The Beauty and the Sorrow (83 page)

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Authors: Peter Englund

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List of Illustrations

. Elfriede Kuhr
. Sarah Macnaughtan, from
My War Experiences in Two Continents
by Sarah Macnaughtan, London, 1919
. Richard Stumpf, from
War, Mutiny and Revolution in the German Navy—The World War I Diary of Seaman Richard Stumpf
, New Brunswick, 1967
. Pál Kelemen, used with the permission of Diane Halasz
. Andrei Lobanov-Rostovsky, used with the permission of Igor Lobanov-Rostovsky
. Florence Farmborough
. Kresten Andresen
. Michel Corday. Engraving bought by the French editor Grégory Martin, credit unknown
. Alfred Pollard
. William Henry Dawkins
. René Arnaud, used with the permission of Laurence Dubrana
. Rafael de Nogales
. Harvey Cushing
. Angus Buchanan, from
Out of the World North of Nigeria
by Angus Buchanan, New York, 1922
. Olive King
. Willy Coppens
. Vincenzo D’Aquila
. Edward Mousley
. Paolo Monelli
. Laura de Turczynowicz, from
When the Prussians Came to Poland: The Experiences of an American Woman during the German Invasion
by Laura de Gozdawa Turczynowicz, New York, 1916

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