Texas Tornado (Freebirds Book 5) (22 page)

BOOK: Texas Tornado (Freebirds Book 5)
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Sebastian turned his head slowly until he regarded the sincerity in Cheyenne’s question. I think she truly wanted to know. It was important for her to know more of her husband, and that meant getting to know his family.

Finally coming to a decision, he told her. “Sue.”

“That’s fucking awesome!” She said in awe.

“Glad daddy dearest decided to bestow that name on you and not me.” Sam muttered as he grabbed his wife’s hand and led her to the door.

In the next instant, they were gone, closing the door quietly behind them.

James followed them to the door and locked the dead bolt, chain, and armed the alarm. Sam’s bike roared to life, and pulled out of the driveway moments after. The sound of the Harley’s pipes disappeared, and Sebastian cleared his throat behind me.

“You love him, don’t you?” Sebastian asked as we watched James disappear into the kitchen.

Startled, I turned from staring at James walk around the house, checking the windows and locks. When he disappeared into the kitchen, I replied. “I’m fucking screwed.”

He chuckled at my less than succulent comment, wrapped his arm around my neck, pulled me into him, and kissed my forehead. “You deserve someone to love. Tell him about what happened with Zoolander. He may’ve hurt you, and he may have brought you down for a while, but he no more broke you anymore than I was able to get you to stop following me around when you were a kid. He deserves to know what happened.”

“Zander.” I corrected automatically.

The man was notorious for saying Zander’s name incorrectly. Sebastian had hated Zander with a passion. So much so, that every time they were within the same air space, Sebastian referred to him by anything but his actual name. Then what he’d just said finally sunk in with me, and I gasped.

“You know?” I asked incredulously.

“I know everything.” He said cryptically before leaving the room silently.

“What does he know everything about?” James asked as he came up to me, pulling me into a hug.

I wrapped my hands around his torso, and buried my head into his chest. “I’ll tell you. I promise; just not right now.”

He tightened his hold for a few moments, and then loosened it. “I wish you could stay in my room with me. I just don’t want your dad to hear and feed my nuts to me when I’m sleeping.”

I laughed. “You’d wake up before he got too far with it.”

“That I would.” He agreed with a laugh of his own.

Our kiss goodnight was anything but chaste, and by the time I was lying on the couch with my borrowed pillow and blanket off James’ bed, I was feeling anything but tired. In fact, I was downright horny.

After an hour of zero sleep, I decided that just maybe, I needed some ice cream.

Getting up, forgoing the pants, I tiptoed to the kitchen in James’ newest SWAT t-shirt, a pair of panties, and rainbow knee socks. I got the spoon, the half-gallon of chocolate banana Blue Bell Ice Cream, and took a seat at the table. Boris, my cat, leapt up beside me and took his spot, waiting for his turn to lick the spoon.

I ate a quarter of the ice cream, which had done wonders at cooling my body heat down, but not the heat still pooling in my core. Getting one more spoonful, I set it down on the table, and Boris started licking away, purring so hard that it vibrated the table, and the chair. Hell, it might have even been vibrating the floor.

Feeling the chill in the air, because, hey, it’s normal for a man to leave the thermostat set on off when it’s forty degrees out, I grabbed my blanket, and made my way downstairs. TV was better than nothing. Even if I had to settle for infomercials.

Only I didn’t have to, because the first thing I saw when I turned on the large flat screen TV in the basement was a soft-core porn on HBO. Which I immediately turned back off. Or tried to.

Somehow I hit a button that turned the surround sound on, because suddenly, the soft moans and grunts of the couple having sex on the screen assaulted me at all angles.

“Oh, yes, just like that. Do it to me baby. Uh huh. Uh huh.” The woman’s fake orgasm reverberated off the basement walls.

“Oh, my God. Turn off you stupid piece of shit!” I squealed, randomly pressing buttons now.

Blessedly, after pressing everything under the sun on the biggest fucking remote in the world, peaceful silence ensconced the room. Heart pounding, I collapsed into the hammock.

The only light on was the Red Dog neon beer sign hanging above the TV. Which was why when James leaned over my face from behind me, I shrieked like a wiener and fell out of the hammock.

“Mother of pearl!” I said as my body hit the ground with a heavy thud.

“Were you just watching porn?” James asked, making no attempt to help me up. “With the surround sound on?”

“Yes, but I got off, and didn’t see a reason to watch it anymore.” I quipped breathlessly.

He laughed quietly, leaned over, and gathered me into his arms. I did notice he was very careful not to put any added weight on his leg that’d been grazed by a bullet. Which then led me to notice the tight black boxer briefs he was in with white dots on them.

“I like your underwear,” I laughed, as he laid me down gently in the middle of the hammock width wise.

“I like ‘em.” He acknowledged, spreading my legs wide and stepping between them.

I decided to play off the intense arousal that I was feeling, and asked, “Do you have any other pair of polka dotted underwear?”

His hands spanned my hips, squeezing. “They’re not polka dots. Look closer.”

Oh, I’d look closer all right. Leaning forward, I sat up until my face was directly in line with the hard column of his cock. The dots were now skulls up close, and then I noticed the waistband.

“Does your underwear say ‘The Punisher’ on them?” I snickered.

Lifting my hand, I ran a lone finger along the elastic around his waistband. His stomach tensed, and I smiled.


If I had to be horny, so did he.

His hands went to the bun in my hair, pulling me until my mouth was a millimeters from the hard ridge of his dick. If I stuck my tongue out, I could lick him. Easily.

“Yeah. Now, are you going to suck my cock? Or do I need to just get down to business?” He asked gruffly.

My panting breath fanned his rock hard cock, and I knew he could feel the heat of my mouth. I also knew he was anticipating it.

I wished the lights were on so I could see what I was doing somewhat better, but I just used my sense of touch.

“Are you sure you can handle standing? Do you want to lay down instead?” I asked just before I ran my tongue along the waistband of his briefs.

I’d intended to go from hip to hip, only my mouth found the head of his cock peeking out the top of his briefs, and I got distracted. His inhale of surprise tore through the silent room like a rocket launching. Pulling the waistband down only slightly, I zeroed in on my target with precise accuracy.

I licked the tip almost delicately, tasting the salty cream that wept from his tip. A growl sounded above me, drawing my eyes. I looked up at him, and then took the head into my mouth, sucking strongly.

Although it was hard to see him clearly, I could tell his eyes were glued to the action of my mouth taking him in, hollowing with the force of my suction.

“Take more.” He commanded.

I obliged, pulling his underwear down until the waistband was underneath his ball sack. However, now both balls were now on display as well, drawing not only my eyes, but my mouth to the delicious feast.

Forgetting that he wanted me to take more of his cock inside my mouth, I started to lick, nip, and suck on the twin globes. Pulling one, and then the other into my mouth delicately.

The grip of his fist in my hair tightened, and I found myself being pulled away from my feast, and being fed his cock instead. I wasn’t upset. That was just as good, if not better.

He worked his cock in and out of my mouth like he was a mad man, yet not once did I choke on his length. He had an uncanny ability to judge when he was getting too far in, and pulled back before my gag reflex kicked in.

“Suck me harder.” James demanded.

I sucked.


“Oh, yeah. That feels fucking awesome. God, I could come right now.” He gasped.

I felt empowered, only sucking all the harder.

With a roughness I’d never experienced before, he lost control.

He ripped his length from my mouth, pulling back on my hair as he did so to free himself with a loud pop.

“Turn over on your knees. Be careful.” He growled.

I did so carefully.

He helped by holding the hammock steady as I rolled, and then gingerly pulled first one, and then the other knee underneath me. His callused hands moved from my hips to the edges of my panties and yanked, making them pool at the bend in my knees.

The position felt incredibly awkward, making me grasp the netting with clutching fingers.

However, in the next second, I didn’t feel awkward in the least. With one rough thrust, he was inside me.

The pound of his hips against mine jolted me forward, pulling me off him. Then he repeated the process by pulling back on the netting as well as thrusting forward.

The added thrust of his hips, and the pull back on the hammock, rammed his cock into me so hard that caused a twinge of pain. The jolt of bliss overshadowed that twinge of pain exponentially, successfully throwing me higher and higher until I burst into a thousand shards. Lights exploded behind my closed eyes as my pussy clamped down hard on his cock.

His groan of completion followed on the heels of mine; his big body shook with the force of it. I looked over my shoulder and only saw the silhouette of his large form still coaxing the last dregs of his release from his cock. With that one glance, a smaller, but no less significant orgasm pulsed through me, making my body shutter.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

“Yeah,” I panted.

He pulled away from me carefully, and I thrust my arm down in between my legs to catch his come before it leaked out all over the hammock, and then the carpet. Warm liquid filled my hands, and I resisted the urge to grind the heel of my hand into my engorged clit while rubbing his leavings into my overheated skin.

He returned momentarily and lifted me up carefully.

I kept my hand covering myself, and he produced a towel, cleaning up my core first, and then my hand. Once finished, he tossed the towel into a hamper that was sitting in the corner of the room, and then helped me pull up my panties.

Once we were both settled in the hammock, I finally figured out what was niggling in the corner of my brain throughout the entire encounter. “What happened to your piercing?”

“I don’t wear it all the time. I was young when I got it. My friend, Dougie, bet me three hundred bucks that I wouldn’t do it. I proved him wrong, and woke up with a pierced dick and couldn’t have sex for months while it healed. I pop it in from time to time, but mostly I don’t wear it anymore. I have a phobia of it getting caught on something and ripping my cock in half.” He explained.

I snickered and then cringed at the though.

“Normally you wouldn’t be hanging around with your dick out for it to snag on things.” I replied dryly.

I felt his chest rise as he huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, that’s true. It doesn’t stop me from having the thoughts though.”

“Tell me about Dougie.” I requested, letting my fingers dance on the ridges of his abdomen.

Tensing beneath me at the question, he quivered like a bow, strung and ready to be released. “He was the friend that I was telling you about. He died four years ago while we were on a mission. He has...had a daughter Janie’s age. Kayla. He was always so upbeat and happy. When he died, we lost something that was an integral part of us. I still get the urge to call him every time I think of a stupid fucking joke. He was notorious for one liners. But then, when the time came, he’d ruthlessly fuck up a tango and not even blink an eye.”

The sadness in his voice tore a hole through my heart. “I’m sorry. He sounds like an unbelievable man.”

“He was.” He said softly.

“Will you tell me what you refused to earlier?” He asked after the silence continued for a few more minutes.

I tensed, but then relaxed, remembering my brother’s words from earlier.

“It’s not pretty.” I explained.

“There are very few things that would keep you silent about something you felt passionate about. I don’t think that it’s pretty. In fact, I bet it’s something horrible, and I’ll have to restrain myself from walking out of this house afterwards and tracking that piece of shit down.”

“Sebastian had always told me that Zander was no good. I should’ve listened.” I said, swallowing on a suddenly dry throat. “It started out small. Cruel words here, a slap upside the head there. Then, before I could really do anything about it, Sebastian was hurt in that motorcycle accident. I don’t know if I was just oblivious, or what, but the slaps upside the head turned into slaps across the face. A punch in the stomach. It wasn’t until I walked in on him fucking another woman in his apartment that I realized what a fool I’d become. And so, I left him that night, only for him to follow me down the hallway of his apartment and beat the ever loving shit out of me, while he was naked and his dick was swinging. Then he dragged me back into the room and fucked the woman while I watched with a broken leg, arm, and a few cracked ribs.”

James’ arm tightened with each declaration, and by the end of it, I could feel him shaking in rage. “What the hell did the woman do while this was going on?”

“She was drunk, I guess. When Zander was done fucking her, he tossed me outside the door of his apartment, and I crawled down the stairs and to the street before I was found and taken to the hospital. I filed charges on him, but he got that woman to corroborate that he didn’t do anything.” I said with disgust.

“Do you know what the bullet of a fifty caliber does to a man’s head at a mile away?” He asked casually.

I had a feeling I knew where this was going, and stood.

He grunted when I used his stomach to push myself up, and asked, “Where you going?”

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