The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (22 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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2. Place mixture into the freezer
3. Let sit in freezer for approximately 1-2 hours
4. Enjoy your frozen treat


Crystal Light
popsicle molds


1. Follow instructions on Crystal Light mixture
2. Pour Crystal Light drink into popsicle molds
3. Place popsicles into the freezer
4. Enjoy your cold treat without ruining all of your gym efforts

Sugar-free jello, flavored tea with Splenda or stevia, frozen bananas, and any protein powder treats mentioned above


Many people incorrectly believe supplements are the most important part of a body sculpting program. However, supplements are simply additions to a good nutrition and training program. Supplements do not make up for improper training, or lack thereof, and a crappy diet. Supplements only work when your diet and your training program are optimized.

Nutritional supplements protect us from nutritional deficiencies. Your new exercise program’s increased activity levels make your body require greater amounts of vitamins and minerals, and increase the chances that you will incur a nutritional deficiency without supplementation. Remember, even a slight nutrient deficiency can sabotage your body sculpting goals.

Unfortunately, we cannot rely solely on food to provide us with all the vitamins and minerals that our body requires. This is largely because the processing food goes through even before they arrive at the supermarket: cooking, air, and light have already robbed your foods of the vitamins that they normally offer. If you are deficient in one or more essential nutrients, your body may not be able to build muscle and burn fat properly.

However, not all supplements are equal. The use of supplements depends on both your goals and your budget. Below we describe the different categories of supplements and discuss the ones you will need to use at all times.


This type of supplement is essential to insure that our bodies operate at maximum efficiency. On a very simplistic level, without these vitamins and minerals, it is impossible to convert the food we eat into hormones, tissues and energy.

Vitamins are organic compounds produced by both animals and, which enhance the actions of proteins, causing and vegetables, which such as muscle building, fat burning and energy production. There are two types of vitamins:

Fat-soluble vitamins
are stored in fat and if taken in excessive amounts will become toxic. (Such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.)

Water-soluble vitamins
are not stored in the body. (Such as the B-Complex vitamins and Vitamin C.)

Minerals, inorganic compounds not produced by animals or vegetables, assure that your brain receives the correct signals from the body. They help with balance of fluids, muscular contractions and energy production as well as build muscle and bones. There are two types of minerals:

Bulk minerals
are called such because the body requires them in great quantities and often in the measure of grams. (Such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.)

Trace minerals
are required by the body in tiny amounts, usually in the order of micrograms. (Such as chromium, copper, cobalt, silicon, selenium, iron and zinc.)


You must be very careful with the vitamin and mineral formulas you choose. Some don’t contain what the labels claim, and some come from such poor sources and are not absorbed very well by the body. Keeping that in mind, try to stick to this tried and true recommended formula list in the box on the following page. Other reputable companies on the market include QNT Sports, Twinlabs, EAS, WEider, Labrada, Shiff, Optimum Nutrition, Advanced Nutrition, and Champion Nutrition.

• The Super Spectrum Vitamin/Mineral formula (available at Dave
• Vitamin Shoppes’ Health & Fitness Nutrients For Active People (Vitamin Paks)
• GNC’s Ultra Mega
• Country Life’s Multi-100
• Ultra Two by Nature’s Plus


Take as directed.


Weight Gainers
are protein shakes consisting mainly of whey proteins. Some also include milk or egg proteins. Characterized by their extremely high carbohydrate content, weight gainers were very popular back in the 90;s but their popularity has died mainly because many people do not have the metabolism of a hardgainer, and a high carbohydrate diet leads quickly to fat gains rather than muscle mass gains.


Any health food store or drug store. For specific brand recommendations, please visit our Fan Page at
or our site at


The carbohydrate content is designed for a fast release, and is best in the mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and post workout meals. Weight gainers can be mixed with fruit juice or skim milk and, if you are trying to increase the calorie content, this use of flaxseed oil and fruits is useful. However, if you do not have the metabolism to support this, it’s probably best to avoid these.

Meal Replacement Powders
(MRPs) are lower in calories and have far less carbohydrates than weight gainers. Most powders are composed of whey proteins, but there are many new formulas now on the market that consist of a protein blend of whey and milk proteins. The carbohydrate component used to be maltodextrin, with 25-27 grams of carbohydrate per serving, but the new generation of formulas use slow-release carbohydrates like brown rice and oats to make the product lower in glycemic value. Essential fatty acids and a vitamin and mineral profile have also been added.


Any health food store or drug store.


1 packet mixed with water per serving.

Protein Powders
are powders that consist mainly of protein (typically whey protein, but you can also find blends). They typically contain
no more than five grams of carbohydrates and 20-25 grams of protein per scoop. Calorie-wise, they could be anywhere from 100-125 calories.


Any health food store or drug store. For specific brand recommendations, please visit our Fan Page at
or our site at


2 scoops mixed with 8 ounces of skim milk per serving.

Protein Bars
are bars made out of any of the protein sources mentioned above. The carbohydrate mix usually is a combination of glycerin (sugar alcohol, and not really a carbohydrate) and sugars. Bars generally contain fats which are less than desirable. Use these bars only in cases of extreme emergency when there is nothing better available to eat.

Essential to Take
• Multivitamin (taken with breakfast)
• Essential Oils and Monounsaturated Oils (as per nutrition guidelines)
• 1 gram Vitamin C (taken with breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
• Whey Gain, Whey Protein Powder, or Meal Replacement Powder (to mix with skim milk or water for protein shakes)
• 200 mcg of Chromium Picolinate (post-workout with protein shake)
Fat Burning Stacks
• 3 caps of Metabolic Thyrolean (in the morning and then again 6-7 hours later on an empty stomach)
• 2 caps of Body Sculpture Capsules (in the morning and then again 6-7 hours later on an empty stomach)
• If you work out in the morning: Application of the Body Sculpture cream first thing in the morning before workout and before going to bed at night.
• If you work out in the afternoon: Application of the Body Sculpture cream first thing in the morning after showering and before workout in the afternoon.
It is nearly impossible in today’s world to eat six perfectly balanced meals required to get in shape daily. Thus, these supplements can be sued as “fast food.” They are easy to prepare and the formulas that are available on the market today are as good as a milkshake from any fast food chain. There are many categories of protein supplements, so let’s first talk about the different sources of protein.
Each source of protein is measured by its quality, by Biological Value (BV). BV measures how well the body absorbs and uses the protein. The higher the BV, the more nitrogen your body can absorb, use, and retain. As a result, proteins with the highest BV promote the most lean muscle gains. Whey protein ranks with the highest BV value, a 104. Egg protein is second with 100, and milk proteins come in third at 91. Beef protein rates as 80 and soy proteins at 74. Because bean proteins are a plant-based protein, they rank a 49.
Whey Proteins Whey Concentrate/Whey Isolate
are a great source. They have been recorded to improve sports performance by reducing stress and lowering cortisol levels, improving immunity by increasing glutathione (GSH) which also helps reduce overtraining, and improving liver functions in some forms of hepatitis. They also help reduce your blood pressure and fight HIV.
Whey Proteins
are highly digestible and have an even better amino acid profile than egg whites. However, not all whey is created equal. The whey that gives you the benefits described above has to be micro-filtered at very low temperatures to allow production of high protein contents with no undenatured protein, and a minimum of fat, cholesterol, and lactose.
There are whey isolates and whey concentrates. Whey isolates are sub-fractions of whey absorbed rapidly into the system. While excellent for post-workout nutrition, whey isolate is a poor choice for supplementation during the day because if the body does not need all the amino acids released into the bloodstream, it will use them for energy production, not muscle building. Whey isolate also does not have many of the health enhancing properties, as the process required to produce whey isolate destroys many of the health/immune system enhancing sub-fractions. In conclusion, for during the day use, a product consisting mainly of whey concentrate is your best bet. After the workout, a whey isolate product will be a better choice.
Egg Protein
is a super bio-available protein second only to whey. It is a slower released protein than whey, which makes it perfect for daytime use. We often mix egg and whey protein for one of the most bio-available protein shakes available.
Milk Proteins (Calcium Casseinate/Micellar Casein)
. Similar to egg proteins, this highly bioavailable protein source has slightly less BV, and is designed to slowly release into the blood stream. The natural, undenatured protein in milk is micellar casein which provides a steady release of amino acids, making this an excellent choice for a long-lasting muscle protecting protein.
Beef Proteins
are slow released proteins that rate an 80 on the BV scale. While we are unaware of any protein supplement in powder form on the market that is derived from beef proteins, there are beef liver tablets. Beef proteins are abundant in blood-building iron and also B-vitamins, both factors that contribute to better nutrient use and energy production.
Soy Proteins
have positive health benefits for both men and women. Studies show they may reduce the risk of hormone-dependent cancers (breast, prostate, etc), and possibly protect from other cancers as well. Soy has been well known to reduce high cholesterol and ease the symptoms of menopause. Soy also helps prevent osteoporosis by building up bone mass. Because of this, we recommend one serving of soy per day for women, but only for its health benefits. In the muscle-building department, soy is not useful; its BV value is 74, and because it has estrogen-like substances, it might reduce testosterone use, and for men, could be anti-constructive.


Any health food store or drug store.


A serving is just one bar. For specific brand recommendations, please visit our Fan Page at
or our site at


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