The Apple Of My Eye (7 page)

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Authors: Christine McGreggor

BOOK: The Apple Of My Eye
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Hayes pulled back, looking abashed and utterly aroused at same time. “My God Michelle…” He shivered and put a gloved hand on her cheek, stroking it gently. “I’m going to get us arrested and give you hypothermia if we keep going. Let’s get back to the car. Quickly.” Michelle nodded mutely, struggling to catch her breath. She followed him as he led her back to the restaurant’s parking lot.

When they reached his black sedan, Hayes again helped her into the car, only reluctantly letting go of her hand. When he got into the driver’s seat, he flipped on the seat warmers and started the car. Michelle gazed at the handsome man as he backed the car out of the parking lot. Never before had she reacted to a man’s touch as quickly and intensely as she just had. Certainly she had taken lovers before, and she enjoyed sex. However, none of what she had previously experienced had prepared her for the magnitude of her reaction to Hayes. This was more than lust, far more than just a desire to lose herself in the heat of the moment. That kiss had been… “Earth shattering...” she murmured softly out loud.

Hayes rested his right hand gently on her knee. “Glad I’m not the only one who thought so,” he whispered quietly to her. Michelle favored him with a shy, slightly overwhelmed smile. He drove the short distance from downtown back to Michelle’s home. However, as he approached the house, the sedan slowed. A large white truck was parked right outside the house, directly on the front lawn. Michelle gasped when she saw it.

“Whose car is that?” Hayes rumbled, sensing her dismay.

“I think that’s Jeff’s truck. He’s Kara’s ex-boyfriend. The one she just broke up with. I don’t understand what he’s doing here, or why he’s parked on my lawn. We were going to go pick up her stuff from his apartment tomorrow.”

“I don’t like this. Keep your phone out, in case we need to call the police. Stay behind me.” Hayes tone brooked no argument. He got out of the car and quickly helped Michelle out. Then he strode up to the front door, his powerful gait eating up the distance between the street and the house. Michelle followed behind him, her cell phone in hand. When she passed the truck, she could see Kara’s belongings had been dumped out of the truck and strewn in front of the house.

When she got close to the front door, Michelle could hear Kara sobbing and Jeff screaming at her. “Kara!” she gasped and lunged for the door.

Hayes threw out a restraining arm. “Stay behind me, sweetheart. I will deal with him, and then you can get Kara.” Hayes opened the front door, and with the same ground eating stride, headed towards the sound of the confrontation. He found the two back in the study, Kara crouched on the ground weeping and Jeff standing over her shouting obscenities.

“I don’t know who you are, but you will leave this house immediately.” Hayes voice was cold, powerful and commanding.

Jeff turned away from Kara, his eyes wild. Michelle could smell the stench of stale beer from where she stood. “Well, well, who is this, you little bitch? Are you already banging someone new?” The drunken man looked Hayes up and down. “Who the hell do you think you are, Jerk Off?”

“I’m Michelle’s man, and you're leaving.” Hayes stood squarely across from the drunk.

“Like hell I am, pretty boy,” Jeff lashed out, his fist flying towards Hayes’ jaw.

Like the hero of a martial arts movie, Hayes smoothly side stepped the attack, grabbed Jeff’s arm, and swung the man around. He quickly bent the offending arm behind his attacker, effectively incapacitating him in one fluid motion. Then he forced marched the drunk out of the room, down the hallway and out the front door. The women watched the scene in amazement.

“Holy crap, Shell. Did you see that?” Kara stared at her friend wide eyed. “You’re dating Batman!”




Michelle sat down on the floor next to Kara, and looked at her friend. Her right eye was bruised and would soon blacken. Michelle gingerly touched her friend’s face. She could hear the wail of a police siren approaching from down the street.

“My God, Kara, are you okay? Did Jeff punch you?” Michelle asked.

Kara nodded shakily. “I’m fine, I think. At first he didn’t do anything but throw my belongings all over the lawn.  When I opened the door to figure out what his problem was, he came crashing in here screaming his drunken head off. I tried to get away from in here, but I couldn’t get the door locked fast enough. The next thing I knew, his fist was flying towards me and I was on the ground. I was terrified; I’ve never seen him like that. I’m glad you two came home when you did.”

“I am too. I think Mrs. Turner called the police.”

“I’m sure she did. I saw her poke her head out the front door when Jeff pulled up. He barreled out of his truck, then just started screaming and throwing my stuff. He’s out of his damned mind.”

“Are you sure you’re okay, Kara? You look pretty shaken up.” Michelle gently pushed her friend’s streaming black hair away from her face.

“I’m… no, I’m not okay.” With that, the usually effervescent young woman threw her arms around her best friend and began to sob.

Michelle held Kara close, rocking her like a small child. A few minutes later a shadow on the floor made her look up. Hayes stood in the study doorway, a blue uniformed female police officer just behind him.

“Michelle, Officer Gonzalez would like to get Kara’s statement. They’ve already arrested Jeff, and are going to impound his truck.”

Michelle turned back to her friend. “Are you okay to talk to the officer? I can get you an ice pack for your eye.” Kara sniffled and nodded her head. Michelle gently released her friend and retreated out of the room, to allow Kara some privacy with the officer.

“How is she?” Hayes inquired quietly as Michelle headed to the kitchen.

“He punched her in the face. I think she’s more scared and shaken up than anything. Neither one of us has ever had to deal with domestic violence before.” Michelle opened the freezer door and pulled a cold pack out. She wrapped it in a clean kitchen towel and headed back towards the study.

Hayes frowned angrily. “I’m sorry that had to start tonight. No one should ever have to experience something like that. He’s gone for now, but would you like me to stay for a few hours? I will help you get her things brought in.”

Michelle smiled, relieved. “I’d appreciate it, thanks.” She paused on her way back to the study. “Hayes, where did you learn to do that… move? That was amazing.”

“My dad teaches Karate and used to be a Military Policeman in the army during Vietnam. He taught me a few things about ending a situation non-violently.”

“Well, that would explain things I guess. Kara will be so disappointed, she thinks you’re Batman.”

“I won’t tell her if you don’t.” Hayes gave her a wink and grabbed a box from the stack of empty cardboard in the hall. “I’m going to start bringing in her things. Meet you out there.”

Michelle knocked on the study door and waited until Kara told her it was okay to come in. Her friend was sitting on Gran’s old couch, one of the few pieces of furniture that had stayed with the house when Michelle moved in. The officer sat across from her, on an old leather chair that had been stashed in the library. “Here you go, Kara.” She handed the ice pack to her friend, who promptly put it against her injured eye. “Can I get either of you anything?”

“A lawyer and a dog,” her friend said bitterly. “Preferably the kind that scares off violent ex-boyfriends.”

“Do you mean the lawyer, or the dog?” Michelle asked.

“Both.” Kara answered, and then turned back to the officer. “Will you need to take Michelle’s statement too?”

“Yes, it shouldn’t take very long.  We will be wrapped up here soon.” The officer turned to Michelle. “If you could just answer a few questions when I’m done speaking with Miss Steward?”

Michelle nodded her acquiescence. “Hayes and I are going to start bringing in your belongings, Kara. Just come get me when you need me.” Michelle left the room, closing the door behind her. She grabbed a moving box and headed outside to join Hayes. When she stepped outside, she found him diligently loading Kara’s strewn possessions into a large box on the ground.

Michelle looked around and spotted an open suitcase which had held most of Kara’s lingerie. Despite her friend’s bravado, she knew Kara would prefer if a strange man wasn’t handling her underwear. She walked over to the suitcase and began loading clothes back into suitcase. After a few minutes working in silence, Michelle turned to the handsome arborist.

“Thank you for everything tonight, Hayes. Not just your help with this mess.” She gestured to encompass the lawn. “I had an amazing time at the restaurant and after…” Despite everything which had happened since they arrived back at her house, Michelle felt a fresh surge of longing. “You’ve been incredible.”

Hayes looked up from his work. “Thank you, you were pretty incredible yourself.” He placed a book in the moving box and stood up. “I hope you didn’t mind me taking liberties in there.” He gestured back inside the house. “If that piece of filth is under the impression that I live with you, he’s much less likely to come back here looking for trouble.”

“Oh, mind?” Disappointment seeped into her voice. “No I didn’t mind.” Michelle gently placed a piece of Kara’s clothing back in the suitcase. When she had heard Hayes tell Jeff that he was her man, her heart had jumped in her chest. She had hoped he’d meant the words, not just used them as a tactic when the situation warranted.

A gloved hand stopped hers as she reached for a lacy slip, fluttering in the night air. Gently Hayes lifted her, so the two were standing toe to toe. His voice wrapped around her like an embrace. “Michelle, I didn’t just…”             

“Excuse me, Miss Perry? I’d like to take your statement now.” Officer Gonzalez stood on the front porch, Kara slightly behind her.

“Oh, of course, I will be right there.” Michelle turned away from the handsome man, but not before he gave her hand a comforting squeeze. Michelle followed the officer into the house, and Kara stepped out onto the lawn, taking her friend's place by the handsome arborist. The icepack was still clapped against her face.

“Hayes, I wanted to thank you for what you did tonight. You got Jeff out of here, without ever throwing a punch. That was pretty amazing.” Kara held out her free hand.

Hayes took Kara’s hand in his and shook it firmly. “You’re welcome Kara. How are you doing?”

Kara removed the ice pack and gingerly touched her swelling eye. “I will be okay, eventually anyway. I’m tougher than I let on. While we are out here, I wanted to talk to you about Michelle.” She looked at Hayes with her good eye, coolly assessing him. “I’ve seen how you look at her, how she looks at you. You meant what you said in there, didn’t you? About you being her man, even though you just met her.”

Hayes’ eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Yes, I did. Michelle is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. She’s…”

“Kind, generous, smart, funny, caring, and she would do anything for the people she loves. Trust me, I know. She has been alone for too long, and she deserves to be happy. I want you to make her happy.” She poked Hayes in the chest. “You don’t want to make me angry. You won’t like me when I’m angry.”

“Yes, Ma’am, you have my word.” Hayes saluted the fiery brunette. “Your Hulk impression needs some work though.”

Kara sighed. “Darn it, I thought it was coming along. I guess the black eye kind of detracts, huh.”

“A little bit, yes. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though.” Hayes’ expression turned serious. “I have a good friend who is a lawyer. He specializes in family law. Would you like me to have him give you a call?”

Kara sighed and touched her face again. “Yes, I need to talk to someone. I don’t know how I will afford it, but I guess I can figure out something.”

“I’m sure he can help you. I don’t think a restraining order costs anything to file, but I don’t have any experience with it.” Hayes looked around at the mess on the lawn. “Why don’t you go back inside and rest. I’m going to stay for a few hours and help Michelle.”

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