Tempting Fate (12 page)

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Authors: Lisa Mondello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Holidays, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Short Stories

BOOK: Tempting Fate
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Her lips lifted to a smile. She sucked in her cheeks to keep him from seeing her amusement with the situation. "Yes, but there is no way that tree is going to fit in here."

"Sure it will," he said confidently. With exuberance he squeezed the tree through until he was in the living room. "When I was out at the farm, I could just envision this tree all lit up in the corner of the room. It's going to fit just perfect next to the..."

With her hand to her face, Lauren bit her lip and chuckled. Kyle thoughtfully inspected the corner on the other side of the bookcase and frowned.

"It's not going to fit," he muttered and propped the tree against the closed door.


"It looked great in my head."

Kristen bounced over to Lauren's side and waved to Kyle. "Is it ours, Kyle?"

He crouched down to her level and rumpled her downy curls. "Sure is, scooter." He lowered his voice. "But it looks like we're going to have to perform some heavy duty surgery before it'll fit."

Kristen giggled.

Lauren sniffed and rubbed her watering eyes. "We planned on going out tomorrow."

"Doesn't look like you'll be going anywhere with that cold. How long have you been like this?" he asked, a hint of concern coloring his tone.

"It started yesterday. I think this is the worst of it. It'll pass." She waved her hand to make light of it, but Kyle just grimaced.

"I'm sure it will when you get some rest."

"I don't have time to rest. Look at this place." With a sweep of her hand gesturing to the room, she said, "Just a few days before Christmas and I haven't decorated the apartment."

"There is plenty of time for that tomorrow when you're feeling better. Right now, you're going to rest." He gripped her shoulders and twisted her around before leading her to the sofa. If she'd been feeling herself, she would've balked at his command. But given her current state, she had to admit she welcomed someone else taking charge. "Kristen and I will keep busy while you get some sleep."

"You don't need to take care of Kristen," she protested.

"You're the one who needs to be taken care of." He held up his hand when she began to protest. "What good is taking time off to be with your daughter if you get pneumonia, which is exactly what you'll have if you run yourself into the ground?"


"I'm not taking no for an answer, so don't waste your breath. You need all you can get." He handed her the box of tissues and picked up the afghan, carefully placing it over her shivering body. It should have made her feel better, but it did nothing to dispel the chills causing her to shake.

"What will you do?" she asked. She plopped down on the sofa, plumping the throw pillow before laying her head down.

"We'll get out of the house for a while and leave you to sleep. Maybe we'll go shopping for things to decorate the tree. Or maybe stop by my parents’ so the kids can play." He gave her a lopsided grin. "Don't worry. She's going to be just fine."

Don't worry he says! That's pretty darn hard to do when for the past seven years her whole world revolved around this child.

Ten minutes later, after Kristen was bundled up warm, Kyle shut the door behind them. It was the oddest feeling she had ever known. There had always been noise and commotion of some kind in the apartment. But now, there was silence.

For the first time in years, Lauren was truly alone.

It was some time later, when she felt a cold hand against her cheek, that she realized she'd actually fallen asleep. Her eyes still heavy, she struggled to pull herself from slumber. When she lifted her lids, she was met by Kyle's worried gaze.

"You look awful." he murmured.

"Thanks a lot," she managed to say as she strained to focus on the room. Supporting the full weight of her upper body on her right arm, she looked around, ignoring the ache in her shoulders. She stopped just short of panic. "Where's Krissy?"

"Don't worry. She was having a good time with Julie." A smile tugged at his lips. "You should have heard the two of them plotting to arrange a sleep-over. I told her she could only stay if you agreed."

"We've never been separated overnight before." She pulled herself to a sitting position and groaned as her head bobbed back. Her whole body felt as if she'd been hit with a sledgehammer.

"Whoa, lady. You're burning with fever. You're not going anywhere." He coaxed her to lie down before walking away. She heard running water and cabinets opening and shutting before he was by her side again. Handing her a glass of water and two pills, he said, "Take these. They'll take your temperature down and help with the aches."

She did as she was told and handed him the empty glass with a shaky hand. Her teeth began to chatter.

"I don't know about you, but I think it's a good idea for Kristen to stay with my parents tonight."

Closing her eyes, she shook her head.

He eased himself on the sofa. "You don't want her getting sick, too."

The tenderness in his voice told Lauren he knew how hard it was for her to be separated from Kristen.

"I...think you're right."

He nodded. "She can borrow some of Julie's clothes. They're about the same size."

Her eyelids fluttered and she felt a cold compress on her forehead. "What time is it?" she asked, shivering.

"About four-thirty." He pulled up the afghan and squeezed next to her on the sofa. His body pressed against the full length of hers.

"What are you doing?" She had no strength to protest.

"You've got the chills. I'm just going to use my body temperature to warm you until you stop shaking."

Her head fell against his chest and she closed her eyes. Immediately, her body relaxed when she felt his fingers stroked her head. The heavy thump of his heartbeat set a tranquil cadence and soon rocked her to sleep.

When Kyle heard Lauren's rhythmic breathing, he eased himself off the sofa, trying his best not to disturb her. Her hair clung to the beads of sweat on her forehead. Good, he thought with relief. That was a clear sign her fever was breaking. He kissed her head before reaching for the telephone and dialing his parents' telephone number.

After two rings, Will answered, "Hello?"

"It's me," Kyle answered. "Do you mind telling Ma it's okay for Kristen to stay the night?"

Will sighed. "Sure, no problem." The slight hesitation in his father's voice was cause for alarm.

"What gives?"

After another hesitation, Will said, "Your mother had a run in with Zoey this morning. She took off with Bruce afterward. When I heard the phone, I thought maybe it was her." He heard his father's breath distort over the phone line.

"Mom didn't mention anything when I was there," he said.

"It's not like this hasn't happened before. Zoey and your mother haven't exactly seen eye to eye lately."

"Did she say when she'd be back?"


"I'll go look for her," he said, already reaching for his jacket.

"No, no. That won't be necessary. It's still early. I'm sure she's just being sixteen." He paused a moment and added. "I just don't like seeing your mother worry."

Him, too, Kyle reflected. Despite the concern for his wife, Kyle knew this thing with Zoey was making his dad crazy. He ought to know. He'd put his parents through this sort of anguish more times than he could count.

"How's Lauren feeling?" Will asked, changing the subject.

He pushed his fingers through his hair and looked over at her. Although she was asleep, she seemed restless. "Worse than this morning. She's got a nasty fever. Aches and pains."

"Your mother's soup should help."

"Yeah, I'll warm some up for her when she wakes. Hopefully it's just the twenty-four hour bug that's been going around." His mind raced ahead to his sister. "And Dad?"

"Yeah, son?"

"You will call me if you can't find Zoey, right?"

"Don't worry. She'll be home."

Kyle sat in a rocking chair and watched Lauren sleep until the shadows stretched across the room. Lifting himself up, he flicked on the lamp and paced to the kitchen area. Hearing his stomach growl, he realized he hadn't eaten since breakfast. He simmered a potful of the chicken soup his mother had given him to bring over to Lauren and sat with a bowl of it at the kitchen table. He was just finishing when he heard Lauren stir.

As she kicked the blanket off, she turned her body to face him, the blanket falling to the floor.

"That smells good," she said, her voice groggy. "That can't possible have come from my kitchen."

Kyle chuckled as he pulled another bowl from the cabinet. "Mom sent it over. You must be feeling better if you're thinking about food."

She sat up and yawned into both hands. "Much. I'm starved."

"That's a good sign."

She started to stand, then fell off balance and landed back on the couch. "Whoa."

"Better not overdo it. I'll bring the soup over to you."

"Have I been asleep long?" she asked, combing her fingers through her hair as if she was suddenly self-conscious.

"A few hours." He handed her the soup bowl on a dishtowel. "The bowl is hot," he warned, joining her on the sofa.

"Thanks." She took a few spoonfuls.

As Kyle gazed at her, he noticed some color had returned to her cheeks and her eyes were not as drawn. Apparently the sleep and aspirin had done their work.

She stopped eating, her gaze lingering on him for a moment. "I must look awful," she said self-consciously. "You look beautiful," he murmured.


"Who me?" he teased, placing his hand over his heart in a mock gesture. He felt his smile fade. "I'd never lie to you, Lauren."

Her eyes dipped and then looked back at him. Changing the subject, she asked, "What did you and Kristen end up doing this afternoon?"

He couldn't help but smile. Kristen had wanted to get something special for Lauren, so "the girls" went shopping while he stayed back at the house with Scotty. When they returned, Kristen proudly announced that she bought some "smelly perfume" as a gift.

"I hung out at the house."

"Did you finish yet?"

He shot her a puzzled look.

"The house. It looked pretty close to being complete last weekend. There can't be much left for you to do there."

"Oh, my house. Yeah, I just need my occupancy permit and I'll be calling the movers.”

“You’ve decided to move in after all.”

He shrugged. “Maybe. But I wasn't out there today. I stayed back at my parents'."

Silence stretched on for an uncomfortable moment.

Lauren placed the bowl on the end table and wiped her lips with the dishtowel. "Remind me to thank your mom for the soup. It was great."

He nodded.

She wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and sat with her legs tucked underneath her. "Your mom mentioned your friend Chas was going to be there Christmas Eve."

He nodded.

"You two have quite a history as I understand it. Sounds like you were close."

He smiled and nodded.

"Do you see him much?"

He shot his head up to meet her probing eyes. "Not as much as I’d like. He's been living out of state for a few years. I’m glad he’s moving back."

"Did something happen between you two?"

He shifted his weight as if he were uncomfortable. "Full of questions, are we?"

"Stop trying to change the subject." She tossed the dishtowel at him. It bounced off his chest and landed in his lap.

"What was the subject?" he asked, giving her a mischievous grin.

"Chas. Why do you get all uncomfortable when his name is mentioned?"

He shrugged. God, he hated talking about this. And by the way she was throwing questions at him, he knew that Lauren wasn't going to let it go. "I don’t. Not where Chas is concerned, anyway. We had quite a reputation way back when as the bad boys of the county. I just don’t like being reminded."

"The things Judy and Will talked about sounded like harmless adolescent pranks. Nothing to stop the press about. I'd hardly call you a hardened criminal."

"I stole a truck." He looked at her stone-faced and saw her expression change from disbelief to shock. "Grand theft auto qualifies as a criminal felony."

She swallowed visibly.

"I didn't go to prison. Except, of course, County Jail the first night."

She fiddled with her fingers in her lap. The afghan fell from her shoulders and she quickly pulled it back. When she looked at his face again, he was relieved to see that she was not judgmental, merely nervous. "Was Chas with you?"

"Like always." He looked away and held his breath. He'd give anything if he'd been alone, but back then, he and Chas were joined at the hip. Where there was one, so was the other.

"What happened?"

"It was the night of a big town meeting. The selectmen were arguing some big issue. I don't even remember what it was." He scratched the back of his head and took a deep breath before continuing. "The Town Hall was packed. Chas and I thought it would be a great time to go night skiing at Mt. Tom. We were sure the meeting was going to go late into the night so we just borrowed the selectman's truck."

"Without telling him."

"Unfortunately, that was the point."

"And you got caught."

"Not when we were stealing it. We went skiing for about an hour. I was driving home, rushing to get back before the meeting was over. I was so cocky," he whispered to himself with the memory.

"You got pulled over for speeding?"

He shook his head. "I wish it were that." God, how he wished it were only that. That one incident had changed his life forever and scarred his friend. That was something he had to live with. "I hit a patch of ice and the truck spun off the road into a ditch."

Lauren gasped. "Were you hurt?"

He shook his head. "I managed to bail out before it rolled. I had some scrapes and bruises, but Chas wasn't as lucky."

"He didn't bail out?"

"He'd fallen asleep. He didn't have time to react." He stretched his arm over the back of the sofa and nervously drummed his fingers on the upholstery. "It was quite a scene in the emergency room."

Lauren forced a smile, hoping that it would ease the tension in the room. She couldn't imagine what Kyle was feeling, the pain it had caused. But at the same time, it warmed her heart that he felt comfortable confiding in her.

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