The Badass Body Diet: The Breakthrough Diet and Workout for a Tight Booty, Sexy Abs, and Lean Legs (37 page)

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Authors: Christmas Abbott

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Diet & Nutrition, #Diets, #Exercise, #Weight Loss

BOOK: The Badass Body Diet: The Breakthrough Diet and Workout for a Tight Booty, Sexy Abs, and Lean Legs
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confidence, and Badass Body Diet, 9–10, 11

Confident frame size

Gainer menus for, 182–90

height range for, 60

Maintainer menus for, 144–50

Modifier menus for, 106–12

consistency, and Badass Body Diet, 10

constipation, 305

cooking combo meals, 193

cooking in bulk, 191

cooking techniques, healthy, 191

cortisol, 24

Crab Salad, Stuffed Tomato with, 199


Grain-Free Granola, 196

C-reactive protein, 13

cross-country skiing, 281

cycling, 281


dairy products

brick measurements, 73

limited benefits, 35–36, 41

dates, 47

dental care, 23

DHA omega-3s, 308

dietary fats

acceptable choices, 73

booty fats, 41–43

importance of, 5

monounsaturated (MUFAs), 41–42

overview of, 33–34

primo choices, 35, 72–73

saturated, 39, 41–42


problems with, 3

yo-yo, 16

dining out, 310–11

Dressing, Balsamic, 216

drugs, illicit, 24


eating out, 310–11


Badass, 220

brick measurements, 66

hard-boiled, preparing, 220

health benefits, 39–40

Mexican Omelet, 194

Mini Quiche, 195

Muffin Snacks, 221

elastin, 16

emotional eating, 315–16

endurance, 11

energy levels, 11

EPA omega-3s, 308

estrogen, 41, 46

See also
Badass Workouts

in Badass plan, 4

benefits, 23

cardio, for toning butt, 281

easing stress with, 315

effect on hormones, 7


failure, fear of, 9–10, 317

Fajitas, Nude Chicken, 207

body fat; dietary fats


in apples, 44

in avocados, 43

decreasing estrogen levels with, 46


Blackened Whitefish, 202

brick measurements, 67

health benefits, 38

“Smoked” Salmon, 203

Sweet Tuna Salad, 200

fish oil supplements, 307–8

Force frame size

Gainer menus for, 161–67

height range for, 60

Maintainer menus for, 123–29

Modifier menus for, 91–98

frame sizes, 60


Badass choices, 69–70

in Badass nutrition plan, 44–45

frozen, buying, 191

pairing with protein and fat, 23

primo, about, 35

fruit juices, 45



about, 56–57

acceptable fat measurements, 73

acceptable protein measurements, 66–67

Badass meal plans, 152–88

condiments list, 75

macronutrient composition per brick, 64

number of bricks per day, 60

number of bricks per meal and snack, 63

plan for men, 314

post-workout Recovery Shakes, 285

primo carbohydrate measurements, 67–71

primo fat measurements, 73

primo protein measurements, 66–67

really terrible carbohydrates for, 71–72

really terrible proteins for, 67

gluteal muscles, 12, 17

goals, setting, 8, 316–17


acceptable choices, 70

effect on insulin, 36

primo choices, 70

Granola, Grain-Free, 196


antioxidants in, 45

Chicken Wraps, 200

grazing, 48

See also
lettuce; Spinach

Sautéed, 217

grocery shopping, 190, 191


headaches, 305

heart health, 308

height profiles, 60


in Badass plan, 47, 192

-Roasted Lamb, 214

high blood pressure, 13

hiking, 281

hunger, 33, 315


inflammation, chronic, 13, 41

insomnia, 305


booty fat and, 13

fat-storing and, 33, 44–45

resistance, 305

response to carbohydrates, 33

iron, 39


jeans, fitting into, 27

journals, 8

junk food, 36, 310, 315


labels, on food packages, 73–74


brick measurements, 66

Herb-Roasted, 214

lectins, 45


brick measurements, 71

effect on insulin, 36

impact on protein digestion, 45


brick measurements, 71

impact on protein digestion, 45

leptin, 38, 45


Chicken Wraps, 200

Naked Taco Salad, 201

Stuffed Tomato with Crab Salad, 199

Sweet Tuna Salad, 200

lipase enzyme, 14

lower body obesity, 13

lunch recipes, 197–201

lymphatic system, 16–17


See also
acceptable macros; primo foods; really terrible macros

combining, in meals and snacks, 37

in combo cooked meals, 193

composition, per brick, 63–64

overview of, 31–34

magnesium, 304–5


about, 56

acceptable fat measurements, 73

acceptable protein measurements, 66–67

Badass meal plans, 114–50

condiments list, 75

macronutrient composition per brick, 64

number of bricks per day, 60

number of bricks per meal and snack, 62

plan for men, 314

post-workout Recovery Shakes, 285

primo carbohydrate measurements, 67–71

primo fat measurements, 73

primo protein measurements, 66–67

really terrible carbohydrates for, 71–72

really terrible proteins for, 67


Island Time Shake, 228

Meal Replacement Shakes

in Badass plans, 227

Black Forest Smoothie, 228

Blueberry Delight, 229

Cherry Berry Smoothie, 229

Chocolate Banana Dream, 227

Island Time Shake, 228

purpose of, 65

versus Recovery Shakes, 223

Super Strawberry Shake, 227

meals, skipping, 315

meals per day, 48, 65

See also
beef; Lamb; Pork

entrees, 210–14

Meatballs, “Spaghetti” and, 209

men, Badass plan for, 314

metabolism, 304–5

micronutrients, 31

Mighty frame size

Gainer menus for, 153–60

height range for, 60

Maintainer menus for, 115–22

Modifier menus for, 91–98

migraines, 305


about, 54–55

acceptable protein measurements, 66–67

Badass meal plans, 80–88

condiments list, 75

meal plan, macros for, 63

plan for men, 314

primo carbohydrate measurements, 67–70

primo fat measurements, 72

primo protein measurements, 66–67

really terrible carbohydrates for, 71–72

really terrible proteins for, 67


about, 55

acceptable protein measurements, 66–67

Badass meal plans, 90–112

condiments list, 75

macronutrient composition per brick, 63–64

number of bricks per day, 60

number of bricks per meal and snack, 62

plan for men, 314

primo carbohydrate measurements, 67–70

primo fat measurements, 72

primo protein measurements, 66–67

really terrible carbohydrates for, 71–72

really terrible proteins for, 67

sample daily menu, 75–76

monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), 41–42


Low-Carb Lovers’ Pizza, 212


negativity, 317

new experiences, 317

See also

brick measurements, 72, 73

health benefits, 42


omega-3 fats, 38, 307–8

Omelet, Mexican, 194

omentin-1 proteins, 13

optimism, 24

oranges, 44

osteoarthritis, 13


peanut butter

Black Forest Smoothie, 228

brick measurements, 72, 73

substituting, for almond butter, 43

pectin, 44


Low-Carb Lovers’ Pizza, 212

Mexican Omelet, 194

Nude Chicken Fajitas, 207

Stuffed, 210

Texas-Style Chili, 198

Turkey Loaf, 208

personal time, 317

phenolics, 45

photographs, “before,” 18–19

physicals, annual, 23


Piña Colada Smoothie, 226

Pizza, Low-Carb Lovers’, 212

See also

brick measurements, 67

Chops, Smothered, 213

health benefits, 39

portion sizes

Badass Plate tool, 80

weighing and measuring foods, 28

positivity, 317

potassium, 43

See also
Chicken; Turkey

entrees, 207–9

Power frame size

Gainer menus for, 168–74

height range for, 60

Maintainer menus for, 130–36

Modifier menus for, 99–105

prediabetes, 13

PREP Strategy

evaluate body composition, 25–28

photograph yourself, 18–19

police your portions, 28

rate your weight, 19–25

preworkout supplements, 305–6

primo foods

beans and lentils, 71

carbohydrates, 67–71

description of, 35

fats, 35, 72–73

fruits, 35, 69–70

grains, 70

non-starchy vegetables, 35, 68–69

proteins, 35, 66–67

starchy vegetables, 70

priorities, shifts in, 9

processed foods, 36


acceptable choices, 66–67

animal versus plant-based, 32

booty, list of, 38–40

bricks, preparing and packaging, 190–91

health benefits, 23

overview of, 32

primo choices, 35, 66–67

really terrible choices, 67


Quiche, Mini, 195


really terrible macros

alcohol, 72

breads and cereals, 71–72

carbohydrates, 71–72

description of, 36

identifying, by reading labels, 73–74

proteins, 67

snack foods, 72

sweets, 72


Bacon and Brussels Sprouts, 219

Bacon-Wrapped Sea Scallops, 206

Badass Eggs, 220

Balsamic Dressing, 216

Basic Booty Recovery Shake, 223

Blackened Whitefish, 202

Black Forest Smoothie, 228

Blueberry Delight, 229

Candy Bar Smoothie, 225

Cherry Berry Smoothie, 229

Chicken Vegetable Soup, 197

Chicken Wraps, 200

Chocolate Banana Dream, 227

Chocolate Smoothie, 224

Coconut Shrimp, 205

Creamy Coleslaw, 216

Crocked Pot Roast, 211

Egg Muffin Snacks, 221

Grain-Free Granola, 196

grocery shopping for, 190

healthy cooking techniques, 191

Herb-Roasted Lamb, 214

Island Time Shake, 228

Italian Salad, 215

Low-Carb Lovers’ Pizza, 212

meal-planning tips, 190–92

Mexican Omelet, 194

Mini Quiche, 195

Naked Taco Salad, 201

Nude Chicken Fajitas, 207

number of servings, 190

Piña Colada Smoothie, 226

Sautéed Greens, 217

Shrimp Scampi, 204

“Smoked” Salmon, 203

Smothered Pork Chops, 213

“Spaghetti” and Meatballs, 209

Spinach Salad, 201

Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie, 226

Stuffed Peppers, 210

Stuffed Tomato with Crab Salad, 199

Super Strawberry Shake, 227

Sweet Tuna Salad, 200

Texas-Style Chili, 198

Tropical Green Smoothie, 224

Turkey Loaf, 208

Zucchini Chips, 222

Zucchini Side Spaghetti, 218

Recovery Shakes

about, 40, 47

Basic Booty, 223

bringing to the gym, 192

Candy Bar Smoothie, 225

Chocolate Smoothie, 224

for Maintainers and Gainers, 285

versus Meal Replacement Shakes, 223

Piña Colada Smoothie, 226

purpose of, 64–65

Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie, 226

Tropical Green Smoothie, 224

when to drink, 64–65

repetitions, sets, and rounds, 284

resistant fat, 14–15

restaurant meals, 310–11

rewards for success, 315

rounds, repetitions, and sets, 284

Royal Badass routines

about, 283

four week plan, 296–300

running sprints, 281



Creamy Coleslaw, 216

Italian, 215

Naked Taco, 201

Spinach, 201

Stuffed Tomato with Crab, 199

Sweet Tuna, 200

Salmon, “Smoked,” 203

salt, 41

saturated fat, 39, 41–42

Scallops, Sea, Bacon-Wrapped, 206


Bacon-Wrapped Sea Scallops, 206

Blackened Whitefish, 202

brick measurements, 67

Coconut Shrimp, 205

entrees, 202–6

health benefits, 38

Shrimp Scampi, 204

“Smoked” Salmon, 203

Stuffed Tomato with Crab Salad, 199

Sweet Tuna Salad, 200

self, time for, 317

self-esteem, 11

selfless acts, 317

serotonin, 38

sets, repetitions, and rounds, 284

sex life, 11, 24

Meal Replacement Shakes; Recovery Shakes


Bacon-Wrapped Sea Scallops, 206

brick measurements, 67

Coconut Shrimp, 205

Shrimp Scampi, 204

Stuffed Tomato with Crab Salad, 199


Coconut, 205

Scampi, 204

simple carbohydrates, 33

skiing, cross-country, 281

skinfold technique, 25–26

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