The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (14 page)

Read The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Online

Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

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When it ended, they were both gasping for air. But he held her until the world settled. She brushed her cheek against his chest, and listened to his heart thunder. Her own heart was beating a similar tattoo.

“Well,” he managed to croak out.

“Well, what?” she asked, her breathing beginning to return to normal.

“Any other barriers to my pursuit? Is there anything else I should know about?” he asked when she tilted her head to look at him again. He nipped her chin, his lips making their way to her ear. He swirled his tongue around her lobe.

She groaned her pleasure and then answered. “Other than me going to jail for a very long time?” she whispered as she leaned into the sweet delicious sensations he was evoking within her.

“Yes, other than that?” he asked whispering in her ear.

“No,” she moaned.

“Good,” he murmured as his lips found hers again in another punishing kiss that had her reeling.

This kiss left her breathless. She soaked it in. It went on and on, both of them so hungry for each other.

He did eventually end it, but held her pressed to his body for a few moments longer.

“We can’t deny there is something there, Ronnie. I admit it is not good timing. But you shouldn’t deny yourself a little fun, the chance to feel, or to experience pleasure. I don’t know what this is Ronnie; I’d love to find out, but I’ll respect your choice. I promise though, if you are worried about it still, you are not a one night stand to me. Even last summer. It never would have been then, either.”

Ronnie was too choked to speak. If only . . . . She was glad he was still holding her and couldn’t see her face at the moment. She burrowed deeper into him hiding her thoughts.

“Ronnie?” He asked wanting, no, needing to know what she was thinking. He felt her arms tighten around him. Nothing ever felt better in his life. But, he still craved those words.

He heard her clear her throat. She was getting ready to speak. “So, um, a milkshake then. Later, if your offer is still good,” she whispered into his chest.

Ronnie felt the laughter before she heard it. It expanded out from him. The rumble of it made her squeeze him, and he returned the embrace.

“Oh Ronnie baby, that offer is most assuredly still good. I’ll take you for a milkshake any time.” He kissed the top of her head, and whispered, “Anywhere.”

*     *     *

Jay walked in
exhausted from a long day at the airport around six o’clock, but it was nice to see Lou looking happy making dinner with her daughter. He’d been very worried about his wife since this mess started over a week ago. Actually, he’d noticed some weight loss, and despite her ample breasts she didn’t have a whole heck of a lot of weight on her. But seeing her smiling and laughing made him feel better. He worked at the airport on Saturdays, but had Sunday and Monday off, and he planned on pampering Lou. Between her job and her daughter’s crisis, he could see the stress was taking its toll.

“How’re my girls?” he asked, setting his keys and baseball cap advertising the Oakland Raiders on the table by the door.

“Very good,” Lou imparted and put down the knife she was using to chop vegetables for the salad. She started towards him.

He met her half way. “Glad to hear it,” he murmured against her cheek, planting a soft kiss just in front of her ear. “Mmm, smells good.”

“Me or the pasta?” she teased, softly kissing him in return.

“Both,” he laughed, patting her rear when she turned back to the kitchen.

“Veronica wanted pasta, fettuccini, and we also made a salad. I’ve grilled some shrimp too,” she laughed as he trailed her to the kitchen, jacking a shrimp from the platter and popping it into his mouth.

“Hey, now. Wait for dinner,” she chastised as she turned to the refrigerator and got him a bottle of Michelob.

He popped the top and sipped at it, leaning up against the counter as the girls finished up the salad. He couldn’t help but notice Ronnie appeared a little too dressed up for a causal dinner at home, but he didn’t say anything. The blue peasant blouse she wore was extremely cute, and revealing. The stretchy grey material of her skirt showed off her assets. He wondered if they were having company tonight. She also had on a bit of makeup which to him was a dead giveaway. God, help Nikko. He had his hands full, literally and figuratively.

“You look nice,” he remarked.

She smiled and thanked him. “I’m going out later,” she answered, proving his assumptions correct.

Jay looked over her head at her mother whose eyes widened, but shoulders shrugged.

He couldn’t help himself. He never could. He was known for his smart mouth and his incessant teasing.

“Oh, really,” he drawled out. “With that Nikko fellow I presume. The one I almost caught you with in the bushes last summer?” he tormented.

“Jay! You said . . .” she protested, eyes widening and looking nervously at her mother.

Jay just laughed. “That was last summer, baby cakes. Plus, I’ve already told your mom about it a long time ago. She suspected anyway the way you moped around last summer, and I can’t keep secrets from my wife.” He held up his hands in surrender.

Her eyes narrowed angrily, but a glance at her mother showed her smiling. “Really?” she asked, fully facing her mother now.

Lou nodded. “Ronnie, I was young once too. Mom’s sometimes don’t like to admit they know what is going on when they really do. I know you’re responsible. I trust you. But, are you sure you want to go . . . with him,” she asked, leaving most of the question unasked.

“Mom, I know the timing sucks. But, he made a good point. I’ll go crazy just sitting around all the time. I do like him, too,” she added, blushing slightly.

Lou looked at her daughter. She didn’t want to interfere, but she had to know if her daughter was aware of all the talk that circulated around Nikko Marino. “He’s got quite a reputation you know. Monica’s mentioned it.”

Ronnie knew what Nikko was all about, and knew her mom was just worried about her, but the thought of being cooped up, confined to the house for however long, just got her ire up. Rolling her eyes, she let out her frustrations.

“I know, Mom. I knew last summer too. I don’t want you to think I am entering into this with blinders on. I’ll be careful. But, I’m not getting serious. He isn’t. I know that. I know my limits. I have made them clear to him. It’s just fun. I even called Margaret, and Brad. Let them know I was in town. It could take months for us to even get a trial date. I can’t leave Florida. Might as we’ll hang out with some of my friends. You’ll be working. You can’t babysit me every minute of every day. I’m not staying home twiddling my thumbs. I’m not in jail yet!”

“Whoa, sorry,” Lou interrupted her daughter’s mini tirade. “I know you’re an adult. But I also just can’t stop being your mom, can’t stop worrying. I know Nikko is nice. I like him too. He is very charming. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” The concern was evident in her tone and in her eyes.

Ronnie felt guilty for going off on her. She apologized. “I know Mom, I’m sorry too. It just feels like I’ve already been sentenced. I don’t know,” she muttered.

Finishing his beer, Jay interrupted, “Honey, you’re not in jail yet. Have fun. Just watch out for your heart is what I think your mom is trying to say. With guys like, Nikko, and as young as he is, he’s just not the settling down type. Not usually anyhow. That’s all.”

Ronnie turned to Jay. She loved how he could read her mom so easily. “I understand Jay, I do. I will keep that in mind. I promise,” she muttered for her mom’s benefit.

Jay smiled broadly. “Okay, good. No more fighting. Let’s have a nice dinner, and I’ll try to keep the teasing down to a minimum. Just let me go wash up first. Plus,” he added half way across the room, “I want to hear about the meeting with the lawyer.”

“That went very well,” Lou called out to him. “He’s got some great ideas to pursue. Go, we will get everything on the table,” Lou urged when he paused by the door to their bedroom.

Jay went, and the ladies set to the task at hand. Butterflies persisted in Ronnie’s stomach, however, because she had made a decision about tonight and now she was beginning to have some doubts. If what Jay was saying was true, a leopard didn’t change his spots. And Jay would know. After all he had been a confirmed player for quite some time before he met her mother.

Chapter 10


hen Nikko showed
up around eight o’clock, the sun was just beginning its descent over the Gulf of Mexico. As he pulled into the driveway of the secluded cabin, Ronnie opened the door and waited for his car to come to a complete stop before she made her way to the passenger side. He quickly got out, hustled around to her side, and reached for the handle of the door just as she did. He didn’t want to screw tonight up.

The electricity from the contact of their hands gripping the handle at the same time was intense. It shot through him like lightning. She looked absolutely mouthwatering in the peasant style blouse, one shoulder completely revealed. Her skin was bronzed from the sun. He could see the pulse at the base of her neck beating, and the urge to press a kiss there almost had him doing just that. The skirt, some type of clingy material, fitted her generous hips, tapered then flared out just above her knees, the grey and white diagonal stripes subtly accentuated her curves. It revealed her shapeliness. He wanted to touch her, everywhere. She wore her wavy hair down, just below the shoulders, and her scent was citrusy. Fresh. He wanted to taste her. Everything about her he found exciting. He didn’t know if he could be a gentleman, and on his way over he vowed he would try to show her a different side of him.

She slid onto the seat and smiled up at him, lips plump and pink. Again, he had the urge to kiss her; he wanted to bite that bottom lip and take it into his mouth. He also suspected he might have an audience. He knew her step dad was home now and didn’t want to give him another peep show by attacking his step daughter in the driveway. Nikko knew even one small chaste kiss would set him aflame, so it was better to resist the urges of his body altogether, for now.

“You like nice, Ronnie,” he said softly, admiring the picture she made against the black leather.

“Thank you.” Under long eyelashes that hid her desire for him, she admired his attire as well.

“Do you need help with your seatbelt, Ronnie?” Nikko stepped back to give her room to close the door, but couldn’t resist asking as she reached for the handle.

“I got it, Nikko. But, thank you,” she murmured, eyes still downcast, suddenly shy, remembering the last time he helped her, and also knowing where tonight was headed.

Yes, she thought, this could be a nice distraction, a diversion from all her worries. She held no hopes for a future with a man like this. But she also couldn’t help but believe him—she wasn’t a mere flash in the pan, a notch on his post. Her trial would be months away, and with his brother’s investment in her, they had time at least. Four months she figured. That was a long time, and anything was possible, wasn’t it?

He gave her that crooked smile that showed his dimples as he pressed the door closed, and she reached for her seatbelt. She watched him walk around the car, and just enjoyed the view. He was like a panther in his movements. Sleek. Sexy as hell. She imagined him dating models, not short girls with curvy figures. But she knew he was attracted to her, just as much as she was attracted to him. Why not take advantage of it? It would be one helluva ride.

When Nikko was in the car, the electricity between them was intense. There was static in the air. He turned the car’s ignition over and smoothly backed up out of her mother’s driveway. Soon they were cruising along State Road Fifty headed into Spring Hill.

He reached for her hand and held it on his lap, while he steered with one hand. He used one finger to trace small light circles on the top of her hand, constantly in motion. It was comforting and did crazy things to her. She enjoyed the intimacy of the small gesture.

“So, ice cream, a milk shake?” he reminded her softly and broke the spell.

She gave him an ‘are you absurd look’ and he laughed. Who were they kidding? “Um, no,” she replied just as softly. Her heart rate picked up.

“No?” he questioned lifting one eyebrow and looking at her sideways before returning his eyes to the road. The look on her face set his heart to beating faster. His mouth suddenly went dry.
Where did she want to go?

A slow smile spread across her face. “No, Nikko. Let’s just go to your hotel, and do what we have both wanted to do for a long time.” Honesty was refreshing. She didn’t want to play these games any longer.

He looked at her suddenly, and she saw the fire in his eyes. His nostrils flared. His grip on her hand got tighter, and his foot hit the accelerator. He spoke no words, just searched her eyes for a moment, saying nothing.

He saw the need in her eyes mirrored his own. It thrilled him. Pure passion. Wanton desire. He couldn’t wait to sink into this woman, claim her as his. He wanted nothing more than to possess this tough as nails ice princess and make her melt. Not saying anything, he released her hand; he needed two hands now so he could drive faster. The hotel wasn’t far, not far at all.

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