The Agreement (28 page)

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Authors: S. E. Lund

BOOK: The Agreement
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?" Drake whispered,
grinning. "You better answer him. Tell him we'll be right down."

"I'll be right down, Daddy. Give me five
minutes, OK?"

"All right, dear. We're waiting."

We held our breaths for a moment and then Drake
buried his face between my naked breasts. When he lifted his head, he kissed
each nipple.

" he said,
staring into my eyes. "Am I ever going to get to actually
of you?"

"You want to?" I grinned.

"Right now, there is absolutely
I want more in this world. An end to poverty? World peace? Human rights for
all? No. I want to fuck you until I come inside of you. Bareback."

"We haven't been tested yet…"

"I have been. I'm clean. I'm know you are
as well. You told me and I trust you. I want to see my come dripping out of


"Seriously," he said. "You've
brought out the animal in me, Kate. We're talking caveman. Warlord claiming
territory, plundering." He grinned so wide he started laughing.


Then he rose up over me, propping himself on one
elbow. He brushed a strand of hair from my cheek and then grazed his fingers
over the tops of my breasts and my nipples so that they puckered.

"Once we're alone, once we're
alone, I'm going to fuck you and come inside your body and I'm not even going
to worry about making you come, because you owe me one, remember? After that,
I'll bathe you and shave your sweet little pussy, and I'll tie you up and make
you come three times. Once with my tongue and mouth. Once with my fingers, and
once with my cock."

." I closed my eyes,
desire washing over me.

"You like that idea, do you Kate?"

I opened my eyes and his were so intense, his
nostrils flaring as he breathed in deeply.

"Yes," I whispered.

"You want me to tie you up and make you


"Yes, what?"

I shook my head, not knowing what he meant. He
waited, and then I remembered. Did he want me to say Yes, Master? Or Yes, Sir?
Neither one felt right.

" I said, hesitantly.

He closed his eyes and leaned down, pressing his
forehead against mine, smiling. "No,
. I want you to say the
words." He kissed me, and I could feel his smile against my lips.
"Just say what I said. That you want me to tie you up."

"Oh," I said, understanding. He wanted
it acknowledged. He wanted me to give him permission. "Yes, please tie me
up and make me come, Drake."

"You're not ready for
he said, his gaze moving over my face. "You don't feel it yet. But one day
you will be ready and you will feel it. And I will
hearing that
word come from your sweet lips while you beg me to let you come."

I exhaled, closing my eyes. His words affected
me so deeply. I
to feel it – that he was

I wanted it to feel right.

He stood up, running his hands down my inner
thighs to my pussy. "
. You're so nice and wet. But we better go
or Ethan will be back with firefighters to break down the door."

He pulled me up so that I stood in front of him,
my head tilted back to look in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me.

"I like that you're short," he said.
"Petite. It brings out the Dom in me."

"I like when the Dom in you comes

"Oh, Kate, you ain't seen
yet. All you’ve tasted is vanilla ice cream."

I frowned a bit, unsure if he was warning me or
trying to entice me.

"Don't frown," he said, stepping
closer. "If you like it now, all I mean is that you'll like it even more
when we actually play."

I nodded. "I better change," I said
and pointed to my room.

"I'll wait, although I feel like I need to
go and jerk off in the bathroom to get rid of this," he said, grasping his
still-hard cock, taking my hand and placing it over his length. "But I
want to save it for you."

I took in a deep breath, my body responding from
the feel of him in my hand.

"I wish I could help you with this," I
said, my voice a bit quivery.

"You will.

"You know, I still haven't signed

"You will.
," he said,

"You're so sure of yourself."

"No, I'm not," he said, pulling me
into his arms. "I'm just sure of what I want." He kissed me, tenderly
this time. "I want you."

I sighed and pulled reluctantly out of his arms.
"I better freshen up…"

I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair,
applying a bit of makeup and then I got my bag. Drake was standing at the
window, talking quietly on his cell. When he saw me, he motioned me over and
pulled me against him.

"Yes, I'll meet you at 1:30. We can review
the slides once before 2:00."

Then he ended the call and put his cell away.

"Business?" I asked.

"Just preparing for our presentation this
afternoon at the conference. My colleagues and I are presenting the results of
a three-year study on pediatric neuro-electrophysiology. Dr. Marchand and I are
doing the presentation at 2:00."

I nodded.


We went to the dining room where my father and
Elaine were seated.

"Look who I ran into on the way over
here," I said, pointing to Drake.

My father's face lit up like a floodlight. He
stood and started glad-handing Drake, who of course, glad-handed back like they
were old buddies.

"Drake, how nice to see you again."

"You can cut the act, Daddy," I said,
smiling. "Drake already told me you two conspired to bring me here so I
could 'get away from it all'."

My father looked between Drake and me and then
laughed in his gravelly voice. "Guilty as charged. I confess."

We sat down and had a very nice meal and all the
while, I watched my father and Drake talk about business, about the election,
about Drake's presentation, about his plans to go to Africa later in the New
Year for a stint as a surgeon, about all of us scuba diving later after his
presentation. My father had already organized a training session and then a
dive at one of the local tourist traps. Drake was already certified as a diver
so he was excited to be going with us and eager to escape the afternoon session
after his presentation was done.

It felt surreal to think my father was actively
trying to push us together. If he knew Drake was a Dominant and engaged in
kinky sex with submissives that he tied up and blindfolded, and that he wanted
to do those things to me – and that I
him to…

I shuddered for a moment to think of the
consequences. And that was the real issue. Not whether I wanted him or he
wanted me. That was pretty clear already. This thing between us – this
intense sexual attraction – if we indulged in it this weekend, I knew it
would be next to impossible for us to end it when we got back to the real

It would be a really huge risk for Drake. We'd
have to be exceptionally careful that Dawn never found out.

I sighed and put my spoon down, my gut in a knot
over this. Drake must have heard my sigh for he reached over and took my hand,
squeezing it for a moment, and it was so sweet it made my throat choke up a
bit. I glanced at my father and he was smiling to himself, as if pleased to see
the show of affection between Drake and me.

If he only knew…















White Beach Diving Adventures was located a way
down the coast from our hotel. We drove down the winding road in a limo my
father hired, which deposited us at the small diving business on the ocean,
that housed a wharf and boat launch, a small wooden shack with equipment and a
room for instruction, changing rooms for suiting up.

We took the hour-long instructional course
designed for tourists, Drake sitting beside me, his arm on the back of my
chair, his legs spread. We went over safety techniques, how to wear the gear,
the itinerary for our short dive, and then it was time to suit up. A group had
already gone out in a boat before us, and so we were going as our own small
group, just Drake and me, my father and Elaine and our instructors. My father
had grown a bit portly and they had a bit of trouble finding the right suit to
fit his belly. Elaine was tall and slim and fit nicely into a woman's suit.
Drake was well-built and looked very delicious in his wetsuit. It was me who
was the real problem.

Of course, I already made one mistake, wearing
my bra and underwear instead of a bathing suit. I hadn’t thought to bring a
one-piece and all I had was the white string bikini. I didn’t think it was
appropriate to wear it so I wore my skin-colored lace bra and panties, not
thinking that they would get wet and still be wet after the dive was done. My
instructor smiled and said I wasn’t the first person to wear underwear. Some
people didn’t wear anything.  He'd seen it all.

I was petite and small boned, the smallest
woman's size left was too big in the body and too small in the bust.

The instructor held up yet another wetsuit for
me to try.

"This is all we have left. It's old."

It had a front zip and fraying fabric. It was
the only suit left that had any chance of fitting but it was worn, the zipper a
bit rusty.

"Maybe I should just stay behind."

"Nonsense," my father said. "Suit
up and let's go."

I went behind the curtain and tried once more,
hoping this suit fit me well enough. It was a the best so far, but when I tried
to zip it up, the rusty zipper stuck about half way up at my waist.

I struggled with the zipper with no luck.

"Um, I need a bit of help with this

Elaine was getting dressed herself so Drake came
in the change room where I was struggling with the zipper.

"It's a bit rusted," I said, trying to
hold the two sides of the zipper as close together as I could so that the
zipper was less stretched. Of course, the suit was still too tight in the bust
and my breasts were squeezed together. Drake leered at my chest and smiled
while he took hold of the zip loop and pulled, but it didn’t budge. He jiggled
the zipper up and down, but it was completely stuck.

"That’s what you get for having such
luscious breasts," Drake whispered as he gave one strong jerk on the
zipper latch. "Squeeze them a bit more, pull the two sides closer."

I did, feeling like some exotic dancer putting
my breasts on display.

"Christ, you're going to give me a boner,

"You better not get one," I said. I
glanced down and was shocked at how big he looked already, the wetsuit thin and
showing his ample length. "You look like you already do."

He glanced down. "No, I'm soft. I'm just a
not a


"A shower. I
my length all the
time, and only thicken up and harden when I get an erection. Most men are
growers. They're smaller when soft and grow in length when they have an

," I said, amused at his
clinical description of the categories of men's dicks. "So what I see is
what I get?"

"More or less," he said. "In
terms of length, at least." Then he leered at me, his eyes hooded.
"As you learned from Big, length isn’t as important as girth when it comes
to a woman's pleasure…"


He just grinned and gave one huge tug and voila
– the zipper went up.

"There," he said, smiling at me.
"Confined." He eyed me up and down. "I might be convinced to put
you in some latex at some point. A nice black latex cat suit would be really

I adjusted the suit a bit, and it was too tight
but better than all the others.

"We have to get going," the instructor
said through the door. "Those suits are thin but if you wear them for any
length of time in this warmth, you'll overheat. Most accidents in triathlons
are due to people overheating while waiting for their wave of swimmers to leave
the shore."

We emerged and made our way to the boats, where
an assistant instructor was loading up our gear. Since he was already
certified, Drake took over as my buddy, helping me with my equipment and
swimming with me on the outing.

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