The Billionaire Playboy (12 page)

Read The Billionaire Playboy Online

Authors: Christina Tetreault

Tags: #sweet, #new england, #series romance, #billionaire, #United States Navy, #captain, #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Billionaire Playboy
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“I didn't say I
wasn't excited. Just that I'm not all that nervous,” Charlie answered with
quiet emphasis. “Now are you going to help me find a dress or not?”

Jessica began
moving again. “Are we looking for something blue or is that not your favorite
color anymore?”

“Jake said the
bridesmaids are wearing royal blue so unfortunately I need to pick something

“Too bad you
don't like yellow. Supposedly it's the in color this season.”

A sense of guilt
pressed down on Charlie as she watched Jessica stroll between the racks of
dresses. In high school they'd been the closest of friends. Over the years
though she'd made little effort to stay in contact, yet Jessica still
remembered what colors she preferred. Now that she had reconnected with Jessica
she wouldn't let that happen again. When she returned to Virginia she would
make an effort to keep in touch.

Charlie pushed
the guilt away and stopped at a rack of dresses. “What do you think of this
one?” Charlie held up a simple black cocktail dress.

“You can't wear
black to an afternoon wedding.” Jessica grabbed the dress out of Charlie's
hands and held up a floor length lilac gown. “This one would work though.”

It took them
several tries but after two hours of shopping they agreed on a strapless
cream-colored floor length gown with an open back. With Jessica's help Charlie
choose a pair of silver heels and a silver clutch that matched the silver
beading around the sweetheart neckline.

With the
purchases in the car, Charlie pulled onto the highway. “Thanks for your help. I
would've ended up with that black dress if it wasn't for you.”

“Any time,
Charlie. You have to come in when you drop me off. I have some jewelry that'll
go perfectly with that dress.”






Of all of the
absurd things she'd done, this one topped the list. According to the media this
wedding. Even her friends,
who like her didn't care about the actions of the rich and famous, had been
talking about this wedding for months. And it was hard not to. The President's
formerly unknown illegitimate daughter was marring billionaire CEO Dylan Talbot
who just happened to be the President's stepson.

Charlie couldn't
help but think that she shouldn't be going. She had no ties to the family and
had only known Jake for a couple of weeks. Yet even though she planned to tell
Jake she'd changed her mind, each time she tried she couldn't bring herself to
do it. How often did someone like her get to attend a wedding like this?

The prospect of
seeing the wedding wasn't the only thing that held Charlie back from canceling.
Though she hated to admit it, she was looking forward to spending a few days
away with Prince Charming as the media like to call him. She knew he would be
returning to Virginia soon. While the town wasn't yet back to normal,
everything continued to improve and the day-to-day recovery operations didn't
require Jake's attention. Besides who knew when his foundation's help would be
needed elsewhere.

When he left
she'd miss him. While they didn't live that far apart in Virginia they didn't
exactly travel in the same circles. The likelihood of them seeing each other
again was remote, which shouldn't have bothered her. Or at least she kept
telling herself that as she packed.

You've got to get your head on straight. Enjoy your
time with him but don't get attached. Once he leaves, that's it. Chances are he
won't even remember your name.

A wave of
sadness crashed over her at the thought of him forgetting her. Charlie knew she
wouldn't forget him or the kisses they'd shared. Then again she didn't have
gorgeous men throwing themselves at her feet left and right. Jake on the other
hand had no shortage of women looking to spend time with him. Though he'd
downplayed the number of relationships he'd been in, Charlie didn't doubt the
number still far surpassed her not insignificant total.

Charlie balled
up a t-shirt and shoved it into her bag, then zipped it closed. Damn that
hurricane. It had upset more than just the town. It'd even managed to wreak
havoc on her usually well-controlled emotions.

From now on she
was going to keep her emotions in check. No longer would it bother her that
Jake would soon be just a pleasant memory that she could share with her friends
when she got home. With her mind made up she pulled the bag off the bed and
headed downstairs.




Somebody needs to wake me
. Charlie
fidgeted in the front seat, her stomach churning with anxiety as Jake drove the
Escalade through the security gate at Cliff House. Before she could stop
herself she turned to look out the back window as the gate closed, keeping out
any unwanted visitors including the numerous news vans parked on the street.

“I can't believe
the reporters are here already,” Charlie said turning back around. “The wedding
isn't until tomorrow afternoon.”

Jake reached
over and took hold of her hand. Charlie knew he could feel how clammy it was
yet he didn't comment. Thank God. Just having him know she was nervous
embarrassed her. She didn't need him commenting on it too.

probably been here all week. Imagine the disaster it would be if those vultures
missed something.” Jake's tone told her all she needed to know about how he
viewed the reporters.

After traveling
down a long winding driveway, Jake pulled into a garage bigger than her house
and filled with expensive cars. At the far end sat a black Aston Martin and
next to it was a bright red Ferrari.

“Did you tell
your family you were bringing a guest?” Butterflies took off in her stomach at
the thought of meeting the owners of the cars parked around them.

“I told Callie. I'm
sure she told everyone else.” Jake pulled the keys out of the ignition but
didn't make any move to get out. “Don't tell me the doctor is nervous?”

Charlie licked
her dry lips and looked everywhere but at him. She never suffered attacks of
nervousness, yet a mammoth butterfly fluttered around in her stomach now.

Reaching out
Jake cupped the side of her face. “You shouldn't be nervous. My family is a
little annoying but generally harmless.”

A sarcastic
laugh escaped Charlie. “Your father is the President of the United States. He's
the most powerful man in the world. I wouldn't call him harmless.”

Jake shrugged
and threw her a carefree grin. “Don't worry Doc, I'll protect you. Promise.” Without
hesitating he leaned closer and sealed his promise with a gentle kiss. A kiss
that turned from gentle to hungry and urgent in the blink of an eye.

Man that guy kisses like nobody’s business.
Charlie didn't
want to think about all the practice he must have had to get that incredible. If
she did, the ugly jealousy monster would begin to make an appearance again. Jealousy
wasn't a rational emotion and definitely not one she had any right to feel.

Charlie knew the
minute he decided to end the kiss. There was a subtle change in the pressure of
his lips. It was always that way. For a moment she toyed with the idea of
trying to get him to continue his heavenly onslaught. More than once she'd been
able to do it. But today she doubted she'd be able to.

“I'd love to
stay here with you all day, but they'll be wondering where we are. The Secret
Service will have let them know we've arrived.”

Charlie nodded,
not wanting to speak. If she did, Jake would know just how breathless his kiss
left her and she didn't see any need to stroke the guy's ego.

“Just relax. Everything
will be fine. You're going to have a great weekend.”

Jake didn't wait
for a reply; instead he opened his car door.

“Enjoy yourself
and think of all the stories you'll be able to tell people later,” she said
under her breath as she waited for Jake to open her car door. A few weeks
earlier she would have done it herself, but since spending time in his company
she'd gotten used to him opening doors for her. While she'd never admit it to
anyone, she liked having him do it. It made her feel pampered and special. When
they parted ways she would miss these unfamiliar feelings.
I'm not going to focus on that now. This weekend is all about having
some fun.
Jake reached for her hand and they walked out of the garage and
into the bright sunshine together.

They hadn't even
made it out of the grand marble-tiled foyer with its pillars and vaulted
ceiling when a petite woman with long mahogany hair and eyes identical to
Jake's greeted them. Charlie may not read popular celebrity magazines often,
but even she recognized Callie Taylor, Jake's half-sister. She'd thought the
woman was pretty when she'd seen her in photos but they didn't do her justice. It
was no wonder Dylan Talbot had fallen in love with her.

Jake enveloped
the petite woman in a warm hug making it clear to Charlie just how much he
cared about her. When was the last time Sean hugged her like that? The question
popped into Charlie's head out of nowhere. Her brother never showed his
emotions, even when they were younger. He didn't hug but rather gave a slap on
the back. Watching Jake with his sister sent her back through her memories
searching for the last time Sean had given her a hug even remotely close to the
one Jake shared with Callie. It'd been right after their parents' divorce when she'd
realized her dad wasn't coming home. Sean had hugged her as she cried and he
promised that everything would be fine. Up till that day she had
secretly hoped her dad still might come home
even though he'd been gone a year. That somehow things would go back to the way
they were before he walked out on them without even saying goodbye. Yet when
her mom and Sean returned home from the courthouse that afternoon, she'd known
life would never be the same.

“This is

Jake's words
pulled her away from her memories and back to the marble foyer.

“You've probably
guessed already, but this is my sister and the bride-to-be,

Charlie smiled. “Nice
to meet you.” Extending her hand she waited for the other woman to take it but
instead Callie stepped toward her and hugged her. Taken back Charlie stood
frozen for half a second before returning the warm gesture.

“I'm glad you
could come. Someone needs to make sure my brother behaves himself,” Callie said
nodding in Jake's direction. In a flash the smile that had been on Callie's
face faded. “Warren wants to see you.”

By the way
Callie looked over at Jake, Charlie guessed he already knew what his father

“I'll keep
Charlotte company.”

Despite his
sister's reassurance Jake still didn't move. Something was up. Jake always
spoke warmly about his family, giving her the impression that they were a
tight-knit group, so his current reluctance didn't make a lot of sense.

Mind your own business.
If he wants to
share he will, Charlie told herself.

“Go ahead. I'll
be fine.” Charlie took a step away from him.


Jake watched as
his sister led Charlie away. “Do you like baseball?” He heard his sister ask as
the women walked up the grand staircase.

At least someone will have a good afternoon
. Jake turned
toward the hall that led to his father's study. Callie was one of the
friendliest people he knew. If anyone could make Charlie feel comfortable here,
it was her. Why couldn't his father have waited for this? He knew his father
wanted to discuss the Blair situation. A situation he was already handling. He
didn't need his family getting involved. Although he'd expected their
interference, he'd hoped they'd wait till after the wedding. They knew he had a
guest with him.

Standing in
front of his father's study, he paused. Right now he should be the one showing
Charlie around. Maybe they could have hid out on the sail boat he kept moored
here for some private time before lunch. She'd told him she was eager to give
sailing a try. But instead of doing that he was about to face the firing squad.

Raising his
fist, he knocked on the heavy mahogany door and waited. From the other side his
father told him to come in. Taking another deep breath, he turned the knob and

The familiar
sent of old books and leather enveloped him. He'd always loved this room. Other
than his own private suite on the second floor overlooking the ocean, this was
his favorite room at Cliff House. As usual his father sat behind his massive
antique desk, a mug of coffee and several documents in front of him. On the
other side of the desk in one of the leather chairs sat his half-brother Dylan.

“About time my
best man got here,” Dylan greeted. Coming to his feet he smiled and gave Jake a
thump on the back.

Jake couldn't
remember ever seeing his brother as happy as he'd been during the past year and
today was no exception. “Wouldn't miss it for the world. Just don't forget you
wouldn't even be getting married if it wasn't for me. You owe me one.” Jake
couldn't resist giving his brother a hard time.

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