Texas Tornado (Freebirds Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Texas Tornado (Freebirds Book 5)
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“We can’t do this on here.” James said in between breasts.

“Watch me.”

Although it took some doing, I finally maneuvered myself to where my feet were planted firmly on the floor on either side of James body. Lifting up, I started fiddling with his belt to get it off. After three failed attempts to get the belt free, I finally glared at James. He tried to wipe the smile off his face, but didn’t quite manage it in time.

When I started to get off him, he reared up and wrapped his hands around my hips again. “Relax. It’s a police belt. It’s not meant to come off easily.”

With deft movements, he used his one free hand to work the belt loose of the loop. The clinging signaled he’d worked it free, then his hips lifted as he ripped the belt out from under his body. It hit the floor with a dull thud, and he lifted his arms so his fingers were gripping the wooden slat at the very top.

“Be gentle with me.” He rasped.

“Oh, this won’t hurt your leg in the least. Now that dick of yours....” I trailed off as I saw the ‘dick’ under question.

“Jesus,” I exclaimed. “I’m not really sure how this works.”

“How what works? You’ve never had sex before?” James asked, looking quite alarmed.

“Of course I’ve had sex!” I practically yelled. “What I haven’t had sex with, though, is a man with a piece of metal in his junk.”

“It’s the same concept, sweetheart. Just ease onto my cock. The piercing does its own work. It’d help if you got it nice and wet with your mouth first, however.”

I looked into his eyes to see if he was joking, but only need shined through. Shuffling back on my feet, I bent down and gave his cock head an experimental lick before fisting his hard length in my hand. My fingers encountered the piercing that had a starring role in my fantasies over the past few months, and I ran one finger around the top bead of the piercing.

The metal, warmed by his skin, was smooth. “Doesn’t this affect how you pee?” I asked just as I let my mouth sink down on his fat cock.

His strangled reply amused me. “Not unless I’m hard.”

Running my free hand down the length of his cock, I let my other wander down to cup his ball sack, and tug it lightly. He involuntary forced himself into my mouth, and I withdrew to take a breath.

“What kind of piercing is this?” I asked on my next lick that went down the length of his shaft.

“Reverse Prince Albert.” He gasped as I took his cock back into my mouth. The head of his cock met the back of my throat, the metal ball making the feeling incredibly weird.

James’ strangled cry made me laugh. “Can you fucking ride me already? I’m dying here.”

I let his dick slip from my mouth and stood. The knit skirt I was wearing fell, concealing my lady bits from his viewing pleasure. His response was to jackknife out of the hammock, place his own feet down onto the floor, and yank the skirt up until it was just under my breasts.

I’m sure he’d have taken it all the way off if he could’ve done it without standing and putting pressure on his leg. “Impatient are we?” I asked.

“I’ve been fucking coming in my sleep again like a damn teenager to dreams of you and how you taste. You have no goddamn clue how embarrassing that is. I can’t get the taste of you out of my mind. I torture myself all day long wondering if you taste the same as you did that day.” He groaned as he fell back to the hammock.

“Maybe we can do that later. Right now, I want to fuck your brains out.” I said softly before taking my abandoned position back up.

The head of his cock kissed my entrance, and just as I was about to sink down, he stopped me with a firm grip on my hips.

“Fuck,” James said trying to sit up again. “I need to go get a condom.”

“Only if you really want to. I’m clean. I had to have some tests run before I came here. I didn’t have any diseases, and I’ve been on birth control for a really long time.” I said, hoping beyond hope he didn’t ask me why I needed testing before I came here.

I’m pretty sure that’d be a mood killer to know the girl you were about to fuck into outer space had cancer less than a year ago.

“I’m clean, too. I had to have a physical to get hired on at at the PD. I also had a vasectomy when I had Janie.” He explained as he helped me line up his cock with my wet entrance.

Dropping my weight down once I had an inch or so inside me, I about burst out of orbit. That fucking piece of jewelry, combined with the size of his dick, stretched me and hit all the right places at once. Not one single iota of space was available for him to add more. I felt so full to bursting that I was already teetering on that razor wire that separated me from my orgasmic state.

“Jesus you’re tight.” James gritted out between clenched teeth.

“It’s been a while,” I explained.

“It feels like it’s been never. Ride me already.” He said, trying to move my hips to the motion he wanted.

I let him move me the way he wanted, totally feeling the way his cock’s piercing dragged against the spot inside of me that had never been stimulated by anything but me before.

“Oh, God.” I panted as I moved myself up with the rhythm of his hands on my hips.

I sank down only for him to lift me back up again. The slap-slap of our bodies meeting was the only thing besides our mingled breathing that could be heard in the room.

A glorious feeling of euphoria started to come over me, and I knew if he could keep it up just a few moments longer, I’d be falling over that cliff.

“I’m close.” I exhaled.

His response was one of his hands leaving my hip, and sliding down to collide with my clit. With deft flicks of his fingers, he worked me closer and closer to the pinnacle.

With his growled demand of, “Come,” I burst.

My channel clamped down hard on his cock. My pulsing vaginal muscles worked his cock, and shortly after I started to slow down, he sped up. Over and over he pounded into me, only extending my own orgasm.

“Fuck me!” He growled.

Doing just that, I started to slam myself down on his shaft. The slapping of our bodies meeting only got louder. However, the new sound of our mingling juices could be heard as well. His abdominal muscles tensed, and with one last thrust, he planted himself inside me as far as he could go.

Pulsating heat splashed against my cervix, sending me into another smaller orgasm that the one before it, but no less intense.

Falling forward, I lay against his chest. Both of us breathing hard and fast.

“That was...” I said, at a loss for words.

“Perfection?” He laughed.

“Yeah, perfection. I think any more sex like that’ll likely kill me. You’ll have to do all the work next time. I’m in no shape to keep that up as much as I want it.” I quipped.

“I think I can handle that. Just give me a few to recoup some of my breath.”

Quiet moments followed that announcement as we both caught our breath.

A board creaked above us, and we both turned our head until we had the basement door in our sights.

“Is that door locked?” I asked sitting up.

“Nope. The only other person it could be is my mom, who is out of state, or my sister.” He said, sitting up as well.

We didn’t rise, because to be honest, this would block more of our bodies from whomever it was than us standing and trying to scramble across the room and behind something to get dressed. That is if I could even find anything to dress into.

The creak of the basement door announced someone’s arrival. “James?” Cheyenne called.

“If you don’t want to see the swing in use, don’t come any further down.” James growled.

The descending feet stopped in their tracks, then turned and quickly ran back up the stairs. “Ohhhh, yuuuck!”

James’ chuckle, combined with my own, made him slip from the snug depths of my body in a wet rush.

“We’ve made a bit of a mess.” I stated the obvious.

“Sometimes a mess is a good thing.”

Chapter 15

The most dangerous place on earth is between a biker and his bike.

-Biker Truth


Once I was changed, I glanced at my watch and saw that I had a little over fifteen minutes before Janie got off the bus for the day. She’d be happy to see me instead of Mrs. Kowalsky. Nothing against the old broad, but she tried to treat Janie as if she were still a two year old kid instead of a six year old. Janie liked the woman, but I’d win out every single time.

Washing my hands quickly, I walked down the hallway, wincing with every other step as my leg throbbed. Hell, it wasn’t even that bad, but the feeling of the top layer of skin being gone was almost worse than any other injury I’d had before.

My eyes scanned all the photos that lined the hallway as I walked past. Every stage of Janie’s life was featured in that hallway. Most of the newest ones were Janie’s school photos and Christmas pictures. Cheyenne and mom used to take her to get her portraits made in a studio when she was a baby so I’d see how big she was getting.

Soft voices made me slow in my progression towards the living room. I stopped as I got to the mouth of the hallway, listening to my sister explain.

“I never meant to hurt you both. I was just trying to get James to make a move. He seemed so unhappy working at the garage. I’d known that he was getting offers from Luke to join the SWAT team, and I wanted him to pursue it. The only way he’d make that decision was for him to have a reason to leave Free.” Cheyenne explained hesitantly.

“Well, you definitely accomplished that.” Shiloh said dryly. “Next time, maybe you can try to not use our relationship as a diving board. These last five weeks have sucked balls.”

Cheyenne made a miserable sound in her throat before continuing. “I never intended for him to leave. Hell, he wouldn’t even speak to Max. Which is saying something because it’s not often that those two don’t speak. They’re the type of friends that end up sitting on their porch when their ninety-five and yell at the neighborhood kids to get off their lawn.”

“It was me. I’d pissed him off, and he needed a break.” Shiloh sighed.

“What are you talking about?” Cheyenne asked.

“I told him in a voicemail that he’d have to choose Jolie or me. I left it in a note on the kitchen table before y’all got me drunk that night after James’ was arrested.”

Coming further into the room, I watched Cheyenne’s lips purse. “They have an extremely weird relationship. When Max and James were younger, they had another friend, Briggs, who’d died. Everyone used to call them the Three Musketeers. One night, while on his way home from a party
Briggs was hit by a drunk driver, and killed. That drunk driver was Jolie’s father. James hated how the school treated Jolie, and he befriended her. I’d always thought that Max felt the same until recently. Max doesn’t like her at all either. He says she’s manipulative, and uses James any way she can.”

“I can definitely see that. The only times I’ve seen her are when she’s needed something from him.” Shiloh concurred.

Feeling that it was time to set their illusions straight, I came into the room and stopped behind the back of one of the couch. I placed my arms down on the back and leaned in to take the pressure off my leg.

“Let me tell you girls something about Jolie. I don’t love her, nor have I ever loved her. I feel bad for how she was treated after Briggs’ death, and I try to help her out any way I can. I am aware of how she tries to manipulate me to get what she wants. However, when I look at Jolie, I see a stray beaten dog who hasn’t been treated nicely in a long fucking time. She’s manipulative because she doesn’t know any other way to be. If she’s not that way, she’s treated like a stray dog again. I have never been, nor will ever be, in love with her. I’m in love with you, Shiloh. There’s a large difference between the way I am with her, and the way I am with you.” My eyes were on Shiloh as I said the last few statements, and I watched as her eyes lit with happiness.

“James...” Shiloh started to say before I interrupted her.

“As for you,” I said turning my gaze to Cheyenne. “I am your older brother. I have four years on you. I am thirty-one damn years old. I do not need you interfering with my love life. You could’ve cost me something great. Something that meant the world to me. How easy is it to find someone that fits well in your life when you have a kid to think about? To add on to the fact that you brought one of my greatest friends into it is even worse. I’ve trusted Sam’s judgment for many years. If I wouldn’t have, I’d have been dead. I think next time you need to think about the consequences of your actions before implementing those actions. You put a strain on a relationship that was nearly twelve years in the making. I’ve always trusted him to be straight with me, and it really hurt to know that he didn’t approve of me and Shiloh being together. It’s killed me the last month not to be around her, but I only did so out of respect of the man I trust most in the world.”

The sound of Janie’s bus stopping outside of the house stopped me from any further explanation, so I hobbled to the door and opened it with a wide smile on my face. I waved to Mrs. Kowalsky who was watering her petunias. Again.

I forced myself not to limp so I didn’t alarm Janie, and I waited with my arms crossed against my chest for her to notice I was home. It didn’t take long.

She’d just gotten to the bottom step of the school bus when she spotted me standing next to her bike. “Daddy!” She shrieked and launched herself off the bus and sprinted across the yard. Only she didn’t come to me, she veered off at the last possible second and shrieked, “Shiloh!”

I could only laugh. I was happy she liked Shiloh because she was going to be seeing a lot of her. Shiloh started to head inside with Janie wrapped up in her arms when we heard the distinct sound of pipes pulling on to our street. Shiloh froze, as did I, as we watched Silas pull into our driveway and shut off the bike.

When he stood up, you could tell he was hurt by the grimace of pain on his face as he swung his leg over the bike. His face was a shadow of pain as he took the painful steps toward us.

I knew it was bad just by the grim expression on his face. Something was seriously wrong.

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