That's Another Story: The Autobiography (41 page)

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St John Ambulance
Sapper, Alan
Sara (agent)
Say Something Happened
Scales, Prunella
Scandinavia, publicity tour
Secret Life of Adrian Mole, The
(TV series)
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, Sandie
She’ll Be Wearing Pink Pyjamas
Crucible Theatre
Shepard, Sam
Shepperton Studios
Sher, Antony
Sikh boys’ hockey team
Sillitoe, Father
Abbey Road Junior School
Bearwood Road
Bishopton Road
Bishopton Road, No
home, family
Hadley Stadium, inter-schools athletics championships
High Street
Holly Lodge Grammar School for Boys
Holly Lodge Grammar School for Girls
Holly Lodge Grammar School for Girls
Lightwoods House
Lightwoods Park
Long Hyde Road
family in
Princess Hall Cinema
St Chad’s Hospital
St Gregory’s parish church
Spon Lane
sweet shop
Thimblemill Baths
Wigorn Road
Smethwick Hall Secondary Modern school
Smethwick Harriers
Smethwick Telephone
Smith, Delia
Smokey and the Bandit
Beat Route nightclub
Greek Street
Greek Street, No:
Greek Street, No:
woman (the ‘commentator’) at
Manette Street
Pillars of Hercules pub
Soho Square
Soil Association
Sound of Music, The
Spanish Armada
Spencer Wells forceps
Spiro, Alyson
Stafford-Clark, Max
Stelfox, Shirley
Stepping Out
Stockport college
Stott, Mike
Streep, Meryl
Summer Folk
Sunday Night at the London Palladium
Supremes, the
Sussex, house in
Synge, J.M.
Takahashi, Margaret (Julie’s great-aunt)
Takahashi family
Talking Heads
Taming of the Shrew, The
Tamla Motown music
Taylor, Mr (deputy head teacher)
Terms of Endearment
Thank Your Lucky Stars
That’s Life
Thatcher, Margaret
‘This Old Heart of Mine’
‘This Old House’
Tickner, Clive

Tis Pity She’s a Whore
Toland, Ros
Tonight Show
Ullman, Tracy
United States,
Educating Rita
publicity tour
Universal Studios
Van Last, Anthony
Van Load
Vanity Fair
Victoria Wood as Seen on TV
‘Acorn Antiques’ sketch
‘Mrs Overall’ character
soup sketch
Victoria Wood Christmas Special
Wagon Train
Wales, Princess of
Wall, Max
Waller, Trevor
Waller, Mr
Waller, Mrs (shopkeeper)
Walls’ Cornetto
Walters, Amy (Julie’s aunt)
Walters, Barbara
Walters, Betty (Julie’s aunt)
Walters, Jill (Julie’s sister-in-law)
Walters, Julie
birth of
and father’s cars
passes driving test
and boy with dog
addiction to
Coronation Street
love of films
bus conductress ambitions as child
and pets
ambition to be an actress
fear of spiders
early questions on sex
and Christmas
and bed-wetting
and weekend in mid-Wales
first boyfriend Bob
and sunbathing
as a Mod
visits to Birmingham nightclubs
childhood shows with brother Tommy
and church play
and mangle
relationship with father
day trip to London
and water bombs
attic room, strange happening in
roles playing older women
at convent preparatory school
and mother’s Irish friends
sexually molested
and desk incident at school
elocution lessons
Walters, Julie—
at grammar school
learns to swim
playing hockey
playing basketball
and athletics
competitive walking
walking race incident
first kiss
discovers a pride at grammar school
impersonations at school
first stage performance
sex education
reaches puberty
‘lunch’ breaks at grammar school
school reports
GCE examinations
and bullying in sixth form
leaves school
first jobs
insurance office job
enrols in nursing school
as nurse
see also
nursing incidents
working in Coronary Care Unit
in operating theatres
loves patient care
coping with death as nurse
Mr Claydon
Florrie Kent
first proper boyfriend
discovers sex
leaves nursing
night terrors
acupuncture for
temporary jobs in Manchester
and cooking
auditions for Manchester Polytechnic School of Theatre
accepted for drama school
camping in France
at drama school
and eye make-up
make-up classes at drama school
and DT’s penis plaster cast
summer ward orderly job
and death of father
and death of mother
trip to Istanbul
and ferry crossing
Greek sailor on
mistaken for prostitute
at Demesne Road, Manchester
and Sheffield landlady
teaching practice as drama student
nativity play
teaching ‘Easter leavers’
engagement to DT
‘honeymoon’ in Portugal
splits up with DT
first auditions
awarded bursary for postgraduate course
auditions for Everyman Theatre
works for Everyman Theatre
relationship with Pete
drugs experience
and dog Babs
living in Whitechapel
living in Soho
weight loss during productions
at Bush Theatre
relationship with Victoria Wood
in Victoria’s productions
and Victoria’s scripts
and Mike Leigh play
Educating Rita
Amsterdam holiday
in United States promoting
Educating Rita
world promotion of
Educating Rita
BAFTA nominations and awards
theatre compared to film
Golden Globe award
and Oscar awards
in Hollywood
and nude scenes
garden gnome award
meets AA man Grant (later husband)
marries Grant
see also
Roffey, Grant
writes novel
becomes pregnant
during pregnancy
birth of Maisie
see also
BAFTA tribute (2003)
Walters, Kevin (Julie’s brother)
as Grandma’s favourite
and Julie’s desire to act
and death of father
as teacher
Walters, Mary (Julie’s mother)
meets Julie’s father
marries Julie’s father
births of children
in Julie’s childhood
careful with money
rock cakes
and milkman’s deliveries
death of husband
cat Nelly
relationship with husband
relationship with sister Agnes
and Julie’s teenage years
and Julie’s first boyfriend
and professional men
relationship with her mother
keeps chickens and turkey
Walters, Mary—
and Julie’s school days
elocution lessons
Irish friends
Julie’s friendship with rough lad
and Julie’s first stage part
and Julie’s sex education
and Julie’s nursing career
and husband’s health
and Julie’s desire to act
and Tommy leaving home
and Julie’s time in Manchester
and Julie’s engagement
first sees Julie in play
Educating Rita
and cousin Margaret
death of
Walters, Mary (Julie’s stillborn sister)
Walters, Rachel (Julie’s aunt)
Walters, Reg (Julie’s uncle)
Walters, Thomas (Julie’s father)
early life
meets Julie’s mother
marries Julie’s mother
and Julie’s grandma
and stillborn daughter Mary
and Julie’s birth
car ownership
in Julie’s childhood
relationship with Julie’s mother
and guinea pig
his father
as a father
and garden fence
sense of humour
and horse racing
as pub regular
as an artist
decorating business
and employee Leonard
health problems
and Julie’s school days
and Julie’s desire to act
and Julie’s time in Manchester
death of and large woman neighbour
Walters, Tommy (Julie’s brother)
magic show
and Grandma
and Julie’s desire to act
leaves home
in later years
Watch with Mother
Wayne, John
‘Weasley, Mrs’ character
What Car?
Whistle While You Work
Whitehouse, Mary
Wide-Eyed and Legless
Williams, Tennessee
Williamson, Freddie
Wilson, Snoo
Winger, Debra
Winnie (theatre cleaner)
Wonder, Stevie
Wood, Reg
Wood, Victoria
Acorn Antiques the Musical
at Bush Theatre
Good Fun
Happy SinceMet You
see also
Durham, Geoffrey
‘I Want to be Fourteen Again’
Nearly a Happy Ending
parts created
Pat and Margaret
relationship with Julie
as sketch writer
Victoria Wood as Seen on TV
Victoria Wood as Seen on TV
Wood and Walters
TV series
Wood and Walters
Yates, Pauline
Picture Credits
The author and publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce photographs:
p.15 (
Flaming Bodies
) © Getty Images; p.19 © Lord Lichfield/Radio Times; p.23 © Brian Moody; p.25 © Express Newspapers plc; p.27 (BAFTA award) © Corbis; p.28 © BBC Photo Library; p.29 (Mrs Weasley) © Corbis; p.30 (
) © BBC Photo Library; p.30 (Mrs Overall) © Nigel Norrington/Camera Press; p.30 (
Talking Heads
) © BBC Photograph Library; p.31 (
The Rose Tattoo
) © Robbie Jack/Corbis; p.31 (
) © Wall to Wall: endpapers, second row, l to r: Camera Press, Getty Images, Getty Images; third row, l to r: Corbis, Topfoto, Corbis; fourth row, l to r: Corbis, Topfoto, Corbis

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