Tempted (12 page)

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Authors: Alana Sapphire

Tags: #romantic suspense, #motorcycle club, #mc, #death dealers

BOOK: Tempted
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“Hey, big brother,” Ellen grins at me.


I kiss her cheek and take a wiggling Mikey
from her arms. He taps my jaws with his palms and giggles

“Unca, Unca, Unca!”

“Hey, buddy. You being a good boy for your

“Yes! Good boy!”

“Then that means I have a present for

His laugh blocks out everything and in this
moment, it’s just me and him. There really is nothing like a
child’s laughter. Too bad I’ll never get to hear the sound from my
own child. He claps his little hands together as I pull the wrapper
off and hand him a lollipop.

“Yay! Look, Momma!”

“I see, baby.” Ellen looks at me
questioningly. “You wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah. I need your help.”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I may have gotten in over my head here. I
promised Raven a birthday party.”

…I see,” she smirks.

“Waben!” Mikey shrieks.

“Wipe that grin off your face, sis.”

“What? I’m happy for you. Even Mikey likes

“So he told me.”

“So, when’s this shindig?”

“The twentieth.”

“Great!” She rolls her eyes. “A week, Gage?
You couldn’t give me more notice?”


“Well…what does she like? Other than the
color blue.”


“What kind of music?”

“I don’t know. Talk to her friend Chrissy.
She said she’d help. And you can do it at Scythe, so you don’t have
to worry about the location.”

“That’s something, at least,” she says

“I have an idea I think she’d like.”


“She mentioned that she missed her prom. I
figured that could be the theme or whatever.”

She gasps and places her hand on her sternum,
her mouth hanging open.

“I had no idea you could be so sweet. That’s
a great idea! We can get her a dress and…oh! You’ll wear a suit and

“Wait a minute. Who said anything about a

“You’ll wear a
dance with her.”

“Ellen –”

“This was your idea. Man the fu–,” her gaze
flicks to Mikey nervously then back to me. “…heck up, Gage

“I changed my mind. You come up with

“No way. We’re doing this. I’m so happy!”

She claps and jumps up and down like an
excited child.
Me in a tux? And dancing? No fucking way.

“It’s so good to see you focusing on one girl
for a change.”

“Oh? What girl is that?” Aunt Nita walks up
with a raised brow.

Ellen folds her lips, takes Mikey, and rushes

“What’s going on?”

I try to sound nonchalant. “She’s just
helping me to plan a birthday party.”

“For who?”

“Her name’s Raven.”

“Raven…Millie’s waitress? Mikey’s

“You know her?”

“Yeah. Talked to her a few times when I went
to the diner. Also know she’s just seventeen. What the fuck are you
doing, Gage?”

“Nothing…yet. It’s her eighteenth birthday
next week and I can tell you that afterwards, you’ll be seeing a
lot of her.”

“And you haven’t fucked her?”


“Uh-huh,” she says skeptically. “I know her
father passed. What about her mother? She know about this?”

“She’s never met her mother. Lonnie’s the
only family she has.”

“Poor thing. No wonder Millie’s so drawn to

“She’s a good girl, Nita. I really like

“Okay, son. When do I get to meet her

“She might be coming to the show today. If
not…soon. I promise.”

“Yeah. I really need to get to know this
chick better if she’s got you keeping it in your pants.”

Oh, trust me, Nita. I won’t be keeping it in
for much longer.



. It’s a bike show. I know
Ron’s gonna go off and leave me at some point. I

We’re sitting on my porch, waiting for Ron to
come and pick her up. She’s been begging me for days to go to the
stupid bike show. Once I heard Lonnie and Deena making plans, I
decided I wasn’t going. I only have a couple days left in this
house, and I don’t want to make them worse than they already are. I
haven’t said anything to Lonnie about Glenn, but I know she’s seen
him. She looked like she wanted to say something to me, but I gave
her no indication of what happened. It took everything in me not to
slap the bitch.

“I said no, Chrissy.”

?” She whines. “I know Gage wants
you to go, too.”

“Well, it’s not about what you and Gage want.
It’s about me.”

“Think of it as a way of making up for
holding out on me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, Ray…everyone’s seen the hickey on
your neck, but don’t think I haven’t seen the one on your
thigh. Did he go down you?”

“I can see why that would excite you but no,
he didn’t. Things…got a little heavy, but we stopped. We didn’t
even get naked.”

“Bummer. Promise me you’ll tell me everything
when it finally happens.”

“Fine. I will.”

Ever since her birthday, I’ve been hearing
all about her sex life with Ron. I swear I know all about the size
of his dick, his favorite positions, and what he likes. All it does
is remind me of what I’m

“What do you guys do anyways since you’re not
having sex?”

“What any normal couple does. We talk, get to
know each other better.”

“He just doesn’t strike me as the type to be
in bed with a woman and not fuck her.”

“Well, it’s that dual personality thing I
told you about. He’s the type to cuddle in bed and talk, but will
also break someone’s face for me if that’s what I need.”

“Whose face needs breaking?” She asks, giving
me the side eye.

“No one.”

The rumble of motorcycles sounds in the
distance, and I welcome the interruption. I don’t want to lie to
her, but I can’t tell her about Glenn, either. As the bikes draw
closer, I steel myself against giving in. I know Gage will try to
push me into going. I also know he’s the reason I suddenly got the
weekend off from work. As the bikes get closer, Chrissy gets more

“Do your parents even know where you’re
going?” I ask her.

“No. They think I’m hanging out with you.
Don’t make me a liar…

A couple bikes turn into the driveway while
the others stop out on the road. There must be about twenty or
more. Gage, of course, is in front. He’s wearing a helmet, shades,
and a skull bandana that covers the rest of his face, but I know
it’s him. With his hoodie, he is now the very picture of the Grim
Reaper. The only thing he’s missing is the scythe. Then again, his
version is probably tucked into the back of his jeans. I can feel
his eyes on me, but I do my best not to look at him.

“Ray?” Chrissie pleads once more.


She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet.
We’re down the stairs before I’m able to dig my heels in and stop

“Okay, fine,” she finally relents.

She releases me and heads over to Ron’s bike.
Lonnie is with Venom, staring daggers at me.

“You’re not coming, baby girl?” Crow shouts
over the roar of the bikes. His old lady, Marlowe, nods and gives
me an encouraging smile.

I shake my head, still avoiding Gage.
Suddenly, the men—the ones I know, anyway—all start begging me to
come along. Lonnie looks confused, no doubt wondering how they all
know me and why they’re all so…
with me. I also
notice the redhead with Razor. She looks at me appraisingly from
head to toe. I finally glance at Gage. He’s removed his shades but
he’s still just sitting there, watching me.
I look
around again at all the faces imploring me to join them, and I

“Fine. Let me just change my shoes.”

I return in my combat boots and find that
only Gage, Dr. E, Ron, Venom, and Razor are waiting. Lonnie is
fuming. I look to Dr. E, silently begging him to let me ride with
him. His gaze flicks to Gage then back to me before he nods. As I
pass Gage, he grabs my wrist. Dr. E shrugs helplessly. Chrissy
smirks. Lonnie’s shocked, unable to close her mouth, and Redhead is
watching with growing interest.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks
for my ears only.

“With Dr. E –”

“Get your ass behind me.”

He hands me his helmet and slides his shades
back on, but not before I see the anger in his eyes. I strap on the
helmet and climb on behind him, using his shoulders as leverage. He
raises his hand, makes a signal, and we all ride out. I can’t even
enjoy the ride because I’m afraid Lonnie’s going to shoot me in the
back along the way.

We’re on the road for about an hour before he
pulls in to a gas station, where his crew is already waiting for
him. As soon as my feet hit the ground, he drags me to the side of
the building where no one can see us. He removes his shades, pulls
the bandana down, and crashes his lips into mine.


His tongue barges into my mouth. As much as
my brain knows this is not for pleasure, my body still reacts. My
heart thuds in my chest. Little tingles travel down my body and
land between my legs. He unleashes his anger on my mouth. Lips,
tongues, and teeth clash, the sounds of our ragged breathing
filling the air. He pushes me against the wall and ravages my lips,
digging his fingers into my jean-clad hips. I slide my fingers
through his hair, grabbing a handful. It becomes hard to breathe. I
try to break away, but he growls and pulls me back in. I pound on
his chest and he releases me but cages me in with his arms while I
desperately draw air into my lungs. He’s breathing hard, jaw
clenching in anger. My lips are pulsating and are, no doubt, an
angry red.

“You don’t sit your ass on anyone’s bike but
mine. You got that?”

“That’s what this is about? I just thought

“There’s nothing to think about. Your ass, my
bike. Period.”

Jeez…talk about possessive.
He reaches
into his pocket and hands me a wad of cash.

“Get yourself some snacks or something.”

I get that the conversation is over, so I
walk ahead of him. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, hoping
everyone will think it’s swollen because I’ve been chewing on it.
Gage veers off to the pumps and I head into the store. And right
into Lonnie.

“What the fuck is going on?” She demands.

“With what?”

“You know what I’m talking about, you little
bitch. I told you to stay away from him.”

“Why don’t you go ask him?”

“Because I’m asking you.”

“I’m not in the mood for your shit,

Razor walks up and glances between the two of
us. “Everything okay, girls?”

“Fine. Just a sisterly talk,” I tell him.

“Good. You need anything, you let me know,
baby girl.”

In his eyes, I see the meaning behind his
words. It’s clear whose side he’d be on if anything went down.
Strange, considering this is the first time we’ve spoken. “Sure

After he leaves, Lonnie turns to me again.
“How come you’re so cozy with everybody?”

“I’m lovable. I can’t help it.”

I walk away, not looking back. Chrissy shows
up at my side while I’m deciding between Cheetos and Oreos. Oh, why
choose? I’ll just get both.

She jerks her chin toward Lonnie. “What was
that about?”

“She thinks she has some kind of property
rights on Gage and the club. She’s going to be royally pissed when
she finds out what’s going on.”

“Shit. You better get that apartment with the

“Trust me. First thing on the morning of the
twenty-first, I’m signing that lease. I’m taking all my stuff with
me, too. Furniture or not, I’m moving into that bitch right

“I hear you. How’d you get past a credit
check, though?”

“My dad’s lawyer took care of it.”

“Oh. Cool.”

Razor’s redhead approaches us with a smile
and an outstretched hand. “Hi. I’m Cassidy.”

“Raven. And this is Chrissy.”

“Nice to meet you. I thought I’d introduce
myself because you two seem like the only friendly women here.”

“Tell me about it. Are you Razor’s old

“Old lady? I don’t think so. We just started
seeing each other.”


“So…you’re with Gage?”

Chrissy watches me, waiting to
hear what I’ll say. Cassidy raises her brows. There’s something
about her I can’t quite put my finger on, something not right.


She looks a little surprised, but she
recovers and turns to Chrissy expectantly.

“Ron. He’s still a prospect.”


“Let’s go. I think they’re ready.” Chrissy
grabs my hand and pulls me away. “
No confío en ella
,” she

I don’t trust this chick, either. I pay for
our snacks but on our way back to the guys, Chrissy freezes and
tightens her grip on my hand. She looks petrified.

“What?” I follow her gaze and see a couple
getting out of a car at one of the pumps. “You know them?”

“That’s Joel.”

“Your ex? Is that the trick he cheated on you

“That’s her.”

“Are you kidding me? She looks like a thumb.”
She cracks a smile and turns a grateful look my way. I swear I
don’t understand men. They’ll have diamonds and go out looking for
rhinestones. “Please, tell me she at least has a good

“She’s a total bitch.”

Joel spots us and throws his arm around the
girl. As they approach, a smirk forms on his lips.
I won’t get to my phone fast enough to play the song, so I start
singing T.I’s “No Mediocre”. Chrissy bursts out laughing then raps
Iggy Azalea’s verse. Bastard loses the smirk and Bitch sneers.
Whatever. We’re jamming. Ron walks up and snakes his hand around
Chrissy’s waist. Perfect timing. Joel drops his head and passes by
without a word. Once they’re out of sight, Chrissy throws her arms
around me.

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