The Best Man (15 page)

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Authors: Carol Hutchens

BOOK: The Best Man
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“I guess you’re right. I don’t like it…but I see your point.” She sighed. “Okay, I’ll follow your lead, Luke.”

Luke didn’t blink. He didn’t dare give her time to reconsider. “Can we get together to compare notes this weekend?” He had to make haste with his victory. He would spend time with Kate and bone up on his caseload at the same time.

“Can’t,” Kate wiggled in her chair, “I already have plans.”

“At the Crisis Center?” Luke couldn’t keep the note of censure out of his voice.

“No-o…if you must know, I’m working on a Habitat for Humanity Project.”

“You’re building a house?”

Seeing his shocked expression, Kate grinned. “I learned a lot about building while I was on the island.”

Kate watched expressions chase across Luke’s face. She’d learned a lot about herself while she was away. She learned what was important. But her old habit, of making things seem fine when they weren’t, still posed a problem she realized, thinking back over the last few minutes.

She’d tried hard to appear unfazed by Joel and Laurel’s relationship, when the truth was a far different matter. She didn’t love Joel. She had been truthful when she said their marriage had ended before they left for that trip.

But facing yet another rejection challenged her strength.

Not seeing her tension, Luke grinned. “You are full of surprises.”

Kate warmed under the approval in his smile. Maybe she could show him, yet. “It keeps life interesting.”

“I’ll say. Where is this project?”


Early Saturday morning Kate put on a hard hat and lifted the hammer in her hand. But the sight of Luke in well worn denim jeans, topped by a t-shirt covering his broad chest, stalled her attempts to hit the nail.

What was Luke doing here? Silly question, since he was wearing a tool belt and work boots. But what possessed him to show up on this project? She stared, mouth open as he joined the director of today’s project. It became clear in less than a wink that Luke wasn’t a stranger.

She would look like an idiot if she stood around staring at every good looking male who volunteered, so Kate lifted the hammer and slammed the nail. But her insides shivered with anticipation. Why was Luke here? How long had Luke volunteered his weekend to build houses?

How had she missed the hint that he volunteered?

Looking back, she realized Joel had consumed so much of her time during their marriage she had lost track of Luke’s personal life. She couldn’t even name the woman who’d broken his heart. Emotions she couldn’t name filled her with regret. But she focused on pounding nails, on turning her emotions into something useful.

“You swing that hammer like a pro.”

Kate lifted her head and met the teasing look in Luke’s eyes. “You dress like a pro.” She nodded to his tool belt. “You don’t look like a first time volunteer to me.”

“I like to stay in shape.”

“You could go to a gym.”

“Too stuffy.” Luke waved toward the blue sky and sparkling sunshine.

“Or play tennis or golf.”

“I’ve never seen the point in chasing after a little ball when I could accomplish something with my time like building a house.”

Kate slammed another nail then tested the two-by-four stud for stability. “You’ve been doing this for a while, then?”

“Off and on,” Luke said as he positioned the next stud in place and waited for her to hammer the nail. “Seems like a good idea get involved in the community since I work here.”

Kate anchored the stud with a nail, noticing the way each edition gave definition to the room she was framing in, and smiled. “You are full of surprises, Luke Sterling.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Luke drawled, tipping his hat. “I try to stay on my toes.”

Kate rolled her eyes behind protective goggles and relaxed her lips in a grim. “So, what other surprises are you hiding?”

“Are you implying I’m a man of mystery, Kate?” Luke pulled out a tape measure to check the distance between the studs.

Kate watched the muscles in his chest ripple as he lifted the next stud and admitted that Luke was hard to resist in this setting.

Right, and who was she kidding? Luke was hard to resist, period. If she pretended he wasn’t, she would be lying to herself.

Luke appealed to her on several different levels. He was a good friend. He was fair and considerate in the office. A fact she’d been reminded of over the past few weeks. His caring attitude was appealing and admirable. Kate swallowed.

It was hard to resist Luke when he was teasing and carefree. Luke was the kind of man who made you stop and take notice.

She couldn’t go there.

Kate took aim on the next nail and slammed the hammer home. Noticing Luke as a man ruined everything she wanted to achieve. How could she fight her growing attraction to him when he showed up everywhere she went?

“Is this part of an act?” Kate frowned, nailing the brace between two studs. If her aim slipped as much as an inch, she would hit Luke. She needed to focus on the job. But it was difficult with Luke’s muscles flexing right under her nose as he held two-by-fours in place. She’d spent too much time thinking about him for her peace of mind, anyway. Now, seeing him here, working for others, her attraction escalated.

Hand clutching his chest, Luke said. “I can’t believe you would think so poorly of me.”

Kate laughed. And she laughed the rest of the day. Even when she pealed off her work gloves and found blisters on her hands, she smiled. Being with Luke made her smile.

“You need to take care of those.” Luke nodded toward the blisters.

“I will,” Kate said in a strangled voice. How long had it been since someone had showed concern for her? Not in her marriage, she realized, and certainly not while she worked for her father. Emotions washed over her.

Luke took hold of her arm and steered her toward his truck. “Come on, I have a first aid kit.” His firm grip made it clear he didn’t intend to let go until she complied.

Kate bit her lip and fought against the heat racing up her arm from his touch. Luke’s take charge attitude and protective actions were hard to resist. “I can—”

“Take care of yourself! I know.” Luke opened the truck door. “But would you give a guy a chance to be a knight in shining armor for once?”

Kate stifled a giggle. “Is that what this is about? You want to play super hero?”

“You’ve been talking to Joel. What...did he tell you?”

“About what?”

Luke studied her expression for long moments, then shrugged and pulled out the first aide kit. “That’s his pet gripe when he’s done something wrong.”

“Which is most of the time,” Kate sighed, “besides, you make a great hero.”

Luke looked up from cleaning her palm. Their faces were only inches apart. Up close, his eyes sparkled with an intensity she hadn’t noticed until now. Luke’s lips twitched. “It’s about time I took on the role, don’t you think?”

Kate opened her mouth to ask what he meant, but his lips settled on hers before she could utter a sound. His lips were warm. She tasted a hint of salt and peppermint from his gum. But she forgot all that in seconds as he took command of her mouth and her body.

Tingles raced through her limbs and turned into flames. Need built low in her belly and fused with the heat from his body. His arms closed around her, pulling her tight against his chest, and Kate snuggled close.

So…this was what it was like to kiss Luke. And then her mind went blank.



Chapter 8


Kate opened her eyes to morning sun shining in the window, and blinked away the lingering affects of sleep. She blinked again. Everything seemed strange. The window was in the wrong place. Her bed…

Her bed

She opened her eyes wide  and stared around the strange room. Everything about the night before was a blur. She turned and looked at the opposite side of the bed and her heart jumped to her throat.

Luke was lying there, watching her with an intent interest that sent her pulse rate flying. His broad shoulders were bare above the sheet at his waist. The dark stubble on his jaw added a dangerous hint to his appearance. He looked like a jungle cat eyeing its next meal. And she was the focus of his intent stare.

A quick peep under the sheet and finding her body naked, Kate knew she was the cause.
Why had she let this happen?

When her divorce was so near completion, why had she let down her guard now? She had never cheated on Joel. Before their marriage, her relationships had been uneventful. Certainly, never in the category of spending the night in a strange bed and definitely not with a man who made her forget her goal and enjoy the moment.

She wanted to run…to leave her lapse of good sense behind and focus on gaining her independence.

But as she became more alert and the wisps of sleep left her brain, activities from the night before returned to her memory. The unexpected aches in tender parts of her body made sense. Her lips stretched into a smile. And heaven help her, but she wanted to throw herself in Luke’s arms and do it all again.

She wanted…

“Kate?” His gravelly morning voice caused her muscles tighten with need. “Are you okay?”

She inhaled, dragging the scent of his warm body into her lungs and setting her blood ablaze. Expanding her lungs pushed her breasts against the sheet, making her aware of their sensitivity. Need almost made her gasp.

Was she losing her mind? Did one night with a man she hardly knew make her a sex fiend? How else could she explain this new awareness of her body? Her breasts were tender. Her thighs were sore. The lower part of her belly ached. But the longing dulling her senses and making her want to stay in Luke’s bed forever, terrified her.


She blinked under the force of his stare and licked her lips. “We did it, didn’t we?”

Luke grinned. His eyes twinkled as they had while they’d worked to build the house, and suddenly, he looked like the man she knew. Looked like the man who made her feel safe for the first time in her life.

Then...before she had time to relax, his gaze traveled over her in heated glance that didn’t belong to the man she called her law partner. Just by lifting up and resting his weight on one elbow, this man gave sensual a new definition. Dark hair trailed down his chest and disappeared under the sheet. His tanned arms showed strong muscles under the skin. But his hands held her spell bound. His long, strong fingers, with the short clipped nails, indicated both strength and agility in his touch.

She’d noticed his hands before, when he made a gesture or typed on the computer. But she’d never imagined them on her body. Holding her, teasing her, filling her with longing, but she did now.

She wanted to reach out, touch him, fill him with the same longing. Would the hair on his chest be soft or wiry to her touch? Would his tanned skin feel rough or smooth? Had she imagined the way he tasted? Had she really kissed his chin, his chest, and all over his body?

“Yep, we did it.” Luke reached out a strong muscular arm.

That was the trouble with suits. Luke looked stunning in his office attire, but seeing him naked, well, as much of him as she could see above the waist, took the air from her lungs.

As his arm tugged her closer, Kate knew she was in trouble. Everything she wanted to accomplish flew out of her head as memories of being held in Luke’s arms filled her thoughts. Being in this bed with him was the best moments of her life.

But she’d set goals for herself while she had been stranded in a foreign land. She couldn’t give in to her needs and forget the big picture. Not now, after all she had gone through to get home.

“Come here,” Luke’s husky growl gave new meaning to the word sexy.

“I-we-can’t,” she said around the lump in her throat. Obviously, she had obeyed his call not long ago according to her reaction to his nearness. But her head was clear, now and she couldn’t be weak. “H-how did this happen?”

Giving an appealing low growl of laughter, Luke reach out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “You don’t remember cutting your hand?”

“Yes, but I—”

“And refusing to get stitches? So I brought you back here to get you bandaged up.”

Kate looked at the intricate bandage around her right thumb. “Thanks, I—”

“And since you were here, and we were starved and needed to eat, I ordered take-out.”

She remembered, now. How could she forget? She’d been ready to melt by the time he finished bandaging her thumb.“I’ve got blisters and a huge bandaged thumb. I think you exaggerated the severity of my wound.”

Luke’s eyes sparkled in the early morning light. “You think I lured you here under false pretenses? I’m wounded…no, you were wounded. I needed to take care of you.”

Kate fought back a laugh. “Thanks for your attention—”

Luke brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “It was my pleasure.” The dancing light in his eyes made him look so different from the man she thought she knew. This teasing, sensual male made her want to forget everything and spend the day in bed…with him.

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