That's a Promise (24 page)

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Authors: Victoria Klahr

Tags: #Romance, #new adult, #Adult contemporary, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: That's a Promise
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He led me to the bed, climbed over top of me. His firm hand traveled down my front until it rested on the button of my shorts. He took a break from my mouth, and looked at me. His eyes were dark brown with desire, and I got lost in that dark look of lust.

Maybe I can give myself one last moment before I leave,
I tried to reason with myself. I give him a slight nod, and he dips his hand inside my shorts and underwear. I was already wet for him, and I noticed him close his eyes and breathe out roughly as he felt how much I wanted him. I closed my eyes shortly after him, when he sank one finger inside of me.

He started fucking me with his fingers, and I couldn’t help but let him make me feel good. He pushed up my shirt with his other hand and dipped his tongue into the curve of my stomach. He moved his body so he could gain better access to my chest, and pulled down my bra. When his mouth wrapped around my swollen neglected nipple, I moaned loudly, and moved my hips faster against his hand.

He moaned just as loudly when he felt my reaction to him. My insides were in dire need of filling, and only he could fulfill that for me. My clit thumped with need, making me practically beg for him. He knew what my reaction meant, but he still held back from me. It made me angrier with him, because he knew I never wanted him to hold back on me. I soon forgot what I was thinking when he tugged my shorts down a little more, and started moving his tongue against my aching sweet spot.

“Oh Josie, you always taste so fucking good,” he said, licking me. After a few quick flicks of his tongue, I could feel the pressure mounting, and felt like I was jumping of a mountain. The free fall into oblivion was incredible, and I could tell Blake loved watching me because his movements grew quicker, and his hands clutched my thighs tightly so I would stay against his mouth.

He looked up at me, and I saw the longing and hunger he felt clearly. I still needed him. I needed to feel him move inside me. But I also saw the man who was angry with me not twenty minutes earlier, and the person who had been distancing himself from me for months. I grabbed his face and pulled him to me. I kissed him so hard, he couldn’t help but want me.

My tongue tasted his, and I loved the sweet taste of myself on his breath. He groaned as I bit his lip, and pushed him so I was on top of him. I trailed my hands under his shirt as I licked his neck. I gradually made my way down to his shorts, and slipped my hand under the band. I grabbed his big cock in my hand, loving how hard he was in my soft hands. I could feel him throbbing with need. I pulled him out of his shorts and took my time stroking him.

“Oh…. Josie,” he moaned.

I saw some pre-come come out of the tip of his dick, and I bent my head so I could lick it up eagerly. He let out an even louder moan, and I smiled knowing that I made him react like that. I licked the length of his shaft, and twirled my tongue around the tip. His fingers entangled in my hair, and it was exactly what I needed, to know that this was exactly what
needed. I moved my mouth over him and took in as much of him as I could.

“Suck,” he breathed. I was so turned on, that I couldn’t help but do exactly what he told me. I sucked him into my mouth as he pushed my head so I could take him deeper. I couldn’t fit him, so I used my other hand to grasp the bottom of his length and beat it into my mouth. I knew exactly when he was going to come, because he started to clench his muscles and his cock throbbed against my tongue.

I removed my mouth abruptly, before he could come in my mouth. I looked up at him and smirked at his surprised expression. He hadn’t expected me to stop when he was about to break apart.

“You want your space, Blake? You got it,” I said narrowing my eyes at him and pulling myself from the bed. I buttoned my shorts easily, and picked up my book and purse. I walked out of that room without looking back, and with my head held high. I left him to suffer with his need, like he had been doing to me for the past couple of months. There was no way I was going to let him get away with how he treated me earlier that day. He would either realize the mistake he had been making and try to fix it, or he would get the balls to break up with me.


Chapter 21


Maybe I was wrong. Maybe my act of defiance made him angry instead of insightful.

Two weeks went by, and I had not heard a word from Blake. I tried to talk to Brandon, but he never gave me a straight answer. I knew Blake was hiding from me, and I knew that they didn’t want me to know where he was. I guess that was my answer, but I wasn’t ready to accept defeat. I had been knocked down too much, to give up on our relationship.

The two weeks went by, and I was glad that I had finals to focus on, because I was able to go the two weeks without constantly thinking about Blake. Seth and I spent more time together in those two weeks, than we had in a long time. I learned that his dad had begrudgingly hired workers to deal with the farm for him, but apparently he couldn’t stop his mouth from running off when they did something wrong.

Seth wasn’t happy when I finally told him about how my relationship with Blake had taken a turn for the worse.

“What do you mean, you haven’t talked to him for two weeks?” he asked me as we finished packing my dorm room.

“I mean, he made it clear I wasn’t giving him enough space, so I left him there so he could have as much space as he wanted,” I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

“He didn’t go after you?” he asked with a look of complete bewilderment on his face. I smirked and turned away from him, so he couldn’t see the red creeping into my cheeks.

“You know, Pussy Cat, you may have really tan skin, but I can still see the red in your cheeks when you get embarrassed. So spill,” he said walking to me and grabbing my chin in his hand, making me look at him. This was the first time he touched me like that in three months, and I was surprised at how much I missed it. I swallowed, closed my eyes, and finally spilled about how I left Blake in his bed.

“Um… Well we were fighting, and I guess it turned him on to see me yelling at him, so we sort of started going at it.” Seth’s hand immediately dropped from my face, and he backed up a step before sitting down on my bed and waving me to continue. I avoided looking at him as I continued my story. “Well, anyway, he, you know, helped me out, and then I started to help him out. If you get my meaning…,” I said, trailing off.

“Yeah, got it Jos. Continue,” he said without looking at me.

“Well, right when he was about to… you know…,” he gave me a curt nod, so I went on. “Well, I kind of stopped. I got up and told him that if he wanted space, I would give it to him. Gave him a little of what he had been making me feel since spring break.”

I could see Seth trying to hold back a grin, but he couldn’t help himself when he looked at me and cracked up laughing. His laugh wasn’t as deep as Blake’s, but it always made me want to laugh with him.

“Oh my god, Pussy Cat. Only you would do something like that! Sweet revenge. You get what you need, and he has to suffer. You are a girl after my own heart,” he said in between fits of laughter. I laughed with him, and flopped back on the bed. We were clutching our sides from laughing so hard, and it felt good to let go for even a short period of time. But everything nice comes to an end, and in the end I couldn’t escape the thought that it didn’t make Blake want me more.

“It didn’t work though. I must’ve not left him wanting me,” I said a little sadly. Seth leaned back with me, and stared at me. I could tell he was trying to think of something to say, and it didn’t make me feel any better knowing he had to think so hard about something to make me feel better. Finally, he reached out and placed a hand on my cheek. His calloused thumb stroked my lonely skin, and I instantly felt better.

“Jos, there’s no way any man on this Earth could resist you like that. I don’t know what his issue is, but if it had been me, I would have run after you naked for miles until I got to you,” he gave me a small smile, and I couldn’t tell if he was joking or serious. He dropped his hand from my face, and looked up to my ceiling.

“So, it’s been this way since spring break? I thought you two were doing really well then,” he said.

“We were. I told him everything about that night of the rape, and then we told each other how we felt about each other. We had a week of great sex and conversation, but it stopped when we got to his mom’s house.” Seth groaned lightly when I mentioned great sex, but I didn’t care. I heard all about his escapades; he could deal with my PG version of it. “I guess something happened with his family. He doesn’t like his dad, John, very much and he doesn’t really talk about his older brother Brody, so maybe he was really pissed about something they did. I don’t know. He said he didn’t want to subject me to them yet,” I finished.

“Maybe he really does feel like he is protecting you, Pussy Cat. I mean, maybe he’s trying to push you away on purpose; his ultimate goal would be to protect you from his family, so pushing you away may be the best option in his head,” Seth said.

“I wish he wouldn’t decide that for me. I can’t do it anymore, Seth. I don’t want to worry about him always pushing me away, when I should just be focusing on graduating and finding available teaching positions.”

“You going to his graduation tomorrow?”

“I have a seat, and I really don’t want to miss it,” I sighed and closed my eyes. “I really do love him. I guess I’ll go and see if I can talk to him about what we’re going to do.” Seth grabbed my pinky with his, and we laid there in silence for a little before going back to packing the rest of my stuff.

Blake’s graduation was going to take place in the auditorium at the college, which was very large. I knew there was no way we would be able to talk there, so I decided to see him at his house before he needed to leave. I pulled into the driveway, and noticed a car I had never seen before. It was a nice Mercedes, so I figured it must have been either his mom or other family. The door to his house was ajar, so I didn’t bother knocking before I walked in.

I saw Brandon walking down the stairs, knotting the tie at his neck.

“Well, don’t you look nice?” I said to him when he noticed me.

“You’re looking pretty good yourself there, Josie,” he said with a smile, taking my hand and twirling me around once. I was wearing a yellow strapless sundress with some white eyelet wedged shoes. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and thanked him for the complement.

“So, where’s Blake? I was hoping to talk to him before he graduates,” I asked him. He was checking his phone when I asked, and just pointed towards the stairs.

“Upstairs. I think he’s talking to someone,” he answered before walking and texting into the next room.

I walked up the stairs slowly, not wanting to break an ankle before summer break… or ever. I walked towards Blake’s room, and noticed that his door was only slightly open. As I got closer, I heard some murmuring. Not wanting to interrupt, I planned on waiting outside the door, until I heard a familiar female voice.  

“Oh, that sounds wonderful, Blake,” said the irking voice that belonged to none other than Miss Alice Cornwell. I decided that privacy was overrated, and leaned in closer so I could hear their conversation.

“Yeah, I thought so too. I’ll talk to her and see where she wants to go, and then we can go from there,” I heard his deep voice say in reply to Alice.

Who is he talking about? Me?
I wondered.

“Great,” she said. I heard some shuffling and could tell she was walking towards the door. “Oh, I almost forgot. You left your shirt and shorts at my place last weekend. I thought you might like them back.” I heard her chuckle lightly, and heard some more shuffling in the room. I could feel anger spilling out of my pores and anxiety pounding against my chest.
Why was his shirt and shorts at her house? And why the
was he over her house last weekend, and not mine?

“Thanks, Alice. I’ll see you later,” he said to her. I pulled myself away from listening range of the door, and wished I could hide somewhere before she came out of his room. I wasn’t fast enough to hide, and too soon was met with the overly perfect face of Alice. I wanted to punch that face. It needed to be messed up a little bit. I started willing the universe to give her even just a small blemish.

“Oh hi, Dear!” she said in an exaggeratedly sweet and accented voice when she saw me. I gave her a strained smile, but she ignored the insincerity, leaning down and giving me a hug and kiss on my cheek. I wished it was socially acceptable to growl and snap at the people you don’t like, like a dog.

“Hi, Alice. What are you doing here?” I asked in hopes to gain a little more information.

“Oh, just talking to Blake about some family stuff before his graduation. I didn’t know you were going to be here, Blake said he didn’t think you would come,” she said. Her fake ass smile never faltered, as she looked down at me. Not only was she much taller than me, but she looked at me as if I really was less than her.

“Yeah, well. We are usually busy with other things. You know how it is,” I said, hoping to make it sound like Blake and I were doing fine. I understood her insinuation. It may have been a lie to portray our relationship as fine, but she didn’t need to know that.

“Oh, yes, I do,” she said, and smiled wickedly before walking away.

Damn. Bitch won that one,
I thought and shook my head. I took a few deep breaths before I walked into Blake’s room. I didn’t want to come out and accuse him of sleeping with another woman, so I needed to get myself under control first. Eventually, my breathing evened, and I was able to make my body walk into his room.

Blake was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. He looked incredibly handsome in his black slacks and pale blue buttoned down shirt. He always dressed stylish, but he never wore formal clothes like that. He looked really good.

“Hey,” I managed to get out, leaning against his desk. He looked up and when he saw me, he smiled and immediately got up from the bed. He instinctively started to make his way to me, but eventually it clicked that we weren’t in the same relationship we used to be in, and he stopped coming towards me. Instead he just stood in between the bed and the desk, replaced his smile with a serious expression, and crossed his arms.

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