Tempted (4 page)

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Authors: Alana Sapphire

Tags: #romantic suspense, #motorcycle club, #mc, #death dealers

BOOK: Tempted
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“So this is where all the magic happened,”
she says, her palms gliding over the bed.

I don’t want to talk about me and Gage, so I
try to steer the conversation toward her. “Tell me about the magic
I just saw with you and Ron.”

kisser. Like mind.

“When are you going out?”

“Tonight,” she practically squeals in
excitement. “We’re gonna try Chiquita’s again.”

“That’s gr–”

The bathroom door opens, banging against the
wall. Gage walks out in his boxer briefs, whistling and drying his
hair with a towel.

“Oh…hey,” he greets Chrissy. “Chrissy,

She stares at him, eyes wide, mouth open.
“Um…y...yeah,” she stutters.

I can definitely relate to the reaction. Gage
Hunter is sex personified. With his amazing body and the way those
boxers cling to him…my muscles clench. Chrissy grabs my hand,
squeezing my fingers. We watch as he walks to the closet and starts
pulling out clothes.

“I can’t believe you slept next to him all
night and didn’t rape him.”

Gage bursts out laughing, and Chrissy turns
to me in wide-eyed horror.

“Did I say that out loud?”


I join Gage, falling over and grabbing my
stomach. The look on her face is priceless.

“Ugh! Kill me now.”

“It’s okay, Chrissy. I totally understand,”
Gage says.

He gives her that cocky grin of his and I
throw his pillow at him. Conceited bastard. He catches it and
tosses it back with a wink. We sit back and enjoy the Gage show as
we eat. He revels in it, the smirk never leaving his face, until he
shrugs into his cut.

“I got club shit to handle, so I’ll see you
later. Chrissy can keep you company, but under no circumstance do
you leave the compound. Got it?”

“Yes, Dad.”

“Fuckin’ smart mouth.”

He drops a kiss on my lips and one on
Chrissy’s cheek, then heads for the door.

“Anything you need, talk to Ron. You need me,
call me.”


“Later, babe.”

He closes the door behind him and we fall
back on the bed with a collective sigh.

“God, Ray. He smells good.”

“Tell me about it.”

I don’t know about Chrissy, but I need some
time to recuperate from all that sexiness. She mumbles “Goddamn”
and I get confirmation that I’m not the only one. We stare up at
the ceiling, caught up in the sexual whirlwind that is Gage.



“What’s the plan?” Razor asks as we park
outside the warehouse where Cassidy has her office.

“No plan. Just gonna talk to her. She’s a
little psycho but I don’t think it was her.” The whole point was to
get me to fuck her so I doubt she sent them to kill me. “They were
probably just retaliating for the two we killed.”

Her assistant gives me a come-fuck-me smile
as we approach. I remove my riding gloves and stick them in my
pocket. She bats her lids and smiles brightly before biting into
her bottom lip.

“Mr. Hunter! Haven’t seen you in a

“Miss Martin in?”

She fumbles at my apparent lack of interest
and picks up her phone. After talking to her boss, she motions to
the door.

“Wait here,” I tell Razor.

I close the door behind me and take a long,
hard look at a very nervous Cassidy Martin.

“Gage…I swear, I haven’t said –”

I raise my hand to stop her then take a seat.
“The guys you hired…where’d you find ’em?”

“A friend gave me a phone number. I

“What friend?”

“I can’t –”

“What. Friend?”

She swallows hard and takes a shaky breath.
“Please…I don’t want to get her mixed up in this.”

“You still have the number?”

She looks down at her desk, avoiding my
stare. That’s a very obvious tell. I know her next words will be a

“No. I…I threw it away.”

I can see she’s not going to give up the info
willingly. Maybe I’m approaching this the wrong way. I don’t think
intimidation is going to work with her, but I know what will.
Luckily, I’m me. “You’re not lying to me are you, Cassidy?”

Her gaze remains fixed on the desk. “No, of
course not.”

“Stand up.”

Finally, she looks at me, excitement creeping
into her eyes. “Wh..what?”

“Don’t make me say it again.”

She rises slowly, her eyes locked with mine.
Her chest is heaving, and I see the uncertainty in her gaze. She’s
scared but turned on, too. One thing I do remember about her is
that she likes it rough and kinky. I make my way over to her,
taking my time. She watches me, her chest rising and falling more
rapidly with each step I take. I move her chair and stand behind
her, close but not touching.

“I think you’re lying to me, Cassidy. I
think...you’re being a bad girl.” Her body trembles before me and
she lets out a moan. “Do you know what happens to bad girls?”

“They get spanked,” she says on a hurried

The fear is gone, replaced completely by
Damn, I’m good!
I slowly pull her little skirt
up, exposing her cheeks. A thong. Perfect. She’s wearing some sexy
lingerie set, complete with garter belt and stockings.

“Were you expecting someone? Or did you wear
this for me?”

“I…I was hoping –”

“And the fuck-me heels?”

“Yes,” she whispers breathlessly.

She tries to lean into me, but I step away
and perch on the edge of her desk. I look her over from head to toe
and realize I don’t want to touch her. She’s gorgeous and I didn’t
hesitate to fuck her before, but there’s just no interest now. I
find a wooden ruler on her desk and trail it lightly up her

“Spread your legs.” She complies quickly,
watching me with her bottom lip between her teeth. I move behind
her once more, sliding the ruler up the inner sides of both thighs.
“Wider.” I smack one of them and she yelps, widening her stance.
“Now, the men. Who were they?”

“I don’t know.”

I slap her cheek and watch as the ruler
leaves a red imprint on her ass. Her body shakes as if she just
came where she stands. I stroke the spot with the ruler, still not
wanting to touch her. She rolls her hips and I smack her again,
developing a pattern – slap, stroke, slap…and then change it up so
she never knows what’s coming next.


“If I touch your pussy right now…will it be
wet?” I ask, even though I have no inclination to do so.

“Oh, God, yes!”

I chuckle, sliding the ruler over the crotch
of her panties. “Where’d you find those guys?”

“The number…my friend said she uses them for
security all the time.”

“Mmhmm.” I concentrate the top edge of the
ruler on her clit and she moans. “Security…are they from a

She rolls her hips, grinding on the ruler. I
strike her clit twice.

“No! Not a company…just…just a group of

A group. My retaliation theory seems to be
right. I stroke her once more, gliding the ruler over the material
covering her pussy. “Where’s the number?”

She hesitates. I move closer so she thinks
I’m going to touch her. Instead, I slap both cheeks twice.

“Fuck, Gage...”

“The number?”

“It’s in my desk! Just please…please, fuck

I give her one last smack on the ass. Hard.
She jerks and cries out. “Sit,” I tell her as I toss the ruler on
the desk. She scrambles to her chair and immediately reaches for my
belt. “Uh-uh…hands in your lap.”

She smiles, licks her lips then bites into
the bottom one. She really thinks I’m going to let her suck my
dick? No matter what she does, it’s all lost on me. My dick isn’t
even mildly interested. “Where is it?”

“Top drawer,” she says eagerly.

I search the drawer, find a white card with
just a number on it then show it to her.

“That’s it.” She nods.

I stick it in my pocket and wonder what I
should do with her. She’d probably do anything I tell her to. Bitch
is hard-up for some dick, so I’ll get her some. “Up.” She jumps to
her feet and I stand behind her. She wiggles her ass impatiently.
“You want to get fucked, Cassidy?”

“God, yes!”

“You will be…just not by me.”

“What? Gage –”

“Don’t. Move.”

I stick my head through the door and wave
Razor over, giving him a peek inside.

“A gift for you, my brother.”

He looks to the heavens and bites his lip. “I
ever tell you I love you, brother?”

“Make it quick. I’ll wait for you

But not before I stop in the men’s room and
wash my hands. I suddenly feel very dirty. While waiting, my mind
drifts to Raven. That shit she pulled this morning had me coming
like three times in the shower. Just feeling her body tremble
beneath me was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. And
waking up next to her? I wouldn’t mind doing that every day. Not at

Razor exits the building with a huge grin on
his face. “Thank you, my brother. That was a fine piece of

“Crazy as fuck, though.”

“I know. That’s why I’m seeing her later.” He
grins as he slips his aviators on.

“You’re a sick fuck, Razor.”

“Don’t I know it, Prez.”



You know in the movies where someone walks
into a room, a record scratches somewhere, and everyone stares at
the newcomer? Think MJ walking into the nightclub in the beginning
of the “Smooth Criminal” video. That’s exactly what happened. All I
know is, one moment Chrissy and I are playing pool, hanging out
with some of the guys, and the next moment it’s dead silent. I look
up and everyone is staring at the door. I’m bent over the pool
table, so I straighten and turn around. I wish I hadn’t though,
because I’m staring into the blue eyes of Death himself. Gage
stands there, shaking with barely restrained rage, his eyes locked
on me. He’s a volcano about to erupt. I swallow hard.

“Where the
…are your clothes?” He

I swear his voice echoes through my entire
We’re back to this?
What I’m wearing is perfectly fine
– shorts and a bandeau. Jeez, even Daddy wasn’t this anal. Before I
can say anything, he storms up to me and grabs my hand. Without
stopping, he drags me behind him to his room, pushing me inside and
slamming the door behind him. I haven’t even regained my balance
before he grabs me again and forces me against the wall.

“What the hell, Gage?”

“Have you been drinking? Smoking?”

I roll my eyes. “No, Daddy.”

“I swear to God, woman. Don’t test me!”


“You’re out there practically naked!”

“I am not!”

“You like that, huh? Being a fucking tease?”
He asks, getting into my face.

A tease?
“How dare you –”

I cringe as he slams his palm on the wall by
my head and closes his eyes, trying to rein in his anger.
I think it may be in my best interest not to push him right

“Just cover up, Raven,” he says, his words
coming through clenched teeth.

“I don’t have anything else. This is all
Chrissy brought.”

He pushes away from me and removes a T-shirt
and sweat pants from his chest of drawers.

“Put these on. I’d rather not have to kill
any of my brothers.”

. “For what?
Looking at me?”

He doesn’t answer, but I know that’s the
problem. He’s jealous…to the thousandth degree, but it’s kind of
cute. I take his hand, pull him to the bed, and push down on his
shoulders. Sitting on his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck.

“They’ve been really cool. A couple of them
even pulled me aside and told me I was a total badass for what I
did last night.”

“You were…

He slides his arm around my waist and takes a
deep, calming breath. I turn his face to mine and stare into his
eyes. The rage is gone. I don’t want to rekindle it, but shooting
that guy last night has been on my mind all day. Technically, I
didn’t kill him, but it still weighs heavily on my conscience.

“About last night –”

“I told you to leave it alone.”

“Gage, I’ve never shot anyone before.”

“And you haven’t killed anyone, either. It’s
all on me.”

“Not all. I shot him

“It was them or us. I’m proud of you for how
you handled yourself.”

He’s proud of me for shooting someone. Not
exactly what one strives for in life but hey, I guess this is my
life now. “I have Reaper’s approval?”

“You always did.”

How does he do that? How does he make me
forget why I’m concerned, hurt, or angry? How does he replace all
my thoughts with only ones of him? I trail my finger down his
stubbled jaw, the tiny hairs prickling me. “You’ve been gone all
day. I missed you.”



I place a few soft kisses on his lips before
he finally gives in and takes over. He slowly works his lips over
mine, teasing them with his tongue. I moan into his mouth, slipping
my tongue in. The taste of peppermint hits me. Goosebumps pop up
all over my body as he trails his fingers down my spine. I slide my
fingers through his hair, leaning into him, needing to get as close
as possible. He grabs my hair and pulls my head back, his gaze
roaming my face.


“God! I hope you never have daughters,” I
say, rolling my eyes.

“Don’t worry. I won’t.”

“How can you be so sure? Even you can’t
command sons to be born.”

He slides me off his lap and heads for the
door. With his hand on the knob, he turns to me, his expression

“Because I’m not having children. Ever.”

That’s what he leaves me with. I stare at the
door wondering what I’ve gotten myself into. Christ, he’s bossy.
And that thing about kids? I would have never expected that. He’s
so good with Mikey. Despite what I said, I do believe he’d be a
good father. A very strict one, but a good one nonetheless.

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