The Billionaire's Secret (10 page)

Read The Billionaire's Secret Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #seduction, #hot romance, #steamy romance, #alpha male, #strong woman, #billionaire romance, #billionaire bad boy, #billioniare, #powerful billionaire, #taken by a billionaire

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret
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“So you did not plan all this with

“I don’t know how many times I have to tell
you. I don’t know a Drew. I don’t know what you think I planned
with Drew. Ms. Manning was sick so I filled in for her at the last
minute on Friday. The rest you were there for.”

The silence hung between them until finally
Jon said in a softer, less threatening tone, “Maybe we can start
today over?”

Lizette nodded.

Jon extended his right hand. “Hello, I am
Jon Vinchi. I was hoping you were free for lunch.”

“I am.” The now-cold pizza on the table was
a dead giveaway she was free. Lizette looked at him, trying to sort
through the last hour. She was so confused, but for now, she saw a
glimmer of hope that all was not lost. “Would you care to join me?”
She opened the pizza box to reveal a fully loaded veggie lover’s
pizza. Her favorite. “I’d hate for this to go to waste. Do you mind
cold pizza?”

“Sounds great.”

He got up from his chair and joined her on
the couch.

“Can I get you something cold to drink?
Soda? Water? Beer?”

“Beer would be great.”

As they sat on the couch eating pizza and
enjoying their beer, he asked questions about the pictures he had
viewed in the album. Most of them had been taken at what was once
her parents’ store.

“Lizette, tell me about the pharmacy. From
your album, it looks like you practically lived there.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Ma mentioned that your parents owned

“Yes, until they were swallowed up by a
giant corporation not interested in a family-run business. Now my
parents’ pharmacy is no more.”

She sat quietly. This was not a discussion
she wanted to have with Jon. He was one of the giant companies. He
couldn’t understand how she felt.

“There must be more to it than that.”

“That is all I want to say about it. It’s
not something I like talking about.”

“Okay, so tell me something else about

“There’s really not much to know.”

“Ma mentioned you’re gifted with numbers. If
you are so good, why work for a not-for-profit? If you really are
that good, I’m sure you could get another job. I would be happy to
refer you to a couple companies where you could double or triple
what you’re earning now.”

“I don’t work there for the money. I work
there because I believe in what they’re trying to do. I see the
difference they make every day in the community. Not everything is
about money.”

“It takes money to run a business.”

“Yes, it takes money to run a business, I
won’t deny that, but money is only one part. It also takes
dedication and time from volunteers. You need someone to be out
there, to physically do the work. Giving money is the easy way out.
The day-to-day commitment to making a difference is what gets
things done.”

“Ouch, not a great sales pitch when you’re
looking for a sponsor.”

. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend
you. We do need your sponsorship badly. I wasn’t trying to make
light of the importance of financial support. I was just trying to
explain that it’s just one piece, not the whole picture. I’m a bit
passionate about what we do.”

“I get it, Lizette.”

“So do you think you can help us? Will you
sponsor Another Chance?”

He finished his beer and said, “I am sure
you will understand I need to research this further before I commit
to anything. You will have my answer by the end of the day on

Oh, God, is this a good or bad sign? He’s
rich, what is there to think about? Just say yes. It’s peanuts to a
guy like him. Probably spends more than what we need on suits.
But he held all the cards; if she pushed him for an answer now, he
might say no. She nodded her agreement.

“I need to get back to the office. Matt, my
assistant, will be in touch.” He rose and headed for the door. She
followed closely behind. “Thank you for the pizza and beer.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Next time, I take you out.” He smiled, then
leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss, his lips barely touching hers
briefly. She didn’t even closed her eyes. Her mind was spinning as
he opened the door and left her standing there, staring after him,
What if?
She touched her lips to savor the kiss,
then closed the door thinking,
Next time?

She stood at the door for what felt like
eternity, savoring the kiss. There was a knock on the door. Maybe
he had made his decision faster than he’d expected. She opened the
door. “Did you forget something?” she asked.

“Do you already have plans for today?”

“No. No, I don’t.”
Well, nothing that
can’t wait.

“Good. I was hoping you would have dinner
with me.”

Dinner? We just had lunch about two hours
ago. But okay. Maybe he wants to continue discussing the
“Yes, I would like that. I could recommend
someplace local if you like Italian food,” she offered.

Jon shook his head. “Actually, there’s a
place I’d like to take you. You’re not afraid to fly, are you?”

Fly? Guess he wasn’t thinking local after
“No, I’m not afraid to fly. Where exactly do you plan on
taking me?”

“Someplace I hope you will enjoy. Do you
have a place I can change while you get ready?”

He pulled out a suit he’d been hiding behind
his back. Lizette motioned him in and showed him to the guest room
where he could change. She went to her own room to prepare for
whatever adventure it was Jon had planned for the night. She only
hoped it wasn’t going to be payback for picking up trash

Lizette pulled out the little black dress
that hung in her closet, waiting for the right occasion. If her
female intuition was correct, tonight was that occasion.

She decided to wear her hair down as she had
Friday night. Opening her jewelry box that contained the small
collection she had inherited from her grandmother, she picked out a
single string of pearls and matching earrings. One last look in the
mirror. Yes, from the outside, it looked like she was ready for


Chapter Nine


As Lizette entered the living room, where he
had been patiently waiting for more than forty-five minutes, Jon
had only one thought—

“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,”
she said.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Yes, he
waited a long time, but it was worth every minute. “Not at all. But
if we don’t leave now, I’m afraid you won’t be getting dinner

She smiled innocently and blushed. “Well,
then, let me get my purse, and we can go.”

He could not help but be disappointed in her
answer, but it was early in the day, and he had promised her
dinner. He could wait a bit longer for dessert. Smiling, he swept
his arm in front of him and said, “After you.”

Lizette quickly brushed passed him and
headed for her car. Jon grabbed her hand to stop her. “Today,
neither of us is driving.”

She looked past him and saw the sleek black
limo parked in front of her house.
How could I have missed
Jon placed a hand on the curve of her back to guide her,
and her body tingled in response.
There’s my answer,
thought. She smiled to herself as they made their way to the limo.
The driver greeted them as he opened the door.

She could feel the limo’s cool leather as it
touched the bare skin on her back, and she could not help but
release a small shudder that escaped her.

“Are you okay?” Jon asked as he seated
himself beside her.

“A bit cold, that’s all.”

“I can fix that.” He leaned toward her and
kissed her, ever so lightly at first, but as her body seemed to
have a mind of its own, a low moan escaped her lips begging him for
more. He was happy to fulfill her request and slid his hand behind
her, pulling her close to him. As his tongue teased and probed her
mouth, his hand found its way to her breast, which reacted to his
touch instantly. She cried out softly as he gently pinched her
now-firm nipple. But as quickly as the encounter started, it ended,
and he reluctantly pulled himself away. Placing his hand under her
chin, he stroked her bottom lip with his thumb as he asked, “Are
you sure you want to go to dinner?”

Every nerve in her body was screaming, “No,
take me right here! Now!” Grasping at her last shred of
self-control, she could only utter one word: “Yes.”

He nodded and buzzed the intercom. “All set,

The limo pulled away from the curb, and
their adventure together finally began.

Lizette sat quietly then asked, “Where are
we going?” The limo turned off the highway and took the back roads
through the town of Lincoln.

“I am taking you to dinner.”

“I thought you said we were flying

“We’re on the way to the airport now.”

“Which airport?” she asked, since it seemed
they were not headed to Logan, in Boston, or T.F. Green, in
Providence. He didn’t need to answer as the limo pulled into a
small airport hidden away from the main road. How had she lived in
Rhode Island all her life and had never been here? The limo drove
onto the runway, where small twin-engine planes were lined up.
She’d told him she wasn’t afraid of flying because she had flown
when she went away to college, but she had never been in a small
plane before. The last thing she wanted was to start the date by
being sick on a plane. She was just about to bring up her concerns
when the limo turned behind the hangar.
, she thought as
the limo stopped near a large maroon-and-black helicopter, with the
logo for Vinchi Medical Engineering painted on its side. “We’re
going in that?”

“Yes. Do you mind? You said you weren’t
afraid to fly.”

“No, I’m not, but I’ve never been in one of
those.” She pointed to the helicopter. “Guess there’s a first time
for everything, right?” She was a bit nervous and looked at him,
intending to tell him she’d changed her mind. But once her eyes met
his, she melted. She could not deny him or herself any longer.
Entwining her fingers with his, she forgot everything else.

Jon led her to the helicopter. As she
entered, her first thought was,
Holy shit, now this is
. In contrast to the helicopter’s dark exterior, the
seats inside were made of white leather, trimmed in black.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I didn’t picture it would look like
this inside.”

“It’s convenient when traveling within New

“Convenient” was an understatement, based on
what she was looking at. Stepping inside, she chose to sit facing
forward. Of course, that meant sitting on a plush leather couch
that could comfortably seat three. The softness of the cushions
made the limo seats feel like they were made of stone.

Across from the couch were two large white
leather recliners and what appeared to be a bar and a television.
She couldn’t imagine anyone wasting time watching TV and missing
out on a spectacular view. She positioned herself so she could see
out the window easily. If she was going to do this, she wasn’t
going to miss a thing.

Now buckled in, Lizette was ready for
liftoff. Jon sat next to her, smiled, and then pressed a button on
the wall of the helicopter. He said something to the pilot, and the
helicopter slowly began to lift off the ground. This was a totally
different feeling than she’d experienced in a plane. Instinctively,
she reached for Jon’s hand and closed her eyes. Jon seemed more
than happy to offer her comfort. After a few moments her nerves
settled, and she was able to open her eyes and look out the window.
She watched as they slowly flew over the city of Providence. She
pointed out the city’s capitol building, the Biltmore Hotel, the
Federal Hill neighborhood, and a few other sites she recognized
from above. It was beautiful. She went into the city often, but
she’d never seen it like this.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

Only taking her eyes from the view for a
moment, she said, “Yes, so much. Thank you.” She knew he must have
instructed the pilot to hover over Providence, and that made the
experience even more special.

Once they passed the city, the helicopter
rose in altitude and picked up speed. She was very curious as to
where they were going, but for now she would trust him.

Sitting back in her seat, she noticed Jon
had been watching her. “What?”

“I’m glad you decided to accept my dinner

“So am I.”

Jon lifted her hand, held it to his lips,
and gave it a soft kiss. “So, Lizette Burke, we have an hour-long
flight. How would you like to pass the time?” He winked.

Blushing, she replied, “Many options come to
mind, but I think hearing more about you would be the safest.”

“Not my favorite subject, but ask away.”

“Okay, so what does Vinchi Medical
Engineering do?”

“Well, we design robotics and their software

“Robotics? Is that like toys or

“No, Lizette. We don’t design toys.”

“So what do you design?”

“A variety of things. One branch designs
surgical robotics. They are high-tech computerized devices used
during delicate, precise surgical procedures. They’re most commonly
used during heart and brain surgeries, but we also make some that
can assist in tumor removals in other areas.”

“Sounds exciting, but I would have pictured
the inventor of something like that to be an old, balding, boring,
nerdy scientist type.”

“Sorry to disappoint you. I guess I am the
nerdy scientist type, but I don’t consider myself old.”

They shared a warm laugh.
not a word she would have ever used to describe Jon. Hot, sexy,
powerful—but nerdy? Absolutely not! “So what made you decide to get
into surgical robotics?”

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