The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl

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Authors: Kayla Lords

Tags: #erotica, #short stories, #bdsm, #masturbation, #erotic short stories, #dominance, #dominance submission, #dominance and submission romance, #masturbation female, #dominance and submission erotica, #dominance and submission story, #ddlg, #dominance and submission ebook

BOOK: The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl
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The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl
By Kayla Lords


The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl
Kayla Lords

Published by Kayla Lords at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 Kayla Lords

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Adventures of Sir and Babygirl photo credit: yurmary
/ 123RF Stock Photo

Discover other titles by Kayla Lords:

The Big Game

For my Sir from your Babygirl


Table of Contents



The First Date

Sir and Babygirl

Babygirl Learns a Lesson

Babygirl Learns Another Lesson

Connect with Kayla Lords








“Thank you for the comment. I really like
your insight.”

Why did she have butterflies in her stomach
over a comment left on a blog?
Just hit send! This is silly.
Clicking the submit button, she immediately closed her browser and
shut the laptop. Shaking her head, Katie put her laptop back in her
bag and gathered her things, ready to leave the coffee shop.

She spent so much time here the baristas knew
her by order and name.

“Tall non-fat chai latte, Katie?”

She smiled to herself thinking about how they
greeted her every time she walked through the door. She refused to
think of herself as pathetic for spending almost every evening in
what she now considered “her” chair in the corner. She also refused
to acknowledge the annoyance she felt when someone else got the
seat before her.

“Bye, Katie! See you soon!” The cheerful
voice of the cute, blonde barista followed her out the door. She
waved without looking back. Katie always felt a little nervous
around the girl behind the counter. She was beautiful in a classic
way that made Katie’s eyes hurt.
No one should be so pretty
Katie thought every time she saw the blonde.

In comparison, Katie felt dumpy. Of average
height and build, very little on her was firm and tight like the
pretty blonde. Katie doubted the girl had ever given birth; she was
too toned, unlike Katie who was soft, round, and curvy. When she
was feeling kind towards her body, she referred to herself as
willowy. She almost never felt so generous.

Getting into her car, Katie’s thoughts
returned to the nameless, faceless commenter on her blog. How could
a total stranger’s words make her so nervous? Nervous wasn’t the
right word. Nervously excited was closer to the truth. She found
herself writing posts wondering what he would say.

She didn’t know his name. She didn’t know
anything about him. Well, that wasn’t completely true. The email
notification she’d received from his last comment showed his IP
address and location. If the information was accurate, he lived
just a couple of hours away. The thought made her both excited and

Still recovering from a broken heart, Katie
was fearful about sending out the wrong signals or catching a man’s
interest. She wasn’t ready to re-enter the dating scene, especially
since her idea of dating wasn’t exactly like most people. Katie
knew she needed a good strong Dominant man, but the strong ones
made her nervous. She felt drawn to them by some sort of weird BDSM
magnetism – at least that’s what she told herself – but they scared
her, too. The desire to stay single was why she never went to the
local BDSM club or any munches, either. She couldn’t be found by
Dominant men if they didn’t know she existed.

“Put it out of your head, babygirl,” Katie
mumbled to herself as she pulled out of the parking lot. Simply
calling herself his name for her made her heart twist a little in
her chest. So many things reminded her of the only man who had ever
had all of her. A year had passed already. When would she stop




Walking in the front door, Katie fought the
urge to pull out her laptop and check the comments. Instead, she
checked her phone. No email notifications. Her shoulders slumped a
bit before she mentally shook herself. What was her problem? She
responded to his comment only twenty minutes prior and published
her newest post a few minutes before that.

Reaching up to her rub her neck, Katie
realized just how tense she had been for days. She needed some time
for herself, no work, no blogging, just chilling. A Disney movie,
knee socks, and pigtails should do the trick. She and Mr. Teddy
would have themselves a “little girl” night on the couch. Her
daughter, Olivia, was with her father, and Katie knew she needed to
take advantage of the time alone.

Katie pulled on her pink and white pajama
shorts with the ruffle along the bottom, followed by the matching
tank top. No panties or bra tonight. Fishing her hot pink knee
socks out of the drawer, she caught a glimpse of herself in the
mirror. Katie stopped what she was doing and looked at herself.
Dark eyes stared back. Her hair was wind-blown from driving with
the windows down. No make-up today; she had no one to impress
anyway. She tried not to concentrate on her white thighs. She could
find something wrong with nearly every inch of her body. She
preferred not to dwell on her flaws.

Katie tugged on the socks, wiggling her toes
and admiring the vibrant pink fabric. Next, she began to tame her
mahogany dark brown hair into two pigtails. Sticking out on the
side or closer to her neck at the back? Katie twisted her head back
and forth trying to decide. She finally decided on somewhere in
between – not completely above her ears on the side of her head,
but they were still very obvious.

Walking into the kitchen, she tried to choose
between popcorn and pizza. She grinned imagining the look on the
delivery guy’s face if she answered the door like this. Shrugging
she decided to have both. Dialing the local pizza place with one
hand, she grabbed a mini-bag of popcorn out of the cupboard with
the other.

A few minutes later Katie settled onto the
couch with hot popcorn and a thirty minute wait for a cheese pizza.
Oh crap!
She realized she’d forgotten Mr. Teddy on her bed.
Katie jumped up and ran to her room. Grabbing the worn teddy bear,
she hurried back to the couch, hugging the stuffed animal close to

“Sorry, Mr. Teddy! I was thinking more of my
stomach than you.” Katie knew she was talking to a teddy bear. She
didn’t really care. Mr. Teddy kept all her secrets and, like her
blog, acted as a form of therapy. She kissed the bear twice and
went searching for a movie on TV.

Without thinking, Katie picked up her phone
to check her email to see if she’d received any new comments. The
notification dinged at her, and she looked down at her phone. Two
comments and an email from Johnathan E.? Who was he?

Katie decided she needed the movie night for
herself more than she needed to read emails. With an effort, she
shut down the email application on her phone, turned her phone to
silent, and placed it face down on the table behind the couch.
Waiting might kill her, but she refused to be tied to the phone.
Katie was determined to go into her little girl head space and
relieve some of her tension.

Two movies and half a pizza later, Katie
yawned and hugged Mr. Teddy tight. Half asleep on the couch, she
shut off the TV, grabbed her phone, and walked down the hallway to
bed. She was always surprised at how relaxed she felt after
something as simple as a cartoon filled with singing animals.

Settling into bed, Katie checked her email
again out of sheer habit. Opening her email, she remembered the
mysterious email. Who was Johnathan E.? Opening the email, her eyes
widened as she read.


Dear LittleKGirl,

I saw a post where you gave your email
address and hope you don’t mind me using it to contact you. I’m
SouthernDaddy – you know, from the blogs.

If this bothers you, don’t respond, but I
wanted to talk to you outside of a comment box. I really enjoy your
blog. It’s funny, sexy, and sassy. I like to imagine that’s a good
description of you as well.

Anyway, if you’re not made too uncomfortable
by a strange man emailing you, I’d love to hear from you




Katie’s phone dropped to the bed. Releasing
the phone was the only thing keeping her from immediately
responding to his email. Johnathan had such a nice ring to it. She
had to admit she wanted to know more about him. What did he look
like? What did he do for a living? Was he a new Dominant or an
experienced one?

Katie shook her head. What was she doing? She
didn’t need to get involved with anyone right now, and there was
little reason to think he was interested in her. He reached out so
they could have a conversation outside of the comments on her blog,
nothing more.
Snap out of it, babygirl
, Katie chastised

With a resolve she didn’t know she possessed,
Katie put her phone away for the night and forced herself to wait
until morning to respond. She took off her glasses, placing them
next to her phone, and rubbed her eyes. She was too tired to come
up with a non-committal, friendly, yet polite refusal tonight.
Rolling over, Katie closed her eyes and fell asleep.




Katie thought a few minutes had passed, but
the clock flashed 2:00 a.m. at her. Damn it, she was waking up in
the middle of the night again.
A good fucking would solve this
, she thought,
but that’s not going to happen anytime

Katie dipped her hand into her shorts and
found her bare pussy. Already soaked, she wondered what she had
been dreaming about. Her fingers kneaded the soft skin, sinking
into the crevice between her lips to find her innermost petals.
Exploring her depths more out of curiosity than desire, she
marveled at the feel of her own flesh.

Growing impatient with her own exploration,
she dragged a moist fingertip over her clitoris. Katie hissed at
the sensation as her hips lifted. Circling the hardening nub of
flesh, she could feel pressure building deep within her core. Waves
of pleasure shot through her body. She began to pant and moan as
her finger swirled in one direction and then another. The burning,
throbbing desire became stronger and stronger until she felt her
pussy spasm and open as she came in a gigantic gush, soaking her
hand, her shorts, and the bed beneath her.

Catching her breath, Katie brought her hand
to her lips. Smiling, her tongue darted out to taste the juices
running down her hand. Closing her eyes, she moaned as she sucked
the fluids off of her skin, reveling in her own flavor. God, she
loved that her former lover had taught her to do this. Tasting
herself felt sinful and sexy.

With her hand clean, Katie giggled into the
dark room and rolled over. She loved sleeping in a wet spot.
Moments later, sleep overtook her again.

Katie woke up with the sun shining directly
into her eyes. Looking over at the clock, she saw she had slept
later than usual. Thankful she didn’t have anywhere to be, Katie
stretched like a cat in the bed, tangling the covers between her
legs. Wiggling her toes, she giggled as she realized the bed was
still damp beneath her.

Grabbing her phone out of habit, the memory
of Johnathan’s email hit her. The thought of answering his email
made her nervous. Sweaty-palms, heart-pounding nervous. Opening her
email, Katie hit reply. She decided to send a quick email before
she could talk herself out of responding.



Thanks for your email! No problem using it
since I put it out there for the world…lol. Not uncomfortable, but
thanks for the concern.

Glad you like the blog. Not sure if I’m any
of those things, but writing in a blog affords me a certain amount
of freedom to say what I want.

Anyway, nice to hear from you.



Katie didn’t sign her real name. No sense in
letting him in too close when nothing would come of it anyway. She
hit the send button before she changed her mind and deleted the
whole thing.
Ok, it’s gone. He’ll respond or not.
She would
not spend the entire day obsessively checking her email.

Katie groaned as she sat up in bed.
did I start feeling so creaky in the morning?
Stretching her
arms, Katie yawned and stood up. She walked toward the bathroom,
letting her clothes drop behind her as she went. Naked, she entered
the bathroom and turned the water on to start her shower. Katie
smiled to herself, remembering the wet spot in the bed, making a
mental note to take the sheets off the bed after her shower. As she
waited for the water to heat up, Katie absentmindedly stroked the
soft roundness of her breast and smiled to herself. This was going
to be a very long, very steamy shower.

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