Taxi Teasing (2 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Knight

BOOK: Taxi Teasing
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I was rinsing off the now sticky residue of the shower gel when
had the same strange feeling of being watched
that I had experienced in the club
. I
over my shoulder and did a double take
in shock
. He was
leaning  against
the doorway with his arms crossed, smiling. ‘Don’t mind me’ he said and made no effort to move. I was taken aback by his sheer audacity
and was about to vent my indignation but stopped with the realisation that I
sexually aroused
his intrusion.

I am proud of my body and very uninhibited so if he wanted a show I would damned well give him one.
I reached for the shower gel again, and turned full on to face him. He could see my body in all its glistening glory. My long toned legs, my flat belly
tiny waist and my
full breasts with dark pink nipples which
had now become
hard and erect. I
placed my left leg on the side of the bath and
slathered on the gel taking care to slowly start from the ankle and move
all the way up
in long, slow, circular movements. When I reached the top of my leg
I purposely avoided
going any further and instead
elegantly replaced my left leg with my right. Now he could see my slightly parted lips and my little rosebud nub much clearer and when I reached the top of my right leg I made sure that I was in such a position under the spray of water that it washed the foamy suds right over my pussy like a little stream of warm, sweet,  frothy bubbles
. I instinctively slid my hand down to rub my now tingling clit but I decided that I didn’t want to make myself cum yet so I
slid my hands round each hip to
my peachy
bottom. I turned around so that he had a great view and as I massaged each cheek I prised them apart a little and arched my back so that he could see the foamy cream run down the crevice between
ping slowly
from my pussy lips. I heard his breathing quicken a little and my confidence grew.
I half turned so that he could see me cup my breasts with both hands pushing them both up and in together in a slow rhythmic movement then
letting them bounce back into place as I ran my hands down my belly stopping just short of my pussy. I repeated this a few times as I enjoyed the feeling I got when my heavy breasts were jiggling, it was like they had a life of their own and I felt little fissions of excitement in my nipples as the water sprayed down on them like tiny little stings. I was thoroughly enjoying myself now, brazenly watching his reaction to my every move. He was transfixed by me. I
ran my hand down
to the cheek of
my bottom
and turned my back on him again so that he could clearly see me slide my hand into the
crevice between each
I bent forward so that I could reach further and find my swollen clitoris
from behind
I knew that he had a full view of my tight little anus and my now open pussy and I paused for a second so that he could have a really good look before
began to
slowly move the whole of my hand back and forth enjoying the sensation the slippery gel was creating

now I was so turned on I
wanted to go deeper but to do that I
had to lean
forward and place one hand on the wall so that I could arch back even further and open my legs wider to push out my bottom
. This meant that he had a
fantastic view and
more importantly
could really reach in further
and plunge my fingers deep into my
hot, gaping
pleasure hole.
The cold tiles against my breasts only added to my arousal and I could fee
l myself getting nearer to my orgasm.
My hand was slippery from my own juices and I was just about to reach for the slim showerhead so that I could use it as a dildo when
I felt his
hand sliding between my legs.
He was unable to just watch, he wanted in on the action. His hand
was large and strong and he applied just the right amount of pressure on my clitoris and between my labia, almost pushing his finger up into me as it slid back and forth. I wanted to cum already and I wanted to be really dirty. I had this animal desire suddenly
engulf me
and I wanted him to make me orgasm hard. I felt
pressure on my back and I realised that he wanted me to bend right over
for him
so I adjusted my stance enough to enable me to bend
and hold onto the far edge of the bath
He was clearly a mind reader as I heard him reach up and unhook the shower head. It was the perfect shape for what
had in mind, long
curved at the head but the fact that it was metal
heavy and spurted water in pulsating bursts was the real attraction for me.

He carefully slid the heavy metal probe up inside me and I felt the sudden rush of warm water mingling with my own juices and filling me up inside, I let out a moan as he gently pulled it back out just enough so that the jet of water spurted against the soft flesh at the entrance of my wet hole
. Each time he glided the rod in and out of me I spurted out a mixture of water and my own sweet juices I heard him
encouragement as my orgasm built.
He reached up to replace the showerhead but held me in position with his free hand.
He used both hands to stretch my pussy lips apart
I felt the co
air touch my skin
I felt open and exposed but so turned on
I wanted him to ram his fingers
, his member,
inside me so that I could find some release but he wasn’t ready to do that. 
  He blew gently on my throbbing clitoris and up into my vagina and I wanted to scream in ecstasy but all I could do was wiggle my bottom a little and  beg
him to finger me
hoping it would urge him on but again he still wasn’t ready. His tongue flicked my nub and I physically jumped with the intensity of
my own desire
. My nerves were so
with desire if the feeling was a sound it would be much like the static interference between stations on a radio but it wasn’t a sound it was every nerve in my body
electrified to its very core
I couldn’t keep a single coherent thought in my head all I could concentrate on was the feel of his fingers, teeth, lips on my body
His teeth gently grazed my swollen clitoris and realising how big it had become he wrapped both lips around it and sucked. That was it for me, I couldn’t hold it in any longer
on my
engorged nub
my orgasm crashed over me in waves. I cried out, I panted and I ground my bottom right into his face. I balanced
my shoulders
against the wall again so that I could use both hands to pull open my bottom cheeks as far as they would go just so that he
could  suck
me harder and get in even further. He slid
two big strong fingers up into my hot pulsating hole
and pumped hard just like I hoped he would and I was
at last,
in heaven. He could have done exactly what he wanted with me at that point I was incoherent with pleasure and
it seemed like time itself had stopped as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. Eventually,
as my orgasm subsided
vaginal muscles
he slowed down his pumping to a gentle slide back and forth. I took a deep breath and
relaxed my tense muscles
, my back
was beginning to ache
and my legs
weak and wobbly
but I intended to return the pleasure, just perhaps not standing up.
He slid his fingers out of
and popped them into his mouth as if sucking on a lolly. He licked all my juices from his fingers smiling and
winking and
said simply, ‘I’ll see myself out, I’ll text you’ and with that he
turned and
was gone

I was shocked. I ran over what he said again in my head.
Did he really just say that?
Was that it?
I’ll text you? The sound of the front door banging shut pulled me out of my thoughts ‘Wait!’ I shouted
my arm outstretched as if to pull him back.
out of the shower and hurri
towards the door. Had he really gone?
Yes h
had. I
stood in the hallway for what seemed like hours just staring at the door, half expecting him to come back through it with his irresistible smile
and raised eyebrow
, but he didn’t. I
was shocked, stupefied, taken aback and hurt even
but I
had enough sense to realise that
I was cold so I m
ade my way back to my bedroom to dress.
For the rest of that evening I couldn’t get him out of my head.
I was in a state of confusion trying to work out if I had done something wrong. Should I call, should I leave it, what exactly was the etiquette of this kind of situation? My answer came quicker than I expected with a short text
? I was delighted and relieved
and like a pathetic little puppy just overjoyed to have received some attention again. I was
so happy I simply
assumed he had meant to say ‘poppet’
as a term of endearment
so I
sent a
text back
‘Yes, tell me’ but if I expected a reply,
I would be disappointed because
it didn’t come that evening
. That was to be the format for our ‘relationship’
In the weeks to come h
e would text details of some dirty and erotic sex game and we would meet to play it out and then he would disappear again.
I soon realised that
‘puppet’ had not been a
spelling mistake.

Chapter 4

I  considered
ending it with him. Actually I considered it quite a lot but then I would get a text out of nowhere and I was back to where I started. I was like Pavlov’s dogs and I hated myself for it. I just didn’t seem to have the strength or the will to simply ignore him. I could get a new
card I could block his number, I knew I could do all these things but I also knew that if I did, I would feel hollow, bereft,

I often wondered what I found
attractive about him as he was neither loving nor caring outside of our sex games
he ha
something about him which I f
d mesmerising.
His voice
so measured and commanding
with soft velvet tones and his dark brown eyes seem to twinkle even though it fe
like they almost
into my soul. I fe
exposed and vulnerable under his steady gaze and yet safe and protected at the same time. If I’m honest, I would say that he almost scares me and yet I find him exciting, addictive, dangerous,
But that was four months ago and I had gotten used to his strange commanding texts which always led to some strange but erotic sexual encounter
become a sex puppet, except
I was almost a
to admit, I was

So here he was again, after hearing nothing from him all week he expected me to have no plans for the evening
or, if I did, drop everything for him and his sordid little sex games. Trouble was I didn’t like to admit it but I didn’t have anything planned just
he did text and, even if I had made plans I would have shelved them faster than you could say boo in order to play his little sex games. I was hooked and I knew it.

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