That Summer (Part Two) (3 page)

Read That Summer (Part Two) Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

BOOK: That Summer (Part Two)
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God this can’t be happening. Tell me this isn’t really happening.” I mumble incoherently,
repeating myself over and over again.

saying I’m dangerous.” He continues, ignoring my own anxiety as he sinks even
further and drowns in his own. “They’re even advising members of the public to
avoid me. They’re making me out to be absolute monster and that’s not who I

swings around and clenches his fist, driving it straight into the wall behind him.
His violent outburst causes me to scream out in terror, covering my mouth with
my hands.

you need to calm down! You’re going to get us thrown out of here and we don’t
have anywhere else to go!” I plead with him, begging him to see reason and
listen to me.

don’t know what to do, Serena. I don’t know how I’m going to get us out of this
and I don’t know how I’m supposed to protect you from it all when I’m the route
of the fucking problem!”

volume increases even more as his agitation reaches a new level of intensity.
His breathing is heavy and his fists remain clenched as he strides over towards
me, grabbing me by the shoulders as he pushes me backwards onto the bed.

are you doing?” I stammer, fighting against the arousal his dominance has just
stirred up inside of me.

me forget.” He whispers intensely, nuzzling against my neck as his lips caress
my skin. “Help me disappear inside of you.”

do you expect me to do that?” I ask him, trembling and quivering uncontrollably
beneath his touch.

allowing me to do this.” He growls, touching me between my legs with his hand.

gasp, closing my eyes as I allow myself just a few seconds of pleasure. His
touch is exquisite and my body is actually
from the longing I
feel deep down inside of me.

I beg him. “Don’t.”

He challenges me, circling his fingers against the most sensitive part of myself.
“I know you like this and I know you want this just as much as I do.”

T-shirt which I’m wearing has risen up, exposing the most intimate part of
myself to him as well as the moisture which I can’t help escaping onto his
fingers as he caresses me.

I don’t.” I whimper, stammering over the lie I just told.

.” He persists, taking hold of one of my wrists in his hand.

preventing me from stopping him and as wrong as it is, it feels so incredible.
I no longer have the ability or the desire to stop him and as sinful as I know
us being together is… I simply
turn him away.

hold is firm, relentless and demanding. He has no intention of letting me go
and I can feel my defences are weakening against him as the seconds tick by.
Our breathing is heavy and our shallow breaths mingle together, drawing us even
closer towards the other person’s lips.

we can’t do this. You know we can’t.” I whimper, circling my hips beneath him
as I delight in his arousal which is pressing right against me.

Serena. I’m begging you… let me do this. Don’t stop me. I need this and I need
you. I need you so badly.”

can hear the desperation in his voice as he presses the weight of his body
against mine. There is so much hurt and sadness in his voice, it’s enough to
cause me a sharp and excruciating pain inside my chest. I long to comfort him
and soothe his sadness as well as my own.

can even feel his arousal and how turned on he is. This ignites my desire for
him even more and I moan loudly, struggling to gain control over my instinctive
reaction towards him.

we just can’t.” I wail “It’s

who? No one in the world knows the truth besides us.” He reminds me, groaning
deeply as he starts to kiss my neck, moving my hair to the side so he can
expose my sensitive skin to the soft touch of his lips.

pause for several moments, debating whether or not I should tell him the truth
about Lisa and the fact that I told her that Cole and I share the same father
before we left. Cole deserves to know the truth but I also know how he’s going
to react when he finds out I broke my promise and told someone our secret.

there’s something I have to tell you.” I confess, breaking myself away from his
touch. “Someone else does know the truth.”

did you say? Who? What are you talking about?” Cole asks, glaring down at me in

told Lisa.” I admit. “I told her before we left.”

?” He says incredulously.

didn’t mean to.” I reply, trying to remove myself from the bed and his
relentless grasp. “It just sort of slipped out.”

the hell does something like that just slip out?” He demands furiously,
refusing to let go of me so I can no longer put any distance between us. “Do
you realise what you’ve done? Do you realise how serious this is? Do you know
what will happen to us if it gets out that we’re related?”

know! I know all of that but you have to remember that when I told her I didn’t
know we would be leaving. I didn’t know the police would be after you or that
we’d be forced to go into hiding. I needed someone to talk to and she
my best friend.”

isn’t.” He growls menacingly, taking hold of my face in his hands. “She doesn’t
mean anything to you now, neither one of us has anyone or anything but each
other and that’s the way it has to stay from now on, do you understand?”

do you mean?” I ask him. “You’re not making any sense and you’re starting to
scare me.”

use all of my strength to push him off me and make my way across the room. I
can’t help myself from cowering in the corner, wondering what has happened to the
man in front of me. This savage behaviour makes him unrecognisable to me and I
ache for the Cole I want him to be.

I’m sorry.” He apologises, noticing my discomfort.

away from me, Cole.” I warn him, needing him to stay back.

holds his hands out to me in a sign of surrender, careful and cautious as he
climbs off the bed and starts to approach me.

don’t want you to be afraid of me… not ever.” He whispers softly, walking
towards me as though he’s afraid I might run from him.

is such a mess.” I murmur, covering my face with my hands as I try and hold
back my tears.

know it is, baby. I know I’ve screwed up everything but I promise you I’m going
to make this right. I’ll take care of everything, Serena and most importantly,
I’ll take care of

reaches out for me with one of his hands, pulling me towards him until we’re
standing close. We’re chest to chest and I swear I can feel the beat of his
heart against my own.

there are some things you can’t put right, some things we can’t erase and
certain incidents which we can’t run away from… no matter how much we want to.”
I explain softly, lifting up my green eyes to look at him.

is going to be alright. Everything will be fine.” He assures me, forcing his
voice to sound optimistic and certain. “Lisa is your friend and that means
she’s not going to tell anybody about this, is she? She’ll keep it to herself
and if we wait long enough, the hype about finding me will die down and the
police will stop looking.”

nod my head slowly. It’s obvious that neither one of us truly believes in what
he just said. We both know that the chances of a positive outcome for either
one of us or our current situation is unlikely.

for now… we choose to pretend.

right. Everything will be ok if we just wait it out. All we have to do is
wait.” I agree blindly, brushing by him so I can take a seat on the bed.

right. There’s nothing to be afraid of, Serena. You don’t have to be afraid
ever again now that I’m here to protect you.” He kneels down in front of me and
strokes my hair back from my face. “I love you.”

love you too.” I say, smiling weakly as I take hold of his hand. “But that
doesn’t change our present situation or the problems we’re both facing. What
are we going to do, Cole?”

get a job and support us both. I’ll work twenty-four hours a day if I have to.”
He states firmly, clearly determined and resolute.

are you going to get a job without references?” I ask him. “How on earth are
you going to get a job without all the legal documentation you’re supposed to

don’t know but I’ll make it happen. You’re my family now and I’m yours. We’re
all the other person has and we need to stick together.”

isolating as this sounds, a part of me knows he is right. Without Cole I am
nothing and as terrified as I am, there is still so much comfort to be sought
from the fact that we are in this together.

us against the world and I’m completely ready. I’m ready to fight and I’m
prepared to take on anyone and anything that stands in our way.


Chapter Three

next morning is Sunday and our second day spent in the awful motel we sought
refuge in on our first on the run. Cole and I fell fast asleep after our row
yesterday morning and didn’t wake up until six o’clock that night. We both woke
up starving and quickly got dressed before heading out to find a place to eat.

ended up stumbling across a quaint little café which actually served up the
most delicious food. We were so, so hungry, neither one of us spoke throughout
our meal and only when the waitress cleared away our empty plates did we start
to discuss where we plan on going next.

think our best bet is if we head down south.” Cole stated, taking hold of my
hand in his as we left the café to begin our walk back to the motel.

mean London?” I asked, feeling daunted by the prospect of moving to such a huge

it will be so much easier for us to get lost down there and staying up North
will make it far too easy for the police to find us.” He explained, tightening
the protective grip he had on my hand.

still can’t believe they’re actually looking for us. I can’t even believe we’re
really on the run.” I added, still struggling to comprehend such a horrifying

me they want, Serena. They won’t harm you.”

it’s the same thing. They probably think of me an accomplice or whatever it is that
they call it.”

accomplice?” He chuckled, coming to a standstill so he could face me.

know what I mean...” I groaned, avoiding his bemused gaze.

there’s something I need to tell you.” Cole continued, pausing for a moment. “It’s
nothing major but before we left, I received my test results from the clinic.”

stomach flipped as I felt a wave of nausea creep over me. I really didn’t think
I could stand to hear any more bad news at that moment.

I prompted him impatiently.

were all clear.”

exhaled loudly, breathing a sigh of relief. At least I could be grateful that
Cole’s sexual health was no longer a potential problem for us.

that’s great news. I’m so pleased for you.” I said happily.

did remind me that it’s not a hundred percent clear until it’s been three

months since what?”

since I last had sex.” He murmured quietly, lowering his gaze to the ground as
we continued walking.

I see.” I whispered, fighting against the unwanted images which were sneaking
into my mind.

sorry, baby. I know it’s not something you want to think about.”

right, it’s not.” I replied curtly, removing my hand from his grasp.

wait. There’s something else I want to ask you.” He spoke firmly, taking hold
of my arm so he could turn me around. “Did… did you start taking them?”

what?” I asked him, completely oblivious to what he was referring to.

contraceptive pills, the ones the doctor gave you.”

of course not.” I assured him. “I had no reason to.”

you at least bring them with you?” He demanded, taking hold of my shoulders.

enough, they were the last thing on my mind when we decided to run away in the
middle of the night.” I retorted with sarcasm.

silence spoke volumes and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I decided to ask him
why it mattered.

is it so important? Why should I have brought them with me?”

do you think it matters?” He challenged me, struggling to conceal his

expect me to sleep with you?!” I cried, shoving my palms against his chest in
an attempt to put some distance between us.

you know it’s not like that. I’m just being realistic. You and I came
dangerously close to letting something happen between us this morning and I
just don’t want to risk that happening again… not when I know what the
consequences might be.”

me when I say that it will
be happening again.” I reminded him
coldly, fighting the undeniable heat his touch was already stirring up inside
of me. “Cole, we really need to keep our distance from each other. We have to
make sure that nothing happens.”

the hell do you expect me to do that when we’re sleeping in the same bed?” He
yelled, refusing to relinquish the hold he had on my small frame.

can sleep on the floor.” I offered, desperate and frantic.

be ridiculous and unrealistic.” He scoffed harshly. “Us being together is
inevitable and the sooner you accept that, the easier things will be.”

how on earth can you expect us to be together when we know what we know? It’s
just not possible.”

really think you have the strength to fight this? You actually believe you’re
going to be able to resist what it is that we have? That’s what is going to be
impossible, Green. I can guarantee you that.”

him call me by that name, the name he game to me when we first met was enough
to melt my heart and I found myself taking hold of his hand when he offered it
to me once more, walking back to the motel together in silence.

fell right asleep as soon as we got back to our motel room and slept soundly
all night. I feel remarkably well rested as I wake up beside Cole this morning,
turning over in bed so I can watch him sleep.

looks so peaceful with his eyes closed. All the worry and the stress he’s been carrying
has vanished, leaving a youthful and childlike expression on his face. I long
to see him like this all the time and can only hope for the day I might see
contentment such as this during his waking hours.

staring at me while I sleep.” He mumbles tiredly, surprising me when he opens
his eyes.

wasn’t!” I exclaim loudly, covering my embarrassed face with my hands. “Ok,
maybe I was just a little but how did you know?”

know everything about you, Serena.” He answers simply, interlacing our fingers
as he places a soft kiss against my forehead.

when you’re asleep?” I ask incredulously.

then.” He states with confidence.

consider what I’m about to say next, hoping I haven’t picked the wrong moment
to challenge what he has planned for us.

I really think we need to take some time and figure out what we’re going to do
next. How much longer are we going to stay here?” I ask him, frantic in my
quest to find out his reply.

turns to face me, pulling me in close so I’m safe and protected in his arms.

promise you that last night was the final one you have to spend in this grubby
motel. I know I should have found you someplace nicer but I just panicked when
we left. I didn’t think you would decide to come with me in a million years and
that’s why I was so hasty when it came to finding us a location to hide.”

I’m not blaming you. It’s just… I associate so many bad thoughts and feelings
with this motel now. I don’t want to be here anymore, not when we could be
someplace else starting our future.”

you say
future, what exactly do you mean?” He enquires hesitantly.

I know what I said and what I’ve been saying since we found out the truth. I’ve
been trying so hard fighting to come up with excuses why we can’t be together
but that’s because I’ve been far too afraid of being honest. How I feel about
you hasn’t changed and I’m still in love with you, Cole. I just don’t know how
I’m supposed to stop fighting it.”

you don’t have to.” He sighs wearily, stroking his fingers through my hair. “I
don’t even want you to try.”

us being together… it’s
.” I persist, still struggling with the
idea of entering into any kind of relationship with Cole now I know we share
the same father.

says so?” He demands harshly. “The society we live in? The law? Or the police?
What right does
have to tell another person who they can or can’t
be with? We met and fell in love without knowing the truth about one another
and by the time we found out, it was too late. None of this is our fault and
you have to remember that it will always be our secret, Serena. No one will
ever know what we do.”

Lisa already does.” I remind him.

wish I could change that but I can’t. Neither one of us can turn back time and
take back the things we’ve said or done. All we can do now is pray that she
will keep her mouth shut.”

sure she won’t say anything.” I say doubtfully.

can’t be certain about anything, not now. I’m the only one you can depend on,
Green. You have to accept that and don’t forget it.”

leave the motel a couple of hours later, collecting our small amount of
belongings before we check out. I have no idea where we’re going but Cole
assures me he already has a new place in-store for us.

make my way over to the car which we drove here in, the same one that Cole
stole the night we left but he doesn’t follow me.

can’t take that, Serena.”


the police will be looking for it by now. They’ll track down the registration
plate if we take it out on the road and it’s too risky.”

how are we going to get around without a car?” I question him, horrified by the
thought of walking on foot.

get a cab, one which we can flag down off the street so there’s no trace of us
later on.”

do you know all of this stuff? I swear you’re practically a pro at this sort of

hijacked a few getaway cars in my time.” He answers simply, shrugging as though
it’s no big deal.

kidding.” I state coolly.

baby. I’m kidding.” He chuckles lightly and takes hold of my hand, tugging me
along behind him. “Now come on, we have to make our way onto the main road
where they’ll be plenty of taxis passing by. I want to put as much distance as
I can between us and this place.”

takes us no time at all to get a taxi, one ends up stopping for us right away
and Cole leans forward in his seat, giving the driver our address of the new
hotel he intends us to stay in. It sounds much nicer than the motel we left
behind and I can only hope it lives up to my newfound expectations.

did you come to hear of this new hotel?” I question Cole as soon as we start
our journey.

actually stumbled across it last month when I was doing some research, hoping
to surprise you for your eighteenth birthday next week. I wanted to take you
somewhere special and I thought this hotel would be perfect. I just never
thought I would be bringing you here so soon, especially under these

can’t believe you planned something like this for me. No one has ever done
anything so kind for me before.”

used to it, Green.” He whispers softly, speaking directly into my ear. “Because
I plan on spoiling you often.”

words cause me to tremble as he tucks a stray strand of my hair behind my ear
and I shift uncomfortably, struggling to conceal my desire for him.

can scarcely believe my eyes when we pull up outside our new hotel. It’s
breathtakingly beautiful and everything you could ever hope for when it comes
to staying somewhere luxurious.

how on earth can we afford this?” I gasp, staring up at the exquisite building
and its architecture.

told you not to worry about that. I’m taking care of everything from now on,

know but…”

. Just think of this as an early birthday present.” He assures
me, paying the driver before we head inside.

strides towards the main reception desk and orders us a room, making a point of
requesting one of the hotel’s grandest suites. I try tugging on his arm in an
attempt to stop him but he ignores me and carries on by providing the
attractive receptionist with false details. He gives her the wrong name, a fake
address and informs her that he cannot provide a date for our departure as we
will be staying indefinitely.

amazed by his ability to lie like that and almost envy his confidence when
doing so. He’s practically flirting with the young girl behind the desk,
flashing her his million dollar smile and giving her a small wink when she
hands over our room key.

envy that I feel cannot be explained, watching him flirt with her so openly
causes me to experience a fury I never even knew existed, as well as
heartbroken. He turns around to face me and smiles, frowning when I don’t
return his gesture.

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