That Summer (Part Two) (8 page)

Read That Summer (Part Two) Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

BOOK: That Summer (Part Two)
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I mean I’m sorry I broke my promise.” He reminds me, pulling me in towards him
for a warm embrace.

not.” I confess, staring up at the hotel room’s ceiling.

you said we couldn’t risk it.”

we didn’t. My period is due in a couple of days so the chances of me falling
pregnant right now are extremely low, more like impossible.” I explain, turning
on my side to face him.

that’s good.”

that doesn’t mean we can be careless like that again.” I reprimand him gently.
“Not ever.”

know we can’t.” He replies, exhaling slowly. “I won’t be selfish like that

few moments pass between us but we remain silent, choosing to stay with our own
personal thoughts and reflections.

going to the bathroom. I won’t be a minute.” I say, reaching for Cole’s
discarded T-shirt so I can put it on.

you sure you’re ok? I didn’t hurt you or anything?” He asks, appearing
concerned as he sits up in bed.

a little sore but I’ll survive.” I joke, smiling at him weakly.

me run you a hot bath or something and I might even join you.”

ok, I’ll do it. Just give me a few minutes.”

hurry into the bathroom and close the door behind me, taking a seat on the edge
of the bath as soon as it starts to fill with water. I stare at my reflection
in the mirror, struggling to recognise the girl who is staring back at me. Her
expression is so pained and haunted, it’s almost frightening.

don’t know whether it’s because I no longer identify with my own reflection or
the knowledge of what we’ve just done but it only takes a matter of seconds
before I give into my turbulent emotions and break down. Hugging my knees to my
chest, I crumple to the floor and sob in silence. The last thing I want is for
Cole to find me like this and that’s why I’m concerned he’ll be able to hear me
through these paper thin walls.

gentle knock on the bathroom door interrupts the silence and I wipe my eyes
quickly, hoping there won’t be any traces of my tears left.

are you ok? You’ve been in there a long time.” Cole says, continuing to knock

fine.” I reply falsely, reaching for a tissue so I can dab at my tear-stained

can tell by your voice that you’re lying to me. Come on, baby. Let me in.” He
persists, refusing to take no for an answer.


reluctantly unlock the door and open it, coming face to face with Cole.

been crying.” He states calmly, observing my anguished demeanour and teary

just needed a moment.”

What’s wrong?”

I’m fine.”

know I’m concealing the truth from him as well as being evasive but I just
can’t cope with any sort of confrontation right now.

lie to me.”

I just felt slightly overwhelmed by everything, that’s all.”

we just had sex?”

I mean… maybe. I don’t know!”

talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

can you ask me what’s wrong when everything in our lives is such a mess right
now? How can you even ask me that?”

I know there are still some things that I need to sort out but I promise you I
will. I’ll take care of you, Serena. I promise.”

what we just did was so wrong. It’s actually illegal and I really don’t know
how I’m supposed to come to terms with that.” I admit sadly, lowering my gaze
to the floor beneath my feet.

me it wasn’t wrong and it never will be. I don’t consider it to be illegal and
neither should you.” He whispers softly, reaching out a hand to comfort me.

. How can we pretend that it isn’t?”

just did.” He answers simply, leaning back against the door frame. “We
just pretend and I’m prepared to do that for the rest of my life if I have to.”

if I’m not? What if I’m too afraid?”

I’ll protect you. I’ll take care of you forever.”

reaches out for me once more, this time pulling me into his arms. My trembling
body clings to him as he absorbs all of my fear, doubt, worry and terror. His
warmth and his strength provide me with peace but my own niggling concerns
refuse to go away and for some complex and unexplainable reason, I just
that I spent my one and only night with Cole.

as though the subconscious part of myself understands and has already come to
terms with the fact that Cole and I cannot be together. This chapter of ours is
almost over and I now realise that is the true reason behind my fear.


Chapter Five

next morning I make sure I wake up before Cole, climbing out of bed before I
tip-toe across the room towards the door. I close my eyes and pray to God that
Cole won’t hear me and wake up before I manage to sneak outside.

he had any idea about what you are planning… he would kill you,
my subconscious
taunts me.

take a deep breath and step forward into the hallway, closing the door behind
me. I’m still wearing Cole’s T-shirt from the night before and I managed to
grab a pair of jeans before I snuck out but I still feel exposed and more than
a little vulnerable.

not even seven o’clock yet but the hotel is alive and busy. The hustle and
bustle of the hotel guests and its staff is enough to distract me for a few
moments and I watch them absent-mindedly, willing myself to keep on going and
not back down.

find a phone for guests down one of the empty corridors and I pick it up with
one of my trembling hands. The phone number I need to dial is simple enough to
remember but that doesn’t stop my hesitation or my fear.


it. Those are the three digits I have to call to bring this nightmare to an
end. It’s just one phone call but I’m also aware that it’s a phone call which
will change my life as well as Cole’s…forever.

breathing is erratic and my heartrate increases. My palms are sweaty and my
head is spinning as I stand there feeling helpless. Thank goodness no one else
is around to witness this embarrassing display or I’d be struggling even more
than I am right now.

do it. Do it right now before you change your mind.

shake my head and try to block out all of my conflicting thoughts as I try to
stay calm and think rationally. However, it’s easier said than done and I soon
realise that I need to act before I change my mind or Cole wakes up and comes
to find me.

my lips, I reach for the phone once again, picking it up and placing it against
my ear. My hand is still shaking as I press the three digits, trying to
rehearse what I’m going to say to them inside my head.

– which service do you require?” The operator asks me, sounding cold and
detached as she speaks into the phone.

please.” I stammer, clutching the receiver to my ear.

put through to someone else right away and I’m greeted by a woman who sounds
much more approachable and sincere.

how can I help you?”

my name is Serena and I can tell you the location of someone you’re looking
for. His name is Cole and we’re on the run, we have been since Friday.”

police only take ten minutes to show up. I can’t see them but I’m able to hear
the noise of their sirens from the toilets I’m hiding inside. I couldn’t face waiting
outside in the hallway for them to show up so I told the police operator that I
would wait until they’ve made the arrest before coming out to speak with them.

like to say I’ve been crying ever since the moment she took my details from me
but I haven’t. I just feel… numb and a part of me hopes I’ll stay that way.

sound of Cole’s agitated voice forces me to cover my ears as I hear them drag
him along the corridor where I was just standing. He’s calling for me and
screaming my name, threatening the officers who must have hold of him. He’s
demanding to see me, furiously crying out for me while I just sit here… feeling
helpless and pathetic.

still doesn’t know. He’s yet to find out that I’m the one who made the call or
that I’m the one who took the coward’s way and betrayed him. He won’t
understand why any of this has happened or where the hell I am. He might think
they took me against my will and he’ll allow his paranoia to consume him until
they tell him that I was the one who told them where we were.

then his heart will break.

will break because of me and I don’t know how I’m going to live with the guilt
or the knowledge of this for the rest of my life.

are you in there?”

cautious voice makes contact from the other side of the door before it opens,
revealing a smartly dressed young woman in her twenties.

Serena.” I murmur, unlocking the toilet door I was hiding behind.

She says warmly, smiling at me with kindness. “I’m Natalie.”

you the lady I spoke to on the phone?”

not but I’m still here to help you. I have all of the information you gave to
one of our operators and I’m here to take you home.”

I ask, no longer sure if I even have a home.

to your mum.” She replies, watching me closely.

I see…”

thought of going back there fills me with dread. The thought of being anywhere
without Cole is terrifying and I don’t know how I’m going to do it.

about we get out of here and go down to the station? We need you to make a
formal statement and Cole has been removed from the premises so you have no
need to worry about seeing him on our way out.”

in a lot of trouble, isn’t he?”

afraid he is.”

sounds certain and her unwavering assertions somehow scare me even more.

I have to leave in a police car?”

unmarked one, yes. Is that alright with you?”

aren’t you going to arrest me?”

makes you say that?”

arrested Cole.” I tell her. “I heard it all.”

arrested Cole because he’s a wanted man and we already had a warrant out for
his arrest. This doesn’t apply for you, Serena.
the one who
and as far as I’m aware, you haven’t broken any laws.”

only she knew

my subconscious taunts me once again.

let’s go.”

opens the door for me to exit and we walk down the corridor together. I was
expecting to be escorted by uniformed police officers but it’s just the two of
us and she’s wearing a trouser suit.

fact that she’s not in uniform puts me at ease and I somehow manage to convince
myself that I’m not really leaving the hotel with a detective or whatever the
hell she is. I can pretend she’s just a normal person and that this sort of
thing happens all the time.

make our way down to the reception but leave through the back door instead of
the main one. There was no one in reception due to the fact that it’s still so
early and I’m thankful I was spared the humiliation of being observed as we

my car right there.” She says, pointing across the car park.

follow her and take one last look at the hotel behind us. I know we only spent
a short time here but we created memories which will last me a lifetime and
I’ll always be grateful for that.

car ride to the station seems to go on forever, especially because the two of
us remain silent throughout the journey. I’m escorted through reception as soon
as we arrive and into a small room with a single desk in the centre of it and a
tape recorder.

come to a standstill, overwhelmed and discouraged by the formal layout in front
of me.

nothing to be afraid of, Serena.” Natalie assures me. “You’re not in any

Cole is.” I mumble, lowering my gaze to the floor.

afraid so.” She replies sombrely. “Now come and take a seat.”

do as she asks and take a seat on one of the chairs in front of me. She does
the same and reads through all the legal requirements which have already taken
place for us to have this conversation.

is he?”

been remanded in custody for now.”

he’s here?” I ask. “He’s inside this building?”

I believe he’s in one of the cells.”

shouldn’t be in there, he really shouldn’t!” I exclaim loudly, leaning forward
in my seat.

shouldn’t he, Serena? Cole is considered to be a dangerous criminal as far as
the police are concerned. He’s wanted for GBH, assault, battery and threatening
behaviour as well as theft and avoiding an arrest.”

God.” I whisper, allowing the information she’s just told me to sink in.

made you decide to call us this morning?” She enquires gently.

just knew it was the right thing to do.” I confess, raking my fingers through
my hair.

a moment of silence between us before she asks her next question, startling me

need to know if he’s hurt you, Serena.”

He hasn’t. He hasn’t hurt me and he never would do something like that.”

why did you leave with him?” She perseveres with caution. “What was it that made
you abscond with a man you knew was wanted by the police?”

it felt like it was our only option.”


because he was in trouble and he had to go.”

why did you go with him?” She persists, relentless in her interrogation. “Is it…
is it because the two of you are together?”

observes my reaction, awaiting my response with a tremendous amount of

were but I doubt we are anymore.” I tell her, wringing my hands together in
anguish and distress.

what makes you say that?” She probes carefully.

I betrayed him. I phoned the police and now he’s going to go prison because of

did not betray him.” She replies firmly. “You did the right thing and Cole will
come to realise that one day.”

don’t think so. You don’t know the way he thinks.”

don’t you try and explain it to me?”

pointless.” I sigh wearily, cradling my head in my hands. “It’s not like we can
ever be together anyway.”

you certainly can’t while he’s serving his custodial sentence but who knows
what the future holds? You might be able to work it out one day.”

stare across at her in amazement, utterly astonished by her last statement.

you don’t know, do you?” I whisper, trembling violently.

don’t I know?”

forget I said anything.” I retort sharply, wishing I’d kept my mouth shut in
the first place.

you do know that it’s an offence to withhold information, don’t you?”

I beg her. “Please don’t make me say it.”

what?” She enquires softly.

really thought you knew. I thought Lisa must have told you.”


best friend.” I inform her, avoiding her gaze by staring out the window to my

looks out onto an empty car park and I can’t help but notice how the desolate
landscape resembles my own isolation and misery.

us what?”

Cole and I are related.”

inhales sharply, narrowing her eyes at me in disbelief.


we’re half-brother and sister.” I disclose unhappily. “We share the same father
and we’ve only just found out.”

see.” She responds uncertainly. “Is this why the two of you decided to run away
together? Did you think it was the only way you could have the type of
relationship you really want?”

not like we thought any of it through. We just left.”

I need to ask you another personal question.” She warns me. “I need to know if
you’ve been involved in a sexual relationship with Cole.”

mean ever?” I blurt out foolishly.

you’ve found out that you share the same father.”

soon realise that I have two choices. I can choose to tell the truth and risk
Cole being charged with something far worse than he already has been or I can
lie and try to protect him.

I answer, making sure I sound confident. “We haven’t done anything sexual since
we found out.”

you quite sure about that?”

absolutely certain.” I lie, making sure my facial expression stays the same.

that’s good. I really don’t want to have to charge you as well as Cole.”

going to charge him for something that didn’t even happen?” I say
incredulously, feeling the panic rising up inside of me once more.

would be forced to charge you both if I had any evidence that either one of you
has engaged in sexual contact with the other since you discovered you’re blood
related but the hotel has also clarified that you made a point of asking for
separate bedrooms throughout your stay.”

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