Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off (10 page)

BOOK: Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off
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And right there before my very own eyes, I watched his heart shred into a million pieces…

Just as mine had two years before.


Two years went by in a breeze. I blinked and I was twenty-eight. As much as I didn’t want to own the bar at first, it turned out to be the best decision that I had ever made. Not only was it profitable, but also fun. I got to live a life most men would dream of. I partied, I slept around, and I became successful overnight. My bar was named one of the hottest party spots on South Beach and I didn’t even have to try. It was simple.

I was good looking, and I had a staff that was good looking as well. Being attractive got you somewhere in this city. I experimented with drugs and drank like nobody’s business. I took care of my family and they never had to worry about a thing. My mom was barely working part time; I loved the fact that I could take care of her and she was finally able to enjoy her life.

She started dating this guy, Scott, who owned a mechanic shop. I approved and so did my sisters, who also seemed to be tied down by someone, but I approved of them as well. All was right with the world, so to speak.

The nightmares never went away and I was sleeping between three to five hours a night if I was lucky. I was contemplating going back to my therapist, but as soon as I remembered how much I hated it, I decided to just deal with the dreams on my own. Just like I always had.

My mom was still on my ass about meeting a nice girl and settling down, and I couldn’t blame her. Seeing my sisters and her happy did settle my overthinking mind and heart. They were happy and I wanted them to be. They deserved it. I’m not saying that I didn’t, but I had other priorities I needed to take care of and it didn’t involve women in the sense of a relationship.

“Hey,” Liv greeted, catching me off guard in my office.

“Hey, Livvy” I replied with a kiss on her cheek. “What brings you here?” I asked, leaning back in my chair as she took a seat in one of the wingback chairs.

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted and I almost choked on my saliva. “I know what you’re going to say. I’m not going to quit school and I already talked to mom and she is going to help me with the baby. But John and I love each other and he’s asked me to marry him. I know what you’re thinking, Devon, but please don’t worry. His parents know and they’re being really supportive; everyone is going to help until we finish school. We’ve already looked into upgrading our apartment into a two bedroom for the baby and it’s not that much more expensive. He is going to move in and help me with expenses and I’ll get a job. But, please… please don’t be mad or disappointed with me. I couldn’t take it if you were.”

My mind was racing with thoughts and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “Fuck… Liv… how could you—” I stopped when I saw tears pool in her eyes. I took a deep breath and leaned forward, placing my arms on my desk. “I’m not going to yell at you.”

“Okay…” she wallowed. “I really want you to walk me down the aisle, Devon; you’re the only dad I’ve ever had and it would kill me to know that you didn’t support this. Please don’t be upset with me. John wanted to come and ask you for my hand in marriage—he already asked mom—but we thought that you might kill him if he told you, so mom suggested that I come and tell you myself. But, please… don’t be mad at him. We were being careful, I swear, but nothing is one hundred percent effective.” Tears slid down her face, exactly how they did when she was a kid.

It immediately brought back memories of my father and I wanted to brush the streaks of tears away just like I had when she was little.

“Liv, I’m not mad, I’m… I’m shocked. I didn’t want this for you,” I explained.

“But I’m happy; I’m really happy, and I know we’re young, but Mom and Dad were—” She stopped, and I’m sure it was because she caught my facial expression. “I mean… we love each other and it will be okay; everything will be perfect.”

I nodded, trying to hold back my emotions and temper. “You’re not working. I’ll continue to pay for your personal stuff and you’re not dropping out of school, do you understand me?”

She vigorously nodded, smiling.

“I don’t care if we need to get a nanny to help you out, but school comes first. And I cannot guarantee that I’m not going to kick John’s ass for knocking you up.”

She giggled.

“And I would be honored to walk you down the aisle. I’ll pay for the wedding. You’ll have the wedding of your dreams… you’re not going to the courthouse.”

“Devon you don’t—”

“That’s my nephew or niece in there, Liv. I can’t have them not have the best. We can throw you a nice baby shower here at the bar. I can close it down for your friends.”

“Oh my God, Devon!” she shouted, getting up and jumping in my lap with her arms tightly around my neck. “I love you so much, thank you.”

I hugged her back with the same enthusiasm and silently prayed that I was doing the right thing.

One thing was for sure…

She wasn’t the baby anymore.

But I would still always protect her.



“Congratulations, graduates,” the principal announced on the microphone. We all threw our caps in the air; it was official, I was a high school graduate.

I had been accepted into UM and decided I wanted to stay in the city. Miami was home to me and I didn’t want to go anywhere else. I looked up at the stands to where my parents and sisters were sitting and there was no sign of him. Not that I expected him to be there. We hadn’t spoken for several weeks, not since the beach.

“Are you ready for a night of debauchery, my lady?” Christine chimed in.

I smiled, laughing. “But of course.”

“What time are your parents leaving the house?” she asked as we walked away from our families and to my car. I had picked her up that morning; we had to be at the ceremony earlier than the arriving guests to rehearse though I didn’t understand why. You stood when they called your name, received your diploma, and threw your cap in the air. The end.

“They’re going to make sure that the caterers and party planners have set everything up and then they are out.”

“Where are they going again?”

“I think just somewhere in Fort Lauderdale. They want to stay close, just in case,” I said, pulling out of the parking spot.

“I still can’t believe they are letting you throw a party without them being home. That’s fucking awesome; my parents don’t trust me to make dinner.”

“That’s because you almost burnt your house down.”

“Oh my God, that only happened like two times.”

I shook my head. “Have you talked to your brother?”

“Yeah… he said he couldn’t make it to graduation because he had to talk to his professor about his summer internship or some shit like that.”

I nodded.

“Or maybe… it was because he didn’t want to see your heartless ass since you dumped him.”

I looked over at her, concerned.

“What? I know chicks before dicks and all that… but still… you know you broke his heart.”

“I know.”

“You’re such a bitch. I don’t know why I’m friends with you.”

I pouted.

“Oh yeah… it’s because I love-ed you. I totes forgot.”

I rolled my eyes, laughing.

“Maybe he will come to your party?”

“I doubt it. I’ve tried to call him a few times and it always goes to voicemail.”

“Have you left one?”


“Then how is he supposed to know to call back if you don’t leave a message?”

“I’ve texted him, too.”

“Maybe he’s dyslexic and can’t read text messages? What? It could happen. You should just show up at his apartment, naked.”

“I’m not going to do that,” I replied.

“Why not? I have seen you naked and you have an amazing body; I’m sure he will appreciate it. Men love naked girls, Cosmo says so.”

I laughed again. “Can you be serious for five seconds?”

“I just want you and my brother to get back together… please…”

“Christine, we were never together.”

“Right, and Lance Armstrong didn’t land on the moon.”

“He didn’t… that was Neil Armstrong.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Oh yeah… Lance is the guy with no balls. Can you imagine not having balls? Can you still come with no balls?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Can you still get hard?”

I shook my head. “Why are we talking about this?” I questioned, confused. This was our friendship, random.

“Because you’re a heartless motherfucker who won’t take my brother’s cock back.”


She smiled and patted my head. “I’m just playing.”

The night proceeded without a hitch. Everyone was having a great time except for me; I couldn’t stop thinking about Landon.

The party was winding down and the caterers needed to be paid.

“I’m sorry, I can’t find the check that my mom left me. Can you give me a few minutes? I’ll go try to find my dad’s checkbook.”

They nodded so I went into my dad’s office, rummaging around his desk and paperwork to no avail. I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it. I was about to call him when I remembered the safe he had hidden behind the Picasso painting. After several attempts of unlocking it, I guessed the code. It was my parents’ wedding anniversary.

How quaint…

I opened it, and found the checks right on top. When I pulled them out, there was metallic lettering that caught my eye. I grabbed it; it was a business card. I had never seen it before. It was black with silver lettering on it; it read VIP. I flipped it over; there was a phone number and address, and nothing else.

“That’s weird.” I placed it back in its place and left everything as I had found it.

I paid the caterers and sent them on their way. The house was still packed with people and I tried to have a good time with my friends, but I couldn’t help the plaguing thoughts of the card I had seen. I excused myself from my friends and went to the front of my house, where it was quiet and I could be alone.

I reached for my cell phone in my back pocket and Googled, VIP.

What I found would forever change my life…

In every aspect of the word.


Beautiful women…


Treasured jewels…


My phone slipped out of my hand in disbelief, and as I picked it up, I stared at the cracked screen with a picture of my family. The irony was not lost on me.

I ran.

I grabbed my car keys and drove.

I left my party.

I left my friends.

I left my family.

I drove to the only place that could save me; to the only person that felt like home to me.


It was late and I didn’t want to wake him, I wanted to crawl into his bed with him, into his arms and have him hold me, tell me that everything was going to be okay. I was going to tell him that I loved him and that I wanted to be with him. That I always had. Everything was different now; I didn’t want to be like my parents. I wanted to be happy. I wanted my own life with my own experiences and my own decisions. I wasn’t going to let their choices govern my feelings anymore.

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