Temptation: a billionaire erotic romance (5 page)

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Her eyes widened.  It was the longest, thickest cock she had ever seen, and she watched, mesmerized, as he stroked it.  Val grabbed her legs and forced them wider apart.  He worked two fingers underneath the lace of her panties, stroking against her clit and he did the same to his cock. 

Serena moaned, and Val immediately slapped her ass.

“What did I say, Serena?”

“I’m not allowed to cum, Sir,” she cried.

“Good.  Remember that,” he ordered, ripping off her panties.  Guiding his cock with his hand, he pressed its head against Serena’s clit.  She gasped, unable to stop herself.

Val rocked up against it, torturing her.  He was driving her closer and closer to the edge with the sensation of his hard cock massaging her hypersensitive clit, but his hand gripped her thigh hard. 

“Don’t cum, Serena,” he ordered, as she bit her lip hard to muffle the moans that wouldn’t stop coming.  It was everything she could do to obey, but she could barely hang on.  Every time she slipped and moaned, his hand came down hard and fast on her ass, slapping her in punishment.

“Are you ready, Serena?” he asked finally, pressing his cock against her entrance.

“Yes, Sir.”

He slid the head of his cock up and down the lips of her pussy, teasing her for a few more moments, and then put the head back against her entrance.  Torturously slowly, he slipped it into her, making sure to move so slowly that he left her squirming underneath him out of desperation.

“What’s wrong, Serena?” he chuckled.

“Please, Sir.”

“Please Sir what?”

“Please fuck me, Sir.  Please fuck me hard, Sir.”

He reached down and grabbed her hips, forcing her to him and plunging his cock into her deep and hard.  Serena gasped.

“Do you feel that, Serena?  That’s you losing your virginity,” he growled, rocking his hips against hers, pumping his cock in and out of her.  Serena moaned underneath him, now totally unable to stop herself.  “Today is the day you start becoming my little slut,” Val finished.

Val began pounding into her, no longer slow or gentle but hard and fast.  He jackhammered Serena, leaning over her and supporting himself against the bed.  Serena couldn’t think anymore, totally consumed by the sensation of him fucking her.  After what felt like seconds but could have been hours, she felt his cock clip out of her.  Serena groaned in frustrated.

“Calm down, Serena,” panted Val, his voice ragged.  “Do you see what you did to me?  You had to act like such a little slut and made me cum this fast, and we haven’t even gotten to the fun parts yet.”  He ran a hand down her leg and then slapped it again.  “But let’s see that wrecked little pussy now, hm?”

Val dropped to his knees and inspected her pussy, now freshly fucked and open to him.  He grinned and leaned forward, running his tongue along her slit.  Serena whimpered, clutching the bed sheets, and Val laughed.

He ran his tongue against her clit, lightly at first, and then increasing speed.  He began whipping his tongue against her clit, occasionally running the flat of his tongue against it, doing a thousand things to her that she never even knew were possible.  Serena’s moans escalated until she was almost sobbing, holding on to the edge with her fingertips, fighting off her orgasm with the last bit of will power she had.  She knew she couldn’t hold on for much longer, especially once Val began finger fucking her.

“You’ve been a good little whore,” Val growled from between her legs.  “Look at you, obeying my orders to not cum.  I think you’ve earned an orgasm, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you want to cum, Serena?”

“Yes, Sir!  Oh please, Sir!”

“Beg me for it.”

“Please, Sir!” she sobbed.  “I need to cum, Sir!”

need to cum?  I think you forget, Serena, you’re
slave.  You do everything for
.  Do you want to try again?”

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she gasped, her voice ragged and her heart pounding in her ears.  “Please let me cum for you, Sir.  Oh God, I need to cum for you, I need to be your little slut!”

Val chuckled again and leaned forward.

“You are allowed to cum now, Serena,” Val said.  “Be my little slut and cum for me, show me what a little whore you are.”

Serena came hard and fast, thrashing underneath Val’s strong grip and merciless tongue.  Her heartbeat seemed to stop and her mind went numb, and all of her existence was trapped in the earthquake of an orgasm that Val pulled her into.

The last thing she remembered was the world floating away from her as she passed out.



Serena woke up with fluttering eyes against the bright morning sun.  She groaned and shielded them with her arm, rolling over and burying her face into a pile of pillows.  Today felt glorious.  She never remembered her bed feeling this deliciously warm or soft or silky or….

Wait, silk?  What?  She didn’t have silk sheets.

Serena shot up out of bed and looked around her, bewildered.  She was in a strange room full of sumptuous furniture—there was a carafe of amber liquid on a table in the corner, and a leather belt hanging on the bedside, and cufflinks on the dresser to the side of her….

She suddenly felt a strong ache between her legs and looked down, the memories from last night flooding back to her.  Oh God, it really happened, didn’t it?  It wasn’t just a filthy dream of hers?

Serena clutched a pillow to her chest, biting her lip again.  She tasted blood and grimaced.  Apparently the lip biting had started to get out of hand.  Yet another thing she might have to keep in check, lest some discipline come her way.

She rubbed her eyes and attempted to step out of bed, but her legs were Jell-O and there was no way she could walk.  She fell back down onto the bed, groaning at her own ridiculousness.  How could she have gotten into this? 

Harry.  Harry was how, of course.  And she had to keep going, because Harry needed her. 

Though deep inside, she had to admit to herself, there was something else there, wasn’t there?  Had Val been right when he told her there was something nice and twisted inside her?  She squeezed her eyes shut, the memories of last night flooding back and threatening to drown her.  Oh God, she was horrified by them, by how she had acted.  Had she really said some of those things?  Had she really wanted him to spank her with a belt and beg him to let her cum?

Panicking, she leapt out of bed, grabbing one of the bedposts for support.  She hobbled on wobbly legs to the dresser, pulling it open and snatching the first she saw—her abandoned black dress from last night, haphazardly shoved into it.  She slipped it on, her heartbeat picking up as more memories came back to her.  God, she would die of embarrassment, she knew it.  She had to get out of here.  What if Val came back?  How could she face him after she had acted like that last night?

There really was something dark and twisted inside her, she realized.  And that terrified her.  She didn’t want to face it.

She didn’t bother trying to find the heels, she hated them anyway.  She slipped out of the bedroom, taking the discrete passageway that Jacques had described to her last night, finding her way out the back of the mansion. 

For a moment, just before she opened the back door, she hesitated.  Was this really what she wanted?  To leave?  She imagined Val’s face when he came back and realized she was gone and had left him forever.  Could she really do that to him?

Serena shook her head, shooing away those thoughts.  She couldn’t handle them right now.  All she could do was go back to her tiny apartment, where she wasn’t constantly reminded of Val or the things that he could do to her.  But most importantly, she wouldn’t be reminded of the things that were inside her, the things she wasn’t willing to face.

Serena slipped out the back, vowing never to return.


“Back so soon, Serena?”

Serena hung up her coat on the rack near her apartment’s door, glancing over her shoulder to smile at her neighbor, Mrs. Cole.  She stood in the hallway, wiping her flour-dusted hands on a kitchen towel and smiling inquisitively. 

“I know, I know,” Serena said with a shrug.  “I didn’t think I’d be back so early either.”

“I thought you got a job though, sweetie?  Didn’t you say you’d be gone for a while?”

“I … well, I thought I got it.  It turned out we—I mean the job and me—we weren’t a good fit for each other.”  She shrugged again, keeping her lips squeezed shut tight, afraid to say anything more.

“Oh, honey,” sighed Mrs. Cole, leaning against her doorframe.  She watched Serena unpack her purse, smiling sadly for her and the lost job. 

“Well, at least you have a new boyfriend,” Mrs. Cole teased.

“What?”  Serena froze.

“Your boyfriend, honey.  He stopped by earlier.  Said that you two just started dating.  He said something else about dropping off something for you, not sure what.”

“He was here?” Serena said numbly.

“I thought you knew, sweetie.  He came over this morning, asking for directions to your apartment.  We had a lovely conversation, he’s a very sweet boy.  He had a key to your apartment, so I assumed you had told him to come.”

Boyfriend?  Here?  Serena clutched her key tight in her fist, wishing she could run away and never come back.

“Anyway, I don’t think he’s left yet, either.  You might check the bedroom,” she said with a wink.  Serena nodded, still numb.  Boyfriend.  Here.  Bedroom.  Okay.

Serena closed her door with a click and leaned back against it.  What was she going to do?  Was Val really here?  How would she explain to him that she couldn’t keep doing this?

She walked into her kitchen and was shocked at who she saw sitting at the table.  Especially because it wasn’t Val.

“Jacques?” Serena cried.

Jacques sat sprawled at one of her kitchen chairs, inspecting her salt shaker as if it held a mysterious puzzle.  He was dressed casually, but a leather briefcase sat on the table, full of papers and what looked like a brown package.  Serena walked in in a daze, dropping her purse on the counter.  The sound made Jacques turn, and he gave her a dazzling smile.

“Good morning, Screamer.”

Serena crossed her arms.  “What are you doing here?”

“Val asked me to stop by.  Imagine his surprise when he stops by the bedroom to bring you breakfast and his bed is empty.”  Jacques gave her an exaggerated pout.  “That wasn’t very nice, Screamer.  Especially considering he’s your master.”

“So he thought he’d send over a buddy to corral me back?”

Jacques shrugged.  “Not to intrude in your private life, but he’s your master.  It’s in the contract.”

Serena began to say something but stopped herself.

“What?” asked Jacques.

Serena sighed.  “I don’t think he’s going to be my master much longer.  And I don’t think I’m going to be doing much slaving,” she said, taking a seat next to him.  The chair creaked, reminding her of how pitiful her small apartment was compared to the massive mansion that Val owned.  For a fleeting moment, she missed it, but shook that thought from her mind.  She had decided, there was no going back.

“What’s wrong?” Jacques asked, cocking his head.

“I don’t think I can do this, Jacques,” she said, running her fingers through her hair.  “It’s not for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“It scares me.”

“The … erm, bondage?”

“No.”  She pursed her lips.  “The way I react to it.”

Jacques was silent for a moment, and then he laughed out loud.  Serena frowned. 

“What?” she said.

“You, Screamer.”  He stretched, watching her with a lazy smile.  “You pretend to be such a good girl, you run as far away as you can from anything dark.  But if you admit it to yourself, you want it.  I can already tell you’re going to go back.  Val was right.”

“Val talked about me?”

Jacques just shrugged.  “Val talks about a lot of things.  And he does appreciate you, Serena.  Especially with the Harlow deal coming up—”  Jacques immediately cut himself off, as if he had realized he had said something he shouldn’t have.



“No, Jacques, seriously, what?”

Jacques paused, looking Serena up and down.  He tapped his chin for a few moments, considering something.

“I’ll tell you,” he said, “if you tell me why you chose this job.  I’ve been wondering about you, Screamer, I’ll be honest, and I think you deserve to know about this even if Val doesn’t want you to.  This has to remain completely between us, though.  Deal?”

Serena considered it.  She hated breaking someone’s confidence, but if she was really going to be Val’s slave, she deserved to at least know this.  Especially if Jacques seemed to consider it something important enough to tell her.


Jacques nodded, then sat back and appraised her.  “So what’s the real reason you’re doing this?  I know it isn’t the money.  You’re not that kind of person, I don’t think.  And I know it’s not the sex, though I can tell you
that kind of person, even if you won’t admit it.”  Serena rolled her eyes, and Jacques grinned.  “So what is it?  Why are you doing this?”

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