Texas Lullaby (Texas Montgomery Mavericks Book 7) (6 page)

BOOK: Texas Lullaby (Texas Montgomery Mavericks Book 7)
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He groaned. “I know. I know.”

They got dressed, albeit slowly. Because of all the oil, Lydia’s feet slipped forward in her sandals with each step as they walked back to the lobby. Jason held her hand the whole way, only releasing it to pull his wallet out to pay the bill.

“Here you go, Dr. Henson.” Rebecca handed her a glass of water. “I’m sure you already know this, but drink a little more water tonight.”

Lydia smiled at the soft-spoken woman. “Will do. Thank you.”

“I hope you enjoyed it.”

“I did.”

“Wonderful. I hope I see you again.”

Lydia decided to drag Jason out of there before Brandi could do her sales pitch to get him to return, preferably without Lydia.

She got into the car with a long sigh.

“Good?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Ready to head home, or do we have a little time?”

“I don’t know. Can I call your parents?”

He punched a button and a phone ringing came from the speakers.


“Hi, Mom. Lydia is worried about the kids.”

She slugged his arm. “I’m not worried,” she said into the car microphone. “I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”

Jackie chuckled. “We’re all fine. Levi conked out about thirty minutes ago. We got through
once and then Lane and the girls took Jasper into the backyard to teach him how to play fetch.”

“Did they cry when I left?” Lydia’s heart pounded hard against her chest. She wasn’t sure what answer she wanted.

“Not really. Annie whimpered a little. Ellery pouted, but all that lasted about five minutes. Once the movie started, they got over it.”

“I’m not sure if I’m insulted they didn’t miss me too much or relieved.”

“Relieved,” Jackie said. “Trust me. Be relieved.”

“I thought we’d stay out a little later, Mom, if all is okay.”

“Sure. You kids have fun. Your dad and I have it under control.”

“Thank you, Jackie,” Lydia said. “I guess I needed to get out more than I thought.”

“Happy to, dear. See you two later. Have fun.” She hung up.

“You heard my mother. She said for us to have fun.”

Lydia twisted in her seat to face him. “Did you have something specific in mind?”

He grinned and lust hit her like a bolt of lightning. “Well, I was thinking we should finish what we started a couple of minutes ago.”

“Without Brandi with an I?”

Chuckling, he leaned across the console. “Definitely without Brandi with an I.” He kissed her. It was deep and wet and that one bolt of lust turned into a rainstorm.

He pulled back. “What do you think?”

She licked her lips, drew the taste of him into her mouth. “I’m wondering why we’re still sitting here in a parking lot.”

Jason’s heart, and his SUV, were racing as he tore through Whispering Springs to get to his house. Never one to count chickens before they hatch, he’d nonetheless put clean sheets on his bed and vacuumed his bedroom. There was no reason for him to be feeling such nervousness about tonight. He and Lydia had made love hundreds of times.

But tonight, Lydia was not the same woman she’d been a couple of months ago. Abrupt changes, like deaths of loved ones, did that to a person, changed them, made them reevaluate their own lives. He reminded the nervous quiver in his gut that she was still Lydia…still the woman he loved.

On the other hand, the tension in his spine had him antsy, as though he were with someone new, a different woman that he’d never been with before.

He pulled into his garage and shut off the engine. He noticed she was twisting her fingers together. He laid his hand over hers.

“You’re nervous.”

She shut her eyes and sighed. “I know. It’s silly.” Their gazes locked. “We were supposed to be an old married couple by now. Instead, it feels like we’re starting over somehow.” She shook her head. “That sounds so stupid.”

He squeezed her fingers. “No, I understand. You’ve been through hell and back in the past month. There’s no pressure here. I can start the car and head back to your house if you want.”


She sounded so hopeful. Disappointment nibbled at his pride.

“Sure.” He reached to restart the car, but she grabbed his hand.

“Wait! I didn’t say I wanted to go home.”

She smiled.

He smiled back.

He let her get into the house before he attacked, pushing her up against the wall, running his hands down her body, over her breasts, cupping the sweet flesh of her ass.

“My God, Lydia. I’ve missed you,” he whispered in her ear before running the tip of his tongue around the edge.

She rolled her head to the side, exposing the soft flesh of her long neck. He sucked her ear lobe between his lips and nibbled. She shivered and arched her groin firmly against him. As hard as his cock was, her sighs and moans and thrusting pumped additional blood to the region. The head of his dick pushed at his waistband, trying to find more room to expand.

He slid his mouth to her neck, licking and nibbling his way down until he came to the juncture of her neck and shoulder. She moaned as he bit the thick tendon there. And then his hands were everywhere, on her breasts, her waist, her butt and back to her breasts. Slipping his hands under her shirt, he pushed it up until he came to her bra, and he pushed that up too.

“I need you,” he said in a low voice and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

She cried out and began ripping at his clothes, shoving and unzipping him.

He unfastened her bra and tore it down her arms, letting it fall to his kitchen floor before pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it away. Her full, luscious breasts heaved with her breathing. The sight ripped through him like a tornado. He leaned over and drew her flesh back into his mouth and pinched and tugged the other nipple to full erection. Then he moved his mouth to that breast and used his fingers to roll the first.

Lydia wrapped one leg around his hip, bringing her hot center against his rigid shaft. She began to rock against him, letting out a throaty grunt with each movement.

Damn. He was going to come in his shorts at this speed.

He sucked her breast roughly as he shoved his hand down her shorts and into her panties. She was slippery and hot. So wet. So ready for him. He pushed a finger up her. The sound of her groan almost did him in. He pulled it out, added a second one and thrust both fingers firmly in her. As he moved his fingers in and out, her hip thrusts became harder and faster, her breathing faster. Her head rolled back as her mouth gaped.

And then she cried out, her channel milking his fingers as she climaxed.

He stopped and waited for her to come back to him.

She sighed and smiled. “Thanks. I needed that. I’ll never look at your kitchen the same way again.”

He laughed and pulled his hand from her shorts. “Shall we adjourn to my bedroom?”

Lydia snatched her bra and T-shirt off the floor. “I’d say lead the way, but I think I’ll race you instead.”

Knowing his house as well as her own, she took off at a run, laughing as she rounded the door of the kitchen and charging for the stairs that led to the second floor. Behind her, Jason’s heavy footsteps were gaining ground. Catching him off-guard was the only reason she had any lead at all. He was bigger, taller and faster than she.

She took the stairs two at a time, but before she could take a step toward his room, she was swept off her feet into his arms. She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck.

“I’ve caught you fair and square,” he said. “Now you’re my prisoner.”

“I’m so scared,” she said and began nibbling on his neck.

“No hickeys, wench. It’s too hot to cover them with a shirt and tie.”

He never should have said that. Never one to resist a dare, she bit his neck and sucked the salty flesh into her mouth.

“Now you’ve done it,” he threatened.

He tossed her onto his bed, where she landed on her back with a soft bounce. He landed on top of her, pinning her flat. She looked up into his crystal-blue eyes and every cell in her body sighed with pleasure. There wasn’t a jury in the world who could rule against him once he hit them with his hypnotizing gaze.

No wonder Brandi with an I had wanted to climb him today. Any woman would love to have Jason Montgomery. She had him for now, although in her gut she knew the end would be coming. There was only so much time he could keep up the pretense of enjoying the children. And she had to put the children first.

Threading her fingers into his hair, she pulled him down for a kiss. She wasn’t as frantic for release as she’d been five minutes ago. He’d been kind enough to take the edge off, so to speak. For a few minutes, they took pleasure in rediscovering the insides of mouths, the backs of teeth, the tingles that came from the perfect bite at the right strength.

Then she slid her hands under his shirt and shoved it up.

“Off,” she said between kisses.

He sat up long enough to pull the material over his head and toss it across the room. When he lay down on top of her, his hot, muscular flesh heated her breasts, made her arch her back in an attempt for more contact. She moved her shoulders, loving the rough texture of his chest hair on her sensitive nipples.

He slid his hand under her butt, hiked her up so that his rigid shaft pressed firmly against her. She separated her legs, wrapped them around his thighs and pushed her pulsing center to that delicious length of firm flesh.

“I’ve missed you,” he said. “I need to feel you surrounding me. Taking me deep inside you.”

“Me too, babe,” she said. “So much.”

With quick fingers, both of them were naked within a minute. When he went to lie on her, she pushed him back onto the mattress.

“No hickeys on your neck, but you never said I couldn’t suck anywhere else.”

She enclosed her fingers around his long, thick dick, loving the way it was velvety soft but granite hard at the same time.

“Well,” he gasped out. “That’s true.”

She smiled, sliding her hands down to the base and back to the head. She loved his penis, loved the power her hands had to bring him to his knees…and better yet, the way her mouth could totally wreck every ounce of self-control this polished man had ingrained in his soul.

When she lowered her mouth over the head of his cock, he held his breath. She ran her tongue around the cap, sucking in the salty liquid from the slit. Closing her lips, she slid him deeper into her mouth. He groaned and knotted the sheets in his hands.

Slowly, she pulled back her head, letting the chilly air of the room cool the wetness she’d left on his shaft. He quaked below her. Power surged through her veins.

She took him deep again, deep enough to hit firmly at the back of her throat, and slid him out again, stopping to run her tongue around the rim of the head.

“Fuck,” he muttered in a gravelly voice.

She popped him out of her mouth of a noisy suck. “Patience. We’re getting there.”

He grabbed her head and pushed her back down on him. She took his length in between her lips, let him set the pace. He thrust roughly and as deeply into her mouth as he could get. Wrapping her fingers around the base, she worked his shaft in gliding movements in time with his hard attack on her mouth. She let him have his way for only a minute or so, knowing him well enough to realize he would not last long at that pace.

If he had any idea how aroused she got giving him a blowjob, he’d probably drop his pants every time they were in the same room.

He grunted with his strokes. His breaths came in short gasps. He pulled her hair hard, held her so tightly she would have had to rip out her hair by the strands to get away.

God, she loved this.

Her center throbbed and ached. Musky fluid tickled as it ran from her and down her leg. He jerked her mouth off him.

“Stop. Don’t move,” he said, his eyes shut, his chest heaving. In a minute, he opened his eyes. “Damn. That was close.” He smiled. “This show was almost over before the main event.”

“Now that would have been a crying shame.”

She sat up, threw a leg over his waist and straddled him, her opening poised over his cock standing at full attention. He grabbed her hips and tried to push her down, but she just laughed.

“I’m the one doing the riding, cowboy.”

“Then get on with it. I’m dying here.”

Reaching between her thighs, she held his cock and seated herself fully up to the hilt. He hissed and thrust up.

Yeah, this wasn’t going to last long for either of them.

She started riding him, pushing up and down from her knees. Leaning forward, she changed the angle so that every time she hit full depth, her clit would have contact with his pelvis. Her strokes became faster, his thrusts harder. A powerful tension rose from her toes, through her legs and up to her gut. She swallowed and slammed against him, pounding her rigid nub. And then she was soaring over the edge. Waves of erotic pleasure swept through her. She cried out, her head dropping back, her gaze up as she rode the crest again.

He grunted and then groaned. Digging his fingers in her hips, he held her motionless as he drove up into her, finding his own release. Powerful jerks from his cock rattled her insides.

She fell onto his chest and both of them gasped for oxygen. His hands stroked up and down her back.

“I love you so much,” he said. “So very much.”

“I love you too.”

They lay there, connected and together as one. Lydia let out a long sigh and rested her cheek on his chest.

“What do you want to do about our wedding?”

His question startled her. She froze, her heart, which had finally returned to a normal rate, shot back into the dangerous range. How could she marry him now that she had three children? Could the man have been more adamant about not wanting a family? He didn’t want one…ever. Not even kids of his own. How could she expect him to accept another couple’s children to feed and clothe and house?

Ellery, Annie and Levi were her blood. Her family. She’d loved them before, but now? She’d thought she’d known what love was, but what she felt for these three children defied adjectives. She would die for them. Kill to protect them. Give up anything that might hurt them, even the love of her life.

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