The Apple Of My Eye (9 page)

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Authors: Christine McGreggor

BOOK: The Apple Of My Eye
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Hayes’ voice drew her attention away from the mysterious shadow. “Well, what do you think?” He stepped around his company pickup, where he had been loading the trimmed tree branches for removal. He made his way over to her, putting an arm around her waist. The two admired the tree together.

Michelle shook her head in wonder. “It looks amazing, better than it has looked in years.”

Hayes grinned proudly. “I’m glad you think so. There is still a lot of work to do, and the tree will need to continue to be pruned heavily each spring, while we bring the babies up.”

Michelle blinked in surprise. “Babies?”

Hayes’ face flushed a deep pink. “Uh, young trees, I meant. Not human babies.” He ran a nervous hand through his chestnut hair. “Well, maybe human babies too, but that’s not what I was talking about.”

Michelle giggled at his discomfiture. Her heart soared. Hayes was seriously considering the thought of them together, raising a family. She stepped in front of him, putting both arms around his waist, gazing into his handsome green eyes. “Human babies too?”

The blush in his cheeks intensified. “I know it is kind of crazy to be thinking about a family so soon after we’ve met.”

Michelle’s smile was transcendent. “I don’t think it is crazy, Hayes. I think it’s wonderful. I think you’re wonderful.” She stood on tiptoe and claimed his lips in a kiss.

She felt his chest rise and fall as Hayes sighed in relief and pleasure. He left the bliss of her lips, his hand stroking the silky fall of her hair. “Michelle, speaking of human babies, what about birth control?”

Michelle smiled, pleased that he was so considerate of her. “Don’t worry; I’m on the pill, and as of my last checkup, healthy as a horse.”

Hayes gave a relieved sigh. “Good, I am too. We have nothing to worry about then.” His arm about her waist tightened, and his free hand rose up to gently cup the back of her head. He renewed and deepened the kiss, Michelle’s mouth opening to the gentle demand of Hayes’ lips. Once again his tongue slipped between her teeth, his delicious, earthy flavor filling her mouth and nose. She wondered if his skin would taste the same way.  She pulled away from the kiss, burying her face in his neck, the tip of her tongue darting out to sample the sensitive skin over his pulse. He tasted like salty sweat, and beneath that, the elemental taste that was purely, uniquely him. Hayes shuddered in response, and suddenly Michelle was no longer standing. Hayes lifted her against him, one hand under her knees, the other cradling her waist and back.

Sighing happily, Michelle threw her arms about his neck, still nuzzling the tender spot above his pulse. His ground eating gait brought them quickly across the lawn. Carefully he opened the kitchen door and took her inside. “Is Kara home?” he growled, his voice a deep, provocative rumble in his chest.

Michelle shook her head no. “She went to meet with her lawyer.”

              “Good.” Hayes strode through the kitchen and hallway. He took the stairs two at a time until he finally reached the door to the spare bedroom. Walking inside, he gently set Michelle back on her feet and then locked the bedroom door behind them. “No more interruptions.” He turned back to his woman, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close. His mouth descended on hers, plundering, while Michelle unzipped his jacket, eager to feel his bare chest against hers. His possessive, demanding tongue explored her mouth, circling and teasing while Michelle responded in kind. Her loins began to pulse in time with the gentle rhythm of their fencing tongues. Hayes shrugged out of his jacket and then slipped an eager hand underneath Michelle’s shirt, sliding up her back until he found the strap of her bra. With a deft movement he undid the closure, his hand following the satin fabric around her ribcage to her left breast. The delicate brush of his fingertips on the soft orb caused her to cry out, her body aflame with longing.

Michelle broke the kiss, panting. She pulled her paint spattered shirt over her head while Hayes plucked at the button of her jeans. Michelle threw her shirt onto the floor wiggling her hips to encourage the jeans removal. Hayes groaned at the erotic movement, his hands now both dedicated to the task of undressing her. The denim slid to the floor. Michelle stepped delicately free of her pants, and then her socks, as Hayes slipped her bra from her body. He took a step back, admiring the beauty of her nearly nude body. His eyes were twin emeralds as he took in every bare inch. “You are the finest thing I have ever seen.”

Michelle blushed, the heat of his gaze making her shy. She took a step back and looked away from his blazing eyes, towards the floor. Her right arm covered the tight buds of her rosy nipples. She could hear the soft sound of clothing hitting the wooden floor. Hayes captured the concealing limb, ever so gently lifting it away from her body. He placed a tender kiss on the palm of Michelle’s hand. “Michelle sweetheart, look at me.” His voice was firm, entreating. Her eyes returned to his handsome features. “You don’t ever have to be afraid or embarrassed with me. I care about you.” His right hand stroked her cheek. “If this is going too fast, if you need me to stop, I will.”

The tension that had been building between her shoulders eased, and she smiled. Beneath the heat of his passion, she could see the tenderness and affection he felt for her. “I care about you too, Hayes.” She closed the distance between them, touching her lips gently to his. With a sigh of relief he brought her closer. Their bodies meshed, fitting together. Michelle placed her hand lightly around his shoulder, the firm muscle bunching delightfully under her touch. Hayes stroked her side, his hand running soothingly up and down her flank. His free hand came up to cup her left breast, his thumb running over the pebbled texture of her nipple.

The friction sent a thrill of heat pulsing through her body. With a moan Michelle leaned back against the bed. She drew her beloved down with her as she lay on top of the soft blankets. Hayes deftly shifted onto his side. One hand cradled Michelle’s back while he teased the pink pearl of her nipple with his other. Bending his head, Hayes blazed a trail of kisses down Michelle’s neck and chest. His tongue took over the work of his fingers, tenderly laving the pale flesh of her breast. Michelle whimpered at the sensation, her legs twisting together as his insistent touch stroked the flames of her passion higher. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensations building between them.

Hayes’ well muscled thigh gently insinuated itself between the soft swells of her legs. Michelle curled her left leg around his, allowing his hand, which now strummed a soft rhythm against her belly to descend lower. She could feel the rigid length of his manhood against her inner thigh, a bead of moisture already cool on its tip. Her longing became nearly unbearable as his fingers deftly explored the soft curls of her mound. Hayes switched breasts, his mouth dragging in the neglected nipple. Ever so lightly he dragged his teeth against the hard surface, just as the tips of his cool fingers brushed against her wet bud. Michelle’s hips bucked uncontrollably in pleasure, her throat giving a strangled cry. Hayes groaned in answer as he sunk first one finger, and then two into her tight depths.

Excruciatingly slowly he began to move within her. Michelle’s fingers dug into his back, her hips moving in time with his pace, encouraging him ever deeper. He began to pick up speed, his thumb circling her tight bud as his fingers kept up their rhythm.  Michelle opened her legs wider, allowing him deeper access. Her thigh found his manhood, and she rubbed against him, one hand leaving his back to claim his thick length. Hayes moaned as her fingers encircled him, began to move up and down the quivering length in time to the twin beating of their hearts.

The delightful warmth of his fingers left her and Michelle mewled at the loss, her hips searching, bereft. Capturing the hand that was pleasuring him, Hayes shifted his weight, so he was perched above her. He laced the captured fingers with his own, and used his other arm to bear his weight. “Open your eyes sweetheart. Look at me.” Michelle’s eyes fluttered open, instantly trapped in the green depths. “Good.” He praised. “Keep your eyes open. I want you to watch me.”

Michelle could feel the rounded head of his manhood hovering at her entrance. A needy sound escaped her lips as he brushed against her. “Hayes… please.” Again he brushed himself against her, and then slipped within, one slow fraction of an inch at a time.

“My god, you’re so tight.” He moaned, as she tilted her hips up, encouraging him to claim her fully. Michelle locked her legs around his hips, her body screaming for his possession. He withdrew all the way, brushing her clit, and then trapping her eyes with his, pushed fully into her. She gasped, desire coiling ever hotter within her. He drove into her with strong, controlled strokes. Michelle arched her back, tilting her hips to meet his, her breasts rubbing against his chest. She could feel her loins tighten around him, could feel his strokes gain speed as the perfect tension of their arousal climbed ever higher.  Again and again he thrust into her. Again and again she rose to meet him, their bodies intertwined, locked into a symphonic rhythm of ecstasy. Michelle could feel Hayes trembling above her, inside of her, his breath coming in gasps which matched her own. With a final powerful thrust, he sent them both over the edge, spiraling out of control in a climax so powerful tears spilled from their cheeks unheeded. Michelle felt his warm seed spill into her, filling her as she convulsed over and over, calling his name. “Hayes...”




Hours later the two remained in bed, the March sun sinking beneath the horizon. They had made love on and off throughout the afternoon and evening. The world outside the small bedroom had continued on, unnoticed. For Hayes and Michelle, nothing existed beyond their comfortable bed. They had spent the hours learning of each other’s bodies, their tastes and smells. The tiny spots that drove passion higher, the rhythms and pressures that made love making all the sweeter.

Now they sat contented, curled up together in the bed, watching the stars appear one by one in the heavens. Hayes’ hand rested lightly on Michelle’s’ womb, her head tucked under his chin. Through the window, they could just see the top boughs of the McIntosh tree he had spent the morning so painstakingly trimming. “The tree will wake up soon, you know. A few more weeks of warm weather like this, and everything will be green again.”

Michelle smiled, the idea of spring growth filling her with happiness. “You’ll love the garden in the springtime. Gran planted so many flower bulbs; the beds are full of them. I think I saw the crocus already up.”

“I bet it looks incredible. I can’t wait to share it with you.” Hayes kissed the top of her head fondly. He caught sight of the picture hanging on the wall near the window. “Is that her? Your grandmother, I mean?”

Michelle nodded. “Yep, that’s Gran, with Mom and my Uncle Tom when they were little. I’m pretty sure my Grandfather took it.”

Hayes swung out of bed, padding naked over to the wall to look more closely at the photograph. “She was beautiful.” He looked over his shoulder and smiled warmly. “You look a lot like her. You have the same smile and the same eyes.”

Michelle smiled, but her reply was lost in the sudden, fierce sound of irritated barking coming from outside.

“What’s going on out there?” Hayes asked, peering out the window, into the darkening yard. “Did Kara bring home a dog?”

“I don’t think so. That sounds like Sandy, Mrs. Turner’s dog. I can’t remember the last time I heard her sound so mad though.” Michelle got up, pulling the quilt around her, and joined Hayes at the window. “Something must be going on. Do you think the Turners are in trouble?”

Sandy’s frenetic barking continued next door. Hayes shook his head frowning. “I’m not sure, it’s so dark. I can’t really see anything outside. I’m going to go down and make sure they’re okay.” Hayes quickly pulled on his jeans and slipped on his shoes. Michelle began to pull on her clothes, worried for her neighbors. Then a second sound joined the noise of the barking. It was an odd, metallic grinding, like a…

“A saw! Hayes, is that a saw?” Michelle looked at her lover, confused. The dawning look of horror on his face startled her.

“Shit!” Hayes dashed out the bedroom door, running down the stairs. He disappeared out the front door before Michelle could even ask him what was going on. She pulled on her shirt and headed down the steps, making for the kitchen. The smell of beef stew wafted through the room as she opened the door, but Michelle barely noticed. Instead her eye was drawn outside to the sight of a masculine figure standing in the murky darkness by the apple tree. A growing feeling of apprehension began to tighten her stomach. She could hear masculine shouting outside. Quickly Michelle flipped on the back yard flood light and stepped outside her back door.

There, in the glaring white light of the flood lamp stood Ed Olson, brandishing his chainsaw. The roaring, buzzing blade was inches away from the trunk of her McIntosh tree. Michelle gasped, frozen in horror. Hayes stood several feet away from the tree, his hands out in a pleading effort to stop his uncle. To the left, Betsy and Gerry Turner watched aghast, drawn outside by the warning barks of the ever alert Sandy. The golden retriever pulled hard against her chain, struggling to get to the intruder, her furious barking unceasing.

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