The Blonde Before Christmas: a Barb Jackson Mysteries holiday short story (10 page)

BOOK: The Blonde Before Christmas: a Barb Jackson Mysteries holiday short story
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"I swear," he answered quickly. "Thank you, Barb. You don't know how much this means to me."

"I think I might," I muttered as I stood. I already felt the weight of the world resting on my shoulders.

I circled the desk and held out my hand for a handshake before I could come to my senses and change my mind. I was more than a little surprised when Jason jumped to his feet, reached out, and pulled me into his arms in a tight embrace.

I stood still, in total shock until his scent hit me. The fragrance of his musky aftershave and the natural scent of his skin enveloped me. My inner hoochie took over, and I let myself melt into him.

I know, I know, it was a seriously bad move, but give a girl a break. My love life had been practically nonexistent for the past year, and sad to say, I'd been head over heels in love with Jason at one time…until he betrayed me.

I felt him press his lips against the top of my head.

Oh, God! Not that! Not the tender, you're so-special head kiss! Abort! Abort!

I forced myself to pull away before things got really out of hand, and I did something stupid like let my hormones take over. There was no way on Heaven or Earth I was going back down that road again. That sucker was full of potholes.

"I'll get started today and call you if I find anything."

He smiled and some of the tension visibly lifted from his body. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"I do." I smiled and turned back to my desk, then pressed the intercom button.

"Yes?" Kelly's voice echoed in the room between us.

"Mr. King will be paying you for our services on his way out. Charge him the cheating-arrogant-fool rate."

"You got it, boss," she answered, and I could hear the grin in her voice.

Jason chuckled and shook his head as he strode to the door and grasped the knob.

"Same ol' Barb."

He grinned once more at me over his shoulder and exited my office.

I shrugged because, really, what could I say? He was right. I was the same ol' Barb, and I was happy with that.

I just hoped he wasn't the same old Jason, because if he was, he'd be sitting in big-boy jail by the end of the week, and I'd be back to not being able to pay the light bill.





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