The Accidental Familiar (Accidentally Paranormal Series Book 14) (30 page)

BOOK: The Accidental Familiar (Accidentally Paranormal Series Book 14)
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She shook her head, laying her cheek against his chest. “No. I understand. What I said was hurtful. You’d lost enough. I get it.” And she did. With hindsight, she understood how hard it had to have been to hear something so ugly.

Rick’s heart, steady and strong beat beneath her ear. “The thought of him hurting you scared the shit out of me, Poppy. It made me realize how much I want to start over. So what do you say to that? Starting over? Getting to know each other?”

She tipped her head back and gazed up at him with a smile. “I say
, si, si, señor

As the cold wind blew, and the moon shone down on them, he pressed his lips to hers, sealing the deal.

“All right, you two. Lay off the GD kissy face and let’s get the fuck outta dodge. My pain-in-the-ass familiar deserves some tuna and you two need all the Band-Aids.”

Poppy giggled at Nina as they began to walk toward the door of the building, stepping over the chunks of the spire and spitting piles of embers, but then something hit her.

Something she somehow couldn’t bear after all this.

She stopped and said, “Wait. Does this mean it’s over? I mean, because I don’t need bodyguards twenty-four-seven, are you guys just gonna leave?”

Nina rolled her eyes. “Fuck no, Miss Needy. Once you’re a part of the family, you’re a part of it forever. No one escapes the clingy fucking claws of OOPS.”

“Hear-hear!” Calamity cheered.

As they headed for the door, Poppy giggled again.

Yeah. Hear-hear.


Thanksgiving Day…

ne new familiar/dancer/actress who’d found her purpose; a sexy, rediscovering-the-joys-of-being-a-warlock hottie developer; a half vampire, half witch with continually improving wand skills; a pretty blonde werewolf who doted on her little girl and did the best smoky eye on the planet; a halfsie with a secret to share; a therapist witch and her adorable family; a manservant who bastes a turkey like no other; a demon who has big plans for some Thanksgiving leftovers; a snarky cat who’s reluctantly, but willingly, learning to meet her witch halfway; a gentle zombie who will never climb another tree again, so help him God; a fresh-from-the-nursing-home ex-apartment building owner; happy, healthy children galore; football-watching spouses; and more accidental victims and their families than anyone can keep track of anymore, gathered together at Rick’s big warehouse to celebrate a very special day of thanks…

Poppy passed the platter of turkey to Rick, who stole a kiss from her, making her heart pound in giddy joy. “You know, after all these nights we’ve stayed up talking ourselves into a coma about almost everything ever in the history of ever, I don’t know if you like white or dark meat. Which is it, Familiar?”

They had indeed talked themselves into a coma as they jumped into dating each other hardcore. Rick had made a real effort to not only get to know her but to really communicate—all his woes, all his fears, all his sadness about losing Yash. And nothing thrilled her more.

As their relationship developed, they learned how much they had in common. Except for Brussels sprouts. She still hated them, and he still loved them. But she counteracted her disgust of them by eating cans of sardines as they snuggled on her couch at Littleton or his big bed at his house.

Running her hand over his jaw, she giggled. “I like either-or, but you know what I

He lifted one eyebrow in a teasing arch. “Brussels sprouts?”

“Don’t make me break out a can of sardines, Ricky baby,” she teased back.

“Tell me, Poppy McGuillicuddy, what is it you really like?”

“Your bed. Wow. Where did you get that mattress?”

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he hauled her close, leaving her tingly all over as he laughed. “Know what I like?”

“My ugly dancer feet?”

in my bed. Every day, all day.”

“But if I’m in your bed all day, every day, we’ll never get anything done. I have classes to teach now.”

“Have I mentioned how proud I am of you?”

“For actually getting a job that pays me in real money?” she joked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“For doing what you love. For being so beautiful while you do it.”

Her new job made her so incredibly happy, but more than that, it fulfilled her. Each day when she walked through the doors of Miss Mona’s, she was overwhelmed with purpose. No, it wasn’t a fancy school, where tutus and rhinestone-covered dance costumes were paid for by rich parents.

It was at a community center for low-cost childcare, where the children who needed somewhere to go until their parents picked them up could come and do all sorts of activities, from art to acting to dancing, and she wouldn’t have any other job.

She loved teaching. It wasn’t something she’d ever considered until Rick had suggested it one night, as they ate spaghetti and made googly eyes at one another. She’d taken his suggestion and run with it, landing a job just a week later. The pay wasn’t big, the hours were pretty long, but the payoff was priceless—literally.

Word had gotten back to her via Miss Mona that her class was the most popular and all the kids wanted to dance with Miss Poppy.

Rick, on the other hand, had taken some time off from his company, allowing via delegation his employees to handle the current remaining jobs. He was in the process of some soul-searching about his chosen line of work, and he turned to her often to discuss the plans he had to mix more charity work, like the work he’d done in Africa, with the fancy high-rises he was known for.

He claimed it was in honor of Yash. Yash, who’d been exactly the person Rick always knew, and while he still suffered immense guilt for not believing in his long-trusted friend, he was working his way through his emotions by sharing them with Poppy.

As a result, she was falling madly in love with him. A love so deep, so complete, she could do nothing but thank the fates for bringing them together every night before she went to bed. The best part about that was, Rick was falling in love with her, too.

He just didn’t know it yet—he only suspected. But she did. In her gut, just like she knew what had happened to her was meant to be.

“You know, I saw Arnie this morning just before you picked me up. He said you owe him a game of chess.”

Rick barked a laugh. “That old coot, he creams me every time I even look at a chessboard.”

She loved that everyone was back where they belonged at Littleton—with one exception.
was now her landlord, not Mr. Rush.

Mr. Rush, once the spell Avis had put on him was lifted, had decided as much as he loved his tenants and the building his father had owned, he wanted to be free of entanglements and the kind of work that went into being a property owner.

So he’d sold the building to Rick with the promise he’d love it the way Mr. Rush did, and Rick had set about honoring his promise by updating the building with all sorts of amenities—one of them being a doorman named Mortimer, who’d become a favorite with the residents.

He’d given her apartment back to her with the offer of free lodging, but she’d declined and insisted he accept payment each month, knowing full well it wouldn’t be much longer than a year before they were married.

But Poppy McGuillicuddy had hit adulting hard, and even though she’d let go of one dream, she’d found another in Rick, and in the new people in her life she’d come to truly love.

Even Nina, who was the crustiest of her newfound loves, made her smile when she showed up at her doorstep, sweet Carl, Calamity and Charlie—and sometimes Hollis, Marty’s little girl—in hand, inviting her to take a trip to the library or the movies with them.

They all talked often. Marty and Wanda called to invite her to shop or stroll the park with a crabby Nina, and Darnell made regular appearances to have lunch and be sure she was learning how to cast out demons, should the need ever arise.

January played a huge role in helping her to learn everything there was to learn about the white witch way and being the best, most informed familiar. But mostly, she taught her to embrace her intuition with open arms as they chatted over cups of tea.

She’d gone to bat for Poppy with Familiar Central, ensuring she could remain Rick’s familiar, citing all sorts of assignments that had turned romantic, and the powers that be had consented.

The words Nina had spoken that night were true. Once you were a part of the family, you were a part of it forever. No one escaped the clingy fucking claws of OOPS—ever.

And no one was more grateful that was true than Poppy. As she looked around the table, she grinned. Thanksgiving had never been filled with so much chaotic gratitude.

“So, can I have everyone’s attention? We have an announcement!” Wanda chirped from the other end of the table, her hand entwined with her husband Heath’s.

Poppy tapped her glass with her fork to gain everyone’s attention, smiling at the abundance of food Arch had prepared for their Accidental Thanksgiving. “Hear-hear to announcements!”

As the group quieted, Wanda and Heath gave each other knowing glances, their eyes warm and bright with love. Then they grinned as though they had a secret.

“So, what’s the big news?” Marty asked with a smile as she leaned into her husband Keegan, dropping a forkful of fluffy mashed potatoes into her mouth.

Poppy gripped Rick’s hand and sighed a happy sigh. She had a pretty good idea what Wanda and Heath were about to share, and she almost couldn’t wait until the words were out in the universe.

“C’mon, Wanda!” Nina cheered, cutting up small pieces of turkey for Calamity and Charlie. “Do it! Do it!”

Inhaling a deep breath, Wanda gazed out over the crowd of her dearest friends and family and said, “We’ve decided to adopt!”

There was a small silence while everyone absorbed the news, each member of the large group grinning as realization struck.

Then a roar went up from the room, a roar of so much joy, Poppy’s throat tightened. Everyone jumped up at once, rushing to congratulate them.

“Does this mean you’ll be so busy with a kid, you’ll quit riding my ass now?” Nina asked, hugging Carl close to her side.

“Nope. It means I’ll be practicing my mothering skills on you with even more intensity,” Wanda teased, letting Nina envelope her in a hug.

Marty threw her arms around both the women and squeezed. “Oh my God! If it’s a girl, think about the shopping we can do. We’ll be like a force of nature! Yay to girl power!”

“Yeah, yippee and skippee,” Nina groaned her displeasure. “I can’t wait to teach the little bugger how to buy scarves in discount fucking bulk.”

Calamity skipped down the length of the table and launched herself at Wanda, landing on her chest as Wanda’s hands wound around her and cuddled her close. “Does this mean you’re going to forget about me, Auntie Boo? Will I be like the redheaded stepchild? Is all that delish tuna a thing of my past?”

Wanda’s head fell back on her shoulders, laughter, free and easy, spilling from her throat. “It just means I’ll set two places at the table from here on out.”

Nina scratched Calamity’s ears, a smile on her face. She and Calamity had come a long way since Poppy had met them. After Calamity saved Nina that night with Avis, knocking her out of harm’s way, and Nina realized Calamity could have died, their dynamic shifted from full-time antagonistic to part-time, and it was wonderful to watch.

Poppy hovered in the background, waiting her turn to congratulate the happy couple, and when that chance came, Wanda reached for her hand and squeezed it hard, pulling her into a tight hug. “You’re one smart lady, you know that?”

She grinned, so wide she thought her face would split. “Nah. You figured it all out on your own. You’re going to make the best mom ever, Wanda Schwartz-Jefferson, and I’m going to smile as the universe unfolds just the way it should.”

Wanda squeezed her even harder, her soft sweater brushing comfortingly against her cheek. “Thank you, Poppy,” she whispered, her words laced with tears. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Rick pulled her away from the crowd, his eyes warm. “She’s right you know.”

Snuggling up against his hard length, she asked, “Who?”

“Wanda. You’re one smart lady. I think I like you. I think I like you a lot.”

“Well, I should hope so. I let you use my toothbrush.”

“In the interest of liking you a lot, I have a question. I just don’t want to flub it.”

She leaned back in his arms with a chuckle. “You? Flub something? You’re the master of words. How can you even say such a thing?”

“You‘re mocking me.”

“I totally am, but let me give you a piece of advice. It is only those who never do anything who never make mistakes.”

He paused, looking down at her with his comical skepticism. “More Yash?”

She grinned and giggled. “I think so. It just hits my brain out of nowhere. I think I’m just the messenger.”

Rick grinned, pressing his lips to hers. “Well, in the interest of Yash’s wise words and doing something…wanna be my girlfriend?”

“As in your steady Saturday night lay?”

“As in my steady,
night lay—my everyday everything, too.”

“Can I think about it?” she asked, threading her fingers through his silky hair.

“Nope. Now or never, McGuillicuddy.”

“Then in the interest of missed opportunities, the answer is yes. I’ll be your steady. I hope you brought your warlock ring to see the deal. Otherwise, it’s not official,” she teased, running her palms over his broad chest

“Oh really?” he asked, before capturing her lips and devouring them in a kiss that left her toes curling. “Official enough for you,
mi corazón

Gazing up at Rick, cherishing his eyes so full of the love he wasn’t quite ready to confess, she whispered, “
Si, si, si,
” before she planted her lips back on his and sealed their forever deal with a sigh rich with contentment and laced with forever

Forever and ever.

The End

But wait! I hope you’ll come back in 2017 and join Wanda for her journey into adoption and creating a family of her own, and along the way, a possible love interest for our sweet Carl. Also,
The Accidental Mermaid
is on the 2017 horizon, too! No matter what, my deepest wish is you’ll all come back for more of the Accidentals’ crazy shenanigans, but most of all, you’ll share in their true love of family and friends!

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