The Alpha's Domination (11 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: The Alpha's Domination
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“Sir, have I done anything to upset you?” she asked.

Kissing her head, he leaned in close to her ear. “It’s
your punishment, Dawn. You’re not going to be coming for the rest of the day,
but that’s not going to stop me from touching or playing with you.”

She stayed on the floor in her submissive pose while
he grabbed the bed sheets. Part of him didn’t want to leave the room while
another knew he needed to prove to her how far he could go.

His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking the device
out he saw a text was left from Jake.

Jake: Doc’s here. He wants to see you. I’m at the gate.

“We’ve got to head back home.” He waited for her to
get to her feet, and he wrapped the blanket around her body.

“Have I upset you, Sir?” she asked. Her lip wobbled as
he secured the blanket around her.

“You’ve not upset me. I’m giving you some much needed privacy.
I’ve got a friend waiting at the gate. I promised you that no one but me will
see you naked, and I intend to deliver.” He took her hand. “The moment they’re
gone I’ll be having you naked once again.”

Daniel led her back to the house. He smelled Jake on
the air, and he noticed Dawn smelled the air as well.

“You’ve brought the Doc here?”

“How do you know the Doc?” he asked, letting her lack
of address slip. She was worried. Her wolf started to pace a little unsure
about what was happening.

“He visited a wolf in distress during pregnancy.” Dawn
stopped in the garden. “Why’s he here?”

“I’ve brought him here to see me. He won’t know it’s

“He will. How can you cover my scent? Shit, he can
probably already smell me.”

Daniel tightened his hand on hers, holding her
“Pet, look at me.
Look into my eyes.” He
waited for her to pause before he continued. “I’ll never let anything happen to
you. If your pack finds out we’ll know who told. Don’t worry, I promise your
secret is more than safe.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.


“There’s no reason for you to leave. Come on, we’ll go
and meet the Doc together.”


Dawn’s wolf paced as they made their way around the
front of the house. The blanket pooled around her legs, and she gripped the
bottom so she didn’t trip up or fall over. Daniel didn’t move too fast, so she
was able to keep up with each of his steps.

It took several minutes of walking before the gate
came into view. She recognized Doc immediately. The other man she remembered
from the club but didn’t know who he was.

“Hello, Jake,” Daniel said.

“Are we interrupting?” Jake asked, looking at her. She
smelled Daniel on the other man, and she knew he was part of the pack.

“No.” Daniel went to the electric box, opened the
door, and typed in a code. The gates opened up letting the two men inside.

“Dawn.” The Doc nodded his head at her.

Daniel stepped beside her, wrapping an arm around her
shoulders. “Her presence here is to remain a secret,” Daniel said, coming to
her rescue.

She dropped her head feeling ashamed that she had to
hide who she was from her family and her pack.

“I won’t say anything.”

Her mate stepped closer invading Doc’s space. “I mean
it. Anyone says anything and I’ll be coming back for you.”

Doc swallowed. “I didn’t think you believed in

“I don’t believe in violence, but if I’m pushed, I’ll
do whatever the hell I have to in order to protect my woman.” Daniel stood to
his full height, the scent of his wolf coming to the fore for all of them to
know he meant business.

Goosebumps erupted on her arms as heat flooded her
pussy at the dominant display.

“I’ve got it,” Doc said.

“You’re going to go all alpha on a woman who’s denied
claiming?” Jake took a step closer. The anger rolled
off him along with his disapproval.

She gasped at the smells coming her way along with the
anger. Daniel growled, stepping in front of her.

“Daniel, you can do much better.”

“She’s my mate, Jake. You’ll show her some
motherfucking respect or I’ll make sure you regret any words that come out of
your mouth.”

Jake stared at her, shaking his head. “He doesn’t
deserve you.”

“I’ve accepted his claim,” Dawn said.

“There’s a reason she’s accepted my offer, Jake. Come
inside, and I’ll let you listen.”

Together they walked into the house. She noticed
Daniel made the two men walk in front of them.

“Thank you,” she said, resting against him. One of his
arms wrapped around her back, holding her up.

“No need to
thank me, baby.
You’re my mate and my sub. I’ll take care of you for
the rest of our lives.”

She closed her eyes, relishing the feel of him holding
her. They’d not even had sex, and yet she felt close to him.

Sex doesn’t mean love.

The way he’d brought her to the edge of orgasm and yet
denied her had angered and excited her. He was the first man to show so much
control. Daniel turned her on by his masculine display.

They entered the house, going toward the sitting room
that Daniel told her was only allowed to hold guests. He rarely let anyone
further into his house
was not part of the pack. Daniel’s
pack may be different from many others, but his determination to keep them safe
was that of a good leader.

She liked the thought of having the house filled with
a loving, loyal pack.

“I want to thank you for coming,” Daniel said, standing
behind her as she sat down on the sofa.

Get closer.

Dawn moved into the sofa and snuggled up against his
arm. Daniel seemed to know what she needed as he rested both of his hands on
her shoulders, holding her.

“No problem. I don’t see any problem, but I guess this
is not a social call?” Doc asked.

“This isn’t a social call.” Daniel squeezed her
shoulder. “Have you heard of other wolves who suffer with a condition similar
to Congenital Analgesia?”

Doc frowned. “The condition is very uncommon in humans
let alone in wolves.”

“I’ve heard of it,” Jake said. His arms were folded
over his chest, staring at them. “The rumors were true. There’s a wolf being
used for sport.” Jake glanced at her. “I’ve not been able to find him though.
It has been a very busy morning.”

She had so many questions.

“Is there any way to treat it?”

“What is this all about? I don’t see what the problem
is,” Doc said. He looked between the two. She looked up at her mate, and Daniel
stared back at her, waiting. Dawn nodded for him to tell the truth.

“Dawn can’t feel pain,” Daniel said.

“This is bullshit, Daniel. How do you know she’s not
lying to get away from you? She’s been playing you from day one.”

Daniel’s wolf tensed. She felt him get ready to strike,
and Dawn didn’t want to be the one responsible for two pack males attacking. Getting
up from the sofa, she opened the Doc’s medical kit and withdrew a scalpel.
Opening her arm, she slid the knife across her flesh. She didn’t wince or feel
the bite of pain. It was like her brain was cut off from feeling anything but
pleasure. She felt Daniel’s touch, the stings of the cane or his slaps. They
didn’t hurt her, and yet this kind of pain didn’t have any affect.

She ran the blade across her arm twice more.

Dawn hadn’t pressed the blade too deep, and the wounds
started to heal seconds later. The first man she’d killed had pressed the blade
in deep making it hard for her to heal.

“That’s enough, Dawn,” Daniel said. His voice
commanded her to stop, and she stared at him. The concern was clear in his
eyes. She handed the Doc back his scalpel and took her seat beside Daniel.

He covered the marks on her arms. Blood oozed between
his fingers until finally the blood disappeared. Licking her lips, she stared
up at him.

“Wait, you just took a scalpel to yourself,” Jake

“This is not good,” Doc said, moving forward.

Daniel growled, covering her with his arms. “I suggest
if you intend to harm her you think again. I won’t have anyone harming my

“I’m not going to harm her.” Doc held his hands up in
surrender. “I’m only going to inspect her arms.”

Several seconds passed before Daniel relented and
allowed Doc to get closer. She held her arm out for him to inspect. There were
no visible wounds.

“How long has it been like this?” he asked.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat.
“Ever since my transition.”
It wasn’t a lie as she’d felt
plenty of pain before then. There used to be a lot of pain, and over time she
stopped reacting to the pain inflicted upon her. After her transition, the pain
no longer mattered. Her mother wouldn’t leave her alone long enough to stop.

“There’s no way for us to diagnose it unless we made
our wolves vulnerable to the humans. In very rare cases something gets shut off
during the transition in the emotional receptors of the brain. The reason I say
very rare cases is the majority of the condition in wolves is based around
abuse. The lines get switched, and the wolf can’t decipher pain.” Doc released
her arm and looked at her.

She stared into his eyes, wondering if he knew the
truth about her mother.

“Someone in your family, Dawn, has to be responsible
for this.”

“You mean, you
can’t feel anything?”
Jake asked, coming closer.
“Broken bones, boiling water, you can’t feel it?”

Dawn shook her head, feeling like a freak show for
them all to view.

“No, I can’t feel it.”

“Who did this, Dawn?” Doc asked.

“Is there a cure for this?” Dawn asked, ignoring his
question. The conversation about the person responsible for her condition
needed to be had with Daniel in private, not in front of these men she didn’t

“I don’t know. I’ve never met anyone with this
condition.” Doc ran fingers through his hair, obviously completely baffled. “This
is dangerous, Daniel. If anyone found out about her condition, she could be
used in unspeakable things. You’ve got to keep her safe.”

Daniel’s jaw tightened.

“What about the mating?” Dawn asked, turning back to
look at the Doc. She couldn’t live the rest of her life wondering if there was
a cure.

“What do you mean?” Jake spoke up.

“If the transition rewired my brain then shouldn’t the
mating help me to rewire it again?”

Doc held his hands up. “I really don’t know. I’m not
going to say there’s a cure, and I’m not going to say there isn’t. I really
don’t know. There’s a lot about this disease within wolves that we don’t know.
I can’t help you with this.”

“So you’re pretty much no use at all?” Daniel asked.

“The mating is worth a try. Personally, I’d try to find
fellow wolves in a similar situation as
.” Doc
stood, grabbing his bag. “Your secret is safe with me. This is not going to be
good for other wolves if it’s found out.”

Seconds later Doc left the property.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

Daniel moved around the sofa, tugging her onto his
lap. “I don’t like his lack of knowledge, and yet we call him a doctor. What I
also want to know is where others are.”

He stroked her thigh.

She snuggled in against him, pressing her palm against
his heart. Daniel surrounded her with warmth.

“What if the mating helps?” she asked.

“I don’t know, Dawn. I don’t want to put you at
unnecessary risk. I’d never change you.” He kissed the top of her head.

Opening her eyes, she stared at his chest. In the past
year Daniel had shown her more love and affection than the woman she called a
mother had in her whole life. They hadn’t slept together, and yet he left her
feeling completely whole.

Tucking some hair behind her ear, Dawn spilled the
truth out for him to hear.

“It was my mom,” she said.

“What, baby?”

“My mom, she was always
growing up, but she’d hide it away from Dad. He never knew the kind of woman he
married and mated. She’s not a true alpha, wasn’t born one.” Her chest
tightened as she thought of the years she’d spent afraid of the one woman she
should have trusted. “They’re not a true mated couple. She was the one who
caught his eye, and they had me.” She stared up at him.

“You never talk about your mother.”

“Because she doesn’t
deserve the title of mother.”
Tears spilled
from her eyes, and she hated them. “When I was younger she used to hit me if I
got my dress dirty or find ways to punish me. I couldn’t do anything right, and
she would tell me how useless I was. She’d lash out, slapping, hitting me, or
scaring me. All the time she did, Daddy wasn’t in the house. I noticed from a
young age that she was always nicer to me when he was around. I tried to make
him stay around a lot more, but he had pack work to deal with. I don’t think he
loved my mother. He cared about her, and he loved me, but she wasn’t a true
mate.” Her throat felt dry as she started to tell him her memories. The
memories she kept buried. “Where most kids went to their mother or pack female
for help, I hid from her. She was a vicious woman.”

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