The Accidental Familiar (Accidentally Paranormal Series Book 14) (34 page)

BOOK: The Accidental Familiar (Accidentally Paranormal Series Book 14)
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“Then why in tarnation did it sound like a herd of elephants was doin’ the fandango in here?” the sweet-looking senior asked. “These walls are thin, lady. You were in here roughin’ up my Tina, that’s what you were doing!”

I found it hard to hide my surprise as I looked into this man’s blue eyes, so alive with anguish. “Who’s Tina?”

Winterbottom’s rich, sophisticated voice grazed my ear. “That’s Madam Zoltar’s real name. Tina Marie Martoni. And this little chap with the suspenders and sharp eyes? He’s Chester Sherwood. Seventy-two, and a spry old goat. His son runs and owns the coffee shop next door.”

I rolled my shoulder to dislodge Winterbottom from my ear. If there was anything I was skilled at, it was ignoring clingy ghosts who wanted to talk when I was in the middle of something.

“May I put my hands down now, Officer? I think my fingers are numb.”

But Chester began hopping around in protest, the tuft of white hair on his balding head bouncing in time with his feet. “She was in here up to no good! Tell her to keep her hands in the air ’til her fingers fall off!”

Aw. That was kinda mean. I sent big pleading eyes to the officer, averting my gaze away from Chester The Heckler.

The officer lowered his gun and holstered it when his backup arrived, but he pointed a warning finger at me. “You can put your hands down, but you stay where we can see you.” Then he turned to his partner, a reed-thin, sandy-blond man who had to be at least six-three. “Keep an eye on her, Gorton, while I take a look around. She was here in the middle of all this when I got to the scene.”

“Wait!” I yelped a warning without even thinking. “Madam Zoltar’s…” I looked to Chester, who had called her “his” Tina, leading me to believe there might be some kind of romantic attachment, so I wanted to tread delicately. I’d hate it if I blurted out in a careless manner that she’d left this world.

So I inched my way over to the first officer on the scene, and caught his name badge. Dropping my voice to a whisper, I leaned into him. “Um, Officer Nelson? Madam Zoltar is dead.”

Chester was becoming more agitated by the second. He gripped the tall officer, his fingers sinking into the policeman’s forearm, his lips thinning into a line. “What are you whisperin’ about over there, girlie! What did you do to my Tina?”

Officer Nelson planted his hands on slender hips. “And how do you know she’s departed, Miss—”

I stuck my hand out between us, cutting off his words. “Cartwright. Stevie Cartwright. I know because I saw her. If you’ll just let me explain—”

He gave me a sharp gaze that said shut it and firmly ignored my hand, but his spoken instruction was polite. “If you’ll just wait here, Miss Cartwright, I’ll take a look.”

As Officer Nelson climbed over the carnage of my klutziness, I shoved my unshaken hand back to my side and held my breath.

From this distance, I saw him kneel down next to Madam Zoltar, pressing his fingers to her wrist. Then he spoke softly into the radio at his shoulder, obviously alerting headquarters there was no rush.

It was then the sorrow of a soul passing over hit me in waves of remorse, arcing over my initial shock. Madam Zoltar had probably been someone’s mother, sister, daughter, friend. I hoped wherever she’d landed on the other side, she was happy.

I said a small prayer to that effect while Officer Nelson assessed me again with a critical pair of brown eyes, his tight jaw and clean good looks hard to ignore. He struck me as the kind of man who made hospital corners on his bed and devoutly avoided anything chaotic.

But it appeared as though he wouldn’t be able to avoid chaos today. As passersby and probably other shop owners began to gather at the window and the entry to the store, more police arrived.

Was Madam Zoltar important to the community in a way other than her work? Or were these rubberneckers just a bunch of ambulance chasers?

“Nana Tina?” someone from the back of the forming crowd called, followed by a pale hand waving from the street.

All heads swiveled to see where the cry had come from before a young woman barreled through the gawkers.

Her eyes were wide and green, her hair dyed so red, under the dim light of the store it looked almost pink. The cut was shaggy and unkempt, worn jagged and spiky around her heart-shaped face. She had on as much jewelry as her nana, but she wore most of it in the way of piercings in her eyebrows and nose.

The slouch of her loose jeans rolled at her ankles, a pair of navy-blue Keds and a neon-green hoodie all said she was quite young.

Nana Tina
?” she cried out again, her eyes taking in the mess on the floor. Then she looked to Officer Nelson. “Where is my nana?”

I knew what was coming, and the very thought made me hurt for this young woman.

Officer Nelson’s wide shoulders slumped for only a moment before he squared them and stepped in her path, blocking her from the back room. “May I ask who you are?”

Anxiety began to take over, that much was clear from her tone and the way she attempted to get around him. “I’m Liza Martoni. I’m Tina, er, Madam Zoltar’s granddaughter. Now where is she? What happened? Was she robbed?” Tears stemming from obvious fear were beginning to form in the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill from her round orbs.

Officer Nelson placed a broad hand on Liza’s shoulder, and though he towered over her, he still managed to keep his voice gentle. “I’d afraid she’s gone, Miss Martoni. I’m very sorry for your loss.”

“Gone?” Liza wailed, collapsing against the glass counter. “What happened?”

“That’s what we’re here to try to find out. Please, let Officer Gorton take you outside so we can investigate thoroughly.” Officer Nelson swept a hand toward the door, but Liza began to sob, clinging to him.

“Why do you have to investigate? What’s to investigate? She’s my nana. I have a right to know! Tell me what happened!” she begged, twisting my heart.

I couldn’t take it anymore. Someone had to comfort her. I normally only dealt with people after they were gone. I usually didn’t see the sorrow and grief. I had to at least reach out and offer her some consolation, something other than the unsympathetic eyes of Officer Nelson, who appeared desperately uncomfortable.

Putting my hand on Liza’s arm, I squeezed. “Why don’t you let the police do what they have to and come outside with me, Liza? I’ll wait with you.” I wasn’t supposed to leave Officer Gorton’s sight, but I didn’t care if it got me into trouble. Liza shouldn’t have to see this.

Instantly, her round eyes melted into a puddle of more tears when she took my hand. “I can’t believe this happened,” she sobbed. “I just saw her yesterday. She was fine.”

I squeezed her hand and patted her arm, keeping my body in front of hers so she wouldn’t see Madam Zoltar’s still body. “I’m so sorry, Liza. Can I get you something? A water, maybe? Coffee? What’s your pleasure? My treat.”

She shook her head and sniffed, her spiky hair ruffling. “No…no, thank you. I just want to know what’s going on. I
to know what’s going on.”

It was almost as if she didn’t fully understand that no one
what was going on. “They don’t know just yet, Liza. That’s why we have to let the police do their job.” I tried inching her toward the door, and away from the gruesome figure of her nana lying on the floor, but she wasn’t budging.

“How does a perfectly healthy sixty-eight-year-old woman die suddenly?”

“So your nana was in good health?”

“She was an ox!” Liza spat, anger now clearly replacing her grief. “She’d just been to the doctor and left with a clean bill of health. And that’s why I want to know what happened. Because this doesn’t make any sense!”

I grasped at straws when I offered, “Maybe it was an intruder? A theft of some kind?”

Though that didn’t make a lot of sense, even to me. Her foot had an injury I wasn’t qualified to diagnose, but an intruder made no sense. Nothing had been disturbed.

Liza finally looked up at me, but behind those big watery eyes was something. Something I couldn’t put my finger on.

Her frantic eyes went to the seemingly untouched register. “Then why wasn’t anything taken from the cash register? Was something stolen? Because it sure doesn’t look like it. Plus, there’s an alarm she wears around her neck. It’s a necklace, small chain, a pendant with a sapphire-blue jewel in it she can press discreetly and it silently signals a place called Senior Alert. We made her get one when she wouldn’t give up the store because we worried about her and the late hours she kept just to keep this place running. She hated wearing it. She wouldn’t have had to wear it at all if she didn’t need the money her readings brought to supplement her income because the government’s cheap idea of a pension wasn’t enough for a
to live on!”

Funny, I didn’t remember a necklace around her throat. You’d think for all the jewelry Madam Zoltar wore, she wouldn’t forget something so important. I wanted to ask Liza more questions, despite the fact that I had no idea what I was doing. Something wasn’t sitting well with me—or right—or whatever.

I smiled and attempted another push toward the door, hoping I could get her safely through the crowd. “So she was a hard worker, your nana Tina? Come and tell me all about her, would you? She sounds so interesting. I mean, how many people are lucky enough to have a psychic medium in the family? Let’s grab some coffee. There’s a coffee cafe just next door, I hear. It’s new to me because I’ve been away since I graduated high school and I’m dying to try it.”

Officer Nelson hitched his jaw in the direction of his partner Gorton, stepping in front of us. “I’m afraid you won’t be able to do that, Miss Cartwright.”

My eyes flew to his sharply constructed face as my pulse raced. “Why’s that?”

A voice from behind me answered my question in a cordial tone. “Because you’re coming to the station for questioning, Miss Cartwright.”

Liza promptly dropped my hand, her mouth falling open. “Oh my God! Was it
Did you hurt her?”

Everyone at the door went silent and looked at me with the glare of a thousand fiery suns.

Oh, seven hells.

Officer Nelson stepped in before I could protest, keeping Liza from me and somehow redirecting her to another officer who’d arrived on the scene.

My stomach sank. I didn’t need this kind of trouble so early on in my return to Ebenezer Falls. It was all I could do not to scream right then and there.

So for sure, when I got my hands on Winterbutt, he was a dead ghost walking.

For. Sure.

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About Dakota

Dakota Cassidy is a
USA Today
bestselling author with over thirty books. She writes laugh-out-loud cozy mysteries, romantic comedy, grab-some-ice erotic romance, hot and sexy alpha males, paranormal shifters, contemporary kick-ass women, and more.

Dakota was invited by Bravo TV to be the Bravoholic for a week, wherein she snarked the hell out of all the Bravo shows. She received a starred review from Publishers Weekly for
Talk Dirty to Me
, won a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for
Kiss and Hell
, along with many review site recommended reads and reviewer top pick awards.

Dakota lives in the gorgeous state of Oregon with her real life hero and her dogs, and she loves hearing from readers!

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eBooks by Dakota Cassidy

Witchless In Seattle Mysteries, a Paranormal Cozy Mystery series

1. Witch Slapped

2. Quit Your Witchin'

3. Dewitched

4. The Old Witcheroo

Wolf Mates, a Paranormal Romantic Comedy series

1. An American Werewolf In Hoboken

2. What’s New, Pussycat?

3. Gotta Have Faith

4. Moves Like Jagger

A Paris, Texas Romance, a Paranormal Romantic Comedy series

1. Witched At Birth

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