Read The Battle Over Marriage: Gay Rights Activism Through the Media Online

Authors: Leigh Moscowitz

Tags: #Social Science, #Gender Studies, #Sociology, #Marriage & Family, #Media Studies

The Battle Over Marriage: Gay Rights Activism Through the Media (34 page)

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Colorado, 9

Compton, Rob, 64-66, 70

Galloway, Rocky,

conflict in the news, 78-92; balance and

Garin, Geoff, 3

objectivity in sourcing the debate and,

Gay, Inc., 121-22

84-92; dueling visuals driving, 83-84;

Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance, 100

sensationalist labels and language pro-

Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders

ducing, 80-82

(GLAD), 27, 36, 39-40, 45,
136; defini-

Connecticut, 10

tion of love, 48; on public opinion polls

conservatives, 8-9, 27, 33, 42, 91-92, 123, 131;

on rights, 49

anti-gay organizations and, 8, 22, 30-31,

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defama-

57; political strategies, 33-34, 86-88

tion, 100

Constitution, U. S., 7-8

gay and lesbian movement: activist-pre-

content analysis, 143

ferred frames, 92-96; advocacy groups,

Cooper, Anderson, 99, 114, 116

9, 21, 24; dependence on the media, 31;


ethnic/essentialist logic, 29-31; interviews

Cosby Show, The,

with activists within, 136-40; making

Couric, Katie, 114

marriage matter, 31-38; marriage debate

troubling for activists within, 129-32;

Dean, Howard, 7, 93

marriage issue tied to, 50-52; nameless,

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 6, 7,

voiceless couples symbolizing, 59-62;

10-11, 12, 126

performative media strategy and, 42, 43,

Defense of Marriage Coalition, 8

63-64; playing defense, 32-33; race and,

defiance of law, 1, 7

115-18, 131; resistance to gay marriage

DeGeneres, Ellen, 12, 15, 113

within, 35-37; shifting public opinion of,

Democratic National Convention, 3

102-5; visibility, 12, 20, 39, 73, 132; visual

DeRossi, Portia, 12

imagery of LGBT people and, 42, 43-44,

DiMaggio, Joe, 63

53-55, 97-98, 128, 130-31

domestic partnerships, 6-7, 9

Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, 90

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, 85

gay liberation movement, 37-38, 63, 74

gay marriage: advocacy groups, 9, 21, 24,

economic and legal rights in marriage, 45-

34-35, 48, 137; ceremonies, 44-45, 61-62,

50, 65-66

68-73; children and, 46, 74, 82, 88-89,

12, 14, 15

125; as a civil rights issue, 14, 15-16, 42, 129,

Equality California, 100

133-34; constructed as a gay desire, 73-76;

ethnic/essentialist logic, 29-31

continued resistance to, 127-28; “credible”

spokespersons, 26-27; debate as a medi-

Falwell, Jerry, 89

ated issue, 5-6; depoliticized by the media,

Family Equality Council, 100, 120

16; interest-group model of advocacy, 29;

Family Research Council, 8, 108

legal and political contexts, 6-11; legaliza-

family values, 74

tion in San Francisco, CA, 1-2, 8, 39, 55,

Federal Marriage Amendment, 8, 9, 34, 82

; made to matter, 31-38; mainstreaming


Feinstein, Dianne, 120

of families in, 62-68; media preference for

feminism, 18

covering, 40-45; older couples and, 46-47;


Ferree, Myra Marx, 26

packaged for prime-time audiences, 96-98;


Focus on the Family, 22, 105

produced for the mainstream, 38-45; pro-


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ducing conflict in the news, 78-92; protest-

Knights of Columbus, 113

ers, 77-78, 83-84, 99-100; public opinion

Koppel, Ted, 7, 67, 80, 83, 95, 128

polling on, 47, 48-49; research design for

Kotulski, Davina, 1,
5-6, 37-38, 61, 120,

studying media treatment of, 4-5, 135-36;

122, 128

rights associated with, 5, 45-50; taking the

Kours, Jeff, 108

“gay” out of, 119-23; as trouble for straight

America, 125, 127-29; untraditional, tradi-

labels, sensationalist, 80-82

tional families, 62-67; as a wedge issue, 2

Lambda Legal, 36-37, 100, 136-37

gay pride parades, 42, 43, 63-64, 74

language: journalistic frames and, 93-94;

gay-themed media, 11-17

sensationalist, 80-82

Georgia, 8

Latinos, 122

Gitlin, Todd, 20, 85

Lawrence v. Texas,
7, 33, 34, 55, 125

Good Morning America,

legal and economic rights in marriage, 45-

Goodridge, Annie, 66,

50, 65-66

Goodridge, Hillary, 64, 66,

legislation: anti-sodomy, 33, 55, 93; civil

Goodridge, Julie, 64, 66,

union/domestic partnership, 6-7, 9; defi-

Goodridge et al. v. Department of Public

ance of, 1, 7; federal, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 34;

7, 8, 34, 36, 44, 45, 55

international, 7; Prop 8, 4, 9, 69, 91, 99,

gowns, wedding, 70

102, 109, 112, 113, 119-20, 122, 139; state

Grisanti, Mark, 126

level, 3-4, 6-7, 8-10, 64,

Gross, Larry, 14, 29

Lexis-Nexis, 142

Gurevitch, Michael, 85

Log Cabin Republicans, 27, 33, 82, 137

LOGO network, 12

Habedanck, Kirsti,

love, 48, 66, 94-95

Hall, Stuart, 132

Loving v. Virginia,

Harris, Dan, 107

Lundin, Linda, 71

Hartley, John, 141-42

L Word, The,
11, 12, 16

Hawaii, 6

Lyon, Phyllis, 61

heterosexual assumption in the media, 13

Hilton-Murrow, Wendy, 15

Maine, 9, 11, 121, 126

homophobia, 16, 75, 84, 120

mainstream, marriage in the, 18-20

“Homosexual, The,” 13

marriage: civil versus religious, 109-10; con-

Huffington Post,

structed as a gay desire, 73-76; economic

human immunodeficiency virus/acquired

and legal rights associated with, 45-50,

immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/

65-66; family values and, 74; growing

AIDS), 13, 14, 40

ambivalence over, 19, 129; interracial,

Human Rights Campaign, 9, 27, 33, 36, 43,

18-19, 65; licenses, 1-2,
6-7, 8, 10, 39,

77, 117-18; advocacy and political action

made to matter within the gay and les-

by, 34-35; on religion, 89, 90

bian movement, 31-38; in the mainstream,


Idaho, 9

Marriage Equality New York, 100

interest-group model, 29

Marriage Equality USA, 37-38, 137

interracial marriage, 18-19, 65

Marriage Project for the Human Rights

Iowa, 10, 114-15, 133

Campaign, 47

Martin, Del, 61

Jacques, Cheryl, 81-82

Martin, Roland, 116

Jefferson, David, 120

Maryland, 11, 126

judicial branch: activist judges and, 8; state

Massachusetts, 7, 8, 10, 40, 64, 67,

level, 4, 9,
103; Supreme Court, 6, 33,

Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political

55, 126

Caucus, 27, 28, 36, 49, 137, 138-39


McCarthyism, 13

Kentucky, 8

McKay, Molly, 1,
5-6, 37-38, 61, 121-22


Kerry, John, 93

McKee, Alan, 141



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media: anti-gay sources and, 105-9; balance

National Public Radio, 16, 82

and objectivity in, 84-92; b-roll use by, 44,

NBC Nightly News,
3, 40, 112

61, 62, 63, 93, 112; content analysis of, 143;

New Hampshire, 10

coverage of gay marriage ceremonies, 1-3,

New Jersey, 133

68-73; coverage of HIV/


AIDS, 13, 14; dependence of the gay and

Newsom, Gavin, 1, 7, 39, 87, 95

lesbian movement on, 31; depoliticization

101, 111, 120, 142, 143; coverage

of gay marriage by, 16; early coverage of

of gay weddings, 69; coverage of the gay

gays by, 13; frames and social movements,

and lesbian movement, 3, 5, 16, 21, 58, 65;

16-17, 28, 85, 92-96, 109-15, 131; gay mar-

visual imagery of LGBT people, 53-55

riage protesters and, 77-78, 131; heterosex-

New York (state), 8, 10, 40, 133

ual assumption in, 13; “kids story” used by,

New York Post,

46; mediation of the gay marriage debate,

New York Times,
75, 106, 142; coverage of

5-6; nonspeaking roles of gays portrayed

gay weddings, 69, 70; coverage of the gay

in, 59-62; packaging gay marriage for

and lesbian movement, 2, 3, 10, 13, 22, 67;

prime-time audiences, 96-98; performative

journalistic frames, 95; on race, 116

media strategy and, 42, 43, 63-64; in per-

142; coverage of gay marriage

spective and the U.S. gay movement, 28-31;

protests, 77-78; coverage of gay weddings,

presuming “the battle has been won,” 66-

69, 70, 72, 77, 128; coverage of the gay and

67; producing conflict in the news, 78-92;

lesbian movement, 7, 22, 58, 64-66, 133;

research approach concerning, 20-23; rise

dueling visuals driving conflict and, 83,

of gay-themed programming in, 11-17,

84; journalistic frames, 95; sensationalist

19-20; “seniors story” used by, 46-47, 119;

labels and language used by, 80; sources

sensationalist labels and language used

cited by, 87, 88, 90

by, 80-82; shift to more favorable, pro-gay

nonspeaking roles in news stories, 59-62

tone and, 102-5; showing gays as “deserv-

North Dakota, 8

ing” of marriage, 53-55; storytel ers in, 18;

Northern Exposure,

studying gay right activism coverage by,

4-5, 135-36; textual analysis of news cover-

Obama, Barack, 3, 9, 10-11, 90, 99, 100, 115-

age by, 141-44; “unfit to print” news and,

16, 125, 126

12-13; untraditional, traditional families

objectivity and balance in the news,

portrayed by, 62-67; visual discourses in


news narratives, 56-59; visual imagery of

O’Donnell, Kelly, 70, 80, 130

LGBT people, 42, 43-44, 53-55, 56-59, 68-

O’Donnell, Rosie, 70, 80, 130

73, 83-84, 97-98, 128, 130-31; visual imagery

Ohio, 8-9

of LGBT people and, 42, 43-44, 53-55

Oklahoma, 8

Meet the Press,

Olson, Ted, 123

Michigan, 8-9

Oregon, 8, 40

Miller, Lisa, 111

O’Reilly, Bill, 106

Mississippi, 8


Modern Family,

Monroe, Marilyn, 63

Paget, Marianne, 139

Montana, 8

parades, gay pride, 42, 43, 63-64, 74

Mormon Church, 99-100, 113

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians

“Moveable middle,” 47-48, 92, 102

and Gays, 100


National Association for the Advancement

performative media strategy, 42, 43, 63-64

of Colored People (NAACP), 42

Perkins, Tony, 89, 108

National Center for Lesbian Rights, 100

Pew Research Center, 3


National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 9,

Pitt, Brad, 113

27, 32

politics: gay marriage opponents and, 8-9,


National Organization for Marriage, 22,

50-51; journalistic frames and, 93; presi-


107, 108

dential, 3, 10-11, 50; Prop 8 and, 99-100;


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race and, 116-17; state-level, 3-4; strategies

Stanley, Reggie,

of conservatives, 33-34, 86-88

state-level legislation, 3-4

Prop 8, 4, 9, 10, 69, 91, 99-100, 102, 109, 112,

Stonewall riots, 13, 29, 92, 126

113, 119-20, 122, 139

Straight News,

protesters, gay marriage, 77-78, 99-100

Sullivan, Andrew, 18-19

public opinion polling, 47, 48-49

Task Force, the, 9, 27, 32

Queer as Folk,
12, 16

Tennessee, 9

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,

textual analysis, 141-44

Thomasson, Randy, 57, 88

race, 90-91, 95, 115-18, 131

5, 21, 58, 101, 142, 143

Ramsay, Bruce, 53

Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the

Ratner, Robert, 30

Ethics of Queer Life, The,
24, 126-27

Reagan, Ronald, 123


religion: spokespersons, 88-91; tackling

journalistic framing on gays and, 109-15

Unitarian Church, 110, 112

Repent America,

untraditional, traditional families, 62-67

rings, wedding,

U.S. News & World Report,
21, 58, 61, 101,

Rivers, Eugene, 88, 90

142, 143

Roberts, Robin, 3, 10

U.S. Supreme Court, 6, 33, 55

Roe v. Wade,

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