Soar (Cold Mark Book 5)

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Authors: Scarlett Dawn

BOOK: Soar (Cold Mark Book 5)
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Copyright 2015 Scarlett Dawn
First Edition
All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the Author. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the publisher.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Cover and Formatting by
ShoutLines Design
Editing by
Rogena Mitchell-Jones Manuscript Services



















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A Preview of Obsidian Liquor

A Preview of Valan Playboys

A Preview of Just One Sip

My lips curved in a private smile as we exited through a back door. “Thank you.” It felt damned fantastic breathing in fresh air—no longer holed up in my guarded room.
My prison
. Even if nicer than most people lived. “You handled my release quickly.” Kind of.

Killeg damn near rolled his blue, glowing eyes. “You were blackmailing us.”

Phila groaned, placing his hands on the small of his back and stretching his muscles.

I eyed him. The white, long-haired Mian looked…tired. “It wasn’t easy?”

Phila flicked a glare from the corner of his eyes. “No. We do have a hybrid’s power, but it isn’t as easy for us as a full-blooded Kireg.” His jaw lowered as he yawned so large I could see his tonsils—even in the moonlight. “Using that side of ourselves takes its toll on us. Physically and mentally.”

I almost felt guilty, noticing the dark circles under both their eyes.

Killeg raised a white brow. “You have nothing to say?”

“I already said thank you.” I shrugged a shoulder, playing it cool. “There’s nothing else to say.”

Killeg snorted as his stunning gaze bore into mine. “Just don’t forget your end of the bargain.”

Yes, I owed them the truth. How I had known they were hybrids in the first place.

My lips pinched. “Perhaps we can save that for later?” I glanced to the front of the hov-vehicle we were about to enter, not sure who the driver was. It was dark outside, and the back alley where we stood was even more shadowed. And the vehicles windows were tinted. I couldn’t see inside the vehicle at all. “We should probably have this conversation in private.”

“Do you think we would have spoken of our powers with unknown ears around?” Phila grouched, definitely grumpy. “Stiller’s in the driver’s seat.”

Good to know, but it was still a conversation for just the three of us. “Maybe later.”

Both Mian peered down at me, their eyes shining in the dark as they scrutinized my features.

I clenched my jaw, grinding my teeth together. And waited. Intimidating didn’t even begin to explain these men.

Phila growled low in his throat and then jerked the door open to the back of the hov-vehicle. One of his large palms arced in a swooping motion to the interior, his eyes narrowed on mine. “We will have that information, Braita.”

“And I will give it,” I mumbled in a polite fashion. I held my sigh of relief at bay, ducking my head and slipping into the dimly lit vehicle. “Just…later.” Hopefully, much later—when I had clearer thoughts, and I knew what the hell to do about one set of men in my life. I gazed at one of the sets as they maneuvered into the vehicle with me, all brawn and power, yet gracefully in a dangerous as hell way. “Where are we going?”

Killeg shut the door behind him, and the hov-vehicle hummed to life, lifting ten feet off the ground and dashed forward. The motion jerked all of us back against our seats. “To your new apartment in the city.” In Center. “You stated you wanted to live here with Mr. Waterston nearby.”

I held onto the door grip and glanced up at Stiller driving. He seemed to be in a hurry…or just a reckless ass driver. Grumbling under my breath, I bared down with my feet as he took a sharp right, and then turned my attention back to the Plumas of the east. “Where

Stiller glanced back, not paying attention to his driving at all. “He’s waiting at our home here in Center.” He waggled his purple, thin brows. Somehow, the action made him even more handsome. “Our apartment is right across the hall from yours.”

I nodded, extremely pleased with that arrangement. Privacy but still protected if need be. “Stiller?”


“Maybe you should watch where you’re driving.”

His grin was pure mischief. “I don’t need to look. I can hear how the wind moves.”

I stared. “Oh.” Maybe he should get his hearing checked if that were normal for the Mian. He was barely missing other vehicles…but I guess he
still missing them, watching me as he was. I waggled a finger toward the windshield. “It would make me feel better if you did though.” It was just so not

He chuckled quietly and rotated his attention back to driving. Normally.

Well, like how a Human would drive, anyway.

Phila lounged on his chair and stifled another yawn. “Our penthouse is one floor above yours.”

I clutched the door grip with a firmer grasp as we took a left. “I would expect nothing else.”

Killeg’s lips curved up on one side in a lop-sided smirk. “You haven’t mentioned your Vaq yet.”

My throat went dry, and I swallowed hard. “Do they have a home here in Center?”

“Of course.” He smiled showing blinding white teeth. Feral. “Their penthouse is in the next building over.”

My brows rose high on my forehead. “They…won’t like this.”

“No, they won’t. But your message from Mr. Waterston clearly stated not to fuck with their minds.” He eyed me in silent question, patiently waiting for my response.

With a gradual headshake, I murmured, “I haven’t changed my mind on that.”

“Then let the games begin,” Phila said under his breath, his head thumping back on the headrest and falling fast asleep. Out cold, his jaw dropped a little…and he started snoring.

Killeg laughed quietly, his regard returning to my shocked expression. “It’ll be fun.”

Their idea of entertainment and mine was not the same. I was sure of that.

Heated arms wrapped around my waist, tugging me close in a loving hug. Jax kissed my forehead with a fine brush of his lips, resting his head on top of mine. He whispered, “I’m so happy you’re out of there.”

I slipped my arms around his back, embracing him. I snuggled close against his heat, his familiar scent. “Me, too.”

When we didn’t move from our position, Phila cleared his throat from across the room.

No words were even needed. The harsh sound was plenty pointed.

It said, Get your hands off her before I rip out your throat.

Jax snickered, pulling back to stare into my eyes. “I don’t think you know what you’re in for, my friend.” He released me only to grab my shoulders and turn me around. To face the interior of my very own apartment. “Go look around. I bet you like it.”

There was no telling me twice. I put my feet into fast motion, first eyeing each decoration and piece of furniture in the living room—even with the Plumas of the east and Stiller sitting on my silver couch. I thumped Stiller’s boots that were lifted on my hov-coffee table and waited until he placed them onto the smooth marble flooring that gleamed like tinted glass.

With a hop to my step, I strolled into the kitchen on the right. I opened cabinets, grinning at all of the food inside and practically squealed with delight when I saw Sweet Pea eating dog food from a metal bowl under the kitchenette. My right knee touched the ground, and I gently lifted my right hand in his direction. He had grown quite a bit since I saw him last, his furry head reaching my thigh in height. “Hello, Sweet Pea,” I crooned. “You probably don’t remember me, but I remember you.” And you’re

He lifted his head from his dish and placed his cool nose against my palm. Sniffing me like mad, he gradually moved out from under the table, moving his snout up my arm. He placed his face in front of mine and sat proudly. Killeg and Phila had kept him well fed, his puppy belly plump, his dark eyes alert.

Sweet Pea

Then, he proceeded to lick my chin. Again. And again.


I laughed in total elation and rubbed behind his perked ears. “We’re going to get along well, I believe.” I kissed the tip of his nose and sprung to my feet, grinning from ear-to-ear as he followed me out of the kitchen. My kitchen.

Killeg’s eyes gleamed. “I knew having him sleep with a shirt of hers was a good idea.”

“For my scent?” I patted Sweet Pea’s head in affection.

Phila nodded. “He carried that damn shirt around everywhere, too.”

My brows furrowed. “Wait. Where did you get a shirt of mine?”

Stiller scowled. “You don’t want to know.”

I shook my head and chuckled as I walked down a hallway. With Sweet Pea right by my side, he and I checked out the two bedrooms, two bathrooms, office, and entertainment room. With no one watching me, I took my shoes off inside the largest bedroom and raised my arms. I twirled in a circle.

Round and round I went, spinning and dropping my head back to smile toward the heavens.

Sweet Pea watched with his head cocked. He thought I was cracked silly.

It wasn’t that. Not at all.

I was

All I had wanted since arriving on Triaz. My freedom!

And now I had it. My
. It had only taken coercing the scariest men on this planet.

My free-fucking-dom. All mine…

As long as my Vaq didn’t fuck it up.

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