Tears of a Hustler PT 1 (18 page)

BOOK: Tears of a Hustler PT 1
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“What that Jewish mutha fuck talking about,” Big Mel asked nosily. “He ain’t talking about shit; you know lawyer shit, he want his money,” Ali said misleading his twenty-four hour bodyguard.

When Big Mel and Ali made it to the crib Big Mel noticed that Ali was acting and moving differently, not his motions but his actions. “Boos man everything aight?” “Yeah everything is cool, this fucking rat in the crew is driving me crazy,” Ali stated plainly as he strapped on his Teflon vest over his white tee covering it up with his brand new Pelle leather jacket.

“Where we going,” Big Mel asked. “I gotta go take care of something, but I have to do it alone,” Ali told him. “You sure about that? It could be a little dangerous especially with all this beef shit going on; know what I mean,” Big Mel stated. “I’ll be aight, plus I’m not going far any way,” Ali said as he headed out of the door.

“Fuck,” Big Mel yelled out as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. “Ali just left the crib alone.” “Why did you let him out of your site,” Detective Nelson snarled. “What you want me to do? Tell him he can’t go out side,” Big Mel asked sarcastically. “Don’t be a wise guy. What car is he in?” “He took the grey Range Rover,” Big Mel replied. “Okay, make sure you let me know every time he leaves that house and you’re not with him,” Detective Nelson said hanging up in Big Mel’s ear.

Mr. Goldberg pulled up and saw Ali doubled parked on the corner of 141
Street. He quickly hopped out of his vehicle, and slid into the passenger seat of the Range Rover.

“Glad you could make it,” Ali said as he pulled off. “So what seems to be the problem,” Mr. Goldberg asked wanting to know why Ali had him out at this time of night. “I needed to speak to you in private. I had a few questions about G-money’s case.” “What kind of questions,” Mr. Goldberg asked curiously.

“Aight, check it out…I got this soldier right he’s willing to turn himself in for the cop murders, but if he turns himself in will G-money be released?” “Absolutely,” Mr. Goldberg exclaimed loudly. “The murder charges would be dropped, but he’s going to have to eat the gun charge.” “Aight, that’s all I want baby,” Ali replied excitedly. “I’ll have that soldier sent to your office first thing in the morning.”

“Who would be crazy enough to turn them self in on a murder charge,” Mr. Goldberg asked. “It’s all part of the game. Taking care of your family if something happens to me or G-money a lot of men and their families will be fucked up you dig? We do a lot for our soldiers and their families, not to mention the community work we do, so a few people wouldn’t even be a man if it wasn’t for us. How can you call yourself a man, if you can’t even put food on the table for your family?”

“I understand,” Mr. Goldberg stated as Ali dropped him back off at his car. “I’ll call you when your soldier finds his way to my office.” “Aight do that,” Ali replied as he watched Mr. Goldberg pull off.





























Chapter 33




Come on let’s go,” Freddie yelled as he beeped the horn on the Benz like a mad man. “Chill out old man,” Spanky said as he slid into the passenger seat. “Today is the biggest fight conference of your life, and you in there bullshitting,” Freddie huffed as he stepped on the gas. “I bet “The Terminator” won’t be late,” he taunted.

“Fuck the terminator, I’m going to terminate his ass when we step in that ring,” Spanky said with a chill in his voice. Freddie’s words had struck a cord within him only because what he said was true. “After this punk ass conference, it’s hard work from here on,” Freddie stated firmly. “I been training for about two months now already. We just signed the contract two weeks ago, so I’m focused right now B.” “You better stay that way because “The Terminator” will be more than ready for action mentally and physically, come fight night,” Freddie warned. “Likewise brother,” Spanky countered as he stared blankly out the window. Spanky knew this next fight was his biggest one yet. He knew exactly what he had to do when fight night came around.

As soon as the Benz pulled up, dozens of reporters bum rushed the vehicle hoping to get a word with Spanky. “How do you plan on defeating James “The Terminator” Johnson,” a white reporter in her early thirties asked aiming her recorder towards Spanky’s mouth, looking for a comment. “Easy, he’s going to whip his ass just like he did the rest of his opponents,” Freddie answered as he and Spanky ignored the other reporters and cameramen as they made their way inside of the building.

“It’s a fucking circus out there B,” Spanky said getting a rush just from the anticipation of the fight. “Clash of the undefeated,” Freddie said reading the big poster that had a picture of both fighters on it out loud. “I can’t wait,” Spanky said out loud as he and Freddie took their seat on the stage and prepared themselves for the thousands of questions they knew they would be asked.

The mini crowd cheered loudly when James “The Terminator” Johnson stepped on the stage. The Terminator had his game face on as he grilled Spanky , before he sat down (gave him a hard stare). “First of all I want to thank God and The Terminator for giving me this opportunity,” Spanky cleared his throat as he stood at podium. “I just want to let all my fans know that I appreciate all their love and support, and come fight night they will get more than their money’s worth thank you,” Spanky smiled for the cameras, and waved to his fans before he took his seat.

When “The Terminator” stood, all eyes were on him as he made his way to the podium. “First of all I just want to ask the challenger one question,” he said turning to face Spanky. “Who have you fought so far? A bunch of bums and drug addicts,” The Terminator said answering his own question. “You’ve never been in the ring with a fighter like me, and come fight night I will expose you just like all the other fighters who came for my title. I think I will break more of a sweat doing twenty push ups than fighting this guy,” The Terminator chuckled then looked at Spanky one last time before he headed back to his seat. “I’m going to wake his ass up because he must be dreaming,” Spanky whispered in Freddie’s ear as the reporters got ready to ask their questions.

“Terminator, why do you hate all of your opponents,” a Chinese reporter asked aiming his tape recorder towards the champs mouth. “I don’t hate my opponents, I just don’t respect them…it’s a difference. You see with me if you want some respect, you going to have to earn it by going in that ring with me and make me respect you. It hasn’t happened yet, and I seriously doubt if it happens this time around,” The Terminator stated firmly.

“What’s your thoughts on what The Terminator had to say about you,” a black reporter asked looking at Spanky for a comment. “Well it’s simple, The Terminator doesn’t want to fight me but he has no choice. Me and him was suppose to fight two years ago, but it never happened because he was scared. He’s just talking right now, but come fight night I’m going to just sit back and watch his face beat up my hands,” Spanky said as he headed back towards the podium so he and The Terminator could pose face to face looking each other dead in the eyes. “You can run, but you can’t hide,” Spanky said looking dead in The Terminator’s eyes.

“Okay that’s enough, let’s get out of here before a mini riot starts,” Freddie said as he escorted Spanky out of the building back inside the Benz. “I’m going to whip his ass,” Spanky exclaimed excitedly. “He really think he’s the real Terminator.” “You going to really have to hurt that guy because you know the judges love to show favor to the champ,” Freddie reminded him. “I got this,” Spanky said glancing at his watch. “I’m a go home real quick, shower and go pick Christie up from work.” “Aight, cool. I’ll see you in the gym first thing in the morning,” Freddie said as he pulled up right in front of Spanky’s crib.



* * * *



Maurice stood on the block watching the fiends come and go. Now that Dave was dead, he was the man. Maurice loved having power, he just hated that he had to lose his best friend in order to gain it. But he vowed to do his best on the job. As he stood on the block, he noticed Rell’s Lexus coupe pull up. Without hesitation, Maurice walked over to the car and stuck his head in the passenger’s window. “What’s good my nigga,” he asked. “You got that count ready for me,” Rell asked placing his Lexus in park. “Yeah it’s right here,” Maurice said dropping a brown paper bag on the passenger seat of the car.

“So how’s it looking out here,” Rell asked thumbing through one of the stacks. “It’s like Christmas out here,” Maurice replied. “That’s what I like to hear. You got those shooters on the roof like I asked?” “Yeah, two on each end of the block just like you asked,” Maurice replied quickly. “Keep up the good work. If you need anything, make sure you call me, you hear,” Rell said throwing the Lexus in drive as he slowly pulled off.

Life for Rell couldn’t have been better for him. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. Rell pulled up in his driveway blasting 50cents song, “I get money.” He quickly noticed the front door to his house was slightly ajar. Rell quickly slid out of the driver seat snatching the P89 Ruger from his waistband as he slowly entered his house with caution.

Beverly came walking into the living room and almost shitted on herself as she looked down the barrel of Rell’s Ruger. “Gees, put that gun away before you shoot me by accident,” she huffed kissing Rell on both cheeks. “Sorry baby, but I saw the door halfway open and I thought something…never mind,” he said placing his P89 back into his waistband. “I was baking a cake, but I fell asleep by accident, and when I woke up the house was kind of smokey, so I cracked the door trying to let in some fresh air,” Beverly said innocently.

It’s cool,” Rell said as he headed to the master bed room so that he could take a nap. Rell couldn’t remember the last time he got a good night’s rest and when Beverly entered the bedroom butt naked he knew he wouldn’t be getting rest anytime soon. “You haven’t been home in three days,” she said seductively licking her lips. “You know what that means right?” “I’m guessing you about to tell me,” Rell countered. “It means we got a lot of fucking to do,” she said looking at Rell like he was a piece of meat.

Beverly aggressively unbuckled Rell’s jeans, only to find his manhood standing up at attention. She quickly wrapped her lips around her man’s dick pretending it was an icey. Beverly made loud slurping noises along with a few loud moans as her man’s love tool glided in and out of her mouth at a nice rhythm. After fifteen minutes of sucking, Beverly smoothly rolled a condom on Rell’s dick as she hopped up on it riding it like a race horse. Rell firmly cuffed both of Beverly’s ass cheeks as she bounced up and down, screaming loudly in pleasure then pain. The bedsprings counted the humps until

Beverly collapsed on top of him, the two breathing heavy before Beverly broke the silence. “Daddy I want you to start staying home a little more,” she whispered. “Why, what’s going on,” Rell asked suspiciously. “Nothing is going on, it’s just I don’t want nothing bad to happen to you,” she said pouting like a baby. “Listen, you let me worry about the streets. You just worry about taking care of the house and shit like that.” “The reason I’m bringing this up is because I’m afraid you going to get locked up again.”

“I’m never going back there ever again,” Rell said aggressively. “The whole time you were gone, it felt like a nightmare and as soon as you came home it’s like the nightmare just stopped.” “Everything is going to be fine baby,” Rell stated as he answered his ringing cell phone.

“Yo, who dis?” “What’s good? Its me, Debo, what you doing?” “Ain’t shit, just chilling. What’s good popping with you?” “About to hit up this strip club, you down,” Debo asked. “If they got long hair, you know I don’t care,” Rell countered smoothly. “Aight, me and the goons will be over in about thirty minutes.” “Aight 1,” Rell said closing his cell phone shut as he headed for the shower.

Thirty minutes later Rell kissed Beverly on the lips as he headed out the door. Rell and his crew pulled up into the strip club’s parking lot five cars deep. Each man stepped out looking like new money. Rell strolled up to the strip with seventeen soldiers behind him.

“What’s good? We ain’t going to have no trouble up in here tonight gentlemen,” the big bouncer barked looking at Rell for an answer. “Come on B, we ain’t looking for no trouble. We come up in here every week spending our hard earned money,” Rell shot back as the big bouncer allowed Rell and his crew to enter the strip club.

As soon as Rell and his crew stepped foot into the strip club all eyes were on them. Strippers came from every direction; it was like they could smell money. In less than five minutes every member in the crew had a thick dancer on their lap or in their face. Everyone except Rell; he had his eye on this thick dancer wearing a red thong, along with some knee high red shinny boots with a three inch heel.

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