Love, Lipstick and Lies

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Authors: Katie Price

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BOOK: Love, Lipstick and Lies
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About the Book

About the Author

Title Page


Chapter 1:
The Rebound Marriage

Chapter 2:
Second Time Unlucky

Chapter 3:
Beauty and the Beast

Chapter 4:
It’s Over

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:
I Have To See Him Again!

Chapter 7:
Reality Katie

Chapter 8:
Argentina Again

Chapter 9:
My Hero

Chapter 10:
Standing Up For Harvey

Chapter 11:
Leo Moves In … And Out

Chapter 12:
Signed By Katie Price

Chapter 13:
I Get Legal

Chapter 14:
My Moment of Madness

Chapter 15:
A Blast From the Past

Chapter 16:
Under the Knife Again

Chapter 17:
I’d Rather Be Horse Riding

Chapter 18:
Brand Katie

Chapter 19:
Love Again

Chapter 20:
Third Time Lucky

Chapter 21:
Barefoot Wedding

Chapter 22:
Mr and Mrs Hayler

Chapter 23:
My Big Fat Willy Wonka Wedding!

It’s a Wrap … For Now, May 2013


About the Book

The last three years of Katie Price’s life have been as eventful as ever.

From the highly publicised divorce from Alex Reid, the dizzy romance and splits from Leandro Penna and a whirlwind marriage and surprise pregnancy with Kieran Hayler, Katie has been through a lot of changes. And that’s just her love life.

Katie has also dealt with increasingly bitter disputes with first husband Peter Andre and her former manager, as well as public spats with comedian Frankie Boyle, who made offensive comments about her son Harvey, and Kelly Brook, over her dalliance with Danny Cipriani.

Despite her personal life being played out in the public arena, Katie remains true to her heart by always speaking her mind and living life to the full. This instalment of Katie’s roller-coaster life provides intimate access to her side of all the stories with her own special brand of humour, compassion and total honesty.

About the Author

Katie Price is one of the UK’s top celebrities. She was formerly the glamour model Jordan and is now a bestselling author and successful business woman. Katie is a Patron of Vision Charity and currently lives in Sussex with her four children and her husband Kieran Hayler.

Also by Katie Price


Being Jordan

Jordan: A Whole New World

Jordan: Pushed to the Limit

Standing Out

You Only Live Once



Angel Uncovered


He’s the One

In the Name of Love

Santa Baby


The Come-back Girl


Katie Price


I can’t believe that we’re on the fifth instalment of my autobiography. As usual with me, the three years since my last book,
You Only Live Once
, have been a roller-coaster ride. There’s always drama with a capital D in my life. Always.

Now I’m older, wiser, with two marriages behind me and on to marriage number three. They say third time lucky, don’t they? And I’m keeping everything crossed that three is a magic number. But I have such a good feeling about my husband Kieran. I’ve kissed a lot of frogs. Here’s hoping that he’s my prince. It certainly feels as if he is.

I’ve always said I am who I am. It doesn’t matter what anyone says to me, no one can manufacture me, no one can change who I am. I’m not like those celebrities who
put on an act of having a perfect life, and never put a foot wrong. I’m not polished. I’m human and flawed. I’ve got character and personality. I’m like Marmite: you either love me or loathe me. Frankie Boyle ‘joked’: ‘Ah, Katie Price. A bit of a Marmite figure. Half the country hates her, and the other half thinks she belongs on the end of a knife.’ Not that I care what the haters think. I can’t be any different from who I am. I don’t put on an act for the cameras and the press. There isn’t the celebrity Katie Price and the other Katie Price. I am always me.

Whatever anyone says about me, whatever criticisms they throw at me, I’m proud of what I have achieved. Top of the list: my children. They make everything worthwhile, and everything I do, I do it for them. I’m like a proud lioness and they are my cubs. I will always protect and defend them. They are my life.

I’m also proud of what I’ve achieved in my career. I started as a glamour model and Page 3 girl at the age of seventeen, and from there I’ve gone on to have my own TV series, sell over three and a half million copies of my autobiographies, novels and children’s books, I’ve got my own business empire with KP Equestrian, KP Rocks, my perfumes, lingerie, swimwear, range of hair products – and I’m always thinking of more! I’m financially secure; I can support my family and give them a brilliant life-style. I’m living proof that you can make something of yourself if you try hard enough.

So here goes … the next instalment.

The Rebound Marriage

There is only one word to describe my second marriage, to Alex Reid, and that’s rebound. I’m aware it sounds harsh but it’s true. I never should have rushed into marrying him. We all make mistakes and that was one big one … However, in my own defence, I met Alex in July 2009, at the absolute worst time of my life. I needed someone to protect me and Alex seemed to fit the bill. If I’m honest, it could have been any man, within reason, who was kind, attractive, and looked strong enough to protect me. I was desperate for some kind of security because my world had just fallen apart.

Earlier that year, in May, Peter Andre, my then husband, had walked out on me just a month after I’d suffered a miscarriage. I was still reeling from the devastating loss of our baby. I knew that our marriage
had been on the rocks for a while, but I never thought he would leave me. I was heartbroken.

When I met Pete on
I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!
in 2004, I fell head over heels in love with him and believed he felt the same about me. Celebrities often go on that kind of show and put on an act; some of them might fake a romance to get the viewers interested in them. I can honestly say that didn’t happen with Pete and me. What we had was real – certainly as far as I was concerned. I thought I had found ‘the one’, the man who completed me, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Fast-forward five years and we’d had two children together, first Junior and then Princess, and along with my son Harvey, I thought we had a secure, happy family, something which I have always wanted. But that happy family was destroyed when Pete walked out, telling me it was over in a phone call. To this day he has never properly spoken to me about why he left so I could never get any closure on our marriage, though he would often drop hints in the magazine interviews he subsequently gave that there was a dark secret behind our divorce. There was no dark secret. I think he was swayed into leaving me.

From the moment he left in May 2009 (less than two months after I had given my then manager Claire Powell notice that I did not want her to continue acting for me), I was hounded by the press. The tabloids and magazines wrote terrible stories about me, while Pete was held up as some kind of saint, the perfect father, and a victim. I
was back to being called Jordan and blamed for the break up of our marriage. There seemed to be no sympathy for me at all. Someone even came up with the Team Pete/Team Katie idea, and some so-called celebs were quoted as saying that they were on Team Pete. No one seemed to realise that this wasn’t about taking sides. It wasn’t a game. It was about a family that had broken up, and at the heart of it were our children.

As far as I know, never once, when all the lies were printed about me, did Pete ever defend me and say, ‘Hang on. These stories aren’t true! I don’t want a bad word said against the mother of my children. We may have had our differences but she’s a good mum.’ Instead it felt to me as if he was building up his own career and image by trashing mine. This may sound like sour grapes but it is true. Within a matter of weeks Pete was promoting his new album. I’ve always wondered how he would have promoted it if we hadn’t split up, especially given the lyrics of some of the songs on it, which were published in various magazines with the suggestion that they were about me.

Worse than any of that, I also had to face up to a new life where I wouldn’t have Princess and Junior living with me all the time because they would be spending time with their father. I missed them so badly when they were away, it was like a physical pain. They were both so little. My babies. Princess was only one and a half and Junior was four. They needed to be with their mum. I had felt under pressure to agree to joint custody,
even though I thought the children should spend most of their time with me. Pete had walked out, and yet it felt as if I was the one being punished.

There was no one to stand up for me. In March I had given Claire Powell notice that I was going to leave her, but indicated that I would consider a new way of working with her if that were possible. For a long time I hadn’t been happy with the way she had managed me. Her style had become too controlling and I never felt that I had any freedom. It was all work, work, work, every aspect of my life and my marriage filmed or photographed or discussed in interviews. I swear the constant filming was one of the reasons our marriage broke up. Pete and I never had any time or space to ourselves.

According to our contract she was supposed to represent me until June, but from the moment Pete walked out on me in May I didn’t feel Claire was there for me at all, and as far as I know she never tried to put a stop to any of the untrue stories that were published about me as she would have done before he left. When I asked her why she was not protecting me and asked her to do something, she actually told me, via a letter to my lawyer, that she would do so only if I signed a new contract with her for a further five years, on terms that were disadvantageous to me. I felt that this was taking advantage of the situation and could not understand how she thought she was going to be able to represent both me and Pete going forward. That seemed to me
to be impossible. When my lawyer went through the contract he confirmed that there was no way I could agree to the terms she had proposed.

I had thought that she was more than a manager; I had thought she was my friend. But, looking back, it seems she was primarily in it for the money. I’d lost my husband, and then two more friends – Jamelah Asmar and Michelle Clack – decided to cut off all contact with me, and instead side with Pete. Later, Michelle, who was someone I counted as one of my best and oldest friends, sold a story blaming me for the break up of the marriage, and Jamelah attempted to do the same, though the
News of the World
did not publish it. I felt betrayed by people I had trusted and incredibly alone at that time.

And then I met Alex. He was this big, strong man, well over six foot, handsome in a kind of beaten-up way, and I was instantly drawn to him. I felt as if he could be my knight in shining armour and protect me. I needed that. As well as the emotional pain I was in, I felt physically under attack as newspaper
pursued me everywhere and camped outside my front gate. Often I would resort to hiding in the boot of the car, under a blanket while whoever was driving me would wind down their window and say to the waiting paps, ‘Have a look inside, she’s not here.’ Anything to avoid them. But I didn’t always have a driver and there were times when I felt like a hunted animal, as the paps chased me whenever I drove anywhere, often making me fearful for my safety. They played a dangerous
cat-and-mouse game where one of their cars would go behind me, one in front, and I would be stuck in the middle. For years I’d had a premonition that I would die in a car accident and that feeling intensified during this time. I was haunted by thoughts that I would die and my children would be left without their mother.

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