The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four (4 page)

Read The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four
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he next morning
KJ was filled with regret and exhausted from yet another restless night’s sleep.
God, what I wouldn’t give for a few hours of quality sleep.

When she eventually gave up the battle and dragged herself out of bed, Blossom let herself out through the doggie door. The size of it made KJ wish Blossom had learned to use the regular door because it took up half the doorway anyway. Still not fully awake, KJ headed straight for the coffee pot. Nothing good was going to happen until at least her second cup today, not even a shower.

As the coffee started to kick in, so did the details of last night. It was bad enough the first time. Instant replay of how it ended wasn’t the way she wanted to spend any part of her day. She couldn’t ignore the mile-high stack of pots, pans, and dishes still scattered throughout her kitchen.
The problem with cooking,
she thought, laying her head in defeat on the one free space on the table,
is the cleaning.
Since the morning had slipped away quickly, her afternoon would be consumed with soaking and scrubbing.
And why didn’t I use disposable?
Being in Napa, she had come to enjoy the lush green, hence her newly rejuvenated ecofriendly approach. Right now she wished she had chosen to been friendlier to herself and at least had soaked the pots overnight.

Next time, we go out to eat
. Where did that thought come from? Drew hadn’t mentioned anything about a next time when he left abruptly last night. Actually, he hadn’t said a thing, but rather kissed her hand and left. Yes, she had asked him to go, but that didn’t mean she’d wanted him to be so keen about it. She could still see the look in his eyes and how it had changed from interested when they were eating dinner to alarmed the moment he’d entered what looked like Armageddon.
Probably took one look at the disaster in the kitchen and was waiting for an excuse. That is probably how he saw me too: a disaster.
She couldn’t blame him. It had looked like an alternate universe where no one picked up after themselves.
You should have listened to me and stayed in the dining room then maybe my morning would’ve been much more interesting.
KJ couldn’t even believe she was contemplating a one-night stand. That’s not who she was, but maybe it was what she needed right now.
I was really so sure he wanted me. Perhaps I misread his interest. He left without putting up even the slightest fight.

With her head still on the table, eyes closed, she could almost picture how sweet it would’ve been. He would’ve carried her to the bedroom, made sweet love to her for hours on end, arms and legs entwined as he kissed her passionately, telling her how amazing she was. Lifting her head, she opened her eyes and once again faced reality. What had she been thinking, that he was so attracted to her that nothing else mattered?
Obviously not.
If he had been, then he wouldn’t have been able to pull himself away so easily.
But I wanted him.

KJ got up, turned the radio to classic rock, and began the dreaded chore. Though it had seemed endless at the beginning, surprisingly a few short hours later she was putting the very last pan back in the cupboard.
Could have finished faster if I hadn’t spent so much time procrastinating.
Leaning back against the sink, she eyed her now sparkly clean kitchen.
Back to normal.
That thought left a pit in her stomach. There was a whirlwind of emotions running through her. She could clean the house a million times over, but normal was not anything close to what she was feeling. Happy, sad, bitter, and sweet. KJ knew when her life had changed, but the question was when was it going to stabilize? Meeting Drew only brought another level into the mix—passion, desire, want, and need.
Bad timing.
How could she consider letting any of those feelings in when she’d lost everything that meant anything to her? Her sister was gone, and her new career path was uncertain. Could her life get any worse? Standing there grumbling about it wasn’t going to change anything.
I need a break

Calling out loudly she said, “Blossom, let’s go girl.” As usual, coming on command, she let herself back in, tail wagging. Since KJ couldn’t have what she wanted, which was to see Drew again, then this was going to have to do. “I know I’m late for your walk.”

Her relaxing walk turned into a jog. So much built-up tension still lingered in her body begging for release, and yet she found none. Turning the last bend on her street she broke into a full run.
I’m going to shake this feeling one way or another.
Normally they went first thing in the morning, but the afternoon heat was already creeping in, and sweat quickly began to bead on her forehead and drip down her neck. KJ didn’t want to quit, and she would have pushed past the heat, but she wasn’t alone. Blossom kept pace with her, not missing a beat. She knew it was time to call it quits before either of them became overheated. Slowing her pace again, they walked the rest of the way home.

As she approached her driveway she noticed a vehicle parked behind her red Volkswagen Bug.
I’m not expecting anyone
. Hesitating for a moment, she looked around. There hadn’t been anyone in the car or on her porch.
Please don’t be a salesman. Can’t handle it today
. Blossom, who normally would have sat quietly by her side when she stopped, now pulled her in the direction of the backyard, tail wagging.
Okay, girl, you better not be wrong about this.

Following her lead, KJ opened the white picket gate and entered the backyard. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. “Guess you just want to play.” Unhooking Blossom’s leash so she could have the run of the yard, she headed right for the hammock hung between the two huge blue oak trees.
Is that where you left our ball?
Only when Blossom didn’t come trotting right back did KJ notice the hammock was occupied. Whoever it was, Blossom was being very welcoming.
So much for being intimidating.

As KJ got closer she noticed the man had one hand extended and was rubbing Blossom behind the ears.
Eat it up now, girl, but we are having a long talk after this.
When she approached the hammock she was both pleasantly surprised and horrified to find who the occupant was.
. Running a hand through her long blonde hair and trying to wipe the sweat from her brow, she thought,
Did I miss something last night? Did we have a date?

“Drew, what brings you by again? Did you forget something last night?”
Like kissing me goodnight?
She brushed those thoughts from her mind. Thinking like that was only going to further frustrate her.

Drew did not lift himself off the hammock. Instead he turned to her, moved over a bit, and asked, “Would you like to join me?”

Blossom put her paw on the hammock. KJ gave a command snap, which Blossom obeyed and immediately lay down. Though his offer was tempting, she reminded herself just how sweaty she was and most likely stunk. This was as close as she was about to get to him till she had a chance to shower. “So what brings you back this afternoon?”

Drew proceeded to swing on the hammock and said, “I believe we had some unfinished business last night.”

She was puzzled. It was one night and only dinner. As far as she was concerned it was finished. Not that she wished it was, but it was what it needed to be. “Was there something else you wanted to talk about?”

Drew laughed. “No, I believe you offered dinner and dessert.”

KJ shook her head. She wasn’t going to relive the chocolate cake incident. “Sorry, that offer ended up in the trash.”

“It was a waste, but I was actually hoping I could take you out for dessert today.”

She eyed him
. Out for dessert? I know what you want.
“Drew, I haven’t even eaten today.”

He rose from the hammock and came to stand by her. “Not breakfast or lunch?”

Time had slipped away, and in the mood she was in earlier, food wasn’t going to sit well with her. “I had coffee.”

“No wonder you look like you do. We better get some food in you before you collapse.”

Hands on her hips, she was about to tell him that if he didn’t like the way she looked then he knew where the gate was. However, there was something in his tone that stopped her. He wasn’t being sarcastic; it almost sounded like concern. Running in the heat on an empty stomach was foolish. She probably did look that bad. “Dessert sounds good, but how about we go out for an early dinner instead?”

Drew smiled and said, “We’ll start with dinner, and we’ll talk dessert later. I dreamt of that chocolate cake all night.”

Yeah, cake, I bet.
She decided to ignore his comment. “If you don’t mind watching Blossom, I’d like to freshen up before we go out.” She didn’t wait for an answer, knowing that whatever came out of his mouth would just be more sexual innuendo. She didn’t want him reading her thoughts, or he might just be tempted to join her in the shower.
And what was worse – she would have let him.

Drew hadn’t anticipated
being left to play with the dog for more than thirty minutes—thirty tortuous minutes, knowing she was naked, wet, and if he read the situation correctly, wanting him. Though he’d made a lot of progress with Blossom, he wasn’t about to push his luck and enter that house uninvited. Thankfully his wait was soon over. Wearing a pair of white shorts that showed off her long sexy legs, and a T-shirt that clung to her full breasts—making him want her even more—she approached him.
Is there anything she doesn’t look good in?
No, she was drop-dead gorgeous, the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. How was she still single at thirty-two?

Then he remembered her lifestyle. She had mentioned traveling continuously from one location to another while in the Marines. That mustn’t have presented much of an opportunity to settle down, to make a commitment and have a family.
Family. She’d never mentioned hers. I’ll have to ask her about that.

“Sorry to keep you waiting so long. Hope Blossom didn’t wear you out. She’s still playful like a puppy. She just turned two a few months ago, and, if you haven’t noticed already, she has endless amount energy.”

I have more than enough to spare myself.
“You have a great dog here, but sorry Blossom, you’re not invited to dinner.” He watched Blossom, who turned her head slightly as though she understood. A slight whine left her, and she lay down.
Great, now I’ve disappointed all the ladies in the house.

They made their way to his Jeep, which was still parked behind her Bug. “Your town, where would you like to go?”

“There’s a small diner not far from here. It’s early; I think we can still get a table.”

He started the Jeep, plugged in the address she provided, and backed out of the driveway. The one thing he hated about traveling was the rental cars.
Asked for a fancy convertible and got a Jeep.
He could see Blossom’s head staring him down over the white picket fence as he pulled away.
No promises, Blossom. Even my best behavior isn’t normally considered good behavior.

Drew had to do a little coaxing with the hostess, but they realized he was not one to take no for an answer. He wanted the table on the patio set far apart from the rest. He did not care if it said reserved; whoever it was would just have to take whatever table was left. Dinner might not have gone quite as planned last night, but today was a new day, which meant new opportunities, and he was not about to blow it.

“What did you say to her? As long as I’ve come here, this table has always said reserved and never been used.” Katherine’s expression was one of mystery and concern.

“I just explained that was the table I wanted.”
Threatened and bribed, but all the same, my point was taken.

She had chosen well. They were high enough on the hill to have a view of the vineyards down below. The menu was full of light healthy options and not one he normally would have chosen. He had found the tacos unusual; the contents were stuffed into crisp lettuce instead of a tortilla.
Is this supposed to fill me up?
Katherine had explained the benefits of eating this healthier choice. Healthy or not, Drew was a meat and potato type of guy, and dessert was now a necessity not an option. Until some doctor told him he had to, he had no plans on making this kind of change anytime soon.

The conversation was light and at times felt forced. Was she still upset at him for ruining her dinner last night?
No, that couldn’t be it.
There was something else; he just wasn’t sure what it was. He wanted to ask her now, but if he did he knew she would find a way to avoid answering. That line of questioning was going to need to wait until they returned to her bungalow. He found himself enjoying her company more than he had anticipated. How could he not? She was intelligent, witty, beautiful, and somehow he was even more attracted to her after spending this time together. Drew was convinced there was a sexual chemistry between them he was very keen to explore. He only hoped she was feeling it too.
Not looking forward to going home alone two nights in a row.

The ride home was the scenic route. They enjoyed the beautiful fresh air as she directed him to some of the local sights. He pretended to listen and care, but he was not here for a sightseeing adventure. There was only one sight he wanted to see, one that had been haunting his dreams for weeks.
Her naked body sprawled on the sheets waiting for me.

When they arrived back at her home, she hopped out of the Jeep and said, “Thank you for dinner, it was lovely,” and headed toward the house.

He wasn’t about to say goodbye. He really hadn’t come here on business. There was only one thing that brought him to the West Coast right now, and that was her. There was no way he was leaving today until he’d tasted those sweet lips that teased him every time she spoke. Climbing out of the Jeep, he followed her to the door. She was just about to open it when she turned and met his gaze.

“Was there something else?” She had a way of looking at him with such innocence, but he didn’t believe it for a moment. She knew he wanted her. Why was she pretending otherwise?

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