Read Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle Online

Authors: Anne Marie Novark )

Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle (12 page)

BOOK: Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle
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Without breaking contact, Colt shucked off his jacket and kicked it out of the way. He clutched Jenny's bottom, lifting her, settling her closer against him. Their bodies burned through the soaked layers of clothing. He angled his mouth over hers, thrusting his tongue past her moist lips, savoring her sweetness and unique taste like a wine connoisseur sampling a rare vintage.

A beastly growl sounded from behind. Colt pulled his mouth away and looked over his shoulder. Then he clasped Jenny's bottom tighter and kissed the tip of her nose. "Your bodyguard has arrived."

The growl grew louder. Jenny's eyes widened as the realization of what was happening cut through the haze of desire. She peeked around Colt to see Sherman baring his teeth, preparing to bark at the intruder. At the same moment, she felt a whisper of fur against her ankles.

Colt rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and shook his head. "His trusty sidekick's here, too."

Jenny smiled, scooped Sylvester up and hurried to grab Sherman's collar. "I'm sorry. I couldn't leave them in Stone Creek, and I couldn't bear to get rid of them." She dragged the animals to the laundry room and locked the door. Immediately, all hell broke loose.

Colt raised an eyebrow. Jenny put a finger to her lips. "It'll last only a minute. I do this all the time. They can get a little rambunctious in this small apartment."

The animals quieted, but Jenny didn't move. Colt stared at her. She was dripping wet, and water pooled at her feet. She was beautiful and he loved her. "Come here, Jenny."

She wanted to, but hung back. Now that she was out of Colt's arms, she was able to think with her head instead of her body. She couldn't just fall into bed with him again. Not without knowing if he really loved her like she loved him. Not without knowing how matters stood between them.

"What's wrong, babe?" Colt closed the distance and pulled her to him. She tried to wiggle free, but he wouldn't let her. "You did want me to find you, didn't you?"

"Yes, but--"

"No, buts." He kissed her. "I love you, Jenny. I can't live without you."

Joy and gladness filled Jenny's whole being. "You do? But I thought--"

Colt kissed her again. On the mouth, on her cheeks, down her neck. "I said no buts. Let me love you, Jenny. I can't live another second without making love to you."

Jenny sighed.
He loved her. Colt loved her.
She hugged him tight and leaned intimately against him, offering a kiss. "Oh, Colt. I love you, too. You can't imagine how much I love you."

"Can't I?" With a deep groan, Colt pulled her even closer. Through the layers of damp cloth, he felt Jenny's nipples tease him. He ground his mouth on hers, tasting her, marking her. His heart pounded in his ears as she accepted his probing tongue, matching his thrusts, inviting more. He wanted to possess her, needed to possess her and make her his.

Smoothing his hands over her rib cage toward her back, his fingers hovered over the low neckline of the peasant top. "I love this dress," he said. "You were wearing it that night in the barn."

"You remember?"

Hell yes, I remember
. I remember every minute of every hour of every day we've spent together."

He took her mouth in a searing kiss, pulling the elastic of the top down, revealing her lacy bra. Colt slipped his hand inside and cupped one full breast. Damn, she felt good. Her damp skin made him think of a more intimate dampness, a moist heat that begged for his penetration.
God damned, he wanted her bad
. He wanted to possess her. He never wanted to let her go.

Colt thought he would explode if he didn't get them out of the wet clothes and into a soft, warm bed. Impatience twisted his gut. He wanted Jenny naked. He wanted to thrust himself into her, feel her warmth take all of him. With an effort, he dragged his mouth away from her sweet lips.

"I want you, Jenny," he whispered roughly in her ear. "I want you in bed.

And forever.
Jenny finished the sentence in her mind as her skin tingled from his touch. So much to be said, but not with words, not with words. She only nodded as he pulled her down the hall.

In the bedroom, Colt peeled the wet dress up and over Jenny's head. He swallowed hard at the sight of her sexy undergarments plastered against her skin. Her beaded nipples strained against the sheer material of her bra, and her panties did little to cover the triangle of soft hair.

His body grew harder and flexed against the zipper of his soggy jeans. Never taking his eyes from her, he unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it off. His boots and socks were the next to go, then he quickly got rid of his pants. In two strides he gathered Jenny in his arms.

Goosebumps met his exploring fingers. "Damn, you're freezing," he said. He picked her up and headed for the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Jenny asked, trying to still the chatter of her teeth.

"We're going to get into a hot shower, because you're going to have to be warm for what I have planned. Any objections?"

She laid her head against Colt's chest. "No, absolutely none." She was so glad he was actually here. So glad he felt the same way she did. So glad he loved her. Jenny gave herself up to the luxury of being taken care of. No one had taken care of her in a long time.

Colt set her on the commode. He reached over the rim of the tub and turned on the hot water, adjusting the temperature with the cold. Kneeling before Jenny, with hands not quite steady, he removed her wet bra and panties.

Steam filled the room. Colt stood and pulled her into his arms and held her close, thankful he'd finally found her. "I went crazy not knowing where you were; not knowing whether I'd ever see you again."

"Colt, I--"

"Don't ever run away from me again." Before she could say anything, he covered her lips with a savage kiss. When she shivered again, he reluctantly eased back. "All right. Into the shower with you, babe."

Colt positioned Jenny under the hot gushing water so she could get warm. Then he held her in his arms again. He never wanted to let her go.

Jenny lifted her head and sought his lips. He kissed her long and hard, ravaging her mouth, sucking her tongue until she moaned with pleasure. He grabbed the bar of soap. Slowly, he lathered her body, paying particular attention to his favorite places.

He soaped her lush full breasts, rubbing the foam around and around, allowing the water to rinse the suds away. He bent and licked one nipple, catching her eye in a soul-searing gaze. Taking the nipple into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the taut bead. The sexy little moans erupting from Jenny's throat told him he was doing a thorough job.
She wasn't cold any longer.

Colt moved lower, kneeling in the tub, administering the same loving attention to her flat tummy, trailing his tongue down the sleek thighs and long legs, then making his way back up again. Jenny's eyes glazed over with passionate yearning.

He smiled. He'd saved the best for last.

For weeks, he'd dreamed of this woman. The sex between them was good.
Better than good.
He'd become addicted to Jenny. There was no other way to describe his feelings.
Yes, there was.
He loved her with his whole body and soul.

With infinite care, Colt lathered the secret folds of Jenny's womanhood. She grasped his shoulders and braced herself to keep from falling. Her quick gasps and low groans melded with the cadence of the rushing water. When the cascading streams cleansed the soap away, he pressed his tongue to her sensitive flesh and felt her immediately shudder in orgasm.

Jenny's fingers bit into the muscles of his shoulders. Her knees trembled as the violence of her climax overtook her. She threw her head back and arched her spine as waves of pleasure coursed over her body. She felt weakened and drained, but not quite complete. She needed Colt to fill the waiting emptiness only he could satisfy.

"Make love to me," she cried, pulling frantically on his arms, trying to make him stand up.

"I thought I just did." Her impatience filled Colt with a primitive sense of satisfaction.

"You know what I mean," she said. "I want to feel you inside of me."

No more urging was required. Colt pushed Jenny against the tiled wall of the shower and thrust deeply inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and feverishly pushed down as he pushed up.

His need was so great that he exploded almost immediately. The pleasure was all consuming. Total and complete.
could he have thought he could ever live without her?

Colt leaned his forehead against Jenny's, trying to control his ragged breathing, enjoying the last tremors of his climax, loving the feel of being inside her once again.

Jenny opened her eyes and inhaled deeply, letting her breath out slowly. She smiled at him and he wanted her all over again.

"We're running out of hot water," she said, kissing his chin.

"So we are." He kissed her briefly, then gently disengaged himself and shut off the faucets.

Jenny stepped from the tub. Colt took a towel and tenderly wiped her body dry. The slow, sensual movements warmed her inside and out.

She quickly turned away and grabbed a robe. "We need to talk."

Colt toweled himself dry, then reached for her. "We'll talk in bed."

"We never have before," Jenny said.

"There's always a first time." He smiled his killer smile.

She shook her head and raised her hands to ward him off. "Oh, no you don't. You're not going to distract me again. I'll make some hot chocolate, then we can have a discussion like two decent human beings."

Colt wrapped a dry towel around his waist. Ignoring her protests, he gathered her in his arms. "I like it better when we act like two
human beings." He nibbled the sensitive spot behind her ear.

Jenny pushed him away. "Please, Colt?"

"All right. Lead the way then." He tapped her bottom playfully and followed her out the door.

"Why don't you call the tow truck while I make the hot chocolate?" She left him in the living room and hurried to the small kitchenette where she freed Sherman and Sylvester from their makeshift prison. The dog and cat whined to be petted, and Jenny gladly obliged.

She still couldn't believe Colt was really here, in her apartment and that they'd made love in the shower. He said he loved her. Did he really mean it? Did he want a permanent relationship? Did he want to marry her? Because that's what Jenny wanted. Love and marriage.

She wanted it all, damn it.

Placing the saucepan on the stove, she turned the gas on low and stirred the mixture, dissolving the sugar, keeping it from scorching on the bottom. Her tummy fluttered with the knowledge that Colt had come looking for her. And that he loved her. Those were definitely steps in the right direction. Maybe her campaign had worked. 

Colt appeared in the narrow doorway and leaned on the frame. He looked incredibly sexy with the towel hanging low on his hips. Sherman and Sylvester rushed over to greet him, and he bent down to pet them. His hands were busy with the animals, but his blue eyes were focused on her with passionate intent.

Jenny suddenly felt nervous. She busied herself by arranging the mugs near the stove and stirring the hot chocolate. "Did you call for a tow truck?"

"Yeah. They'll take it to the dealership for repair. They said to call tomorrow to finalize arrangements. Guess you're stuck with me for tonight."

Pushing away from the door, Colt took the wooden spoon from her hand and set it on the counter. He pulled her against him, holding her close. Why did she look so sad? He didn't want Jenny to be sad ever again.

Colt cupped her jaw and stared into her eyes. She licked her lips and he couldn't resist tasting them again. The kiss left both of them breathless and wanting more. He switched off the stove, scooped her up in his arms and headed for the bedroom.

Jenny laughed. "Hey, what do you think you're doing? What about the hot chocolate?"

"Later." Colt kissed her, effectively cutting off her protests. "Right now, all I want is you."

In the bedroom, he dumped her onto the bed and unfastened his towel, letting it drop to the floor. Stretching out beside her, he untied the silken cord at Jenny's waist and opened the robe, baring her beautiful body. He loved looking at her. Loved just being with her. He gently traced her cheek and her lips with one finger, trailing it down her chin and neck to her breasts. Her eyes clouded over with desire. She was so responsive to his touch. He could never get enough of her. He'd been a fool to think otherwise.

He gathered her in his arms and gave her a quick kiss. "About being stuck with me for the night," he said. "How about making it forever? What do you say, babe? Let's get married, and we'll start on that forever right away."

Jenny's face broke out in a radiant smile. "There's nothing I'd like more. I love you, Colt. I love you so much."

Colt tightened his arms around her and started to kiss her, then pulled back and frowned as a furry missile landed near the pillow. A big black dog nose appeared at the side of the bed, and large brown eyes surveyed the occupants.

BOOK: Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle
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