Read The Agreement Online

Authors: S. E. Lund

The Agreement (24 page)

BOOK: The Agreement
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Liam Morgan (hereinafter referred to as "Master")


Marie McDermott (hereinafter referred to as "slave")

Submission Agreement, hereafter referred to as "the Agreement",
refers to total dominance and control of Master in his sexual relationship with
said slave.


Slave's Role

The slave
agrees to submit sexually to the Master in all ways. This applies to all
situations in which the Master and slave interact sexually, both in private and
if applicable, in public. Failure to obey will result in punishment as the
Master sees fit with the exception of the slave's veto right (section 1.0.1).
Once entered into the Slavery Agreement, the slave's body belongs to the
Master, to be used as He desires, within the guidelines defined herein. When
they are together, the slave exists solely to please the Master and will do so
to the best of her ability.

Slave's Veto

The slave
may refuse to comply with any command or act that is illegal or would result in
permanent bodily or psychological harm to said slave, that would shed blood or
involve breaking of any law.

I was really
interested in what it said about Drake:

Master's Role

Once He
signs the Agreement, the Master takes on full responsibility for the slave's
body and is given license to do with her sexually as He sees fit, under the
provisions determined in the Agreement. The Master will care for the slave,
arrange for her safety and well-being, as long as He owns her. The Master
commits to treat the slave properly, to train her, punish her, and use her as
He sees fit.


The slave
agrees to accept punishment the Master chooses to inflict. Failure to comply
with Master's demands immediately and properly will result in discipline, until
it is performed satisfactorily. Refusal to comply with Master's demands will
result in punishment, to include any of the following: bare handed spanking,
denial of orgasm, denial of attention.

4.0.0 Others

The slave
may not seek any other Master or lover or relate to others in any sexual or
submissive way without the Master's permission. If the slave does, it will be
considered a breach of the Agreement, and will result in termination of the
Agreement. The Master will not give the slave to other Masters.

So, he wanted exclusivity. I was glad to see
that clause. I had no interest in being shared with other men. I had a hard
enough time being with one man, let alone more than one.

The final section included his limits, which I
was most interested in reading to see if we were compatible.


5.0.0 Limits

The slave
agrees to the following activities, which the Master shall engage in at His

- All forms
of sexual intercourse, oral sex and play, anal sex and play, masturbation,
mutual masturbation, vaginal fisting;

- All forms
of bondage with the following: Rope, leather, and other suitable restraint
materials, and other restraints as the Master sees fit;

- The use of
appropriately designed sex toys, including but not limited to vibrators,
dildos, anal training toys, vagina beads, etc.

Anal sex? Anal training? Vaginal fisting? How
could he include anal sex, knowing that it was one thing I freaked over with
Kurt? I
Lara that – I assumed he understood when we talked
that it was off limits.

All of a sudden, I didn't feel quite so positive
about this agreement.

say I could strike things off the
list, but he also said it was his role as Dom to push my limits. Would I end up
doing the things I didn't want to just to please him? Would I hate doing them,
but do them anyway so he'd be happy, and nice to me, keep being my Dom?

I remembered reading
The Story of O
thinking how horrible O's existence was. How her submission was nothing more
than an excuse for the men to abuse her and get away with it.

Drake was so desirable, so powerfully
persuasive, so knowledgeable about how to manipulate women, including me, that
I feared I'd do almost anything to please him if I let myself.

I thought back to my experiences with him
– all the touches, the eye contact, the sound of his voice, soft at
times, harsh at times, low, sexy… How blunt he was about some things, and yet,
how he knew when to be soft.

I could still rip up this agreement, send him an
email and tell him that I'd changed my mind.

Indecision gripped me. All afternoon in my tiny
office at Columbia, I dithered about the agreement.


Later, after I arrived home from work, I printed
the agreement off and sat at my desk, examining it.

My phone rang. I checked caller ID and it was

"Hello," I said, chewing a fingernail,
undecided whether to talk to her or not.

"What's up? How did the concert go?"

I sighed and settled back on the couch. How did
it go?

"Dawn, what can I tell you? Drake Morgan
was there…"


Fifteen minutes later, she was at my door.

She sat on the couch and I told her about
everything that happened between us – without the mention of Drake's
kinks or the idea that we'd enter into any kind of D/s agreement.

"I don’t know, Kate. I said he was trouble…
How did he get invited to the concert?"

"He's friends with my dad. Dad invited
Drake when they were at the health club they both belong to. He's really quite
sweet, Dawn. He's just an alpha male, that's all."

She shook her head. "Out of the frying pan,
into the fire is what I see. Just take it slow with him, OK? "

"Look, he really likes my father. He wouldn’t
do anything to harm his relationship with him." She shrugged. In the
background, my kettle whistled. "I'll make us some tea."

I left her in the living room and went to my
kitchen, finding my tea ball and loose tea. While I poured the water over the
tea, I remembered the previous night and how Drake had forced me to make the
first move, to admit how I felt, to tell him point blank that I wanted him to
fuck me. Even now, it sent a thrill through me, remembering the feel of his
body on mine when he finally pushed me back on the couch and took over.

I fixed a tray with cups and my cream and sugar
bowl from Ireland called Belleek porcelain my mother used to use. It was one of
her many possessions I claimed after she died, and when I used it, I felt
closer to her.

When I returned to the living room, Dawn was
standing at my desk, some papers in her hand. It was then I realized what she
was reading –

I almost dropped the tray in my rush to get to
her and take it out of her hands.

"Give that to me," I said, after I put
the tray down and went to her side.

She let go of it with reluctance, her eyes wide.
, Kate. What the hell are you thinking?"

I made a face. "You weren't supposed to
read that."

"Slavery? Vaginal fisting? What is he? A neurosurgeon
or a failed obstetrician?"

"I've read about it," I said, my face
hot. "It's supposed to be about trust and gives a woman a really powerful

"Trust? Sounds more like it's about
torture. Can you even get Big inside of you? Can you imagine

"You don’t understand." I plopped down
on my couch, frowning, not really wanting to explain what I’d read. "I can
veto anything I don’t like."

" she said, standing
in front of me, her hands on her hips, her face red. "How do you know he
won’t do it anyway? What would you do if he did?"

"I'd use the safe word. It's Red. I say
that and everything stops immediately."

…" She shook her
head, her face pale. She sat beside me on the couch. "How do you know he'd
, Kate. What's wrong with you? Why would you even consider
this? This says slavery. Ownership. This says you'd be his possession, his

"It's not enforceable. It's just
psychological to have an agreement."

"Those books were fantasy land, not real

"Some people do this for real. He
He's not a sadist."

"Anyone who wants to shove their fist
inside of you is a sadist, Kate. Don't fool yourself. Have you ever had anal
sex? It hurts like

"Maybe whoever did it to you didn’t know

"Listen, you can't trust
says. He's not disinterested. He obviously wants you to be his submissive
– his 'slave'. He'll tell you anything to get you alone, so he can fist
you and fuck you in the ass."

me alone, Dawn. He had me
was naked. He stopped after I, you know,
finished and was upset. He didn't even get off."

"Probably because he
off without hurting you or something kinky." She moved closer beside me
and took my hand. "Kate, you have to listen to me –
scary. I know what abuse is. I watched my sister get beat up by her boyfriend
when I was a kid."

"This isn't
. It's consensual.
He's not a sadist."

"You can't
this. You can't choose
this, Kate. If you do, there's something wrong with you. Send him an email
right now and tell him you don't want to go through with this," she said,
pointing to the agreement. "Tell him you came to your senses and have no
interest in his kinky lifestyle. Then, come and stay with me. You shouldn't be
alone so much. We'll find you a

"But I
him, Dawn. He's actually
sweet when he lets down his front."

"More like when he puts
harmless front… Kate.
to me. This is a big mistake. Didn't
jerkface Kurt teach you anything?"

I sat there, my heart pounding, so confused. I
Drake. I wanted to have sex with him. Just plain old vanilla sex. But I also
wanted to try bondage. I wanted to be like those women in his letters, waiting
alone in my apartment for him to come to me, make me feel something so intense.
I didn't know what else I wanted, but I knew I wanted those things. I had never
just felt such an overwhelming need to fuck a man before. Just fuck him.

What was so wrong about that?

The way Dawn sounded, Drake was a monster and I
was off my rocker.

I covered my eyes and bit back tears of anger
and frustration.

"See?" she said, wrapping her arms
around me. "He's got you so confused you can't think straight. He's
Kate. I told you that the moment I laid eyes on him in the pub that night."

wrong. I wasn't confused. I was
Her response made that clear to me. One thing I was also certain of was that
Dawn could hurt Drake if she wanted to.

"You can't say anything to anyone about
this. He's a friend of my father's. He's got a respectable job. He does charity
work. He saves patient's lives."

"Probably because he feels guilty about the
things he does. What do you think your father would say if he knew you were
with him and if he knew what Drake was? What would Drake's patients think if
they knew he tied women up and fisted them vaginally?"

"No one knows what people do in the privacy
of their bedrooms. Why should it matter if it doesn't affect their jobs? This
is between consenting adults."

"Why would anyone
this?" She just shook her head. "You're over the edge, Kate. Not
thinking right. Send that email right now. Tell him you changed your

"I'll think about it," I said.
"I'm not doing anything right now."

"I'm not leaving until you do."

"Dawn, this is
decision. I have
to do what I think is right."

"Do I have to call your father and warn

Then, I regretted telling her anything about
Drake. One more mistake on top of the many others.

"Don’t do that. I'm asking you as my best
friend. Don't say

"When I was a little girl, I couldn’t do
anything about my sister. I won't stand by now and see you abused."

"I'm not
abused," I said,
frustrated and afraid. "It's not abuse if it's consensual. If I want

"No, you're just
if you want
it." She stood up. "I
tell your father if you don't tell
Drake to get lost."

BOOK: The Agreement
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