The Beast Within (Monster Fetish)

Read The Beast Within (Monster Fetish) Online

Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #kelsey charisma sex werewolf bestiality

BOOK: The Beast Within (Monster Fetish)
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Hidden Within



Kelsey Charisma






Kelsey Charisma on Smashwords


Hidden Within

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma

ISBN: 9781301790104


[email protected]




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material contains bestiality between a woman and werewolf.
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Charity went to Grant’s
Halloween frat party with high hopes the night would spark fire
between them. When she’s finally getting what she wanted for
months, she’s uncertain if Grant’s slow changes from the moonlight
are real or a side effect from an experimental hallucinogenic.

Book Formerly Known As: The Beast Within
(Monster Fetish)





Other Titles by Kelsey


























“If looks could kill…” Charity gloated as
she looked in the mirror, while turning enough to check out her ass
and little, white puffy tail in the mirror. She made a damn good
pink bunny, but after two hours of primping, she better be eye
catching. The ultimate compliment would be some drunken frat boy
asking her if she was a playboy bunny right in front of Grant
Wereman, the guy she met at the campus library a semester back and
they’d been shamelessly flirting ever since.

He invited her to the Halloween party at his
frat house, and she hoped the night would progress into something
much like a date, and ask her to hang out a lot more. She was crazy
about him, and never felt such an incredible draw towards anyone.
She thought he was suave with his chemistry major, stylish clothes,
sexy British accent, and bright blue eyes. He was gorgeous, and
better yet, a total flirt to no one but her.

Usually she could play her cool around guys
she liked, and flirt without looking desperate, but with Grant she
seemed to have no control. She was love-struck and felt it hard,
which explained why she was going
by herself
to his party.
Her best friend was sick, and the group she usually hung out with
went to another party in the small town eight miles away. Between
both campuses, their colleges were widely known as the two biggest
party universities in the US. So, maybe it wouldn’t be that big of
a deal, as if she simply party hopped a lot, but she still felt
like an idiot because she was going alone, without backup to make
it seem like Grant’s frat was simply a hotspot for the night. But
she was dying to see him, and willing to do anything for a chance
to hang all over him all night.

Charity reminded herself that Grant was
eager to see her, and it wasn’t as if they hadn’t become friends
over the last three months. He invited her, and told her he’d be
saving her a beer so she’d better come.

She smiled, thinking about his playful
threats as he winked her at. Fuck, he was so cute! Deep dimples
when he smiled, a thick five o’clock shadow that nearly concealed
them, and dark hair that made his intense blue eyes distracting.
Those eyes…she couldn’t stop thinking about them.

She wanted him as obsessed about her as she
was him, and tonight he’d have a good preview of what she had to
offer. She was practically wearing a one piece swimsuit, with a
sharp M like neckline, and the back plunged so low she couldn’t
bend over without showing crack. If it wasn’t for her nude nylons,
she’d freeze, but she didn’t plan on leaving his place all night.
Quite honestly, she’d walk the hall of shame in her bunny suit if
Grant even hinted about her staying the night.

“Bye, Zoe.” Charity said, to her dorm mate
who was lying in bed reading a book as she nursed a sore throat by
not talking. Zoe simply waved, as if shooing her from the room
because she was so engrossed in her novel.

Charity was out the door, and got two
wolf-whistles on the way to her car.
Oh, yeah!
There is no
way Grant wouldn’t notice her curvy childbearing hips, and the dip
between her tits were so distracting not even she could look away
when she stood in front of a mirror. What man wouldn’t want to get
in between either her thighs or tits while dressed like one of
Hugh’s girlfriends? She was practically a walking centerfold, or at
least that was what she was going for when she chose the skimpy
It’s Halloween, and by law women are supposed to dress
loose, right Charity?

Ten minutes later, Charity was satisfied
with Grant’s reaction when he dropped his pool stick on the table
as she came up to him, finding him downstairs in the basement among
his friends. He took no time abandoning his friends to give her his
undivided attention, because the next thing she knew, she was
grinning with her back pressed against the wall and he held her
interest by keeping his hand on her bare shoulder as he pretended
to absentmindedly leave his fingers there as he felt her soft

His touch sent tingles down her arm, giving
her goose bumps, which thrilled her as if she were a young girl
again, excited by the most innocent of touches. She even enjoyed
added closeness when his buddies began to tease him, and bump into
him so he knocked into her.

“Fucking knock it off.” Grant growled at
Derrick after his friend shoved him into her harder than the rest.
His low, throaty rumble was threatening enough Derrick backed off
despite looking pissed. If Grant’s anger was directed toward her,
Charity would have been intimidated by his growl, but when he
turned back to her he smiled as he apologized. “He’s jealous.
Derrick thinks you’re hot, and he’s being a prick about it.” For
the first time, be blatantly looked at her chest as he held up his
Mountain Dew bottle. “He didn’t make me get any of my drink on you,
did he?”

“No.” She beamed at him, and took a deep
breath so her chest stuck out.
Feast your eyes, Grant
, she
gloated. “It would have been fine if he had, I’d just borrow a
shirt of yours later.”

“No, I have my experimental drug in here.”
He said, and lifted up his drink. She could see small bits of
finely chopped red squares in his soda.

drug?” She asked with a snicker.
She heard about his accidental discovery, but he never divulged
much. Apparently he made something that had no harmful side
effects, was non habit forming, with an incredible high, but
because it had no medical uses, he wasn’t rich from stumbling upon
it. As he kept saying, he was still in the testing phase, which
meant he took it almost every weekend but didn’t dare offer it as a
street drug.

“Yeah, this is it.” He replied with a nod.
He was such a bad ass, and she was extremely attracted to the bad
boy thing he had going on. He played by no rules, and even
Halloween had nothing on him, because he wasn’t dressed up as

She ruffled his hair, letting her fingers
guide her way to the nape of his neck as she said, “What are you
supposed to be anyway, a college student?”

“No, no, no. Can’t you tell? I’m a
werewolf.” He grinned.

“Oh, nice, but it’s a full moon, and on
Halloween. You should be all hairy and stuff.”

“I’m in the basement. The moonlight hasn’t
touched me yet. Besides I invited you here and didn’t want to miss
you. You’d never believe my excuse if I told you I ran off into the
woods to hide as I slowly transformed into something scary while
hunting and mangling some poor, innocent BFRO hunter.”

“Oh,” she laughed. “Yeah, mangling isn’t

“No,” he agreed, and leaned in toward her so
he could roll his fingers around to her back. “You smell good,
Charity. This drug makes me notice things I normally wouldn’t, like
your shampoo.” He continued moving in until his nose touched her
hair line, and he slowly took in a long breath as his lips fell to
her temple. She couldn’t believe his subtle touch made her reel,
but she felt a heat begin to ache between her legs from his
momentary touch. “Sorry, I also do things I normally wouldn’t like
sniff girls, apparently.”

She giggled. “It’s fine.” She started
playing with the top button of his shirt to keep him close, and for
added allure she acted as if she would unfasten it. He watched her
fingers, but she noticed, too, that he took the opportunity to let
his eyes wander down her body as he kept his gaze at her hips and
what was in the middle.
, he wasn’t even fondling her
and he was making her insides warm. Charity wished he’d simply lift
her up so she could wrap her legs around him and grind her sex
against his for relief. Charity would let him bang her up against
the wall if he wanted, she wouldn’t even notice anyone else in the
crowded room, if she hadn’t already. Sex, or the lack thereof, was
beginning to cloud her judgment, but she’d never waited so long to
sleep with a guy, and he hadn’t even officially asked her out yet.
She hoped it was because he was doing everything right and wanted
to keep her.

“What else do you notice?” She asked, hoping
it sounded more like some random question, but he’d put two and two
together that she wanted sensual talk, because she was playing with
his shirt, and clearly throwing up signs she wanted him all over

“You look really,
tonight, Charity.” He said with his focus on her cleavage.

“Thanks, Grant.” She grinned. That was a
perfect answer. “You totally look like a cute werewolf.” She popped
his top button accidently, but after noticing his bare chest, she
added, “Except you’re not hairy.”

“Do you like that kind of thing?”

“Yeah, hair on a man’s chest screams


“That’s hot, Charity.” He said, and he let
his hand follow the plunging back of her suit, until his fingers
rested on her ass. He pulled her toward him, until she was flush
against one of his legs. Maybe she was imagining things, but she
swore he was a little hard. “It’s the worst time to admit this, but
I find you completely irresistible.”

Inside, she screamed with joy, but somehow
she managed to control her excitement. With impressive calm, but
obvious flattery and pleasure, she asked, “Why is it a bad

“This…” he lifted his soda again, “I want
you to know I mean it.”

“I feel the same way.” She confessed,
feeling like a giddy schoolgirl as she did whenever she was around

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