Tegan's Power (The Ultimate Power Series #4) (28 page)

BOOK: Tegan's Power (The Ultimate Power Series #4)
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He pulls me to him and
begins kissing my neck. “You’re such a clever little thing, aren’t you,” he
murmurs in a seductive voice, his hand roaming over my bottom.

I hear Alvie giggle
just as Gabriel subtly drags him from the room, allowing us our privacy.
Sighing, I push back into Ethan’s evident erection, eliciting a goose bump
inducing growl.

“How is it that I
haven’t been inside you for over a day? Surely that is a sin,” he whispers as
he inches my top up over my breasts. Pinching a nipple, he turns me around and
goes down on one knee so that he can take it into his mouth.

“Ethan,” I moan.

“Yes, my love,” he asks
with a devilish smile.

It takes every ounce of
willpower in me to get my next words out. “The house is full of people, some of
them with supernatural abilities. They’ll hear us.”

“I will fuck the mother
of my unborn child in my own house when and how I want. I don’t care who

His hand goes up my
skirt and straight under my knickers.

“But…I…do,” I protest.

“I like it when you get
embarrassed,” he murmurs, rolling his tongue around my nipple now.


“You’re soaking wet.”


“Yes, I like that it’s
my fault. Come, let’s get you out of these troublesome clothes.”

Ethan lifts me and carries
me to the bed where he carefully removes every article of clothing I have on.
Then I’m naked and he’s still fully dressed. He slides a finger inside me as he
brings his head between my legs and starts to lick. I run my hands through his
luscious hair, so silky it begs to be touched.

Ethan starts to flicker
his tongue in this rapid vampire way that’s kind of weird but also the most
exquisite thing I’ve ever felt. He’s really too good at this.

“Why do you still have
all your clothes on?” I question in frustration.

“Because this is about
you,” he answers, moving his mouth up my body. He nips and sucks at every inch
of my skin, his fingers still pumping inside me. I’m not sure I have the brain
capacity to talk anymore. Then his mouth is on mine and I’m lost to his kiss. I
close my eyes, no longer bothering to protest and allowing him to do what he
will with me.


Later on I rummage through Ethan’s
freezer in search of ice-cream and pump my fist into the air in triumph when I
discover a huge tub of double chocolate chip. I dish it out into two bowls.
(Alright, one normal bowl and one gigantic fruit bowl for me, because
apparently I’ve got a hole in my stomach that can never be filled now.) I carry
both to Rebecca’s room, finding her sitting in the corner playing with her

“Ice-cream’s up,” I
call and she smiles big when she sees the bowls.

We eat in silence for a
little while and I remember to return her charm bracelet, helping her put it
back on.

I sit back against the
pillows and watch as she finishes off the last of her ice-cream. There are
times when she gets extra quiet and I sometimes wonder if she’s thinking of her
dad. Is she old enough to grieve? She must be.

“Do you miss him?” I
ask before I have the chance to stop myself.

Rebecca seems to know exactly
who I’m talking about because she nods. “All the time, but he’s with Mummy now,
so I know he’s happy.”

I pause, considering
what to say next. “What if you could have your mummy, would you want to live
with her even though she’d be a stranger?”

Rebecca looks at me,
her big brown eyes seeming far too serious for such a young girl. “Definitely.”

Her answer makes me
feel much better about what I plan on doing, and I don’t fail to notice how she
fiddled with her charm bracelet the whole time I’d been talking to her. In
fact, she plays with it a lot, like it’s a comfort to her. Perhaps this little girl
wants her real mother more than even she knows.


I’ll Follow You into
the Dark



I’ve never felt softer lips in my entire
life. Allora moans when I kiss her, my tongue moving around inside her mouth as
though trying to memorise the taste. I’ve stripped her down to just her
underwear and a T-shirt, and shit, I didn’t think it was possible to find plain
white briefs this sexy.

She breathes in quick
little bursts, all revved up, and it drives me crazy. I’ve barely touched her
aside from the kiss, and yet I can just tell that if I slipped my hand between
her legs right now she’d be slick and ready for me.

Just as these thoughts
are flitting through my brain, her entire body stills. I pull my mouth from
hers to find her eyes have rolled back in her head and she’s beginning to
convulse. Crap, she’s having a vision. I don’t know why I panic, but I do.

It’s just so hard to
see this happening to her up close. I grab her hands and just as I’m about to
pull her into my arms, something strange happens. I feel myself being drawn
closer to her. My eyes drift closed and I lose consciousness, then there’s only

When I’m aware again
I’m standing in a long hallway, hand in hand with Allora. I look at her and she
seems just as shocked to see me as I am to be here. The carpet we’re standing
on is lush, and on the walls is that expensive silk wallpaper people used to
have in the 1800’s. It’s got pictures of birds and flowers on it.

“You’re in one of my
visions,” Allora exclaims in awe, her voice bringing my attention back to her.

“Yeah,” I breathe,
unable to figure out how this is actually happening.

“Something isn’t

“What do you mean?”

“We’re not in the
future,” she explains. “We’re in the past. This has never happened before.”

“How am I here with

“It might be because
you were touching me when the vision took hold, and probably because of how
close I felt to you when we were kissing.”

Before I can ask any
further questions a door at the end of the hall opens and Theodore steps
through. His clothes aren’t modern, but they still hold that whimsical touch.
He’s wearing an old timey suit with a cravat, and his socks are purple with
blue stripes.

I hold in my breath as
he approaches, but he can’t see us at all.

“We’re not really
here,” Allora informs me. “We’re just spectators. Come on.”

Hand in hand, we follow
Theodore down the long hall. I get the impression that we’re in some sort of
fancy hotel. Theodore is smiling as he slips a copper key out of his pocket and
sticks it into the door of room 203. He pushes the door open and steps inside.

As we continue to
follow him, I’m struck with the harsh scent of lavender perfume – and the
unmistakable aroma of blood and sex. The key Theodore had been holding drops
from his hand and clinks when it hits the floor as he storms through the suite.
He stops when he reaches the bed where there’s a woman with long dark hair and
brown eyes lying naked in the arms of a muscular blonde guy.

When the woman sees
Theodore her eyes widen and her fangs extend as she smiles. Shit, she’s a
vampire. The man she’s lying with has bite marks all along his neck and he
looks completely zoned out from blood loss.

“No,” Theodore whispers
in disbelief. “How could you…?”

The vampire laughs
cruelly. “Oh come on, you didn’t think I was going to stop, did you?”

Theodore’s eyes narrow
to slits. “I thought you were mine. I told you I would give you all the blood
you needed, so long as you stayed faithful to me.”

“The thrill of the hunt
is half the joy of feeding, my dear. Surely you can understand that.”

“I told you I loved
you,” he seethes.

The vampire continues
to laugh. “People our age don’t know the meaning of love, Theo. Love is for

“You are mortal,

“Not the way a human
is. I’m six hundred years old.”

“And I am two centuries
more than that, but still, I did love you. That was until I found you here…copulating.”

“You have to stop
taking things so seriously,” the vampire Jessica replies. “I like to play with
my human toys every now and again. You’ll just have to learn to live with it.”

Theodore’s anger comes to
bursting point when he booms, “No! I will not learn to live with it!”

He jumps onto the bed and
grabs the zoned out human, pressing his hand into his face. Magic sizzles from
his fingertips and the man’s life starts to drain until his complexion has
paled and he’s gone. Jessica watches Theodore kill the guy she’d just be
drinking from and having sex with. She doesn’t even seem shocked.

She does, however, look
scared when Theodore turns his attention to her, purple magic still zinging
from the palm of his hand.

“Don’t,” she tells him
in a voice that sounds calm on the surface but underneath there’s barely
concealed panic.

He takes her by the
hair and throws her from the bed onto the floor.

“You vampires,” he
spits in a harsh voice, “I thought you had hearts, but now I see I was wrong.
You’re all dead inside, with nothing but blackened stones inside your chests.”

“Theo, please don’t do
this,” Jessica begs, all pretences of calm completely gone now.

“Why not? I’m done with
you. Never again will I allow myself to be fooled by one of your kind. I hate
you. I hate all of you.”

At this he throws both his
hands forward, gesturing a rapid and intricate spell. He’s not even touching
her anymore, but her head is starting to twist. It keeps turning completely until
it snaps and she’s rendered unconscious, but not dead. Not yet. Theodore
strides to the four poster bed and smashes it with his magic. He picks up a
broken, jagged piece of wood before walking back to Jessica. Without preamble
he aims the wood at her heart and stabs her, emitting a pained grunt.

When her body starts to
disintegrate, Theodore drops to the floor, his face in his hands. It takes a
moment or two for me to realise that he’s crying.

“This is why he hates
vampires so much,” Allora whispers, suddenly enlightened.

A second later we’re
both descending back into darkness. The next time I open my eyes we’re in
Tribane again, standing on a path at Campion Row. There are people everywhere
and it’s even more crowded than it had been the day Theodore had his chalk circles

“Are we in the future
now?” I ask Allora.

“I think so,” she

People mutter excitedly
all around us, sort of like they’re waiting impatiently for their favourite boy
band to make an appearance. It’s day time; the skies are clear and cloud free
above us. Then I hear someone gasp and others start to cry out in terror. The
atmosphere changes so rapidly that it takes me a minute to pinpoint what’s

I look up ahead to see
the clear blue sky darkening as a black cloud overtakes it. It’s Theodore’s
chaos. The light is completely obliterated within seconds and the chaos is
shooting down from above, invading the bodies of the humans below. Instantly
their bodies fall and convulse and no more than a minute later they’ve gone
still. Dead. I turn to look at Allora just in time to see the chaos hovering
above us. It bypasses Allora and comes straight for me. There’s nothing I can
do to fight it and then there’s no more time left. The blackness takes over and
my body is not my own anymore.

Waking up covered in
sweat and shaking all over, I find I’m back in my bed in Cristescu’s. Relief
washes over me when I realise none of that really happened, not yet anyway.
Allora wakes up beside me and her mouth forms a round ‘O’ shape.

“You were inside my
visions,” she says, her face showing her amazement at that fact.

“I think it’s because I
was touching you when it happened. Has anyone ever been touching you when a
vision came before?”

She shakes her head.
“No, most people’s reactions when I start convulsing is to get as far away as
possible.” She lets out a little laugh. “Like this crap is contagious or

I pull her close and
rub her shoulder soothingly.

“We were in the past,”
I murmur, trying to figure out what it means.

“My ability must have
shown me that for a purpose. It wanted me to know that Theodore has a reason
for wanting to wipe out vampires.”

“The guy must have a
very easily wounded ego. I mean, he got cheated on. Build a bridge and get over

“Sorcerer’s are so old
though, it makes them crazier. Every little thing is a personal affront, so
imagine how angry being cheated on would make them.”

“I’m still trying to
get my head around the fact that such a hot vampire was with Theodore.”

Allora shrugs. “I know,
but some women find power a strong aphrodisiac. And Theodore has lots of power.
He was 800 years old back then. That means he must be almost a thousand now.”

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