The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl (2 page)

Read The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl Online

Authors: Kayla Lords

Tags: #erotica, #short stories, #bdsm, #masturbation, #erotic short stories, #dominance, #dominance submission, #dominance and submission romance, #masturbation female, #dominance and submission erotica, #dominance and submission story, #ddlg, #dominance and submission ebook

BOOK: The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl
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Sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of
cereal, Katie opened her laptop. Her shower inspired a new blog
post, and she did not want to wait any longer than necessary to get
the post out of her head and onto the screen. Opening up her
browser, Katie went through her usual routine. Blog site up, web
email up, and of course, every social media outlet she could think
of. Katie refused to believe she was obsessive. Instead, she
preferred to think of herself as a creature of habit.

While Katie waited for the blog site to load,
she skimmed her email. No response from Johnathan. She hated to
admit she was disappointed. Katie shrugged and turned her attention
to her blog. Twenty minutes later, Katie sat back, smiling in
satisfaction. Any post that turned her on to write should do the
same for her readers.

Katie switched her attention to comments from
the previous post. She always got a thrill when she received a
comment from anyone. The power of the internet to bring people
together still amazed her after two years of blogging.

A new comment from SouthernDaddy. Katie’s
stomach flip-flopped. Her hand trembled as she moved the cursor to
open the comment to full view.
Why the hell am I nervous?
Katie mentally grumbled.
What the hell is wrong with me?

“God, your writing is so damn hot. Not just
hot, but sexy and sensual. Much like I imagine you to be.”

Katie blushed from the tips of her toes all
the way to the roots of her hair. Her reaction confused her. How
could a simple comment from someone she didn’t know do this to her?
Katie shook her head, trying to clear it. The heat simply moved
from her skin deep into her core.

“Am I really turned on? What the hell? I
don’t even know him!” exclaimed Katie.

Sighing to herself, Katie contemplated how to
reply to the comment. Simply saying thank you could come across as
uptight or uncaring. Answering with a profuse thank you seemed
desperate. Katie shrugged. When in doubt, go with honest.

“You make me blush. Thank you. I’m not sure
that’s accurate, but I’m glad you liked the post.”

Katie quickly finished responding to the rest
of the comments and closed the window in her browser. She turned
her attention to the email window still open and saw one unread
message. Katie knew she was odd, but she loved getting emails.
Katie audibly gulped when she realized who the email was from.


Hey there!

Thanks for replying to my last email. And,
in response to your comment, does it really matter if you think
it’s accurate? I happen to think you’re sexy and sensual. I’m sure
the rest of the world does too.

I hope this doesn’t seem too forward, but I
would love to get to know you better. I’ve read your entire blog
from the first post (I hope that doesn’t freak you out) and I feel
like I know you a little. With our back and forth through our
mutual blogs, I have a clearer idea. If you’re comfortable with it,
I’d enjoy emailing back and forth with you – digital pen pals, so
to speak.

If you’re OK with that, I have one more
request. Will you tell me your first name?




Katie could feel her skin getting hot again.
He’d read her whole blog? That was two years worth of posts, nearly
900 posts, to read. Realizing he read everything might have made
her feel strange if she hadn’t also read his entire blog from the

If he’d truly read every post, Johnathan
probably knew her better than anyone else. The thought set Katie
back for a moment. She began to consider her blog as a whole. Were
her posts an accurate picture of who she was as a woman? Did she
hide anything? No, no she didn’t. She mentioned her daughter, her
idiotic ex-husband, her job – but the main focus of her blog was
sexual. Of course, Katie didn’t mention how tight finances were
most months, how she hated lightning, or that she’d spent the past
two years trying to lose thirty pounds – unsuccessfully. Those were
simple details, though. Maybe he did have an idea about who she was
through her writing.

Before hitting reply, Katie made a decision.
She would allow Johnathan to attempt friendship – and only
friendship. She wasn’t ready for a new relationship, not while old
memories still hurt. Katie figured that was a clear sign she was no
good for anyone new. With her mind made up, she hit reply.



Frankly, I’m absolutely honored and
astounded that you’ve read my entire blog. You do realize that’s
nearly 900 posts, right? I had to think about it for a minute but
you’re probably right. If you’ve read the whole thing, you probably
do know me better than just about anyone.

Since you’ve read it, you know I’m still
suffering from a heart break from last year. I don’t know why it’s
lasting this long, but since it is, I’m keeping myself “off the
market.” I’m not interested in anything romantic, but I’m always
interested in friendship. I like the idea of digital pen pals.

And in response to your second question…



Katie hit send and smiled to herself. A
digital pen pal might be nice to have. And since she’d taken
romance off the table, maybe she would stop reacting to his
comments and emails.







Shifting in his seat, Johnathan felt
distinctly uncomfortable. He knew if he stood up his discomfort
would be evident to the world. Not willing to answer questions from
his children or deal with the knowing looks from his sister,
Johnathan continued sitting, staring at the computer screen.


A beautiful name for what he was sure was a
beautiful woman. Johnathan didn’t know what was drawing him to
, he corrected himself mentally, but he
refused to stop now. He smiled as he thought of her email response.
She doesn’t want anything romantic? No problem.

Johnathan thought back to the past year or
so. The bitter divorce, the shared custody of two teenagers, his
sister and her son moving in with him – life had gone crazy. He
didn’t have room or time for a relationship, but he knew enough to
give in to the pull Katie had on him. Digital pen pals seemed a
safe route.

He understood a bit about heart break.
Johnathan shook his head, trying to rid himself of thoughts better
left alone. Maybe they could help each other out, he thought.
Friends helping one another heal. He hit reply.



What a beautiful name. Short for

I understand the lack of desire for anything
romantic. I’m still recovering from my divorce. Recovering is
probably a strange word to use but it’s pretty accurate. Sort of
like being body-slammed but in the heart and the wallet

I need to get ready for work but I’ll email
you later. I’m full of questions. I hope you don’t mind if I ask a
million. I won’t be offended if you don’t want to answer them.

Have a good day!



Hitting send, Johnathan realized he was
alone. Mentally thanking his sister for her help getting the kids
off to school, he closed the laptop, carrying it into his home
office. He loved working from home but he had to keep a strict
routine or he’d easily become distracted, especially by a beautiful
blogger named Katie.

Settling into his latest graphics project,
Johnathan lost himself for a few hours. He enjoyed watching ideas
transform into pictures in front of him. Lately he’d taken to
working with black and white photographs for his clients. They
seemed to love the mystery and beauty he could create with those
images. He loved that he finally had the opportunity to marry his
passion with photography to his day job of advertising and creative

Rubbing the back of his neck, Johnathan
realized he had been sitting in the same position for almost four
hours. He looked at his phone and saw that it was noon. Aching
muscles and a grumbling stomach told him he needed a break. Pushing
his chair back from his desk, Johnathan picked up his phone and
headed for the kitchen.

He pulled up his email on his phone, out of
habit, as he opened the refrigerator door. He smiled as he saw the
email notification for a new blog post from LittleKGirl and an
email from Katie. Johnathan abandoned lunch for a moment to



Yes, Katie is short for Katherine. That was
my grandmother’s name, a woman I adored. But being called Katherine
always makes me feel old. Ugh!

As a fellow survivor of divorce, I

Ask away. If I don’t want to answer, I’ll
tell you.

Talk to you later!



Johnathan smiled. Katie offered very little
information about herself, but he didn’t mind. He knew with enough
time he could get her to open up a bit. Johnathan chuckled thinking
about her response. Katie might consider herself a “little” but her
response told him she could be tough as nails when she wanted

Deciding to answer her email later, Johnathan
turned his attention to Katie’s new blog post. He leaned against
the kitchen counter and began to read. Within a few moments, he
felt his body respond to her post. God, this woman could weave
words to create a picture.

He loved when she described how she touched
herself. Johnathan could picture the scene in his head - Katie,
naked in bed, writhing under her own hand, squirting and gushing as
she climaxed multiple times. Groaning under his breath, Johnathan
grabbed his cock.

“Fuck this,” muttered Johnathan.

Setting the phone aside, he walked down the
hallway to his bedroom, entered the master suite, and closed his
bedroom door. Johnathan quickly stripped. Gripping his shaft, he
began stroking it, thinking of Katie’s words, picturing her in the
throes of an orgasm.

Johnathan’s hand grazed the bulbous head of
his cock. Closing his eyes, he savored the feeling. Firm, even
strokes quickly brought him to the brink. A small bead of fluid
trickled from the tip. He used the sticky drop to lubricate his
shaft. As his hand moved more easily, Johnathan could feel the
pressure building. He stroked his cock faster and faster.

“Oh, God damn it!” Johnathan growled into the
empty room as he reached the edge and tipped over. Hot sticky
ejaculate spurted out over his hand. Johnathan milked his body for
a few more moments, catching his breath. He walked into the
bathroom to clean up, smiling and thinking about an email he needed
to send and a comment to write before getting back to work.




Johnathan found himself looking forward to
Katie’s emails each day. They had emailed each other several times
a day over the past few weeks, and he never ran out of questions
for her. Each time an email came through from Katie, Johnathan
smiled. His family made comments about how often that he seemed to
be singing these days – mostly that they wished he would stop.

So far, Katie had been willing to answer
every question he’d asked of her. Johnathan knew that she lived
just a couple of hours away, what she did for a living, how many
brothers and sisters she had, and that she had a daughter. Every
day he learned something new, and his desire to know more grew each

Johnathan couldn’t deny he thought of her
every time he jacked-off in the shower. And he couldn’t deny he did
that more often now, too. He still maintained he and Katie were
just friends, but he wouldn’t pretend that her words, through email
and her blog, captivated his imagination. Now, he knew he was about
to do something that could ruin everything, but Johnathan felt
compelled by something he couldn’t name. He needed to hear her



Hey there! How’s your morning going so far?
Don’t let work get you down, okay? When you’re ready to kill
someone, remember you may have Deja Moo: The feeling that you've
heard this bull before. LOL! Hilarious, right?! Ok, so it’s one of
my cornier jokes, but you need a laugh when it gets tough,

Glad to hear that you’re getting some time
off from work and motherhood for a couple of days. Enjoy it, OK?
Rest, read, write, eat chocolate, drink wine. And not necessarily
in that order! ;)

I have a question for you. Could I call
sometime? This may sound crazy but I really want to hear your voice
and know what you sound like. If you’re not cool with that, I
understand! But if you are, here’s my number: 227-234-1384. You can
text me if you want, instead of call. I’m going to kick myself for
sending this, especially if I freak you out. But I’ll kick myself
if I don’t either.

Ok, I’m done being a spaz. Have a good day
at work!



Hitting send, Johnathan swallowed nervously.
He knew he needed to hear her voice, but he didn’t know if his
request would be too soon for Katie. He could sense through her
emails and even her blog posts she was nervous about relationships
and men. Johnathan kept telling himself he didn’t want anything
romantic from Katie; he also knew he was lying to himself.

The more he came to know her, the more he
could feel his natural dominance rising to the surface. He filtered
himself more often in their email exchanges. Johnathan was well
aware he didn’t have her permission to start telling her what to do
or advising her on the best course of action, but he wanted to. He
could see where she was going wrong and sabotaging herself, and he
recognized she needed a strong hand to guide her and remind her
that she was brilliant and capable.

Johnathan knew he was taking a chance giving
her his number, asking to hear her voice. Katie was skittish, no
doubt about that, and if he wasn’t careful, he might scare her off
completely. The Daddy side of his Dominant self couldn’t help but
want to protect her and guide her.

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