Read Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle Online

Authors: Anne Marie Novark )

Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle (11 page)

BOOK: Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle
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Because all she could think about was Colt Davis. Would he come looking for her? Would he come to his senses and realize he loved her? Realize they were soul mates? Realize they were meant for each other?

Jenny had been on pins and needles ever since Mary Beth's phone call late last night. Her friend said Colt had finally come storming into Stone Creek looking for her. He'd gone out to Jenny's place only to find it closed up and empty. Then he'd stomped into the cafe demanding that Mary Beth spill the beans. Thank goodness Jenny had given her best friend permission to do just that. Mary Beth said Colt couldn't believe it when she'd told him Jenny had sold her flower shop and moved to Dallas.

Jenny sniffed back a tear. She couldn't believe she'd actually sold the shop either. She'd wanted to cry when she handed the deed to the new owner. The flower shop was one of her last links with her mother. Selling it had tugged at her heartstrings, but she knew it would be in good and capable hands. After a few days the sadness had passed, replaced with a feeling of freedom.

Looking back, Jenny realized she'd put off living her own life since the day her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. She had shouldered the responsibilities of the shop during her mother's long illness, then kept it after she'd died. She'd drifted and allowed herself to be carried along with the tide. Not really living, just existing.

Until Colt had returned to Stone Creek.
Colt had turned her world upside down. Or right side up. The jury was still out on that one.

They'd had a relationship of sorts. But Colt was the kind of man who played the field. He wasn't one for settling down. Jenny had lost her heart to him and hinted she wanted something more permanent. She'd rushed her fences and scared him off. Now, she had nothing.

Oh well, the past couldn't be changed. Jenny was putting her old life behind her and starting fresh. She had to be brave and forge ahead. Her future was at stake now. She'd been lucky so far. She'd found a temporary job as a receptionist. And she had found the cutest little apartment, already furnished. It suited her purposes for the time being. If all went according to plan, she'd be making a permanent home with Colt here in Dallas.

If not . . .

Jenny took a deep cleansing breath. She needed to think positive thoughts. The doubt demons were haunting her again. So much had happened in the five weeks since she had last seen him. So much she'd
happen. But with each passing day, she became more convinced that he would never want her back, never even miss her. Her heart hurt just thinking about it.

After Colt had left that last time and headed home to Dallas, Jenny figured out that maybe she'd made herself too available. He'd breeze into town to visit his folks and be sure of a welcome, both at Jenny's place and in her bed. They'd been dating for the past year.

Long distance dating.

Jenny wanted more.

Kissing Colt and making love with him had reawakened her hormones and her zest for living. She'd been tired of just existing. She'd needed a change.

Yes, she wanted to spend her life with Colt more than anything in the world. But if her plans didn't work out and she couldn't have him, at least she'd have her life back. A new life. Something different.

But she wanted Colt.

Jenny flicked off her computer and straightened her desk. It was almost quitting time. Buttoning her jacket, she dug her keys out of her purse and started for the elevator. Rush-hour traffic was horrendous. After almost an hour, Jenny finally reached her apartment. At the door, frantic meowing and barking could be heard from within. Jenny shook her head. Sylvester and Sherman were having a difficult time adjusting to city life. She was too, if she were honest with herself. Or maybe that was only because she was lonely.

The days passed quickly enough, but the nights dragged on and on. Her body hungered for Colt's touch. They'd always shared an incredible chemistry. That's what had kept him coming back to her.

Before Mary Beth's phone call, Jenny had been certain Colt had decided he could live without her. But hope had surfaced when her friend said Colt had returned to Stone Creek demanding answers to his questions.

Would he actually come looking for her here in Dallas? Had her plan about making herself scarce actually worked? Had her absence actually made his heart grow fonder?

How soon would it be before she saw him? Tonight? Tomorrow? Next week?

Or never.
Was she spinning dream castles in the air? Was Colt so set in his ways, so protective of his freedom that he would throw away what they had together?

Maybe he'd only gone back to Stone Creek to assure himself she was safe. He was responsible, even if he was commitment phobic. Their breakup had been pretty ugly.

Damn. This merry-go-round of speculation was getting her nowhere. She couldn't stand the thought of spending another evening alone in her tiny apartment. She decided to go out and grab a bite to eat.

A quick shower helped alleviate some of her anxiety. Standing in front of her closet, she spotted the long peasant dress she'd worn to Mary Beth's birthday party last July. Jenny pulled the dress from the hanger and slipped it on. She knew Colt liked this dress. Dabbing on lipstick, she grabbed her coat and was out the door.

As she headed toward her car, a flash of lightning streaked across the sky in the distance. A low rumble of thunder followed. Great, just what she needed. The first sprinkles of rain hit her face and dotted the skirt of her dress before she hopped in the car.

Pulling onto the street, Jenny drove at a snail's pace. The bottom of the sky had fallen out. Buckets of water pelted the windshield. As she snaked along, Jenny thought about turning back. Another peanut butter sandwich for dinner might not be so bad after all.

But she couldn't turn back. She was starting a new life, wasn't she? A new adventure.

Courage, Jenny. Courage.

Slowly, she drove through the blinding rain. At the intersection leading to the freeway, the shower let up and visibility improved. On the opposite side of the street, a black diesel pickup truck was stalled. As Jenny inched nearer, her throat went dry. She would know that truck anywhere. She'd ridden in it enough times. The hood was up and a familiar body stood looking at the engine.

Jenny slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop. Colt lifted his head, recognition dawning in his clear blue eyes. Her heart thudded in her chest as she made a quick u-turn and pulled in behind him. She cut the motor, but didn't get out of the car.

A tiny glimmer of joy blossomed inside Jenny. Had her plan actually worked? It couldn't be coincidence that Colt was so close to her apartment, could it?

Her first impulse was to fling herself into his arms. On second thought, she wasn't sure of the reception she would receive. He had been very angry the last time she had seen him. Joy gave way to doubt.

Gripping the steering wheel in indecision, Jenny nearly jumped out of her skin when Colt appeared by the side of the car. He was soaked. His clothes clung to his big muscular body. A fierce yearning tugged in Jenny's stomach.
God, how she loved him.

Jerking the door open, Colt pulled her out. He grabbed her close, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard.

Jenny melted in his arms. Liquid flame ignited between them. The earthy flavor of raindrops blended with the taste of Colt. The dampness from his clothes seeped through her coat and into her dress, soaking her quickly. The incessant drizzle of rain washed over them.

Jenny returned Colt's kisses with an urgency that left both of them trembling. Five long weeks of pent-up desire exploded into a sea of sensation. She couldn't get enough. He couldn't get enough. Colt's strong arms molded her to him so tightly, she thought she'd break in two.

Finally she pushed away, but kept her hands firmly clasped around his waist.

"Damn Jenny! Why did you run away? I've missed you so damned much."

"I've missed you, too." Jenny shivered, not only from the delicious sensual contact, but from the chill of the brisk breeze on her rain-drenched body.

Colt hugged her close and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "There's so much to say, but not here. We need to get out of this rain, babe. Let's get you home."

"What about your truck?"

"I'll call for a tow when we get to your place. Give me your keys and I'll drive." He helped her into her car, then ran to close the hood of his truck and lock the doors.

Jenny watched him approach and her heart lurched in that familiar, yet disturbing way, only Colt could produce.

He opened the door and climbed in. "God, you look good." He leaned over and kissed her hard, before stabbing the key into the ignition and starting the car.

Colt smiled his lethal smile, and his eyes gleamed feral as he swiped the raindrops from his face and smoothed back his wet hair. A thrill shot through Jenny's veins.

He'd actually come looking for her. He still wanted her.
The desire was there for anyone to see. She swallowed the lump in her throat and warned herself to calm down. The sexual attraction between them had always been strong. Did Colt want her badly enough that he couldn't live without her? Even if he didn't want a lifetime commitment, Jenny had the sinking suspicion she'd take whatever he was willing to give.

She was weak when it came to Colt Davis.

The rain intensified and poured down in sheets. The loud swish of raindrops against the windshield competed with Jenny's hammering heart. The silence in the car grew heavy as Colt drove through the blinding rain.

She had to say something. Anything. "What are you doing on this side of Dallas?"

Colt shot her a ferocious glare, his eyes squinting, his forehead bunched in a frown. "What the hell do you
I'm doing here? I was coming to see you, damn it. Why didn't you answer my calls or emails or my texts? I've been looking for you . . . seems like forever. I was beginning to think you didn't want to be found."

The deep resonance of his voice flowed over Jenny, warming her all over. She'd missed him so much. She loved him so much.

Keeping one hand on the steering wheel, Colt reached out with the other and gripped the base of her neck. She took a deep breath to still the trembling in her body, the ache building low in her stomach.

"Jenny? Why didn't you return my calls?"

She bit her lip. She couldn't tell him it had all been part of her campaign to win him back. She reminded herself not to hope too much. The fact he had come to see her was an intoxicating thought. She needed to tread carefully, though. She wasn't sure what Colt wanted from her. "You made it perfectly clear you didn't want to see me again the last time we were together."

He tightened his hand on her neck. "Hell, I was angry and scared. I said a lot of things I didn't mean. I've changed my mind. I take it all back."

The touch of his fingers against her wet skin and the desire burning in his eyes blazed a path from her stomach clear down to her toes. She wanted to feel his hands all over her body, caressing her, loving her. It seemed like years since they'd made love. She took another deep calming breath.

"Those are my apartments up ahead on the left. My apartment is the first one in the second group of buildings."

Colt released his hold on her, and Jenny felt bereft of the contact. He pulled into the parking lot and parked in the slot in front of her apartment, then killed the engine. The rain was still pouring down; dusk had given way to darkness. The lights in the parking lot stood like dim beacons straining through the silvery grayness of the rain.

He pulled the keys from the ignition and handed them to her, starting at her through the semi-darkness. Not saying a word, he leaned over and kissed her. When she didn't respond, he pulled back and searched her eyes. "You did
me to find you, didn't you, Jenny?" he asked softly.

"Yes, but I thought . . . " She shivered again.

Colt frowned. "Let's go inside. We'll talk where it's warm."

They ran through the rain to her apartment. Jenny's hands shook as she tried to unlock the door. Colt stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders, but then she felt the scorching heat from his body through her wet coat and dress as he leaned over and slipped the keys from her trembling hands. Shudders of desire swept over her as he worked the lock. It took several seconds before the key finally clicked and the door opened.

Colt pushed her inside and slammed the door shut. He hauled her against him and kissed her hungrily. He pushed her coat off her shoulders and down her arms until it fell in a wet heap at their feet. He wrapped her in his embrace and she could feel his arousal against her belly.

"Why did you run away from me, Jenny?" he said against her mouth. "You shouldn't have run away."

Jenny pulled back. "You were the one who left me. Remember?"

"I must have been insane. I'll never leave you again.
better not ever leave me again. " He crushed her to him and covered her mouth in a savage kiss.

Jenny's response was instantaneous. His words warmed her to her very core. Colt cared for her. He had feelings for her, maybe even loved her. She twined her arms around his powerful neck and kissed him back.

BOOK: Texas Two Steps Four-Pack Bundle
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