The Arrogance of Power (128 page)

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Authors: Anthony Summers

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“Intelligence” plans:
(“For God's sake”) Hunt,
op. cit., p. 185; (“800–300”) attachment to Oct. 27, 1971 memo, Gordon Strachan to H. R. “Bob” Haldeman, R, Stmt. of Inf., App. IV, p. 45; (“intelligence capability”) memo, Gordon Strachan to H.R. “Bob” Haldeman, Dec. 2, 1971, p. 59; (“When going to do something”) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p. 10–; (Liddy/Mitchell mtg.) E, Report, p. 21, and see useful summary at Emery, op. cit., p. 89–; (frieze) White,
op. cit., p. 156; (“Smart, isn't he”) WHT, Oct. 25, 1971, conv. no. 601- 033, WSPF, NA; (GEMSTONE) Liddy, op. cit., p. 270; (“beyond pale”) Mitchell testimony, E, Bk. 4, p. 610; (too expensive) Liddy, op. cit., p. 276–; Dean,
Blind Ambition,
op. cit., p. 85; Magruder,
American Life,
op. cit., p. 179.

“overall political plan”:
p. 403.

Digest dinner/Wallaces:
magazine, July 27, 1997; ($ in Bahamas?) John Sablich to Mr. Moerdler, Dec. 10, 1973, JSFF, pp. 490, 555; (
editor brokered) Paul Michel to files, Feb. 7, 1975, Campaign Contributions Task Force, File 804, Box 99, Paul Michel to files, May 27, 1975, Campaign Contrib. Task Force, File 804, Box 111, WSPF, NA; (Oobie-doobie girl)
magazine, July 27, 1997; Bryant with Leighton, op. cit., p. 257–6, the singer was Carole Feraci; (RN angry memo) RN to Colson and Haldeman, Jan. 28, 1972, WH Special Files, H. R. Haldeman, Pres. Memos, 1971–1973, Box 230, NP, NA.

2nd Meeting:
E, Report, p. 22, Emery, op. cit., p. 92–.

Liddy went to Colson:
summarized and sourced at E, Report, p. 23–; Emery, op. cit., p. 99; (“the President wanted”) int. Jeb Magruder for “Watergate: The Break-in,” Part 1, Brian Lapping Associates Production for the Discovery Channel and BBC, Discovery Communications, Inc., 1994, transcript p. 52, provided to author by Brian Lapping Associates.

Political position early '72:
(polls) Manchester,
op. cit., p. 1273—Harris poll in January showed RN and Muskie neck and neck at 42 percent, and Wallace at 11 percent,
p. 541–; (“coronation”) int. Charles Colson for “Watergate: The Break-in,”
transcript p. 39.

Mitchell go-ahead?:
summarized at E, Report, p. 24–; Emery, op. cit., p. 101; Magruder,
American Life,
op. cit., p. 193; (shift to McGovern) E, Report, p. 27.

RN/Mitchell meeting and “P”/“F” document:
Apr. 4, 1972 entry,
CD, Nixon to Rodino, June 9, 1974, Box 8, Edward Hutchinson Papers, Gerald R. Ford Library and see WHT, Apr. 25, 1973, conv. 430-004, WSPF, NA, and report of Peter Vea to author.

Others on RN/Mitchell meetings:
(Butterfield) eds. Strober,
op. cit., p. 249; (Korff/Mitchell/RN) Korff, op. cit., p. 120, and ints. the late Baruch Korff, Zamira Korff (daughter).

Early talk of DNC break-in:
E, Report, p. 22, John Dean testimony, E, Bk. 3, p. 929,
p. 173, referring to Dean and Magruder and James McCord testimony, E, Bk. 1, pp. 145–, 183–, re: discussions of DNC as early as Jan. or Feb.

“entries” at Convention/nominee HQ:
E, Report, p. 25.

Hoover death:
op. cit., pp. 10, 422–.

Bizarre orders:
(RN raging over offensive)
p. 435, and see esp. p. 448; (“The bastards”) WHT, Apr. 4, 1972, in
June 29, 1974; (RN kicked desk) Hersh,
Price of Power,
op. cit., p. 508; (demand for flag) Liddy, op. cit., p. 303–; Magruder, op. cit., p. 205–; Hunt,
op. cit., p. 211; ints. Bernard Barker, Howard Hunt; (melee)
Saturday Review,
Sep. 11, 1973;
Oct. 23, 1972; int. Liddy in
June 1997; FBI ints. Pablo Fernandez, FBI Miami 139-328, Angel Ferrer, 302 int., unnumbered and handwritten notes of WSPF int., in Michael Ewing Collection, int. Ellsberg,
Rolling Stone,
Nov. 8, 1973, and
p. 196.

Wallace shooting:
(actual event)
May 15, 16, 1972; (RN on surface) ibid.;
p. 608; (“agitated”) Bernstein and Woodward,
op. cit., p. 329, citing int. Charles Colson; (Bremer “leftist”) ibid., p. 326, citing White House aide Kenneth Clawson, (“Don't worry”) May 16, 1972 entry,
CD; (“times that it's best”) WHT, May 16, 1972, transcribed for author; (Nixon/Colson dine) May 15, 1973 entry,
CD, Henry Hecht to William Merrill, Aug. 14, 1973; int. Colson in Bremer released docs. folder, WSPF, NA; (“Nixon having”) Emery, op. cit., p. 116, citing NA oral history; (Nixon/Colson phone call) WHT, May 15, 1972;
p. 38;
June 17, 1997; (Colson admitted) C. L. McGowan to Mr. Gebhardt, Aug. 13, 23, 1974, FBI 44-52576, serials 808 and 809, Hunt referred to call in “late afternoon,” Colson to call at 10
.; (Hunt said too late) Hunt,
op. cit., p. 216, and see Liddy, op. cit., p. 309; NY
Daily News,
Dec. 8, 1992; (RN strategy depended)
NY Review of Books,
Dec. 13, 1973, the colleague was Robert Finch; (“With the needle sticking”)
p. 238; (Simons) Bernstein and Woodward,
op. cit., p. 326; (Wallace suspicions) e.g., C. L. McGowan to Mr. Gebhardt, Jan. 15, 1975, FBI 44-52576-814;
Sept. 1974; int. former Wallace aide Elvin Stanton.

SAC (Washington Field Office) to director, May 23, 1974, FBI 139-4089, notes of interviews by Jim Hougan, Jim Lesar (author's attorney), and Julie Ziegler (author's researcher); (“I did things”) WHT, Jan. 2, 1973, transcribed for author.

anti-Anderson plans:
(Hughes payments)
Aug. 6,1971; (on ITT) Emery, op. cit., p. 101; (Indo-Pakistan conflict) Hersh,
Price of Power,
op. cit., pp. 444–, 659; Jack Anderson with George Clifford,
The Anderson Papers,
New York: Ballantine, 1974, p. 260–, and research paper prepared for author by Greg Murphy,
magazine [San Jose
Mercury News
], Nov. 20, 1983;
Feb. 16, 1972;
pp. 531–, 574, 580–; and see Jack Caulfield to H. R, Haldeman, re: Anderson Leaks, Feb. 11, 1971; ed. Oudes, op. cit., p. 215; (“foes) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 25; (information to WSPF) John Lydick to Jack Anderson file, Oct. 21, 1975, and Michael Lehr to files, Oct. 28, 1975, WSPF, NA;
Sep. 30,
Oct. 6, 1975; (“They charged us”) int. Gordon Liddy,
High Times,
June 1981; Liddy court testimony in Lane, op. cit., p. 204; (Liddy meeting with CIA doctor) Liddy, op. cit., p. 286–; (Hunt affidavit) Mar. 21, 1978 in
Jack Anderson v. Richard Nixon et al.,
Civ. Act. no. 76-1794; (“spiking his drink”) AP, Aug. 17, 1973, cited in eds. Scott, Hoch and Stetler, op. cit., p. 387, citing former covert actions specialist Miles Copeland.

“political intelligence” operation continued:
(phoney support)
p. 166; int. Robert Odle; (Cuban's demonstration) Liddy, op. cit., p. 307–; (“our next job”) Hunt,
op. cit., p. 213; (McCord reconnaissance) E, Report, p. 27; McCord, op. cit., p. 22; (O'Brien office & apt.) ibid., p. 19.

Angelo Lano and Daniel Mahon report of int. Alfred Baldwin, July 11, 1972, FBI WFO 139-166, Baldwin testimony, E, Bk. 1, p. 395–.

see this chapter, author's note 19; (probing Anderson) Rodney Kicklighter and James Hopper report of int. Louis Russell, June 28, 1972, FBI 139-166; (security service) Don Sanders to file, Oct. 8, 1973, citing Russell file at General Security Services, Howard Leibengood file, E, NA and int. Ken Prestia, Jim Hougan Collection.

RN in Moscow:
(sleep eludes) Szulc,
op. cit., p. 56;
p. 610; (meetings/“never loosened”) John Osborne,
The Fourth Year of the Nixon Watch,
New York: Liveright, 1973, p. 92.

Cubans/first break-in:
p. 197; (“We're going to”) transcript,
int. of Alfred Baldwin, in
U.S. v. G. Gordon Liddy et al.,
Case 1827-72, U.S. Dist. Court DC, p. 43; (photographed papers) Hunt,
op. cit., pp. 228; Washington
Evening Star and Daily News,
Sep. 1, 1972; Hougan,
op. cit., p.156; (bugs according to McCord) McCord, op. cit., p. 25; E, Report, p. 157.

RN no diary/Moscow bugs:
p. 618–.

First fruits of bugs:
(Baldwin) int. Alfred Baldwin by FBI agents Angelo Lano and Daniel Mahon, July 10, 1972, FBI WFO 139-166, p. 10; (O'Brien bug failed) McCord, op. cit., p. 26; Liddy, op. cit., p. 321–; (content of calls intercepted) FBI int. of Baldwin, July 10, 1972,
pp. 9, 11, WFO to director, July 10, 1972, FBI 139-4089-504,
p. 201, Magruder,
American Life,
op. cit., p. 209, and see author's note 22 for this chapter.

CREEP/WH reaction to logs:
(stationery) E, Report, p. 30; Liddy, op. cit., p. 323; Nick Akerman to files, Oct. 26, 1973; int. of Sally Harmony, p. 3–, Box 63, WSPF, NA; (Magruder shows Mitchell?) Jeb Magruder testimony, E, Bk. 2, p. 797; Magruder,
American Life,
op. cit., p. 210; (backed by assistant) Robert Reisner testimony, E, Bk. 2, p. 494; (Strachan saw) Jeb Magruder testimony, E, Bk. 2 pp. 797, 827; (“Strachan called me”) Liddy, op. cit., p. 326; (Haldeman denied knowledge) H. R. Haldeman testimony, E, Bk. 7, p. 2880, opening statement on behalf of H. R. Haldeman, Nov. 26, 1974,
U.S. v. Mitchell, et al.,
Case 74-110, U.S. Dist. Court D.C., p. 7590–; (“best of knowledge”) H. R. Haldeman testimony, E, Bk. 7, p. 2880; (declines to answer) DNC deposition of H. R. Haldeman, May 22, 1973, summary deposition folder, Box 115,
DNC v. McCord,
WSPF, NA; (“whether any result”) Richard Ben-Veniste and George Frampton,
New York: Touchstone, 1977, p. 371.

Nixon after foreign trip:
U.S. News
World Report,
May 2, 1994; (“We need savage”) June 9, 1972 entry,
CD, p. 470; (RN urged Colson) WHT, June 13, 1972;
p. 40; (S.S. agent passed info.) Rush, op. cit., p. 61; (“hit McGovern”) Liddy, op. cit., p. 324; (Magruder wanted) ibid.; (Mitchell denied) John Mitchell testimony, E, Bk. 4, p. 1620; (“Tell me what room”) Ben-Veniste and Frampton, op. cit., p. 375; Charles Colson testimony, Dec. 4?, 1974,
U.S. v. Mitchell et al.,
Rec. Grp. 21, NA, p. 9378, and see Emery, op. cit., pp. 127, 504n38; (Liddy/Mitchell June 15) Liddy, op. cit., p. 328; (200 calls)
p. 201.

Chapter 30

“My God!”:
WHT, June 20, 1972;
p. 49.

Motive for Watergate:
(“basic issue”) opening statement of Henry Rothblatt on behalf of Bernard Barker et al., in
U.S. v. McCord,
Rothblatt Papers, and see Bernstein and Woodward,
op. cit., p. 230; (“To this day”)
Nov. 30, 1987, and see int. H. R. Haldeman in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 95.

Cuba motive?:
(hoped find foreign funding”) int. Howard Hunt and see Wise,
Police State,
op. cit., p. 159; (accomplices) e.g., Virgilio Gonzalez, New Haven
June 16, 1997 and int. Bernard Barker; (McGovern pressing)
undated, summer 1972; (phoney) e.g., int. Prof. Sam Dash (Chief Counsel, Sen. W'gate Cttee.); (Sturgis) Andrew St. George int. of Frank Sturgis,
Aug. 1974; ints. Andrew St. George; (Rosselli attorney) Rappelye and Becker, op. cit., p. 307, attorney was Leslie Scherr; (RN: “Hunt . . . open that scab”) WHT, June 23, 1972, conv. no. 741-002, WSPF, NA; (“very bad to have this fellow Hunt”) WHT, June 23, 1972, transcribed for author; (“The obsession of the administration”) Terry Lenzner and Mark Lackritz to Sen. Ervin, date obscured, Feb. 1974, Subject: Relevance to S. Res. 60 of John Rosselli's testimony about his CIA activities, Box 441-3, JFK Collection, HSCA, Rec. Grp. 233, NA.

O'Brien/Hughes motive:
(“Colson can talk”) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p. 18; (“Operation O'Brien”) ed. Oudes, op. cit., p. xxix, citing Haldeman memo to Lyn Nofziger, Mar. 9, 1970; (Chotiner reported) ibid., citing memo to Haldeman, Mar. 12, 1970; (RN memo on Air Force One) The President to H. R. Haldeman, Jan. 14, 1971, Box 140, H. R. Haldeman Papers, “Extra Copies,” W. Hse. central files, NA; (“shake . . . skeletons”) Jack Caulfield to John Dean, Feb. 1, 1971, E, Bk. 21, p. 9755; (Anderson/Hughes contributions)
Aug. 6, 1971; (RN: “I said: ‘Get word out' ”) Nixon/Frank Gannon int., “American Parade,” CBS-TV, Apr. 10, 1984, transcript, p. 2, and see
Larry King Weekend,
CNN, June 21, 1997 (rerun), transcript p. 5; (O'Brien “attacked”) Lawrence O'Brien Oral History, Dec. 10, 1987, XXXI, p. 40–, JFKL; (no irregularities) E, Report, p. 1027; (“possible wrongdoing”) ibid., p. 1025; (“A.G. called today”) Jan. 31, 1972 entry,
p. 405, the Hughes aide was Noah Dietrich—see also entries for Jan. 16, 17 and this book page 279–; (Irving) Drosnin, op. cit., p. 440–; Dean
Blind Ambition,
op. cit., p. 390–; (Schemmer) ints. Benjamin Schemmer, Enc. to Schemmer to Robert Herrema, May 24, 1973, File 804, Campaign Contributions Task Force, E, Anatomy of a Break-in, unpub. article in Jim Hougan collection; (“Nixon-Hughes Loan” book) Gordon Liddy to John Mitchell, May 15, 1972, attached to Gordon Strachan to John Ehrlichman, May 18, 1972, Donald Nixon file, John Ehrlichman papers, W. Hse. special files, NP, NA and Higham, op. cit., p. 348; (“planned burglary”)
Nov. 30, 1987; (“Plan hatched”) Haldeman note, Mar. 28, 1973,
CD; (“to find out what O'Brien had”) Liddy, op. cit., p. 325; (“mainly Hughes”) WHT, July 8, 1973, WSPF, NP, NA.

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