The Billionaire's Secret (14 page)

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Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #seduction, #hot romance, #steamy romance, #alpha male, #strong woman, #billionaire romance, #billionaire bad boy, #billioniare, #powerful billionaire, #taken by a billionaire

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When it came to business, they had always
supported each other. Whether it was just to listen or to give
advice, they were more than just friends—they were like

The call took place on time. Jon explained
the financial issue that Another Chance faced. “This is exactly the
kind of company Brad would have wanted us to sponsor. It represents
what he was all about, on a local level. This company doesn’t give
money and walk away. They are personally invested in providing
their community the tools and knowledge it needs to rebuild and
grow. All they need is our financial support. Everything else is
already in place.”

“I agree, Jon, but nothing is ever that
simple,” said Drew.

“Jon, you know how Takes One functions. We
anonymously provide a onetime donation,” Trent said. “We do not
publicly sponsor any specific organization or group.”

“Sponsoring means going public,” added Ross.
“Right now we have been supporting a number of groups for the right
reasons. Sponsoring their company is not something we can take on.
We would be more than happy to provide an anonymous donation from
Takes One, but that is all we can commit to.”

“If Another Chance is struggling that much,
maybe it needs more than just a sponsor,” said Trent. “Maybe it
needs new management.”

“Forget it, Trent, you are not what this
company needs,” Jon said. “And anyway, it’s a not-for-profit. Not
the type of company you usually take over.”

“You’re right, but maybe it’s not the profit
I find appealing. Someone has to step in or the company closes, so
why not me?” Trent asked.

“I don’t have enough time to list all the
reasons why it should not be you. But for starters, Trent, you have
a reputation for taking over a company, firing the staff, changing
the business totally, and making it your own. That’s not what
they’re looking for, and that’s not what they need.”

“Jon, you’re correct, that type of company
is not for me,” Trent said with a chuckle. “Since you’re set on
saving this company, I see only one solution. Quit trying to talk
us into doing what you already know is something you need to be
doing yourself. Time for
to start personally getting
involved. You want a sponsor for Another Chance, then let the
sponsor be Vinchi Medical Engineering. It will be good for the
company and good for their community, and just think how
appreciative Lizette will be. Hmm, maybe I should reconsider
sponsoring it myself. She is a beautiful woman.” Trent laughed

“Cool it, Trent, she’s not your type—she has
a brain,” Jon stated. He didn’t want Trent anywhere near Lizette.
His reputation with the ladies was infamous. He wasn’t just a shark
with corporations; he seemed to be the same with women. Jon
couldn’t count the number of broken hearts Trent had left behind.
The thought of Trent with Lizette made his blood boil. She deserved
better than someone like Trent. There was only one thing to do. “I
never thought I would hear myself say this, but for once, I agree
with you, Trent,” Jon said. “I will talk to you in two weeks at our
quarterly meeting. I believe we still have some unfinished business
to discuss regarding the future of Takes One.” Without leaving time
for the others to continue that conversation, he hung up the

Leaning back in his chair, he played with
the idea of sponsoring Another Chance. The positive was, he could
monitor how it was run to ensure it would be successful for years
to come. The negative was the amount of time he would need to give
to effectively set them back on track, from New York. First he
would have to determine why and how they ended up in this
situation. Next would be to make the corrections to ensure they
didn’t repeat the error. And third, he’d want to make this company
able to stand and grow on its own moving forward. Not a quick or
small feat. The question wasn’t if he could pull it off, but all
the time and work it would take to accomplish this would negatively
affect all he currently had on his plate with Vinchi Medical
Engineering. This was something he was going to need to think hard
about. He could not afford to lose anymore time and didn’t need
more distractions, and sponsoring this company would mean a lot of
He had not had anything but distractions
for almost a week now.

Tomorrow was Tuesday, and he had promised
he’d have an answer regarding the sponsorship by Friday. Searching
his desk, he located the business card Lizette had given him at the
charity event. Picking up his cell phone, he dialed the number on
the card.

“Hello, Elaine Manning speaking, may I help

“Ms. Manning, my name is Jon Vinchi. An
employee of yours, Lizette Burke, brought to my attention the
financial needs of your company. There is a business proposition I
would like to discuss with you.”

After a short pause she replied, “Yes, yes,
of course, Mr. Vinchi. I would be more than happy to meet with you
at whatever time is most convenient for you.”

“Ms. Manning, I would ask that you keep this
meeting and all we discuss confidential for now. This is between
you and me only.”

“Of course. I will tell no one.”

“Good. I will have my personal assistant,
Matt, call you shortly with the arrangements. ”

“Thank you, Mr. Vinchi.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Let’s meet and see if
we can come to terms with what’s best for Another Chance.”

Jon called Matt and gave him the
instructions for the meeting. Then he called his attorney with the
details of what he wanted to do and was given a few options. He
instructed his attorney to write up a contract and have it to him
by Thursday for review. On Friday, he would present the offer to
Ms. Manning as a take-it-or-leave-it. It wasn’t up for negotiation.
Based on what he knew of their situation, she didn’t have any
choice but to take it.

Jon grabbed another beer from the fridge and
lay on the couch. Trent’s words replayed in his mind: “Do it or
someone else will.” A week ago, he wasn’t looking to sponsor
anything. The only commitment he had was to himself. And, until
this past week, that was working for him. Nothing had been the same
since the morning he found out about the charity event, and somehow
he knew it never would be again. His world had been shaken, and now
it was tipped on its axis. All he wanted to do was meet his
deadline for the FDA so the software release could move forward as
planned. He had about two weeks left for the final submission. If
it failed again, the entire project would need to be put on hold,
and the submission process would need to begin again from scratch.
Too much was riding on this opportunity. Like Another Chance, this
technology could help a lot of people, and he could not risk its
failure. Downing his beer, he thought,
Two weeks.
two weeks and look at me—totally distracted by the most intriguing,
sexy woman I’ve ever met.
He was tempted to have Matt get the
helicopter ready, go get her, and drag her back to New York, but
the timing was off. Why couldn’t this have happened at any other

Closing his eyes, he realized sleep wasn’t
going to come easily tonight. He pulled out his cell phone and
called his driver; he might as well be productive if he wasn’t
going to sleep. When he arrived at his office he decided to focus
on tomorrow’s tasks. He was surprised how quickly emails could get
backed up. At about four a.m. his thoughts returned to Lizette. The
memory of her from Sunday, when she’d answered the door in her
robe, wet from her shower, was almost more than he could stand.
This woman was way too sexy. Most women would have flaunted their
looks, but Lizette was different. He wondered if she’d realized
she’d driven him crazy in her slender jeans. He had wanted nothing
more than to grab her firm ass, pull her close to him, and kiss her
till she could do nothing but lean in to him and beg for more. With
a long exhale, he rose from his seat.
he thought sarcastically.

Morning had arrived. It wasn’t his first
sleepless night, and it definitely wouldn’t be his last. He rose
from his desk and headed to the closet in his office. Good thing
Matt knew to keep a change of clothes ready for any occasion. He
had time for a quick shave and shower before the staff began to
arrive. The next few days were going to be business as usual, and
the team better be ready for it.


Chapter Thirteen


The rest of the week quickly went by as
planned. Now it was Friday and Jon hoped today would follow the
week’s trend.

The intercom buzzed. Well, he would have his
answer shortly. “Is she here?”

“Yes, sir, Ms. Manning has arrived,” Matt

“Send her in.”

Ms. Manning entered the room, and Jon
motioned for her to take the seat opposite his desk. “It’s a
pleasure meeting you, Mr. Vinchi.”

“Thank you for coming, Ms. Manning. If you
don’t mind, I’d like to get right to business.”

“Not at all,” Ms. Manning responded.

She wasn’t what he’d expected. She was most
likely in her early thirties, tall and slender with long dark hair.
She dressed in business attire, but her style was not conservative,
like he’d thought it would be. It was obvious she knew how
beautiful she was. She carried herself with a confidence that many
men would find intimidating. He, on the other hand, wasn’t
interested in her on either a physical or personal level. There was
only one reason he needed her here, and that was to settle the
issue regarding his sponsorship. Once that was done he could
concentrate on more important things, like his work.

Jon leaned back in his chair and said, “As I
mentioned on the phone, I’m well aware of Another Chance’s
financial difficulties. My research shows you have less than thirty
days before you’ll have no choice but to close your doors. Am I
correct about this, Ms. Manning?”

“You are.”

“Ms. Burke expressed your need for a
sponsor. I took the liberty of having my attorney draw up a
contract. Please take a moment to read it. Then we can discuss the
details.” Jon handed a copy of the contract to Ms. Manning.

She sat quietly, reading the contract, for
about twenty minutes. Once finished, she looked up and said, “Mr.
Vinchi, this is quite detailed. Your offer is more than generous.
However, I have some questions. You are offering to fully fund
Another Chance, in terms of both wages and projects, for the next
twelve months. Vinchi Medical Engineering will be our sole sponsor.
Your only expectations are that we don’t make any changes to the
programs we currently offer without your prior approval?”


“And if I’m reading this right, our
accounting manager needs to be relocated to New York within two
weeks and will be provided an office here, at Vinchi Medical


“Mr. Vinchi, I do have one concern regarding
this demand. I can’t dictate the relocation of my staff on such
short notice. I also have other concerns as well.”

“What are those concerns, Ms. Manning?”

“I believe your terms are more than fair.
However, I believe my accounting manager’s time would be best
utilized in the home office, close to our projects and the other
members of Another Chance.”

“I need her here so, at a moment’s notice,
she will be able to provide any reporting and updates I

“Are you sure, Mr. Vinchi, that is your only
reason for the relocation?” she challenged.

Jon had read her correctly when he sensed
she wasn’t easily intimidated. Not many people had the balls to
question his motives. She wasn’t off the mark, but what he chose to
do with Lizette was none of her, or anyone’s, business. “I don’t
like your implication, Ms. Manning. The offer is nonnegotiable. If
you want Vinchi Medical Engineering to sponsor Another Chance, this
is my offer. Otherwise you know where the door is and feel free to
look for another sponsor. I guarantee you won’t find anyone who
will meet or beat what I have proposed.” Jon handed her a pen and
said, “Make your choice, Ms. Manning. If you agree, sign at the

“You don’t seem to have given me much of a
choice, Mr. Vinchi.” Ms. Manning hesitated a moment, then reached
out her hand, took the pen, and signed the bottom of the contract,
where Jon had indicated. She handed him the papers and he in turn
signed next to her name. Jon then buzzed the intercom.

“Yes, Mr. Vinchi.”

“Matt, can you please make a lunch
reservation for Ms. Manning and me? Also, please have the contract
on my desk expedited to my attorney with the instructions to
process it today.” Then he turned his attention back to Ms. Manning
and said, “I will leave it to you to announce my sponsorship to
your staff next week. However, I would appreciate it if any public
announcements be approved through my office. Matt will be your
contact here if you need anything or have any questions.”

“Certainly, Mr. Vinchi. I look forward to
seeing where this twelve-month trial sponsorship takes us.”

Yes, the next twelve months should prove to
be interesting. They would give him the opportunity to get to know
Lizette better while still giving him all the time he needed to
focus on his work. And if things didn’t work out the way he
planned, then he could always move her back to Rhode Island. No
harm done.

The intercom buzzed. “Mr. Vinchi, Mr. Davis
is here. He said you have a lunch meeting with him today.”

Jon didn’t recall any scheduled meeting with
Trent. A drop-in visit must mean he felt guilty about what he and
Drew had pulled last Friday. “Send him in.”

“Hey, Jon, I’m not interrupting anything, am
I?” Trent asked as he looked Ms. Manning over from head to toe.

“No, not at all. I would like to introduce
you to Ms. Elaine Manning. She’s the CEO of Another Chance.” Jon
enjoyed watching Trent’s expression as he took in the information.
Who’s kicking himself in the ass now?
“That is the company
Lizette Burke works for. Ms. Manning, this is Trent Davis, a friend
of mine.”

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