wasn’t really a slow song so we were swaying
quite fast and half grinding against each other. I loved dancing,
and he was really good at it, our bodies seemed to fit together

I could feel
him getting ar
oused but this didn’t
bother me. Liam has been pressing his erections on me since I was
twelve and he was fourteen. He wakes up with one every day, and
most of the time falls asleep with one too. I just ignore it. It
was weird the first time it happened and really freaked me out. He
had gone home that morning, so embarrassed that he’d almost cried,
he’d spoken to his dad about it and then came back the next night
and explained that it was normal for boys to have it happen because
he was growing and it was all to do with hormones. I didn’t know
whether it was true or not, but I didn’t have any reason to doubt
him. It was embarrassing for us both for a month or so, then it was
a joke for a while, now we just ignore it completely. He pulled
back to look at me and gave me one of his nice smiles and my mouth
pulled up into a smile in return. He actually looked really cute
when he smiled like that, funny how I’d only just noticed and I’d
known him forever.

Jake came out
of nowhere. “Dude, what the fuck? That’s my little sister!” he
shouted at Liam, g
rabbing his shoulder
and jerking him away from me.

Jake man,
seriously I was just dancing with her, t
hat’s her song!” Liam cried, looking really

Liam, you
need to stay away from my
sister, she’s
sixteen for fuck sake. You know what she’s been through. She
doesn’t need guys like you chasing her around!” Jake shouted back,
stepping forwards and getting in Liam’s face. I could tell he was
drunk by the slight touch of red to his ears, they were always the

I would
never hurt her!” Liam growled,
chests almost touching.

I don’t give
a shit! I said stay away!” Jake shouted

I just
shrugged and left them to it, I don’t need to witness their fight,
they’ll be making up in a couple of minutes anyway, they always do.
As I rounded the corner to the kitchen
, I
walked smack into a guy I didn’t know. He was maybe a little older
than me, probably Jake’s age, he was really cute. He had black hair
that was quite shaggy; it flicked across his forehead, and almost
covered one of his brown eyes. He smiled and grabbed my waist
steadying me as I swayed. I immediately flinched because he was
touching me, but not too bad because the drink had numbed some of
my brain.

“Well hello,” he purred with his sexy

Hi.” I
smiled; he hadn’t taken his hands from my waist so I took a step
ck to get some personal

I’m Trent.”
He grinned; I noticed
that when he smiled
he had really cute little dimples.

” I replied, not looking
away from his face, he really was handsome. I didn’t recognise him
from school. “You go to Penn State?” I asked, curious as to why I
didn’t know him if he was at the party.

He shook his
head and smiled.
“No. I’m actually just
here to pick up my little sister, but I can’t find her.”

Oh yeah?
Who’s your sister?” I asked frowning; someone has got one
ot ass brother I can tell

Sanders,” he stated
. I couldn’t help my
body’s natural reaction; I turned my nose up a little, which made
him laugh. “Not a big fan, huh?” he asked, still

er…. sorry,” I mumbled, looking at him
apologetically and blushing like crazy. I can’t believe I just made
that face at his sister! What an idiot!

Don’t worry
about it; I know she can be a pain in the ass.

, do you want me to help you
find her?” I offered, looking round the kitchen for her. Nope, not
in here. I giggled as I remembered that he’d just walked out of
that room, so of course she wasn’t there!

Nah, she’ll
turn up. How about we get a drink instead?” he suggested,
ng towards the drinks

Yeah OK,
sure.” I smiled as he grabbed two cups and a bottle of Jack

We did a
couple of shots of it and I was really trashed now. I leant against
him heavily as we chatted and laughed about random stuff that
didn’t even really seem to make sense to me.
, he pushed me against the
kitchen counter and pressed his body against mine. The familiar
panic was starting to rise as my heart increased, he was inching
his head forward towards mine. I felt my mouth go dry. Holy crap,
he was going to kiss me! Did I want that? What if he puts his hands
on me or something? My mind was spinning through the thoughts so
fast that I couldn’t even keep up with them all.

I gasped and
pulled my head back, banging it on the cupboard behind
, hard enough to make my eyes water. He
shook his head, looking at me a little bewildered and then crashed
his lips to mine. I whimpered and pushed on his chest, trying to
get him off, his hands went to the back of my neck holding me still
and I felt him lick along my bottom lip. I clamped my mouth shut
and pushed him as hard as I could, but he didn’t budge. I started
to freak out; I could literally feel the panic attack taking over
as my heartbeat crashed in my ears.

The next
thing I know, he was gone. I looked up, puzzled, to see Liam
pinning him against the wall, his arm across the guys throat. He
looked so angry that I actually started to feel sorry for the guy,
who was now starting to turn a little red from not being able to

You don’t
fucking touch her! What, you think you can just waltz in here and
kiss her even though
she plainly didn’t
want it?” Liam growled angrily.

I started to
feel sick, literally, stared to feel sick. I jumped off the counter
and staggered for my en-suite, where I threw up what felt like
several liters of vodka. I groaned and flushed and moved back to
sit down when I leant against someone’s legs. I didn’t freak out
, I could smell his aftershave, I
knew it was Liam.

alright?” he asked, his voice sympathetic. But I couldn’t answer; I
just leant over the toilet and threw up another bottle of vodka.
Wow, that’s a waste of money! Liam, bless him, was rubbing my back
in small circles and holding my hair up for me. After a few minutes
I felt a lot better. “You want to go to bed?” he asked, looking at
me concerned.

. “Yeah, I just want to brush my
teeth.” I struggled to get up off of the bathroom floor, but I was
so uncoordinated that it didn’t work out too well. Liam smiled and
bent down, slipping his arms under me and picking me up easily as
if I weighed nothing at all. He sat me on the unit next to the
sink, grabbed my toothbrush and put on the toothpaste for me. I
smiled weakly and brushed my teeth, making sure all of the alcohol
taste was gone.

Bed?” he
, when I was done. I nodded and he
picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my bedroom. He had
pulled back the covers and was just about to put me in when I
remembered I was still in my party clothes.

Wait! I
don’t want to go to bed like this,
” I
mumbled, looking down at my shorts and tank top, I still had my
jewellery and shoes on too.

He nodded and
set me down on my feet
, but I could
barely stand and I felt myself sway as my legs threatened to give
out on me. Liam wrapped one arm around my waist, holding me up, and
pulled my necklaces off. I got hold of the bottom of my top and
pulled it over my head, getting tangled in the process and starting
to laugh. I heard him sigh as he pushed me to make me sit on the
bed and pulled my top off for me. When I looked up at him I saw he
had an amused expression on his face. I laid back on the bed and
unbuttoned my shorts, raising my hips as I pulled them down over my
ass; he grabbed them and pulled them down slowly so I was laying
there in my bra and thong. He held my legs up in the air as he took
my sandals off one at a time.

Nice,” he
purred, looking me over with his trademark smirk, but I didn’t
, I just laid there, giggling, until
my stomach lurched again.

Oh no!” I
gasped, trying to sit up, clamping a hand over my mouth. Quick as
lightening, he picked me up again and carried me back to the
bathroom, holding my hair again and rubbing my back while I emptied
my stomach.

After I had
brushed my teeth again
, he slipped off
his t-shirt and pulled it over my head. “There’s another one to add
to your t-shirt collection,” he said with an easy smile, as he
picked me up and carried me into my bed. He walked off towards the
door. I thought he was going to leave and go back to the party, but
he didn’t, he just locked the door and slipped off his jeans,
climbing into the bed next to me. I could still hear the party
going on outside. Liam wrapped his arms around me and pulled me
into his chest. I couldn’t stop thinking about the guy kissing me
in the kitchen. Before I knew what had happened, I’d started to

, Angel?” he asked, looking at me

That asshole
stole my first kiss!” I wailed. Liam burst out
laughing and I felt even worse because of it. I can’t
believe he’s laughing at me! “It’s not funny, Liam! A girl’s first
kiss is important to her. Just because you’re some kind of super
slut who doesn’t care, and probably doesn’t remember his first
kiss, doesn’t mean that the little things aren’t important!” I said
angrily, slapping on his chest.

, calm down. He didn’t steal
your first kiss,” he said sternly, looking right into my eyes
making me feel weightless with his stupid bottomless, blue,
man-whore eyes.

What are you
talking about? He did! He just kissed me and stole
” I croaked, a tear falling from my
eye. He wiped it away with his thumb and shook his head.

, he did just kiss you, but
that wasn’t your first kiss. I had that a long time ago,” he
explained, with a half-smile that made his face look beautiful.
What the hell was he talking about? I’d never kissed him. I
frowned, thinking back, trying to remember. “Remember when I hurt
myself when I fell out of that tree in my front garden? I was
thirteen and my freaking leg hurt so badly, and you asked what you
could do to make the pain go away.” He closed his eyes and shook
his head at the memory, with a small smile playing at the corners
of his lips.

. Oh my gosh, that’s right! He’d
asked me to kiss him and I did, well, twice actually. He said that
it was still hurting and asked me to kiss him again. Right after
that, Jake came out of the house and caught us; he punched Liam in
the face for it. Oh crap, Liam had my first kiss! I wasn’t sure how
to feel about that, it was actually nice at the time. He was being
really sweet that day; he was climbing the tree to get my ball that
got stuck up there. I guess, that was a good thing, at least if
Liam had my first kiss then it wasn’t stolen by some asshole when I
was drunk at a party.

miled at him and he smiled back. “That
was my first kiss too, and I do remember it,” he said softly,
winking at me teasingly.

Well you’ve
had plenty more since then
, and then
some,” I stated, meaning all of the girls that he had slept

Yeah, but
that was still the first and the best,” he whispered, kissing the
top of my head and pulling his arms tighter around me, tucking my
head in the crook of his neck. We just laid there in silence; I
didn’t know what to say
, so I just kept

After a
little while I was still awake because of the noise coming
from the party, it was only one o’clock so it
would probably go on for at least another hour. I rolled over to
see Liam watching me. “You can’t sleep though that either, huh?” he
asked, smiling.

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