Read Tear Down These Walls Online

Authors: Sarah Carter

Tear Down These Walls (36 page)

BOOK: Tear Down These Walls
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Thinking about it for a minute, Teagan scrunches up her face and
whispers, “No.”

“Didn’t think so,” Kellen sighs, setting her back on the floor. “We need
to calm down a little, or at least I do.” He bends over and grabs his knees,
taking deep breaths. Teagan starts to giggle. Kellen raises an eyebrow and
asks, “Why are you giggling?”

She laughs even more. Kellen stands up and smiles at her, giving her a
quizzical look.  “It’s just that…..I have never felt sexier in my whole

Tilting his head, Kellen says, “Why?”

…..are so
…because of
!” Teagan
exclaims. “It makes me feel wanted.”

“I bet you have been wanted before,” Kellen exhales, finally calming down.
“I know how much I have wanted you from day one.”

“What?” Teagan squeaks.

“Teagan baby,” Kellen starts. “I wanted to keep myself away from you
because I was instantly struck by you. You’re so stunningly beautiful. I was
afraid of letting anyone in. I hadn’t been interested in casual sex or a
relationship, but you lit a fire in me that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I
thought keeping you at a distance was the best choice.”

She steps forward, “So, what are you saying? That it was all an act? That
you have been that attracted to me this whole time?”

Jerkily, Kellen nods, “Yeah, the thoughts and dreams I have had about
you……would definitely make you blush all over.”

“So,” Teagan starts off softly, “It’s all about sex.”

“No!” Kellen emphasizes. “It’s not. I adore you. You’re so important to

“But you don’t want to date me,” Teagan whispers.

“I am not saying that either,” Kellen retorts.

Teagan quickly looks up. “What?”

“Teagan…..I have a lot of baggage,” Kellen groans. “Stuff that I haven’t told
you about, yet. A relationship with me is a really tricky thing. You may not
even want it if you know everything.”

“Why? What won’t you tell me?” Teagan asks, putting her hand on him.

Kellen puts her hands into his and holds them. “We will conquer that when
we get home. For now, just know that I care, okay?”

“I care about you too,” Teagan whispers.

“Good,” he whispers, before kissing her gently.

Suddenly, there is loud knocking. “Get out of there!”

Teagan bursts out giggling and Kellen laughs with her  “Come on, or
we are going to get kicked out of the bar.” He grabs her hand and pulls her to
the door. When they open it, the bartender is standing there. “We aren’t that
type of establishment.”

“What?” Teagan quips. “I had to pee.” She laughs even more and drags
Kellen out with her. When they walk back into the bar area, there is immediate
whistling, clapping and cat calling. Teagan’s face gets beat red. Kellen pulls
her into his arms and kisses the back of her neck. Teagan bows to everyone
while Kellen just smiles like he knows something they don’t.

They walk over to Dwayne and Georgia who are standing back with their
group.  Justin is right next to Dwayne. Teagan locks eyes on him, and she
can feel the anger emanating from him. She just smiles smugly.

Georgia stops clapping long enough to congratulate her friend. “Wow
Teagan, I would have never guessed!”

“Oh, pffff,” Teagan scoffs. “His pants didn’t even come off.”

“They were about to, though,” Kellen chuckles mischievously.

“Well, you will put the hotel room to some good use,” Dwayne laughs.

Slapping him, Georgia says, “That’s supposed to be a surprise!”

“What’s going on?” Teagan asks curiously.

“It’s our gift to the wedding party,” Georgia sighs. “We got everyone
individual suites at the hotel where the reception is to be held. That way, no
one has to drink and drive.”

“Awww,” Teagan says. “That’s sweet and very smart.”

“Yeah, it has a Jacuzzi for you and everything,” Dwayne interjects,
winking at them.

Teagan smiles, “You should see Kellen’s bathroom. He has a Jacuzzi
bathtub, and his shower turns into a steam room.”

“Wow,” Georgia raises her eyebrows, impressed.

“I still want to get Teagan into the steam room,” Kellen remarks, as he
pulls Teagan’s hair to the side. “It needs to see some action finally.”

“So…you’re rich then?” Justin snips.

Kellen shrugs, “Depends on what you mean by rich.”

Justin smiles, “You’re one of those guys that buys flashy things to show

Kellen stands up tall. “I am worth about six or seven million,” Kellen
states. “But no, I don’t buy flashy things.”

“You snagged yourself a millionaire,” Georgia quips. “Good girl.”

“I actually didn’t know anything about that,” Teagan replies, looking at
Kellen speculatively. “It isn’t about the money. I didn’t even know about it until
just now. It wouldn’t matter if he were poor. I care for Kellen because he’s a
remarkable man.”

“You’re an equally extraordinary woman,” Kellen replies softly.

“Awwwww,” Georgia draws out. “Maybe we won’t be the only ones getting

Teagan’s eyes bulge. “Georgia! Shut up!”

Her friend shrugs, “What?”

Kellen pulls Teagan close. “I will be the luckiest man in the world if
she becomes my wife, but I want her to be sure that I am the one for her

Teagan leans her head against his arm. “I feel the same way.”

“How long have you guys been dating?” Justin asks, his eyes darken.

“Not too long,” Teagan replies. “But when you connect with someone, you
can’t control how you feel, especially when it rocks you to your core.”

“And you definitely rock me to my core,” Kellen states, kissing her

“I brought the shots over,” Georgia cheers. “Let’s make a toast.” They
all lean over and grab a shot. Raising hers, Georgia exclaims, “To finding love
that lasts!” Everyone says, “Cheers!” and downs their shot. Suddenly, a dance
song comes on. Georgia yells, “I love this song. Come on, Babe, dance with me.”
She grabs Dwayne’s hand and drags him to the dance

Turning around, Teagan smiles at Kellen. He rolls his eyes, “Come on.”
Teagan giggles excitedly as he leads her to the dance floor. Kellen immediately
pulls her against him, and they start to dance.

She wraps her arms around his neck and beams up at him, swinging her hip
against his. “Thank you,” Teagan says. “I do love to dance.”

“It’s not a hardship to dance with you,” he replies. “Your body pressed
up against mine….I can handle that.”

A little mischievous, Teagan presses herself against him more. Kellen
laughs. He glides his hands down her lower back to her ass. Teagan swats his
hands away. “Behave!”

“No, you’re my girlfriend,” he murmurs. “My hands will wander.”

“If your hands wander now, what will they do when we are alone?” Teagan
inquires slyly.

A heated glint appears in Kellen’s eyes. “Well, then they will have a
mind of their own. I can’t help what they do.”

“Oh really?” Teagan teases, smiling.

“Nope.” Kellen presses his hips into her, and Teagan’s breath hitches.
Bending down, Kellen whispers, “Now would be the time to show off what you can
really do when you just let go and move. It will piss him off.”

Grinning, Teagan turns around and puts her back to Kellen. He wraps his
arms around her. Teagan puts her arms back and runs her fingers through his
hair. She starts to swivel her hips back and forth suggestively. Kellen moves
right along with her. A more intense song comes on, and they continue to press
up against each other. Teagan gets lost in the way that he runs his hands along
her body, not missing any curve. After a few songs, she looks over to the

Justin is watching them intently. Teagan locks eyes with him, and they
stare at each other. He stands up taller, crossing his arms. She rolls her eyes
and spins around to grab Kellen. Teagan pulls him down and kisses him
passionately. Kellen eagerly meets her. Teagan loves it that he never misses a

A few seconds later, Teagan’s arm is pulled on. Georgia smiles and says,
“We’re going to get a drink. Do you want something?”

“Sure,” Teagan gasps, pulling her lips away from Kellen’s.

“Hold on,” Kellen interjects. “I will be right back.” They watch him walk
over to the bar.

“What’s he doing?” Dwayne asks.

“I have no idea,” Teagan replies. 

They hear the bartender yell, “A round of drinks for the bar for Dwayne
and Georgia’s wedding!” Everyone cheers.

Georgia grins and giggles. “He’s too awesome!”

Kellen bends over and says something more to the bartender. The bartender
nods and starts to do something. Kellen comes walking back over to the group,
grinning. “Come on, the bartender is bringing our stuff over.”

“Okay,” Teagan laughs, completely curious.

They make their way back over to the tables. A minute later, the
bartender comes over with a bottle and a stack of plastic shot glasses. Dwayne
picks up the bottle. “Jim Beam, nice.”

“We have a lot of people here,” Kellen states, putting out the shot
glasses. “Time to celebrate.”

“Kellen,” Teagan starts with a concerned look. “I’m not going get that
drunk again, like on my birthday.”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” he assures her. “There are, what, fifteen
people here? This bottle won’t go too far.”

Dwayne opens the bottle and says, “Well, here we go.” He starts to fill
up all the shot glasses. When they are full, they pass them all out.

Teagan raises hers up and shouts, “To a beautiful bride and the man who
loves her!  To this weekend and the rest of their lives.  Congrats
Georgia and Dwayne!”  Everyone downs the shots. Teagan grimaces and says,
“I like shots that taste good. That’s awful.”  Everyone laughs, and Teagan
smirks along with them.

Two hours later, Dwayne looks at his watch. “All right, we have to go.
There is still a lot to do.”  

“Yeah, I’m tired from waking up so early,” Teagan yawns. “Need sleep.”

“Amongst other things,” Kellen purrs.

A smile spreads across Teagan’s face. She looks up to see Justin glaring
at Kellen.  She replies loudly, “Okay Baby, let’s get going.”

“We need to call a cab,” Kellen states. “I don’t drink and drive.”

Georgia pulls out her phone. “We can share one. Our place is right by
Teagan’s parents’ house.”

“Okay, that sounds good,” Kellen replies.

The whole ride home is filled with laughter. When they finally get to
Teagan’s house, Dwayne says, “Thanks for coming out.”

“It was fun,” Teagan declares happily. “We will see you tomorrow.”

“I need help decorating the banquet hall,” Georgia states. “You in?”

“Of course,” Teagan says. “That’s what I am here for.”

Dwayne looks at Kellen. “I promise, we can find something else to do.”

“Okay, sounds good man,” Kellen puts his hand out to Teagan.  “Come
on, Honey, let’s get to bed.”

“Bye guys,” Teagan mumbles, her voice heavy with exhaustion and a bit of


Kellen takes Teagan’s hand, and they walk to the front door. “Did you
have fun?” Kellen asks quietly.

“Yeah,” Teagan answers. “Did you?”

“Yup.” They sneak into the house and up the stairs. When they get into
Teagan’s room, she immediately kicks off her heals. Kellen sits on the bed and
takes his shoes off, too.

Teagan takes out a pair of pajamas and says, “I’m going to get cleaned

“Okay, I will get ready in here,” Kellen replies.   

She smiles and leaves the room. After taking off her make-up, brushing
her teeth and putting on her pajamas, Teagan walks back into her room. Kellen
is sitting on the bed in pajama pants with no shirt on. Teagan smiles, “Are you
trying to lure me in with your muscles?”

“No, I never sleep with a shirt on. If it bothers you, I can throw one
on,” he replies.

She shakes her head, “No, I was only making a comment.” Teagan sets her
stuff down and walks over to the other side of the bed.

Kellen stands up. “I am going to brush my teeth.”

“Okay,” Teagan whispers. She watches him leave and then climbs into bed.
A wave of nervousness suddenly sweeps over her. She lies down and stares at the
door, waiting.

A few minutes later, Kellen walks back in. He takes one look at Teagan
and smiles.  “You look scared. Do you want me to sleep on the floor? I
honestly don’t mind.”

“No,” Teagan squeaks. “That’s stupid. I just have never slept next to a
guy before.”

Looking a little shocked, Kellen chirps, “You never slept next to

“He always tried something, so no,” Teagan replies.

“Well,” Kellen starts, as he walks over. “I will keep my hands to

“Okay,” Teagan murmurs, as he climbs into bed.

He reaches over and turns off the light. The only light in the room
cascades in from the window. Kellen pulls the covers up and rolls over to face
Teagan. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

“Positive,” she whispers, as she turns to face him. They lay there
staring at each other. “What are you thinking right now?” Teagan asks quietly.

Smiling, Kellen says, “You don’t want to know. We should go to sleep.”

Teagan blushes and says, “Okay, good night.”


She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. After a few minutes, she knows
she can’t fall asleep, so she opens her eyes. She jumps slightly when she finds
Kellen staring at her. “Why are you watching me?” She inquires in shock.

Kellen smirks. “You’re beautiful. I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Oh stop,” she snorts. “I’m not so pretty that you have to watch me

“Yes you are,” Kellen replies softly. Suddenly, he grabs her and pulls
her over to him.  Teagan’s heart jolts, and she stops breathing.  He
smiles. “Don’t worry; our clothes are going to stay on.”

“What are you doing?” Teagan asks in high pitch voice.

He brings his face to hers and brushes his lips against hers. “Giving you
a good night kiss, you know, since we are dating and everything.” He returns
his lips to hers, and Teagan molds her body against his. They lay there for a
minute, just kissing each other.

BOOK: Tear Down These Walls
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