The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (21 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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If you think you will be able to stick to the plan without being prepared, you place yourself at risk. You will either end up eating the wrong kinds of food, or missing meals. You will definitely spend more money, because eating out is not cheap. Therefore, remember to be prepared!


Choose from among these alternatives to make sure you have five or six meals a day:

• Have lunch and dinner as real meals and keep the rest of the meals as either meal replacement protein shakes or protein bars; preferably meal replacement shakes as most protein bars have too much fats and sugars.
• Have real food for your breakfast, lunch and dinner and and meal-replacement protein shakes for the other two meals.
• Have all of your meals as real meals by convincing your boss to allow you to have three 20-minute breaks instead of a full hour lunch break so you can eat all of your meals.
Many dieters, due to their lack of nutrition knowledge, can literally just blow their diets without realizing that they’re doing it. The culprit? Drinking the wrong types of beverages.
• Drink plenty of water daily. Your recommended fluid intake should be 0.66 × body weight in ounces per day.
• Absolutely no regular sodas or fruit juices, even the ones that claim to be all natural, as there are way too many simple carbs in these beverages. For example, the average soda contains 40 grams of sugar while an 8-ounce serving of the average fruit juice contains between 25-35 grams of simple carbs! Therefore three 8 ounce glasses of orange juice would fill up your liver glycogen immediately!
• Crystal Light beverages, and decaffeinated tea/coffee are OK as long as they are used in moderation; your main beverage should be water.
• Try to avoid all alcohol. An occasional glass of red wine is OK provided that you are of legal drinking age.
1. Always try to use natural foods. Avoid using canned or pre-prepared types of foods as they usually contain too much fats, sodium and carbs.
2. Always choose low fat protein sources. If you eat really low fat meals, don’t worry about incurring a fat deficiency since the supplements program takes care of the need for essential fatty acids. Besides, there are trace amounts of fats even in the low fat protein sources that we choose.
3. If you choose to include skim milk in your diet, remember that it not only has protein (8 to 9 grams for every 8 ounces of milk) but also simple carbs (12 to 13 grams for every 8 ounces of milk). Therefore, count milk as both. Note that since the carbs in milk are simple carbs, this food item should only be used in the post workout meal. Guys interested in competing or following the Advanced Body Sculpting Diet, should however eliminate any dairy products from the diet as these products tend to make you retain water and the lactose in them make it harder to get to the desired low body fat percentage required for contest condition. In addition, whole wheat products should also be minimized during this phase as they may contain pytho-estrogens that make it harder to lose fat.
4. Try to include fibrous carbs in at least two meals.
5. Post Workout Meal should contain high glycemic complex carbs combined with fast released proteins such as whey protein isolate. Fats and fibers should be eliminated from this meal ideally to facilitate maximum insulin release and thus improve recovery and muscle growth.


In our fast-paced, high-stress society many people resort to emotional eating for comfort. This is a dangerous activity; if this happens very often the weight will begin to pile on. Also dangerous is the fact that emotional eating usually occurs at night after work.

If you feel like you engage in emotional eating, remember that you need to write down everything you eat during the first eight weeks of this program. During the first eight weeks it should be easier to resist the temptation to eat emotionally because you will need to document it in your log. If you are past the original eight weeks, then ask yourself, “Am I eating this because my body needs it or is it because I need it emotionally?” In cases like this, stop and think about what is most important for you. Is it the food or your fitness goals? You know what the right choice is. If it’s late at night, just go to bed and rest assured that the cravings will have go away by the time the morning comes.


It’s better to eat as much real food as possible, but if you are too busy to fix five to six real meals, you can substitute meals with a shake. You can have either a meal replacement packet mixed with water or a scoop of protein mixed in skim milk with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. However, make sure that you eat at least two real meals a day, and keep in mind that the more real food you eat the better results you get, as real food increases your metabolism more than shakes.


Here are some healthy recipes, many created using protein powder, which you can incorporate into your meal plans plans. The following recipes are healthy recipes that you can add to your diet program. However, if you include them in your diet, be sure t measure your portions and count how many carbohydrates and proteins you are taking in. In this manner, you make sure that you are taking your portion of protein and your portion of carbs. Remember that for women a portion of carbs is roughly 25 grams and a portion of protein is about 25 grams.


Blend 3 scoops of Prolab’s vanilla N-Large 2 powder in 16 ounces of skim milk. Add 7 lemons and some ice cubes to the mix and blend for 30 seconds on high speed to a minute.

Calories: Approximately 758

Carbohydrates: 119 grams

Protein: 57 grams

Fats: 6 grams


Blend 3 scoops of Prolab’s strawberry N-Large 2 powder in 16 ounces of skim milk. Add 1 cup of cherries and some ice cubes to the mix and blend for 30 seconds on high speed to a minute.

Calories: Approximately 750

Carbohydrates: 114 grams

Protein: 57 grams

Fats: 6 grams

If you want to achieve your Body Sculpting goals, proper food preparation is essential! Follow the guidelines below to ensure proper food preparation:
• Eat vegetables raw or slightly steamed. If boiling, be careful not to overcook or you will lose the nutritional value of the vegetables.
• Do not fry. Always broil, grill, steam or bake (broiling, grilling and steaming are better as they allow fat to drain while cooking).
• Trim all fat from meat and remove skin from poultry prior to cooking.
• Do not use salts, butter, oils, or sugar while cooking. Experiment with herbs, non-salt seasonings, lemon Juice, vinegar, garlic and pepper, even a touch (1 Tbsp; not a bottle) of some white or red wine. Occasional use of salsa, low sodium soy sauce, catsup, and mustard to enhance meats and vegetables is OK if used sparingly (1 Tbsp). Minced white or green onions are also excellent for seasoning.

Blend 3 scoops of Prolab’s vanilla N-Large 2 powder in 16 ounces of skim milk. Add 2 oranges and some ice cubes to the mix and blend for 30 seconds on high speed to a minute.

Calories: Approximately 770

Carbohydrates: 122 grams

Protein: 57 grams

Fats: 6 grams



8 oz
plain mashed sweet potatoes
2 cups
dry oatmeal
1 cup
egg whites
whole egg
1 tbsp
of vanilla
1/4 cup
muffin pan


1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl
2. Spray muffin pan with non-stick spray such as Pam
3. Pour mixture into muffin pan
4. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes


4 oz
of sweet potatoes
scoop of protein powder (vanilla is preferred)
egg whites
Splenda (optional)
cinnamon (optional)


1. Fully cook the sweet potatoes
2. Mix all the ingredients together
3. Cook the mixture on a skillet just like you would cook pancakes


1/2 cup
dry old fashioned oats
egg whites
Splenda (optional)
cinnamon (optional)


1. Mix all the ingredients together
2. Let mixture soak for 5 minutes
3. Cook the mixture on a skillet just like you would cook pancakes

You can top these with all-natural peanut butter, sugar-free jelly, or fruit of your choice



2 cups
dry old fashioned oats
scoops of whey protein powder
1/2 cup
all-natural peanut butter
Approx. 6 T
of water


1. Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl (easiest to do by hand)
2. Dough should be fairly stiff and formed into bars on wax paper
3. Either freeze for 30 minutes or chill in refrigerator until ready to eat


1/2 cup
dry old fashioned oats
1/4 cup
1 t
vanilla extract
packets of Splenda
cinnamon (optional)


1. Mix the oats with splenda and cinnamon
2. Add in the water and then the vanilla
3. Spray a piece of aluminum foil with non-stick cooking spray such as Pam
4. Spread oat mixture onto foil and enclose
5. Bake at approximately 250 degrees for 10 minutes
6. Open the aluminum foil and mix/stir the oats to break up the pieces
7. Bake for an additional 5-10 minutes or until desired crunchiness


egg white
1/4 cup
cottage cheese
1 can
flaked tuna
herbs of your choice
green pepper


1. Mix all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl
2. Heat skillet so that it is hot when you pour mixture onto it
3. Pour into skillet and cook like pancakes


Egg whites measured to your needs onions
green peppers
Mrs. Dash seasonings (any flavor) salsa


1. Heat skillet so that it is hot when you pour mixture onto it
2. Pour chopped up onions and green peppers onto skillet
3. Sprinkle seasonings onto veggies
4. After heating veggies, pour whites over them
5. After fully cooking the mixture remove from the pan
6. Spoon salsa (2 T) on top of veggies and enjoy!


1 cup
cottage cheese
packet crystal light
Small bowl or cups


1. Mix cottage cheese and crystal light flavoring in a small bowl or individual dishes

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