Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off (3 page)

BOOK: Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off
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We had lived on Star Island since the day I was born. It was a community where most celebrities and higher-income individuals resided. My family was well off. Although, I hated talking about money or anything about status, it sounded pretentious and obnoxious, but most of my social circle didn’t get that memo. Sometimes, I felt like that’s all we discussed and I knew the moment they heard I was driving around in a brand new Audi, it wouldn’t take long for the bandwagon of wannabes to jump on board just so they could talk to me.

Everyone wanted to be me, and be part of the Stevens family, I guess you could say we were that elite—the
parents who had the
marriage, with the
house in the
neighborhood, and the three
children. It was nauseating, to say the least, but at the same time, I loved it. It was nice to come from something that everyone else wanted and know it wasn’t a façade like most families in our city. Mine was real and I cherished that more than anything.

We ate breakfast on South Beach with my sisters and then took my mom to the jet; my parents shared a motion picture goodbye. We were on our way back home with our chauffeur, Albert, driving us.

“Dad, do you think it would be okay if I stay at Christine’s tonight?”

He looked up from his Blackberry. “What are your plans?”

“Oh, well… there is this party that Tony is throwing in Bel Air.”

“Will his parents be home?”

I bit my cheek and shook my head no.

“I see.”

“But! His parents know he’s throwing it. They’re out of town and he’s about to go off to college.”

“I don’t know how comfortable I am with this, Brooklyn.”

“Oh, come on, Daddy, it’s Brooke; you know she’s not going to do anything bad,” April chimed in. “And since we’re on the topic of what’s going on tonight, I want to stay at Beth’s.”

“I want to stay at Michelle’s then,” Courtney added.

“Wow, all my daughters want to leave me alone tonight… is it me?” he asked with a laugh.

“Please…” we all pleaded in unison with pouty lips.

“All right, I guess it’s fine with me. Just call me and keep me updated if plans change.”

Our parents were friends with all our friends’ parents. That’s the thing about Miami—the elite run together.


“Oh my God, Brooke! This fucking car kicks ass! Ahhhh! I want a new car!” she yelled.

“You just got a brand new Mercedes a few months ago,” Landon announced, catching us off-guard and making us turn to face him.

Christine was my best friend since elementary school. Her older brother, Landon, had just graduated from our high school and was going to start classes at UM in the fall for international affairs, whatever that meant. Christine and I were going into our junior year of high school.

“Ugh! What are you doing here? I thought you were packing,” she complained, grabbing the keys out of my hand to unlock my car.

“Nice to see you’re going to miss me, sis,” he replied, making me chuckle.

“Oh… I know why you’re here; it’s because Brooke is here.”

I blushed and looked down at my feet. I could feel his eyes on me.

“Let it out already, just tell her you like her, big bro. Everyone knows it! You’re just too big of a pussy to do anything about it but jerk your wang with your own hand to images of Brooke naked.”

“Christine!” I shouted.

“What? My room is next to his.”

I never wanted the ground to swallow me whole as much as I did at that moment. Landon and I always had an interesting relationship—I was his little sister’s best friend. I knew what she was saying wasn’t way off; I wasn’t that naïve. I saw the way he looked at me when he thought I wasn’t looking, and how he sort of found his way to be near us when I was around. He went to all the football games and basketball games. All the girls on the squad said it was so he could see me in my bloomers.

Landon was shy and introverted as opposed to his loud and extroverted sister; they were on opposite ends of the spectrum. I had no idea how they were even related, let alone siblings. He was good looking just like his sister. They both had blond hair and honey colored eyes, but that’s where their similarities ended. He had defined cheekbones and a narrow jawline with perfect white teeth and thin lips. A muscular, toned build from playing soccer that I would catch myself staring at when he joined us on the patio. He was still one of the popular guys at school but in his own way.

I sort of had a crush on him ever since I could remember, and had been waiting for him to make the first move. I could never bring myself to do it first; I wasn’t that kind of girl. People often called us Ken and Barbie.

I peeked up at him through my lashes and he had the most intense stare as if he was contemplating what to say next.

Just ask me.

“Ahhh! You have keyless ignition!” Christine yelled, breaking our connection and bringing our attention back to her. “I don’t have keyless ignition; this is bullshit! Your car is better than mine.”

“What are you guys doing tonight?” Landon questioned, trying to ignore his sister’s outbursts.

“Oh… um… we’re going to Tony’s going away party.”

He nodded, grinning. “So am I. Maybe we could all go together. I leave soon and it would be nice to spend some time with you.”

My eyes widened.

“I mean, spend some time with both of you,” he clarified, clearing his throat.

“That’s my brother’s way of saying he wants to hold your hand and kiss your lips,” Christine declared, smiling through the sunroof of my car. “You should totally hold his hand and kiss his lips and then get married and have his wiener touch your lady bits so you can have his babies and we could be sisters in law.”

I shook my head, laughing. “Jesus, do you have no filter?”

“I’m just trying to speed up the process of you guys getting it on. It’s been seven years in the making, let him finally get his dick wet, Brooke!” She looked over at Landon. “I love you!” She kissed the air and sat back down, continuing to inspect my car.

“I’d like that,” I stated.

He cocked an eyebrow with a surprised look.

“No! Not that… I mean, not that I wouldn’t mind that… I’m just saying that… us… going at it… I mean, no…” I sighed.

He chuckled. “You’re really adorable when you’re nervous. I’d like that, too. How about we pick you up around eight? Sound good?”

I smiled, nodding.

I drove home with butterflies in my stomach for the night ahead, and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine where the night would lead.


“Are you still taking your prescription?” my mom questioned as I closed the fridge door.

“Mmm hmm…”

“Then why do you look like you haven’t been sleeping?”

“Is that your nice way of saying I look like shit?”


I laughed. “I’m fine, Mom, just been studying for finals.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Then you shouldn’t be coming home every weekend.”

“I want to come home every weekend; I miss you girls.”

She nodded. “I know you do, but you need your own life. Don’t you want to meet a nice girl? You’re twenty-five years old and you’ve never brought a girl home. I’m starting to worry.”

“Maybe he’s gay,” Lauren, my sister, chimed in, walking into the kitchen.

“Nah, he’s too manly to be gay,” Alexis, my other sister, responded, walking in behind her.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, girls,” I replied.

“No problem, big brother,” Alexis said.

“Where’s Liv?” I asked.

“She’s at school, working on the play that they have coming up,” Mom responded.

I nodded. “That’s right, I remember her saying something about that.” I took a bite of my sandwich and then Lauren took it right out of my hands, making her way into the living room.

“Thanks for the sandwich!” she shouted.

“Brat!” I yelled back.

“Devon, I’m being serious,” Mom scolded, bringing my attention right back at her. Alexis was busy texting on her new phone I brought back for her. She was a freshman and all her friends had cell phones, and I didn’t want her missing out on anything. They would have a normal upbringing, nothing like how I had grown up.

“I completely understand that, Mom, but I honestly don’t have time. Between work, school, and you girls, my plate is full.”

She sighed. “That’s what I worry about, Devon; you took this role of man of the house when your dad died and as much as I appreciate it… I’d love to see you happy and settled.”

I grinned. “I am happy; taking care of you girls makes me happy. Mom, you know you couldn’t afford everything on your own. Dad’s life insurance only covers so much and you have two more college tuitions to pay for. I already help with Lauren’s now… so can you get off this conversation? I’m fine. I’m sleeping. I swear,” I lied.

I never slept, even with the medication. I stopped taking it years ago.

“What about therapy? Are you still talking—”

“Mom! Stop worrying. I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be doing. I promise.”

“Okay, I love you, honey. I’m a mom; it’s my job to worry.”

I smiled. “You’re a great mom and I love you for it. Now here,” I said, handing her an envelope of cash.

She opened it and threw it back at me. “No! You pay for enough, I don’t need this.”

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t understand why she always did this, I ended up winning every time and it just prolonged the inevitable.

“Go buy yourself something nice then. Maybe the girls need something; isn’t homecoming coming up for Alexis? It’s her senior year.”

She nodded.

“Then see, you might need it for something. I made some amazing tips at the bar last week. Don’t worry about it. I have money for myself, this is for you,” I exclaimed, not calming her scrutinizing glare.

I worked at a bar near the UF campus and made a killing most days. I was graduating with my master’s degree in business at the end of the semester. I had been saving enough money for the last few years to get Alexis a car as a graduation present; I had yet to tell my mom. I knew it wouldn’t fly over very well so I was postponing the wrath.

I helped my mom as much as I possibly could since my dad died when I was sixteen. I didn’t mind it. I was grateful that the fucker was dead and underground; I hoped he was rotting in hell where he belonged. I took the responsibility of being the man of the house and never looked back. I took pride in taking care of my mom and sisters; they were all I had left. My mom endured years and years of pain that we have never talked about. My sisters and I didn’t talk about it, either.

It’s as if he died and took all the truths and secrets with him. That’s what I had therapy for, but I loathed going and sitting with a complete stranger that didn’t know shit about me and only pretended to care to get paid after his sixty minutes. I stopped going to him years ago, but I didn’t want my mom to worry; she had enough on her plate. I told her what she wanted to hear and it had worked for me for the last four years.

Most of the time, I was able to block everything out, except when I was sleeping. As much as I tried, it was always there… waiting for me.

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