The Arrogance of Power (131 page)

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Authors: Anthony Summers

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Crack-up in spring:
well chronicled in Emery, op. cit., p. 249–.

Dean defection:
(“skillful”/“finger in dikes”) WHT, Sep. 15, 1972;
p. 148; (“innocent accomplice”) WHT, Mar. 27, 1973;
p. 265; (Dean testimony) E, Bk. 3, p. 911–, Bk. 4, p. 1348–; (effect) summary at Emery, op. cit., p. 363–; (Goddamn him”) WHT, May 8, 1973;
p. 407; (“Judas”) WHT, June 13, 1973;
p. 606.

(“protect him”) WHT, Feb. 3, 1973;
p. 206; (Ehrlichman—“jig up”) WHT, Apr. 14, 1973, Conv. No. 428-019, WSPF, NA, p. 26–; (told Haldeman) Emery, op. cit., p. 346, citing Haldeman note, Apr. 17, 1973; (Martha/“espionage operation”) McClendon, op. cit., pp. 11–, 222–.

Apr. 17 statement:
Edward Knappman,
Watergate & the White House,
Vol. 1, New York: Facts on File, 1973, p. 29; (hands shaking) Bernstein and Woodward,
op. cit., p. 291.

Haldeman/Ehrlichman resignations:
(Justice Dept. advice) Emery, op. cit., p. 341; (“no running room”) Garment, op. cit., p. 259–; (day of resignations) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p. 289–; Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 356–;
p. 847–; (RN crying) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 367; int. John Ehrlichman in “Nixon,”
American Experience,
WGBH–TV, Oct. 15, 1990, transcript p. 37; (“really guilty one”)
p. 672; (RN shook hand) ibid.; (RN call/misspelling) int. John Ehrlichman.

firings speech/aftermath:
(text) transcript, Apr. 30, 1973, in ed. Knappman, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 37; (wan)
May 14, 1973; (retreat to Lincoln Sitting Room)
p. 369; (calls later) WHT, Apr. 30, 1973, with Haldeman, Rogers, Billy Graham, Elliott Richardson, Hobart Lewis, Charles Colson,
p. 381 and monitored for author re: sound of voice/drunk.

Liquor/pills Apr. 1973:
int. John Dean, Dean,
Blind Ambition,
op. cit., p. 258; John Dean at “An American Forum,” American University School of Communications, Jan. 31, 1996, forum re: Oliver Stone film
(Dilantin) Dreyfus, op. cit., p. 218; int. Jack Dreyfus.

Concern for months:
(“eyes seemed”) Thomas,
op. cit., p. 192; (“tremor”) John Osborne,
The Fifth Year of the Nixon Watch,
New York, Liveright, 1974, p. 45; (man in distress) McCarthy and Smith, op. cit., p. 19–; (“agitated”) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 75; (“Good God”) WHT, Apr. 27, 1973, transcribed for author; (“Ron, it's over”) int. Ronald Ziegler; (shoved FBI man) Klein, op. cit., p. 354; Kleindienst, op. cit., p. 169; (“No sooner”) ibid.; (RN/Key Biscayne) Woodward and Bernstein,
Final Days,
op. cit., p. 16; (P.O.W. dinner)
p. 865–; Troy, op. cit., p. 200;
Radical History Review,
Fall 1994, p. 186.

RN lying:
(CIA psychologists)
New Times,
June 25, 1976, citing former CIA technical service division psychologist Jim Keehner; (Scott) UPI, Dec. 9, 1974; Stanley Kutler,
Wars of Watergate,
New York: Knopf, 1990, p. 270; (“just be damned sure”) WHT, Mar. 21, 1973; transcript for R, Box 171, Rec. Grp., 480, NA, p. 102; (“I don't lie”) WHT, Apr. 25, 1973,
p. 339; (“lie like hell”) WHT, Apr. 26, 1973, Conv. No. 905–008, WSPF, NA, transcript, p. 47; (“anemone”) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 308; (“I began to feel”) int. John Ehrlichman in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 138.

Resignation talk 1973:
(“we'll even consider”) WHT, Apr. 17–18, 1973;
p. 321; (“put in next draft”) Price, op. cit., p. 100–; Cannon, op. cit., p.157; (resignation/family)
p. 372;
SF Examiner,
Sep. 4, 1974; (“cat in Kool-aid”) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 353; int. John Ehrlichman.

(“totally blameless”) WHT, May 11, 1973;
p. 474; (“I wouldn't give a damn”) WHT, May 16, 1973;
p. 503; (“I came away feeling”)
May 28, 1973.

RN inattention/distraction:
op. cit., pp. 78, 322–; (“disintegration”/“Like a figure”) ibid., p. 105; (“to concede . . . impaired”) ibid., p. 289; (“deprived”) ibid., p. 263; (RN snapped) Osborne,
op. cit., p. 118; (“By the end”) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 300.

Cox appointment:
WSPF Report, Oct. 1975.

Impeachment foreseen:
(impeachment defined) R, “Impeachment, Selected Materials,” p. 705; (“The time is going”) Breslin, op. cit., p. 12; O'Neill, op. cit., p. 242; (Rodino present) O'Neill, op. cit., p. 242; Breslin, op. cit., p. 13; (“just in case”) Zeifman, op. cit., pp. 32, 40.

Ervin/RN call:
Sam Ervin, Jr.,
The Whole Truth,
New York: Random House, 1980, p. 209; Sam Dash,
Chief Counsel,
New York: Random House, 1976, p. 168–; ints. Sam Dash, Rufus Edmisten.

Tapes discovered:
(“Frankly, I don't want) WHT, Apr. 9, 1973;
p. 292; (ordering change) WHT, Apr. 9, 1973;
p. 297–;
Oct. 30, 1997; (A week later)
Oct. 30, 1997; (“I don't think it should ever get out”) WHT, Apr. 26, 1973, Conv. No. 905-008, WSPF, NA, transcript, p. 31;
May 1, 1977, citing Apr. 27, 1973 conv; (Butterfield reveals)
Journal of American History,
Mar. 1989, p. 1222–; int. Alexander Butterfield, June 30, 1974;
May 19, 1975; int. Scott Armstrong; (Dean's tape suspicions) John Dean testimony, June 25, 1973, E, Bk. 3, p. 1016–; (RN appalled)
p. 900; (“You dirty bastard”)
p. 461; (Democrats hastened)
p. 900; (Kennedy Library) Richard Burke with William and Marilyn Hoffer,
The Senator,
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992, p. 36–; (discuss what to do)
p. 900; (“Should have destroyed”)
p. 901; (“I know what I did”)
p. 500, citing Alexander Haig; (tape releases) int. Pat Andersen, archivist; (“absolute power”) Schlesinger,
Imperial Presidency,
op. cit., p. 271–; (“Unlike monarch”) ibid., p. 272.

RN mental condition summer '73:
(“Do you think . . . mentally ill?”) June 27, 1973 entry, taped diary of James Doyle provided to author; (Elfin)
June 18, 1973; int. Mel Elfin by FB, FBP; (“relaxed & confident”) New Orleans
Aug. 21, 1973; (shoving incident)
NYT Week in Review,
Aug. 26, 1973; Rather with Herskowitz, op. cit., p. 243–; int. Ronald Ziegler; (drunk?) Osborne,
op. cit., p. 135; (“uppers”) Herbers, op. cit., p. 92; (“Sullivan on speed”)
Sep. 3, 1973; (not on medication)
NYT Week in Review,
Aug. 26, 1973; Herbers, op. cit., p.92; (seeing psychiatrist?) ibid., p. 90; int. John Herbers; (Hutschnecker letter) Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker to RN, July 3, 1973, “Material Removed from President's Desk,” Pres. Personal File, Box 188, NP, NA; (reporters armed with photos) Herbers, op. cit., p. 93; (Hutshnecker in
July 4, 1973; (“Millions of us”)
Aug. 24, 1973; (
/presidents' illness) Washington
Aug. 31, 1973; (“that thing”/“main fear”) Dabney, op. cit., p. 261–.

RN/Kissinger relationship late '73:
(“Haig is keeping”) int. Mel Elfin by FB, FBP; (RN not attend) Edward Rowny,
It Takes One to Tango,
McLean, VA: Brassey's, 1992, p. 59.

Middle East War start:
(RN not one mtg.) Elmo Zumwalt,
On Watch,
Arlington, VA: Adm. Zumwalt & Associates, 1976, p. 434; (RN clear on essentials/“preoccupied”) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 495; (“anti-Semitic bastard”) Max Lerner, “Eros and Power,”
Nov. 1978.

Agnew resignation:
(charges) Washington
Oct. 11, 1973; Richard Cohen and Jules Witcover,
A Heartbeat Away,
New York: Viking, 1974, Chapter 4–; (RN letter) ibid., p. 356; (“mortal enemy”) Agnew, op. cit., p. 189; (feared being killed) ibid. and int. by Helen Dudar,
Apr. 20, 1980.

Murders feared:
(“Everyone's life”) Bernstein and Woodward,
op. cit., p. 317; int. Carl Bernstein; (threat to Dean) Dash, op. cit., p. 161; Providence [RI]
May 16, 1974; Zeifman, op. cit., p. 50; Dean,
Blind Ambition,
op. cit., p. 271; ints. John Dean, Sam Dash; (Ervin) int. Sam Dash; (Cox) Ken Gormley,
Archibald Cox,
Reading, MA: Perseus, 1997, p. 279; (danger to burglars) int. Andrew St. George (re: fear for Al Baldwin), int. Charles Colson by Jim Hougan (discussion of Frank Sturgis's fear), in Hougan Collection, and see Liddy, op. cit., pp. 419–, 455 (re: thoughts of killing Hunt, Dean); (McCord bomb threat) McCord, op. cit., p. 36; (“if the administration”) James McCord testimony, E, Bk. 1, p. 141, summary of McCord deposition, Dec. 17, 1981 (431–435) in Rothblatt Papers; (Russell death) Hougan,
op. cit., p. 306.

RN and congressional leadership:
(acting . . . strange”) O'Neill, op. cit., p. 253; Breslin, op. cit., p. 66–.

Ford ceremony:
Dickerson, op. cit., p. 208; Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 511;
editorial, Oct. 14, 1973; (“most repellent”)
Oct. 15, 1973; (“wallowing”) Robert Hartmann,
Palace Politics,
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980, p. 26; (“Can you imagine?”) Kutler,
op. cit., p. 419; (“disintegrating”) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 511.

Cox firing:
(planning removal)
p. 928–; Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 535; (Cox/Harvard/Kennedys) ibid., p. 910; (“We can get rid of”) int. Elliot Richardson by James Doyle, Doyle Collection, provided to author; (“The FBI just entered”) Zeifman, op. cit., p. 59; (Bork/dismissal letter) Doyle, op. cit., p. 192–; (staff hurried) ibid., p. 195–; (tapes smuggled out) ibid. fn. and p. 165–; ints. James Doyle, Carl Feldbaum—Feldbaum's wife got the tapes out; (Rebozo admitted) Memo re: “Rebozo's Credibility,” Box B 135, E, NA; (“Constitutional crisis” etc.)
p. 935;
p. 249–; (Gallup) ibid., p. 250; (“miscalculation”)
p. 935–.

Kissinger to Moscow:
(RN “driven”) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 543; (“get off my back”) ibid., p. 552.

Oct. 24 alert crisis:
(Kissinger account) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 581–; (principal concern) ibid.; (RN “upstairs drunk') Morris,
op. cit., p. 257; (“tired”) Alexander Haig with Charles McCarry,
Inner Circles,
New York: Warner, 1992, p. 416; int. Alexander Haig; (“I will say it straight”) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 583; (“should I wake up”) ibid., p. 585; (another discussion with Haig) ibid., p. 586; (DefCon decision) ibid., p. 587–; Zumwalt, op. cit., p. 443; “On the Brink: Doomsday” TV documentary for The Learning Channel, Towers Productions, transcript, p. 37–;
Nov. 5, 1973; (stern reply) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 591; (RN “clear-headed & crisp”) ibid., p. 593; (RN lecture/Dr. Morgan) O'Neill, op. cit., p. 254, and see Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 593; (physician) Uniontown [PA]
Jan. 26, 1976;
Aug. 2, 1995; (tell press “indispensable”) ibid., p. 598; (“the most serious thing”) Haig, op. cit., p. 415; (Zumwalt recalled) Zumwalt, op. cit., p. 444–; (RN not mentioned) ibid., p. 448; (“The reason we had to”) int. Elmo Zumwalt; (Haig put up”) ints. James Schlesinger, 1997 and 2000 (the latter for the BBC/History Channel); (advisers wondered) Kissinger,
op. cit., p. 589.

Disney World:
(points covered) Boston
Dec. 4, 1973;
Nov. 26, 1973; (“not a crook”) excerpts of exchange with press, Drossman and Knappman, eds., op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 117; (“couple of belts”) terHorst and Albertazzie, op. cit., p. 261–.

RN condition:
(Bork) int. Robert Bork by FB, FBP; (Kelley) Kutler,
Wars of Watergate,
op. cit., p. 437; (Simon) Woodward and Bernstein,
The Final Days,
op. cit., p. 101.

Goldwater on dinner:
Goldwater with Casserly, op. cit., p. 266–; Goldberg, op. cit., p. 278.

RN and Joint Chiefs:
int. Elmo Zumwalt, Zumwalt, op. cit., p. 459–;
Atlantic Monthly,
Aug. 1983—Zumwalt acknowledged to author he was the “four-star officer” referred to in the latter; President Nixon's daily diary, Dec. 13, 22, 1973, Boxes FC-41 and RC-13, NP, NA.

RN family Christmas:
(low spirits)
p. 395; (Yankee Stadium) Edmondsen and Cohen, op. cit., p. 110–; (Julie appearance)
Feb. 1974; (Will) Dallas
Morning News,
Apr. 26, 1994; (San Clemente flight)
p. 396; (4 weekends) Elizabeth Drew,
Washington Journal,
New York: Random House, 1974, p. 138; (diplomat) David, op. cit., p. 168; (agents to Pat's aide) ints. Lou Campbell; (Pat drinking) int. Mark Barnett citing the late John Ehrlichman; (resignation discussed/notepad)
p. 970,

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